Who is responsible for the devastation of Black America?

Who is responsible for the destruction of Black America?

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No matter how many times I post this liberals only come up with useless excuses!


Unfortunately you have no actual statistics to back up your half ass anecdotes......as usual.

Swillery thinks so.....

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton decried the enslavement of up to 27 million people around the world.

Hillary Clinton 27 million people in slavery

Would your 2016 Socialist candidate for president lie? Your easy, but then all fucking Socialist :ahole-1:'s are easy to put down... 2 digit IQ's and all!

Don't you read your own links? It says 27 million world wide, not 27 million in Muslim countries. Why do you have to lie all the time?

Quote me some SLAVES in OTHER NON MUSLIM COUNTRIES, a link or 2 would help!
No matter how many times I post this liberals only come up with useless excuses!


Unfortunately you have no actual statistics to back up your half ass anecdotes......as usual.

Swillery thinks so.....

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton decried the enslavement of up to 27 million people around the world.

Hillary Clinton 27 million people in slavery

Would your 2016 Socialist candidate for president lie? Your easy, but then all fucking Socialist :ahole-1:'s are easy to put down... 2 digit IQ's and all!

Don't you read your own links? It says 27 million world wide, not 27 million in Muslim countries. Why do you have to lie all the time?

Quote me some SLAVES in OTHER NON MUSLIM COUNTRIES, a link or 2 would help!

Read your link and you will find the answer.
Black Africans haven't fought that war to this day. Still plenty of black slaves for sale all over the continent. You want a young boy?

If you're cruising this site to sell your ass you might want to put up a prettier picture.
You're barking up the wrong tree, I'm a girl. Africa would be the place to buy a young boy, though. :)

Uh huh.....is that your high school graduation picture in your avatar?
Yours is an old dead guy. You write like one.

I was just wondering how that picture is significant for you? Is that a relative or someone you admire?
You should have asked that in the first place. You an admirer of old dead guys?
If you're cruising this site to sell your ass you might want to put up a prettier picture.
You're barking up the wrong tree, I'm a girl. Africa would be the place to buy a young boy, though. :)

Uh huh.....is that your high school graduation picture in your avatar?
Yours is an old dead guy. You write like one.

I was just wondering how that picture is significant for you? Is that a relative or someone you admire?
You should have asked that in the first place. You an admirer of old dead guys?

So is that a picture of your mother or what?
No matter how many times I post this liberals only come up with useless excuses!


Unfortunately you have no actual statistics to back up your half ass anecdotes......as usual.

Swillery thinks so.....

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton decried the enslavement of up to 27 million people around the world.

Hillary Clinton 27 million people in slavery

Would your 2016 Socialist candidate for president lie? Your easy, but then all fucking Socialist :ahole-1:'s are easy to put down... 2 digit IQ's and all!

Don't you read your own links? It says 27 million world wide, not 27 million in Muslim countries. Why do you have to lie all the time?

Quote me some SLAVES in OTHER NON MUSLIM COUNTRIES, a link or 2 would help!

Read your link and you will find the answer.

Unlike your stupidity here are a few million links to

27 million in slavery in muslim countries - Bing
Not the years of slavery...
That ended 149 years ago.

...Not the years of legalized racism...
The Civil Rights Act was enacted 50 years ago.

...Not the years of Jim Crow laws that made it illegal for blacks to start businesses let alone drink water etc...
That stuff was dying-out in the 1950s after all the Black contributions in WWII, and the Civil Rights Act - 50 years ago - pretty much put a cap in that.

...It sure wasnt making it illegal and punishable by death to learn how to read...
That ended 149 years ago.

...It wasnt the GI Bill who let whites buy property to build family wealth and prevented blacks from doing the same. .
That was a flaw in the post-WWII (first-ever) GI BIll - more like its enforcement, rather than the Bill itself - and was fixed in the 1950s and 1960s - 50-60 years ago.

...It wasnt the burning down of successful black Cities during hundreds of race riots that destroyed and envied success...
Where? And burned down by whom? And how long ago was that?

...It wasnt the war on drugs...
The war on drugs was a good thing.

...Its not the unfair justice system that punishes blacks harsher than whites...
More violent people require more draconian controls... yes?

...And if they are punished harsher that doesnt change the fact that the locked up person should be there for his family..
Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.

...Its not underfunded schools...
True... to this very day... although vast progress has been made in this area in the past two decades.

...Its not underfunded housing...
I don't recall many inner city Housing Projects for White Folk.

