Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Again, spending money on education doesn't mean good education.

As for the right has no ability to indoctrinate in public schools, er... what they fuck? How about religion? How about trying to get rid of evolution and replacing it with creationism?

Yes, how about religion? You know, when the community that financially supports a school are not allowed to have religion in their school because of one liberal? Not even allowed to keep religious artifacts like a cross on the wall that hung there for generations?

Liberals have always run our public schools because of unions. As you correctly pointed out, conservatives "try" and are defeated by liberals. And if you're not talking about more money for schools, then WTF are you talking about?

Why would anyone want religion in their school?

That is why you have churches

For the most part, schools are locally funded. If locals want to spend their money on schools that teach religion, then why should they not have a school that has religion as a course of study?

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Because of the first amendment

Can schools teach there is no god and that Jesus was made up?

That is teaching religion in schools

I would say that if most people of that school district held that belief, why not? It's their money.

Probably because that's not what school is about. There's a reason governments around the world started to implement mass education, and force kids to go to school. You can see why if you go to certain places in Africa where kids don't go to school and see what the impact is. Society has decided that society is much better when people receive a certain level of education. Going into school and learning make belief really doesn't help to develop the country.

If the poor get theirs no matter what, where does the money come from?

The massive US government welfare system.

A system where people get money for doing absolutely nothing.

A system where money is take from the people that earn it by oppressive government force and given away to special interest voting blocks that did nothing to earn the money.
You guys keep saying that. I'd love to see your proof. If people are too lazy to take care of themselves, why would they make the effort to vote?

Because they are told to vote and they think it is required of them to vote to get benefits.

That's why it's a LAW that the people who determine snap and welfare eligibility provide applicants with the materials to REGISTER TO VOTE. Because of the way they are REQUIRED to provide it, the applicants assume it is REQUIRED.

Plus, they are afraid that if they don't vote for democraps, they will lose their benefits. Cuz that's what the dems tell them.

Correct. Voting for Democrats is a great way to get somebody else to pay your bills for you. It is a great scam.
It was in the law you couldn't keep your doctor. They knew it. That's a lie even if it is as you say just a selling point.
Yes, how about religion? You know, when the community that financially supports a school are not allowed to have religion in their school because of one liberal? Not even allowed to keep religious artifacts like a cross on the wall that hung there for generations?

Liberals have always run our public schools because of unions. As you correctly pointed out, conservatives "try" and are defeated by liberals. And if you're not talking about more money for schools, then WTF are you talking about?

Why would anyone want religion in their school?

That is why you have churches

For the most part, schools are locally funded. If locals want to spend their money on schools that teach religion, then why should they not have a school that has religion as a course of study?

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Because of the first amendment

Can schools teach there is no god and that Jesus was made up?

That is teaching religion in schools

I would say that if most people of that school district held that belief, why not? It's their money.

Probably because that's not what school is about. There's a reason governments around the world started to implement mass education, and force kids to go to school. You can see why if you go to certain places in Africa where kids don't go to school and see what the impact is. Society has decided that society is much better when people receive a certain level of education. Going into school and learning make belief really doesn't help to develop the country.

And yet they teach global warming all the time.

Nobody was debating forced education. We were debating what is being taught. I'm sure many home school students learn religion as part of their studies, and I'm sure religious schools have religion as part of their curriculum. Religion was much of our daily studies when I went to a Catholic school. In fact, you were also graded on your church attendance record.

I do not believe that anybody should have religion shoved down their throat. But if you move to a Jewish community, and the taxpayers fund their schools wanting to teach their religion, I have no problem with that. If you don't like their religion, don't move to the Jewish area and attend Jewish public schools.
It was in the law you couldn't keep your doctor. They knew it. That's a lie even if it is as you say just a selling point.
Why would anyone want religion in their school?

That is why you have churches

For the most part, schools are locally funded. If locals want to spend their money on schools that teach religion, then why should they not have a school that has religion as a course of study?

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Because of the first amendment

Can schools teach there is no god and that Jesus was made up?

That is teaching religion in schools

I would say that if most people of that school district held that belief, why not? It's their money.

Probably because that's not what school is about. There's a reason governments around the world started to implement mass education, and force kids to go to school. You can see why if you go to certain places in Africa where kids don't go to school and see what the impact is. Society has decided that society is much better when people receive a certain level of education. Going into school and learning make belief really doesn't help to develop the country.

And yet they teach global warming all the time.

Nobody was debating forced education. We were debating what is being taught. I'm sure many home school students learn religion as part of their studies, and I'm sure religious schools have religion as part of their curriculum. Religion was much of our daily studies when I went to a Catholic school. In fact, you were also graded on your church attendance record.

