Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

People are against legalizing marijuana for two reasons: (1) it would put a dent in the profits of the liquor industry; you can grow it yourself with no need to buy anything, and (2) it is the drug of choice of the "they" people, weirdos, black musicians, hippies, with unconventional lifestyles who some people don't think should be allowed to exist in society, while conventional "decent" people choose alcohol.
Well, I don't care if it legal or not, but if you are poor and just making ends meet, like the OP says, then you would be pretty stupid to be buying marijuana. I also think it tends to make a lot of people lazy and sometimes kind of dopey too. There are a lot of other better ways that are cheaper and better for your overall health and wellbeing to relieve stress and anxiety.
They would want you to buy it for them.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

1. Actually some of us ARE in favor of banning alcohol, tobacco, and many prescription drugs (unless under medical supervision).

2. Not all of us are for Freedom and Liberty.

3. Marijuana creates an altered and impaired mental state where individuals are not necessarily properly capable of making life or death decisions. This is a state thst all properly moral people should seek to avoid at all times.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Bingo. The church ladies failed with alcohol, so they went right for marijuana. Gotta stop all this fun people are having.

That's just not true.

Marijuana was not a criminal offense until nixon.

There were countless hippies protesting outside the White House during his presidency. Mostly against the Vietnam war.

There was nothing legally that nixon could do to get them off the White House grounds. He noticed many of them were smoking marijuana. He had it reclassified a schedule 1 drug and a felony. So he could then have them arrested and removed from the White House grounds.

So if you want to be angry with someone, be angry with nixon. He's the guy who is responsible for marijuana being a crime.

It was a crime in 1937 under FDR.

On This Date: FDR Made Marijuana Illegal 81 Years Ago

If you read my post you would see I said he made it class one felony.

Before that it was just a misdemeanor.

Yes it was illegal before nixon but it was just a parking ticket offence. nixon couldn't have the protesters removed from the White House grounds for a misdemeanor.

Plus under the 1937 law it was still legal for some medical purposes. It wasn't a felony that resulted in anyone put in prison. It was a misdemeanor which resulted in a fine.

It wasn't until nixon that marijuana became the federal felony crime it is today.

The Science behind the DEA's Long War on Marijuana

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What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Its all about the kids. They dont want their kids getting the idea that its an ok thing for them. Even with legal age limitations you know it is so much easier for them to get it once its legal. It's a lot easier to carry around than a 12 pack of beer
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Its all about the kids. They dont want their kids getting the idea that its an ok thing for them. Even with legal age limitations you know it is so much easier for them to get it once its legal. It's a lot easier to carry around than a 12 pack of beer

My state legalized marijuana for medical purposes in 1998.

We legalized it for recreational purposes in 2012.

The result is that the black market has totally collapsed here.

It's much harder for an under age person to buy marijuana now than it was when I was under 21. It was illegal at that time. It was everywhere. There was no problem with finding any marijuana at that time.

I don't know what other states have done but in my state it's highly regulated and taxed.

The only way an under age person can get some is if they know someone over 21 to buy it for them from a store.
Weed is just another method by which one can impair his mind and facilities.
It's unfortunate we think we need that sort of thing to get through life.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Its all about the kids. They dont want their kids getting the idea that its an ok thing for them. Even with legal age limitations you know it is so much easier for them to get it once its legal. It's a lot easier to carry around than a 12 pack of beer

My state legalized marijuana for medical purposes in 1998.

We legalized it for recreational purposes in 2012.

The result is that the black market has totally collapsed here.

It's much harder for an under age person to buy marijuana now than it was when I was under 21. It was illegal at that time. It was everywhere. There was no problem with finding any marijuana at that time.

I don't know what other states have done but in my state it's highly regulated and taxed.

The only way an under age person can get some is if they know someone over 21 to buy it for them from a store.

PBS reported that Black Market Grass has actually boomed in Colorado since legalization. Is this Fake News?

How Colorado’s marijuana legalization strengthened the drug's black market
PBS reported that Black Market Grass has actually boomed in Colorado since legalization. Is this Fake News?

How Colorado’s marijuana legalization strengthened the drug's black market
There is a black or underground market for all sorts of items. Why would one think weed is any different? Oregon Business - Black market for marijuana grows

It isn't in my fucked up state.