...Its not the development of "the projects" which is almost like Jail Light...
It's called warehousing... in the most economical way possible... with as little strain upon the taxpayer as may be practicable... a viable idea that went sour.

...Its not testing Syphilis on blacks who only wanted to serve this country...
That was wrong... but, how long ago was this?

...Its not hanging blacks from trees and taking pictures of their murders...
'That was wrong... but, how long ago was this, on any sort of appreciable scale, in which it was sufficiently commonplace so as to be a living, breathing factor in development?

70 years? 100?

...Its black people....Thats whats wrong with black people...
To some very real extent, you are correct.

The country at-large needs to continue to remain sensitive to the mistreatment and barriers inflicted upon Blacks throughout much of their history on this continent.

But the country at-large has (1) made enormous temporary concessions to Blacks in the country in order to help set things right and (2) continues to subsidize them heavily (as a percentage of a given ethnic population) to this very day, at a time when Donor (Taxpayer) Exhaustion is quickly setting-in, in earnest.

Blacks have, indeed, experienced some terrible and damned unfair treatment and practices in times past, and we can still see some residual trace-elements of that mistreatment in our present society, but we've long-since reached a tipping point, where Blacks are, by now, far more empowered to seize control of their own destinies in this country.

....Or thats what whites want blacks to believe to cover their own Holocaust in America
What Whites want Blacks to believe is that they are going to have to start taking responsibility for their own successes and failures, just like everybody else.

As to accusations of Holocaust, I don't recall either Southerners or Northerners setting-up Black Extermination Camps, but I may have missed that day in History class.

For now, spare us the histrionics and hyperbole and focus upon the Black community getting its shit together and beginning to pull its own weight across the spectrum.

No one with even the slightest sliver of 'objectivity' within, will deny that Black Folk have made sizable contributions to this nation throughout its entire history, and that they've also come through marvelously and courageously during several 'pinches' or crises or times of danger.

But, 50 years after the Civil Rights act, and after a half-century of Racial Quotas in a variety of high-end endeavors (including college admissions and federal and state hiring) it's time for Blacks to 'come through' in (for them) a different way - collectively - namely, pulling their own weight, economically and socially, during peace time - over the long haul.

It's time.

To stop blaming Whitey and to take a long, hard look in the mirror.

After 50 years of preferential hiring, college admissions, etc., the era of White Complacency over Quota Systems, etc., is fast approaching its end.

It was never meant to last forever,and it couldn't last forever, anyway.

Time to suck it up and start shouldering the burden themselves.

At least they're better prepared for it now, after the past 50 years, than many of the ancestors of White Folk were, when it came their time to break out of the lower strata.
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Unfortunately you have no actual statistics to back up your half ass anecdotes......as usual.

Swillery thinks so.....

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton decried the enslavement of up to 27 million people around the world.

Hillary Clinton 27 million people in slavery

Would your 2016 Socialist candidate for president lie? Your easy, but then all fucking Socialist :ahole-1:'s are easy to put down... 2 digit IQ's and all!

Don't you read your own links? It says 27 million world wide, not 27 million in Muslim countries. Why do you have to lie all the time?

Quote me some SLAVES in OTHER NON MUSLIM COUNTRIES, a link or 2 would help!

Read your link and you will find the answer.

Unlike your stupidity here are a few million links to

27 million in slavery in muslim countries - Bing

You're the one who posted a link and then lied about it.
If you're cruising this site to sell your ass you might want to put up a prettier picture.
You're barking up the wrong tree, I'm a girl. Africa would be the place to buy a young boy, though. :)

Uh huh.....is that your high school graduation picture in your avatar?
Yours is an old dead guy. You write like one.

I was just wondering how that picture is significant for you? Is that a relative or someone you admire?
You should have asked that in the first place. You an admirer of old dead guys?

He just likes guys....most FAGERAL Socialists like others of the same species!
You're barking up the wrong tree, I'm a girl. Africa would be the place to buy a young boy, though. :)

Uh huh.....is that your high school graduation picture in your avatar?
Yours is an old dead guy. You write like one.

I was just wondering how that picture is significant for you? Is that a relative or someone you admire?
You should have asked that in the first place. You an admirer of old dead guys?

He just likes guys....most FAGERAL Socialists like others of the same species!

You really are a very stupid little man.
Those who ran their communities for the past 60 years (Democrats), and those who enacted Jim Crow laws (KKK Democrats) after the Civil War?

Or those who have never run their communities in the past 60 years (Republicans), and those who passed the Civil Rights Act (mostly MLK Republicans) and have ALWAYS promoted small, limited, focused government?

If I were black I would have to ask Republicans: What have you done for me lately?

