Who is Shopping Thanksgiving Day?

I think it's gross that Thanksgiving is turning into just another shopping day for Christmas. Spend the day eating/drinking too much, watching sub-par football, and hanging out with your family and friends. Go shopping the next day.

I mean you realize these places wouldn't be open if people didn't want to shop those days right?

Ah, the old "we're just giving the public what it wants" canard. Right up there with "the check is in the mail".

So you think stores are paying payroll and then hoping customers show up?

Of course not, Wal Mart has spent millions to determine whether customers would show up on Thanksgiving day to buy cheap tvs before they ever opened a door. You can bet that.
I think it's gross that Thanksgiving is turning into just another shopping day for Christmas. Spend the day eating/drinking too much, watching sub-par football, and hanging out with your family and friends. Go shopping the next day.

I mean you realize these places wouldn't be open if people didn't want to shop those days right?

Ah, the old "we're just giving the public what it wants" canard. Right up there with "the check is in the mail".

So you think stores are paying payroll and then hoping customers show up?

No. I know they are. And if you don't know that's how the world works you're a fool.

They don't need to "hope" -- not only have they already been doing this in prior years but the gullibility of the unwashed is well established already. If they opened on Christmas and put sales on you'd see the same thing. Nobody needed to "spend millions" to know that. It's as predictable as the freaking moon coming up. Get a grip.
I think it's gross that Thanksgiving is turning into just another shopping day for Christmas. Spend the day eating/drinking too much, watching sub-par football, and hanging out with your family and friends. Go shopping the next day.

I mean you realize these places wouldn't be open if people didn't want to shop those days right?

Ah, the old "we're just giving the public what it wants" canard. Right up there with "the check is in the mail".

So you think stores are paying payroll and then hoping customers show up?

No. I know they are. And if you don't know that's how the world works you're a fool.

They don't need to "hope" -- not only have they already been doing this in prior years but the gullibility of the unwashed is well established already. If they opened on Christmas and put sales on you'd see the same thing. Nobody needed to "spend millions" to know that. It's as predictable as the freaking moon coming up. Get a grip.

Either way, you're attempting to blame the company for consumer choices.

If no one showed up, they wouldn't open next year.

And obviously you don't know shit. It's called focus groups. They had a store in Bentonville, Arkansas opened on Thanksgiving day 3 years ago, last year was the first year they went nationwide with the Thursday sales.

They spent millions trying it out in Bentonville before rolling it out.
I think it's gross that Thanksgiving is turning into just another shopping day for Christmas. Spend the day eating/drinking too much, watching sub-par football, and hanging out with your family and friends. Go shopping the next day.

People don't want to shop on holidays because the stores are open, the stores are open because people want to shop on holidays.
disagree.... most people would be just fine with stores being closed for a Holiday like Thanksgiving... and wouldn't think twice about it... It bothers no one here...the stores have never been opened on Thanksgiving....the only one bitching is Walmart Corp..... after all, MONEYcomes first, BEFORE giving thanks to God, (or whomever) and all that Thanksgiving is suppose to be about....
I think it's gross that Thanksgiving is turning into just another shopping day for Christmas. Spend the day eating/drinking too much, watching sub-par football, and hanging out with your family and friends. Go shopping the next day.

I mean you realize these places wouldn't be open if people didn't want to shop those days right?

Ah, the old "we're just giving the public what it wants" canard. Right up there with "the check is in the mail".

So you think stores are paying payroll and then hoping customers show up?

No. I know they are. And if you don't know that's how the world works you're a fool.

They don't need to "hope" -- not only have they already been doing this in prior years but the gullibility of the unwashed is well established already. If they opened on Christmas and put sales on you'd see the same thing. Nobody needed to "spend millions" to know that. It's as predictable as the freaking moon coming up. Get a grip.

Either way, you're attempting to blame the company for consumer choices.

If no one showed up, they wouldn't open next year.

And obviously you don't know shit. It's called focus groups. They had a store in Bentonville, Arkansas opened on Thanksgiving day 3 years ago, last year was the first year they went nationwide with the Thursday sales.

They spent millions trying it out in Bentonville before rolling it out.

You actually think it takes "millions" to open a store for a day?
What are you -- Rain Man?
'Bout a hunnerd dollars. Yah. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars".

Nobody needed no damn "focus group" to know advertising works on sheep. Look at Black Friday. Look at SUVs. You could put a stone on a chain and call it a "pet rock" and some schmuck will buy it. Market it well enough and a lot of them will. Just don't insult our intelligence with the old "we're giving the public what it wants" crapola. K? Nobody stood outside Mal-Wart's offices with demonstration signs demanding stores open on Thanksgiving, just like motorists didn't demonstrate on Detroit demanding the right to drive overgrown inverted bathtubs with insane centres of gravity. Didn't happen. The merchant leads; the sheep follow.

And no, last year was not the first year they did this; I was in a thread about it right here two years ago. So you're the one who doesn't know shit.
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I think it's gross that Thanksgiving is turning into just another shopping day for Christmas. Spend the day eating/drinking too much, watching sub-par football, and hanging out with your family and friends. Go shopping the next day.

