Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

I agree...treat drugs like alcohol. If a person sits in their back yard and smokes a joint why are some against it? They aren't people I could recognize as those I would ever lend a hand to.
I say legalize it all, charge for it, it will create jobs and $. Win win win.

It will create jobs in printing tax stamps and collecting taxes, as well as in policing the untaxed Grass and getting that off the streets.

I don't see any net money from taxes or industry on this. I guess legalizing the whacky tobacky will increase its popularity among the hoi polloi. But the money people spend on the grass won't be spent on other discretionary items
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Bingo. The church ladies failed with alcohol, so they went right for marijuana. Gotta stop all this fun people are having.

That's just not true.

Marijuana was not a criminal offense until nixon.

There were countless hippies protesting outside the White House during his presidency. Mostly against the Vietnam war.

There was nothing legally that nixon could do to get them off the White House grounds. He noticed many of them were smoking marijuana. He had it reclassified a schedule 1 drug and a felony. So he could then have them arrested and removed from the White House grounds.

So if you want to be angry with someone, be angry with nixon. He's the guy who is responsible for marijuana being a crime.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Legalize drugs tax and regulate them, use the tax dollars to rehabilitate the addicts.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Bingo. The church ladies failed with alcohol, so they went right for marijuana. Gotta stop all this fun people are having.

That's just not true.

Marijuana was not a criminal offense until nixon.

There were countless hippies protesting outside the White House during his presidency. Mostly against the Vietnam war.

There was nothing legally that nixon could do to get them off the White House grounds. He noticed many of them were smoking marijuana. He had it reclassified a schedule 1 drug and a felony. So he could then have them arrested and removed from the White House grounds.

So if you want to be angry with someone, be angry with nixon. He's the guy who is responsible for marijuana being a crime.

It was a crime in 1937 under FDR.

On This Date: FDR Made Marijuana Illegal 81 Years Ago
So is sugar...sugar is probably worse. It is responsible for alot of the diseases fat butted people suffer from. But sugar should not be illegal. Neither should tobacco, or all the other chemicals in our environment that humans ingest. Hell glyophosate the main part of roundup is a carcinogen but fields are laced in it.

My reason is because I have witnessed too many young people throwing their lives away with it and I disagree. It most certainly is a gateway drug, I've seen that too.

Bottom line is that druggies are their own worse enemy by being piss poor ambassadors of their own cause.
Yep. But if used in moderation they help relieve the awful stress that one endures grinding out a living in america. If one works hard to barely squeak by why take away the little enjoyment of this life?

Kind of foolish to spend your money on marijuana if you are struggling to pay bills. :dunno: How about taking up a hobby or going for a hike in the woods or something to relieve stress. While doing drugs might give you short term relief, I don't think it is the right choice for your long term physical/financial health.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Legalize drugs tax and regulate them, use the tax dollars to rehabilitate the addicts.

How much tax money could be available from such a plan?

I don't think nearly as much as expected. Narcs would still need employed to ferret out counterfeit grass tax stamps as well as smuggled drugs evading the heavy taxation. Jurisdictions with high cigarette taxes spend a lot of money fighting those who seek smuggling as a means for personal enrichment.
I agree...treat drugs like alcohol. If a person sits in their back yard and smokes a joint why are some against it? They aren't people I could recognize as those I would ever lend a hand to.
Because their choices never stay in their damn yard.

The drug worshipping cult is part of the decline of the immoral West and our enemies are only too happy to help you in your decline
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What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Bingo. The church ladies failed with alcohol, so they went right for marijuana. Gotta stop all this fun people are having.

That's just not true.

Marijuana was not a criminal offense until nixon.

There were countless hippies protesting outside the White House during his presidency. Mostly against the Vietnam war.

There was nothing legally that nixon could do to get them off the White House grounds. He noticed many of them were smoking marijuana. He had it reclassified a schedule 1 drug and a felony. So he could then have them arrested and removed from the White House grounds.

So if you want to be angry with someone, be angry with nixon. He's the guy who is responsible for marijuana being a crime.

I was there, kid. Marijuana was a serious bust in those days all the way back to Anslinger.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Legalize drugs tax and regulate them, use the tax dollars to rehabilitate the addicts.
Oh bullshit. Then the “poor” will expect to be subsidized for equality and drug justice!
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Bingo. The church ladies failed with alcohol, so they went right for marijuana. Gotta stop all this fun people are having.

That's just not true.

Marijuana was not a criminal offense until nixon.

There were countless hippies protesting outside the White House during his presidency. Mostly against the Vietnam war.

There was nothing legally that nixon could do to get them off the White House grounds. He noticed many of them were smoking marijuana. He had it reclassified a schedule 1 drug and a felony. So he could then have them arrested and removed from the White House grounds.

So if you want to be angry with someone, be angry with nixon. He's the guy who is responsible for marijuana being a crime.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Legalize drugs tax and regulate them, use the tax dollars to rehabilitate the addicts.
Oh bullshit. Then the “poor” will expect to be subsidized for equality and drug justice!

How about providing the people with Free Grass? Instead of using marijuana to just enrich the already wealthy billionaires even more?
Plenty of supporters of the Nanny state on the right and left.
Behavior Control Technicians who have led us into a failed drug war costing billions, loss of our basic freedoms, emboldened the Cartels, strengthened the black market, incarcerated millions for petty offenses, and have increased the use of opiates that are pushed by the legal pushers known as big Pharm.

I have smoked marijuana moderately for 40 years, have a good job, own a home, a luxury SUV and toys in my second garage with a stellar credit rating. Most pot smokers are responsible citizens just like most alcohol users.
Yet despite the fact that alcohol still causes deaths in the tens of thousands, while literally no one dies from pot or kills anyone, let's all jump on the mellow pot smoker based on some misplaced moral outrage.

We tried this Prohibition shit already and discovered what a dismal failure of social engineering it really was.
That is what it really is folks...
Social Engineering. Just like the frickin commies.
Well, I don't care if it legal or not, but if you are poor and just making ends meet, like the OP says, then you would be pretty stupid to be buying marijuana. I also think it tends to make a lot of people lazy and sometimes kind of dopey too. There are a lot of other better ways that are cheaper and better for your overall health and wellbeing to relieve stress and anxiety.
Well, I don't care if it legal or not, but if you are poor and just making ends meet, like the OP says, then you would be pretty stupid to be buying marijuana. I also think it tends to make a lot of people lazy and sometimes kind of dopey too. There are a lot of other better ways that are cheaper and better for your overall health and wellbeing to relieve stress and anxiety.
Well, poor people shouldn't buy tall 40's, cigarettes, or McDonald's either.
The notion of lazy already existed in any particular individual before any substance is involved.

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