People get the idea that legalizing something will kill the current illegal markets. Didn't happen with the numbers writers when the states started booking the action. Didn't happen in Vegas where the state officials legalized hoe'ing and pimping.

Thinking that legal grass would kill the traditional markets for the product is illogical
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.
I did a dissertation-type study on Marijuana at Oregon State in Corvallis back in the early 1980s. The science of the then illegal drug cited numerous cases of families in Central America giving their children Marajuana cigarettes to pacify them, and the boys who took them had a failure of their reproductive organs where their testicles did not descend, and after too long, they became both impotent and unable to reproduce when they became adults. The other problem the disease sticks developed for all children who were put on the substance early in life was failure of brain development to the point they had impaired reasoning skills, some to the point of lifelong mental incapacity and disability to care for themselves as adults. The term "Deadheads" became pervasive in the American cult who took pot when it was illegal to erase their sadness (which it didn't longterm) and make them feel good (lessened by serious stealing when the drug became too expensive on the street.) It was considered the gateway drug to harsher addictions, irresponsibility, and incarceration for thefts, since all their money "had to" go for their addiction to the substance, and working for a living was not an option due to perils of the drug reducing concentration in jobs where that is a liability for the person and others.

Marijuana ws and still is hell for drug abusers, because today's marijuana is exponentially more deleterious than its weaker predecessor back when and before growers figured out how to increase its potency. We can thank Hollyweird for making it a stupidly revered social happening. If you're a guy, Take marijuana. Your testicles will not descend in puberty if you start young enough. :rolleyes: And you, too, can sing "Don't know much about history, don't know much trigonometry...." etc.
PBS reported that Black Market Grass has actually boomed in Colorado since legalization. Is this Fake News?

How Colorado’s marijuana legalization strengthened the drug's black market
There is a black or underground market for all sorts of items. Why would one think weed is any different? Oregon Business - Black market for marijuana grows

It isn't in my fucked up state.

People get the idea that legalizing something will kill the current illegal markets. Didn't happen with the numbers writers when the states started booking the action. Didn't happen in Vegas where the state officials legalized hoe'ing and pimping.

Thinking that legal grass would kill the traditional markets for the product is illogical
To be clear. Clark county Nevada is illegal for prostitution which includes metropolitan Las Vegas.
The legal areas are outside Clark county.

Problem is government taxes are too high and black market fills in.
Government is more greedy than the Cartels.
PBS reported that Black Market Grass has actually boomed in Colorado since legalization. Is this Fake News?

How Colorado’s marijuana legalization strengthened the drug's black market
There is a black or underground market for all sorts of items. Why would one think weed is any different? Oregon Business - Black market for marijuana grows

It isn't in my fucked up state.

People get the idea that legalizing something will kill the current illegal markets. Didn't happen with the numbers writers when the states started booking the action. Didn't happen in Vegas where the state officials legalized hoe'ing and pimping.

Thinking that legal grass would kill the traditional markets for the product is illogical
To be clear. Clark county Nevada is illegal for prostitution which includes metropolitan Las Vegas.
The legal areas are outside Clark county.

Problem is government taxes are too high and black market fills in.
Government is more greedy than the Cartels.

That's definitely a point there. Taxes on cigarettes are exceedingly high nowadays. Those who can find a way to evade the levy can make a fortune. And with grass I think its would even be easier, as the cigarette business has a lot of "Brand loyalty" going on that reefer does not.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.
I did a dissertation-type study on Marijuana at Oregon State in Corvallis back in the early 1980s. The science of the then illegal drug cited numerous cases of families in Central America giving their children Marajuana cigarettes to pacify them, and the boys who took them had a failure of their reproductive organs where their testicles did not descend, and after too long, they became both impotent and unable to reproduce when they became adults. The other problem the disease sticks developed for all children who were put on the substance early in life was failure of brain development to the point they had impaired reasoning skills, some to the point of lifelong mental incapacity and disability to care for themselves as adults. The term "Deadheads" became pervasive in the American cult who took pot when it was illegal to erase their sadness (which it didn't longterm) and make them feel good (lessened by serious stealing when the drug became too expensive on the street.) It was considered the gateway drug to harsher addictions, irresponsibility, and incarceration for thefts, since all their money "had to" go for their addiction to the substance, and working for a living was not an option due to perils of the drug reducing concentration in jobs where that is a liability for the person and others.