I mean you realize these places wouldn't be open if people didn't want to shop those days right?

Ah, the old "we're just giving the public what it wants" canard. Right up there with "the check is in the mail".

So you think stores are paying payroll and then hoping customers show up?

Of course not, Wal Mart has spent millions to determine whether customers would show up on Thanksgiving day to buy cheap tvs before they ever opened a door. You can bet that.
walmart spends millions in advertising to lure them in
So all the atheists, do they care if anything is closed or not. Thanks giving is after centered around giving thanks to a creator.

Seems silly to me that atheists would celebrate that day, it should be just another day to them.
I mean you realize these places wouldn't be open if people didn't want to shop those days right?

Ah, the old "we're just giving the public what it wants" canard. Right up there with "the check is in the mail".

So you think stores are paying payroll and then hoping customers show up?

No. I know they are. And if you don't know that's how the world works you're a fool.

They don't need to "hope" -- not only have they already been doing this in prior years but the gullibility of the unwashed is well established already. If they opened on Christmas and put sales on you'd see the same thing. Nobody needed to "spend millions" to know that. It's as predictable as the freaking moon coming up. Get a grip.

Either way, you're attempting to blame the company for consumer choices.

If no one showed up, they wouldn't open next year.

And obviously you don't know shit. It's called focus groups. They had a store in Bentonville, Arkansas opened on Thanksgiving day 3 years ago, last year was the first year they went nationwide with the Thursday sales.

They spent millions trying it out in Bentonville before rolling it out.

You actually think it takes "millions" to open a store for a day?
What are you -- Rain Man?
'Bout a hunnerd dollars. Yah. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars".

Nobody needed no damn "focus group" to know advertising works on sheep. Look at Black Friday. Look at SUVs. You could put a stone on a chain and call it a "pet rock" and some schmuck will buy it. Market it well enough and a lot of them will. Just don't insult our intelligence with the old "we're giving the public what it wants" crapola. K? Nobody stood outside Mal-Wart's offices with demonstration signs demanding stores open on Thanksgiving, just like motorists didn't demonstrate on Detroit demanding the right to drive overgrown inverted bathtubs with insane centres of gravity. Didn't happen. The merchant leads; the sheep follow.

And no, last year was not the first year they did this; I was in a thread about it right here two years ago. So you're the one who doesn't know shit.

Why attack SUVs? They service a purpose in my area and many are unable to get to and from work without them.
Ah, the old "we're just giving the public what it wants" canard. Right up there with "the check is in the mail".

So you think stores are paying payroll and then hoping customers show up?

No. I know they are. And if you don't know that's how the world works you're a fool.

They don't need to "hope" -- not only have they already been doing this in prior years but the gullibility of the unwashed is well established already. If they opened on Christmas and put sales on you'd see the same thing. Nobody needed to "spend millions" to know that. It's as predictable as the freaking moon coming up. Get a grip.

Either way, you're attempting to blame the company for consumer choices.

If no one showed up, they wouldn't open next year.

And obviously you don't know shit. It's called focus groups. They had a store in Bentonville, Arkansas opened on Thanksgiving day 3 years ago, last year was the first year they went nationwide with the Thursday sales.

They spent millions trying it out in Bentonville before rolling it out.

You actually think it takes "millions" to open a store for a day?
What are you -- Rain Man?
'Bout a hunnerd dollars. Yah. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars".

Nobody needed no damn "focus group" to know advertising works on sheep. Look at Black Friday. Look at SUVs. You could put a stone on a chain and call it a "pet rock" and some schmuck will buy it. Market it well enough and a lot of them will. Just don't insult our intelligence with the old "we're giving the public what it wants" crapola. K? Nobody stood outside Mal-Wart's offices with demonstration signs demanding stores open on Thanksgiving, just like motorists didn't demonstrate on Detroit demanding the right to drive overgrown inverted bathtubs with insane centres of gravity. Didn't happen. The merchant leads; the sheep follow.

And no, last year was not the first year they did this; I was in a thread about it right here two years ago. So you're the one who doesn't know shit.

Why attack SUVs? They service a purpose in my area and many are unable to get to and from work without them.

It's one example of the point that industry leads consumerism and not the other way around.
I can't imagine a route to work that requires one, but the thread isn't about that.
More and more stores are opening on Thanksgiving Day,

Just wondering who is going shopping that day?

Who is shopping Black Friday?

Personally, I avoid the stores from Thanksgiving until after Christmas.

I saw a new movement today for Occupy "style" people to protest Wal-Mart workers. Some would say "for" them.
I think it's gross that Thanksgiving is turning into just another shopping day for Christmas. Spend the day eating/drinking too much, watching sub-par football, and hanging out with your family and friends. Go shopping the next day.

I mean you realize these places wouldn't be open if people didn't want to shop those days right?