It's not what your country can do for you, it's what you can do for your country.

Fucking libbies. Neo-KKK White Man's Burden liberoids.

It has to be somewhat what your country can do for you. Look at the thousands of lobbyists sent forth by corporations to influence politicians to pass laws and regulations in their favor. So the average citizen that's not a corporate "citizen" can't ask for something to counter this? Besides, the president who said "ask not what your country... etc can do" was a child of privilege who could afford to say these noble words.
Swillery thinks so.....

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton decried the enslavement of up to 27 million people around the world.

Hillary Clinton 27 million people in slavery

Would your 2016 Socialist candidate for president lie? Your easy, but then all fucking Socialist :ahole-1:'s are easy to put down... 2 digit IQ's and all!

Don't you read your own links? It says 27 million world wide, not 27 million in Muslim countries. Why do you have to lie all the time?

Quote me some SLAVES in OTHER NON MUSLIM COUNTRIES, a link or 2 would help!

Read your link and you will find the answer.

Unlike your stupidity here are a few million links to

27 million in slavery in muslim countries - Bing

You're the one who posted a link and then lied about it.

No, I posted a link where Swillery said there were 27 million in slavery, THEN I just gave you a few million which refers to muslim's keeping slaves!
You're barking up the wrong tree, I'm a girl. Africa would be the place to buy a young boy, though. :)

Uh huh.....is that your high school graduation picture in your avatar?
Yours is an old dead guy. You write like one.

I was just wondering how that picture is significant for you? Is that a relative or someone you admire?
You should have asked that in the first place. You an admirer of old dead guys?

So is that a picture of your mother or what?
That your great grandfather?
Uh huh.....is that your high school graduation picture in your avatar?
Yours is an old dead guy. You write like one.

I was just wondering how that picture is significant for you? Is that a relative or someone you admire?
You should have asked that in the first place. You an admirer of old dead guys?

He just likes guys....most FAGERAL Socialists like others of the same species!

You really are a very stupid little man.

And I enjoy bitch slapping you....again! :ahole-1:
You're barking up the wrong tree, I'm a girl. Africa would be the place to buy a young boy, though. :)

Uh huh.....is that your high school graduation picture in your avatar?
Yours is an old dead guy. You write like one.

I was just wondering how that picture is significant for you? Is that a relative or someone you admire?
You should have asked that in the first place. You an admirer of old dead guys?

He just likes guys....most FAGERAL Socialists like others of the same species!
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Uh huh.....is that your high school graduation picture in your avatar?
Yours is an old dead guy. You write like one.

I was just wondering how that picture is significant for you? Is that a relative or someone you admire?
You should have asked that in the first place. You an admirer of old dead guys?

He just likes guys....most FAGERAL Socialists like others of the same species!
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

True, it does keep them from breeding!
Not the years of slavery...
That ended 149 years ago.

...Not the years of legalized racism...
The Civil Rights Act was enacted 50 years ago.

...Not the years of Jim Crow laws that made it illegal for blacks to start businesses let alone drink water etc...
That stuff was dying-out in the 1950s after all the Black contributions in WWII, and the Civil Rights Act - 50 years ago - pretty much put a cap in that.

...It sure wasnt making it illegal and punishable by death to learn how to read...
That ended 149 years ago.

...It wasnt the GI Bill who let whites buy property to build family wealth and prevented blacks from doing the same. .
That was a flaw in the post-WWII (first-ever) GI BIll - more like its enforcement, rather than the Bill itself - and was fixed in the 1950s and 1960s - 50-60 years ago.

...It wasnt the burning down of successful black Cities during hundreds of race riots that destroyed and envied success...
Where? And burned down by whom? And how long ago was that?

...It wasnt the war on drugs...
The war on drugs was a good thing.

...Its not the unfair justice system that punishes blacks harsher than whites...
More violent people require more draconian controls... yes?

...And if they are punished harsher that doesnt change the fact that the locked up person should be there for his family..
Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.

...Its not underfunded schools...
True... to this very day... although vast progress has been made in this area in the past two decades.

...Its not underfunded housing...
I don't recall many inner city Housing Projects for White Folk.

...Its not the development of "the projects" which is almost like Jail Light...
It's called warehousing... in the most economical way possible... with as little strain upon the taxpayer as may be practicable... a viable idea that went sour.

...Its not testing Syphilis on blacks who only wanted to serve this country...
That was wrong... but, how long ago was this?

...Its not hanging blacks from trees and taking pictures of their murders...
'That was wrong... but, how long ago was this, on any sort of appreciable scale, in which it was sufficiently commonplace so as to be a living, breathing factor in development?