I do not believe that anybody should have religion shoved down their throat. But if you move to a Jewish community, and the taxpayers fund their schools wanting to teach their religion, I have no problem with that. If you don't like their religion, don't move to the Jewish area and attend Jewish public schools.

Global Warming isn't a religion, it doesn't have a church.

I agree that teaching should stick to facts and try and get kids to instill skills in kids, but there's a massive difference between teaching something that is accepted by the scientific community in the most part, and religion, which everyone should know has been made up.

Personally I'm a believer that kids should grow up with education that has nothing to do with religion. If you grow up in a Jewish area and there happen to be more Jews in the area, you still go to a school that teaches things similar to the schools in other areas.
It was in the law you couldn't keep your doctor. They knew it. That's a lie even if it is as you say just a selling point.
For the most part, schools are locally funded. If locals want to spend their money on schools that teach religion, then why should they not have a school that has religion as a course of study?

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Because of the first amendment

Can schools teach there is no god and that Jesus was made up?

That is teaching religion in schools

I would say that if most people of that school district held that belief, why not? It's their money.

Probably because that's not what school is about. There's a reason governments around the world started to implement mass education, and force kids to go to school. You can see why if you go to certain places in Africa where kids don't go to school and see what the impact is. Society has decided that society is much better when people receive a certain level of education. Going into school and learning make belief really doesn't help to develop the country.

And yet they teach global warming all the time.

Nobody was debating forced education. We were debating what is being taught. I'm sure many home school students learn religion as part of their studies, and I'm sure religious schools have religion as part of their curriculum. Religion was much of our daily studies when I went to a Catholic school. In fact, you were also graded on your church attendance record.

I do not believe that anybody should have religion shoved down their throat. But if you move to a Jewish community, and the taxpayers fund their schools wanting to teach their religion, I have no problem with that. If you don't like their religion, don't move to the Jewish area and attend Jewish public schools.

Global Warming isn't a religion, it doesn't have a church.

I agree that teaching should stick to facts and try and get kids to instill skills in kids, but there's a massive difference between teaching something that is accepted by the scientific community in the most part, and religion, which everyone should know has been made up.

Personally I'm a believer that kids should grow up with education that has nothing to do with religion. If you grow up in a Jewish area and there happen to be more Jews in the area, you still go to a school that teaches things similar to the schools in other areas.

So what's the difference between teaching kids about man made global warming and religion? Both are subjects that have no absolute proof of their existence. So some scientists think GB is real, but those are the same scientists that get their paychecks from government just like the teachers.

If you want to learn about religion, keep it out of school and go to church. Okay. If you want to learn about global warming, don't teach it in school,, just go to some leftist whacko march instead.
It was in the law you couldn't keep your doctor. They knew it. That's a lie even if it is as you say just a selling point.
For the most part, schools are locally funded. If locals want to spend their money on schools that teach religion, then why should they not have a school that has religion as a course of study?

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Because of the first amendment

Can schools teach there is no god and that Jesus was made up?

That is teaching religion in schools

I would say that if most people of that school district held that belief, why not? It's their money.

Probably because that's not what school is about. There's a reason governments around the world started to implement mass education, and force kids to go to school. You can see why if you go to certain places in Africa where kids don't go to school and see what the impact is. Society has decided that society is much better when people receive a certain level of education. Going into school and learning make belief really doesn't help to develop the country.

And yet they teach global warming all the time.

Nobody was debating forced education. We were debating what is being taught. I'm sure many home school students learn religion as part of their studies, and I'm sure religious schools have religion as part of their curriculum. Religion was much of our daily studies when I went to a Catholic school. In fact, you were also graded on your church attendance record.

I do not believe that anybody should have religion shoved down their throat. But if you move to a Jewish community, and the taxpayers fund their schools wanting to teach their religion, I have no problem with that. If you don't like their religion, don't move to the Jewish area and attend Jewish public schools.

Global Warming isn't a religion, it doesn't have a church.

I agree that teaching should stick to facts and try and get kids to instill skills in kids, but there's a massive difference between teaching something that is accepted by the scientific community in the most part, and religion, which everyone should know has been made up.

Personally I'm a believer that kids should grow up with education that has nothing to do with religion. If you grow up in a Jewish area and there happen to be more Jews in the area, you still go to a school that teaches things similar to the schools in other areas.
Glowbull warming is your church. It's a religion to you people.

And if I were sticking to the facts of the fake religion you are trying to sell I would be out there selling the world is going to be in an ice age any day now. I remember the maps. Ice down to Denver, people running out of farm land that isn't frozen. I think that was supposed to happen by now. Now it's warming, unless it's cold. It's rain unless there isn't any. It's hurricanes unless there aren't enough.