Ah, the old "we're just giving the public what it wants" canard. Right up there with "the check is in the mail".
Ah, the old "the public is too stupid to figure it out" canard. RIght up there with "we have to pass the bill to see what is in it".

Let me ask a question: How long would these stores stay open if the public was not showing up en masse?

People like you make me think the public needs a good dose of authoritarianism to bitchslap some sense into it.
More and more stores are opening on Thanksgiving Day,

Just wondering who is going shopping that day?

Who is shopping Black Friday?

Personally, I avoid the stores from Thanksgiving until after Christmas.

I saw a new movement today for Occupy "style" people to protest Wal-Mart workers. Some would say "for" them.
Hey, they are protesting them right out of jobs here.

Five self-check aisles for every one human checker.

Self-check machines don't need PPACA.
it's against the law in Maine to be opened Thanksgiving for stores... the worker's appreciate having the day Off... one of the things they are ''thankful'' for, on Thanksgiving! ;)
As a Libertarian, I think that sucks.
Why? Libertarians don't believe in Family Holidays??
If I have to explain it to you, you'd never get it anyway.
:rofl: I think you're right!!!!
Were you to "follow" me, you would see I usually am right!!!!
Ah, the old "we're just giving the public what it wants" canard. Right up there with "the check is in the mail".

So you think stores are paying payroll and then hoping customers show up?

No. I know they are. And if you don't know that's how the world works you're a fool.

They don't need to "hope" -- not only have they already been doing this in prior years but the gullibility of the unwashed is well established already. If they opened on Christmas and put sales on you'd see the same thing. Nobody needed to "spend millions" to know that. It's as predictable as the freaking moon coming up. Get a grip.

Either way, you're attempting to blame the company for consumer choices.

If no one showed up, they wouldn't open next year.

And obviously you don't know shit. It's called focus groups. They had a store in Bentonville, Arkansas opened on Thanksgiving day 3 years ago, last year was the first year they went nationwide with the Thursday sales.

They spent millions trying it out in Bentonville before rolling it out.

You actually think it takes "millions" to open a store for a day?
What are you -- Rain Man?
'Bout a hunnerd dollars. Yah. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars".

Nobody needed no damn "focus group" to know advertising works on sheep. Look at Black Friday. Look at SUVs. You could put a stone on a chain and call it a "pet rock" and some schmuck will buy it. Market it well enough and a lot of them will. Just don't insult our intelligence with the old "we're giving the public what it wants" crapola. K? Nobody stood outside Mal-Wart's offices with demonstration signs demanding stores open on Thanksgiving, just like motorists didn't demonstrate on Detroit demanding the right to drive overgrown inverted bathtubs with insane centres of gravity. Didn't happen. The merchant leads; the sheep follow.

And no, last year was not the first year they did this; I was in a thread about it right here two years ago. So you're the one who doesn't know shit.

Why attack SUVs? They service a purpose in my area and many are unable to get to and from work without them.
If a lib drives a pregnant roller skate that gets 40 miles on a battery charge, they think everyone else should drive a pregnant roller skate that gets 40 miles to a charge.

It is called "tolerance".

Libs love to tolerate people into submission to their whackiness.
That would be no - as in hell no.
Thanksgiving day shopping is for the mindless.
Who gets up on Thanksgiving and says "We have to go shopping because the stores are open"?

IF American Idol Nation is so easily manipulated, perhaps most should not be allowed to vote.
Here in California all the grocery stores are filled with Hispanics who refuse to celebrate any american holidays and with the limited staffs the stores are a disaster. I have had the misfortune of having to run out and get something the wife needs at the last minute. Thought I was in Tijuana

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That would be no - as in hell no.
Thanksgiving day shopping is for the mindless.
Who gets up on Thanksgiving and says "We have to go shopping because the stores are open"?

The unwashed. A/K/A Mal-Wart's base. They are nothing if not obedient.

IF American Idol Nation is so easily manipulated, perhaps most should not be allowed to vote.

Obviously it is. And perhaps not -- at least it's a legitimate thought. But then how would you measure it?
I think it's gross that Thanksgiving is turning into just another shopping day for Christmas. Spend the day eating/drinking too much, watching sub-par football, and hanging out with your family and friends. Go shopping the next day.

I mean you realize these places wouldn't be open if people didn't want to shop those days right?

Ah, the old "we're just giving the public what it wants" canard. Right up there with "the check is in the mail".
Ah, the old "the public is too stupid to figure it out" canard. RIght up there with "we have to pass the bill to see what is in it".

Let me ask a question: How long would these stores stay open if the public was not showing up en masse?

They wouldn't, because they couldn't. Now what does that tell you about that public?

Think about it.

Either that, or provide us some rollicking entertainment by suggesting that we are a nation of independent thinkers and NOT a nation of drones hypnotically sitting in front of our telescreens doing whatever it tells us to do. Good luck with that. I'll buy tickets to read that one.

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". And without looking up the numbers, I'm pretty sure Mal-Wart is not going broke.

People like you make me think the public needs a good dose of authoritarianism to bitchslap some sense into it.

That's not my solution. Must be yours.
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