Marijuana ws and still is hell for drug abusers, because today's marijuana is exponentially more deleterious than its weaker predecessor back when and before growers figured out how to increase its potency. We can thank Hollyweird for making it a stupidly revered social happening. If you're a guy, Take marijuana. Your testicles will not descend in puberty if you start young enough. :rolleyes: And you, too, can sing "Don't know much about history, don't know much trigonometry...." etc.
40 years of use for me.
Wife seems to think my junk is fine.
See my first posts regarding the so called lack of concentration and laziness. I call bullshit on that notion. I know many successful folks who run their own businesses and use moderately. I work as a framer building million dollar houses climbing on structures and heights that would freak the hell out of common folks. What I do after work to relieve minor pain is my business.

No one is saying children should be using anything.

There is no gateway drug as some folks are simply genetically predisposed to addictive behavior.
Doesn't even have to be a drug.
Otherwise we need to argue that cigarettes, alcohol are the true gateway along with the legal opiates produced by Big Pharm.
PBS reported that Black Market Grass has actually boomed in Colorado since legalization. Is this Fake News?

How Colorado’s marijuana legalization strengthened the drug's black market
There is a black or underground market for all sorts of items. Why would one think weed is any different? Oregon Business - Black market for marijuana grows

It isn't in my fucked up state.

People get the idea that legalizing something will kill the current illegal markets. Didn't happen with the numbers writers when the states started booking the action. Didn't happen in Vegas where the state officials legalized hoe'ing and pimping.

Thinking that legal grass would kill the traditional markets for the product is illogical
To be clear. Clark county Nevada is illegal for prostitution which includes metropolitan Las Vegas.
The legal areas are outside Clark county.

Problem is government taxes are too high and black market fills in.
Government is more greedy than the Cartels.

That's definitely a point there. Taxes on cigarettes are exceedingly high nowadays. Those who can find a way to evade the levy can make a fortune. And with grass I think its would even be easier, as the cigarette business has a lot of "Brand loyalty" going on that reefer does not.

Taxes are probably the reason why the government is now trying to ban vaping, which is a good way for those who are addicted to cigarettes to try and quit.
PBS reported that Black Market Grass has actually boomed in Colorado since legalization. Is this Fake News?

How Colorado’s marijuana legalization strengthened the drug's black market
There is a black or underground market for all sorts of items. Why would one think weed is any different? Oregon Business - Black market for marijuana grows

It isn't in my fucked up state.

People get the idea that legalizing something will kill the current illegal markets. Didn't happen with the numbers writers when the states started booking the action. Didn't happen in Vegas where the state officials legalized hoe'ing and pimping.

Thinking that legal grass would kill the traditional markets for the product is illogical
To be clear. Clark county Nevada is illegal for prostitution which includes metropolitan Las Vegas.
The legal areas are outside Clark county.

Problem is government taxes are too high and black market fills in.
Government is more greedy than the Cartels.

That's definitely a point there. Taxes on cigarettes are exceedingly high nowadays. Those who can find a way to evade the levy can make a fortune. And with grass I think its would even be easier, as the cigarette business has a lot of "Brand loyalty" going on that reefer does not.

Taxes are probably the reason why the government is now trying to ban vaping, which is a good way for those who are addicted to cigarettes to try and quit.
The nanny state is protecting the youth. The state raises the legal age of drinking and smoking, yet in MN the 18 year old is free to gamble their money away at a casino or on the state run lottery.
We don't worry about the person who can have a few glasses of wine or cocktails at the end of the day with no ill effects.
We worry about the drunk who smashes up cars and homes and people when boozed up.
Same principle with weed.

It's too bad people always need to find ways to escape from life.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

1. Actually some of us ARE in favor of banning alcohol, tobacco, and many prescription drugs (unless under medical supervision).

2. Not all of us are for Freedom and Liberty.

3. Marijuana creates an altered and impaired mental state where individuals are not necessarily properly capable of making life or death decisions. This is a state thst all properly moral people should seek to avoid at all times.
But you're batshit nuts.

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