70 years? 100?

...Its black people....Thats whats wrong with black people...
To some very real extent, you are correct.

The country at-large needs to continue to remain sensitive to the mistreatment and barriers inflicted upon Blacks throughout much of their history on this continent.

But the country at-large has (1) made enormous temporary concessions to Blacks in the country in order to help set things right and (2) continues to subsidize them heavily (as a percentage of a given ethnic population) to this very day, at a time when Donor (Taxpayer) Exhaustion is quickly setting-in, in earnest.

Blacks have, indeed, experienced some terrible and damned unfair treatment and practices in times past, and we can still see some residual trace-elements of that mistreatment in our present society, but we've long-since reached a tipping point, where Blacks are, by now, far more empowered to seize control of their own destinies in this country.

....Or thats what whites want blacks to believe to cover their own Holocaust in America
What Whites want Blacks to believe is that they are going to have to start taking responsibility for their own successes and failures, just like everybody else.

As to accusations of Holocaust, I don't recall either Southerners or Northerners setting-up Black Extermination Camps, but I may have missed that day in History class.

For now, spare us the histrionics and hyperbole and focus upon the Black community getting its shit together and beginning to pull its own weight across the spectrum.

No one with even the slightest sliver of 'objectivity' within, will deny that Black Folk have made sizable contributions to this nation throughout its entire history, and that they've also come through marvelously and courageously during several 'pinches' or crises or times of danger.

But, 50 years after the Civil Rights act, and after a half-century of Racial Quotas in a variety of high-end endeavors (including college admissions and federal and state hiring) it's time for Blacks to 'come through' in (for them) a different way - collectively - namely, pulling their own weight, economically and socially, during peace time - over the long haul.

It's time.

Civil rights was enacted 50 years ago......that means after centuries of oppression they've been treated like real citizens for almost half a century. White folks in this country have so much to be proud of.......and yet so many reasons to be angry at black folks.
...Civil rights was enacted 50 years ago......that means after centuries of oppression they've been treated like real citizens for almost half a century...
Half a century is enough of a leg-up for anybody.

...White folks in this country have so much to be proud of...
Indeed, they do.

...and yet so many reasons to be angry at black folks.
Not really.

It's just that Donor Exhaustion is setting-in after half a century, and it's getting close to time to pull the plug on some of the past half-century's advantage-leveraging schemes.
...Civil rights was enacted 50 years ago......that means after centuries of oppression they've been treated like real citizens for almost half a century...
Half a century is enough of a leg-up for anybody.

...White folks in this country have so much to be proud of...
Indeed, they do.

...and yet so many reasons to be angry at black folks.
Not really.

It's just that Donor Exhaustion is setting-in after half a century, and it's getting close to time to pull the plug on some of the past half-century's advantage-leveraging schemes.

This almost sounds like a reasonable version of Rush Limbaugh's usual racist tirade.
Uh huh.....is that your high school graduation picture in your avatar?
Yours is an old dead guy. You write like one.

I was just wondering how that picture is significant for you? Is that a relative or someone you admire?
You should have asked that in the first place. You an admirer of old dead guys?

He just likes guys....most FAGERAL Socialists like others of the same species!
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Be sure to post some more family pictures.
Yours is an old dead guy. You write like one.

I was just wondering how that picture is significant for you? Is that a relative or someone you admire?
You should have asked that in the first place. You an admirer of old dead guys?

He just likes guys....most FAGERAL Socialists like others of the same species!
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Be sure to post some more family pictures.
He looks Jewish.
I was just wondering how that picture is significant for you? Is that a relative or someone you admire?
You should have asked that in the first place. You an admirer of old dead guys?

He just likes guys....most FAGERAL Socialists like others of the same species!
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Be sure to post some more family pictures.
He looks Jewish.

No significance to your avatar then? Simply chosen at random no doubt.
...Civil rights was enacted 50 years ago......that means after centuries of oppression they've been treated like real citizens for almost half a century...
Half a century is enough of a leg-up for anybody.

...White folks in this country have so much to be proud of...
Indeed, they do.

...and yet so many reasons to be angry at black folks.
Not really.

It's just that Donor Exhaustion is setting-in after half a century, and it's getting close to time to pull the plug on some of the past half-century's advantage-leveraging schemes.

This almost sounds like a reasonable version of Rush Limbaugh's usual racist tirade.
What part(s) do you object to?

That half-a-century is enough of a leg up?

Or that Donor Exhaustion is quickly setting-in, within the broader White community?

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