It's the whole weather cult of you left wing idiots.
Actually that's YOUR lie, nobody said that everyone would lose their doctor, but rather when Obama said if you like your doctor you could keep your doctor. Which was in fact a bald-faced lie.
Lets see

Government takeover of healthcare ...Check
Everyone will be forced into Obamacare...Check
They will assign you a doctor....Check
Obama is going to kill my baby....Check

All lies told by Republicans about Obamacare

Total BS. Show me the quote from a Repub that says everyone will lose their doctor.

Or this one:

Obama is going to kill my baby.
Even if Republicans did say it and we know they didn't, how does that justify the Democrats lies? That is the dumbest excuse for lying I have read yet.
Dem "lies" are highly debatable or actually predictions, often blocked by the GOP. Obstruction is EASY. GOP lies are innumerable and the base of their duping the chumps. See sig- the imaginary dupe planet is a disgrace. The poor rich paying all the taxes, regulation wrecking the economy, corrupt Clintons, Dems huge gov't, GOP family values, etc etc PFFFFT!!

Address the issue, if not, don't waste my time.
increasing defense spending never engenders more peace.


Had Poland, France, Great Britain and Russia had massive, modern militaries, would Germany have started WW-II? Of course not. Even if they had, they would have been crushed saving literally tens of millions of lives.

Does the name Neville Chamberlin ring a bell

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama has vividly demonstrated who displaying timidity and weakness "deters" our enemies.
What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't

For one, private charities give to help those truly in need. Government on the other hand passes out money to those for the asking.

Long term disaster relief and house fires are two different things. To put it another way, do you really believe that if we ended welfare as we know it today, that charity contributions would be the same or less? Of course not. Americans are the most generous people in the world. Private donations would increase ten fold.

When government wastes money, it's barely reported. If you wish to give to a charity, you can look up exactly where every penny goes on the site Charity Navigator. org. They tell you how much the charity collects, how much they pay out, how much they use for advertising, how much the use for administration, everything. So unlike government, if you believe the charity you had in minds wastes too much money, you simply don't give to that charity.

Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains that human needs were taken care of by other human beings- not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the former also dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberal….conservatives don’t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty?
People having more money.

Where does one get money from?
A job.

The solution to poverty from a liberal point of view is give people the money they need. It may give some relief from poverty but certainly prolongs it at the same time. The solution to poverty is not giving people money other people make, the solution is people in poverty creating their own money and being able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Very true. The problem here is that many on the right who claim to want to help the poor, don't actually.

How do you help the poor?

Well, number one is with good education. Education that is aimed at producing workers. Education that is aimed at producing good adults.

The problem on the right is that they'll demand that people work all hours god gives them in order to earn enough money, and then they'll complain that their marriages are breaking up. Er... what?

The problem is that the right doesn't look at education as a means of producing productive workers, they look on it as a way of indoctrinating people and so tell poor people that the govt is trying to fuck with them.

The other problem is the lack of democracy, the right, as well as the left, don't want this to change, but a change is necessary in order to have things working properly.

A lot of people are looking out for their own interests and are clearly not interested in poor people moving up in the world with better education, a better situation etc. If you really want a situation where people can feel like a part of a functioning society, then a MAJOR overhaul is necessary, but the rich don't want it, their lapdog Congressmen and women don't want it, and they don't tell the people to want it, so they don't want it either.

Your desperation and lies are ALMOST unbelievable! ALMOST!
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A selling point yes, but the out right lie by the bush administration that got me was when Powell testified before the UN and brought up Iraq's drone plane..

It looked to me anyone could go to the local Hobby Lobby and buy one.

I didn't vote for Bush Jr. The second time.

I still say it was all about Bush Jr. Wanting revenge for Saddam wanting to kill his dad.
I never heard of Iraq's drone plane. Did they use that to test the no-fly zone?
Why would anyone want religion in their school?

That is why you have churches

Why not? They worked and work, extremely well.

For example, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle Obama's daughters attended the same school as did the daughters of President Bush.

Sidwell Friends School is a highly selective Quaker school located in Bethesda, Maryland and Washington, D.C., offering pre-kindergarten through secondary school classes. Founded in 1883 by Thomas Sidwell, its motto is "Eluceat omnibus lux" (English: Let the light shine out from all), alluding to the Quaker concept of inner light. All Sidwell Friends students attend Quaker meeting for worship weekly, and middle school students begin every day with five minutes of silence.

Sidwell Friends School - Wikipedia

But, President Obama managed to get several low-income students attending on vouchers, thrown out.

Why do you demand such parents of these students be prohibited from attending?
It was in the law you couldn't keep your doctor. They knew it.
If it was "in the law" that "you couldn't keep your doctor", then it turns out, you couldn't keep your doctor, that's not a lie. It is my understanding, that they were telling people they "could keep their doctor", which could've been wishful thinking, being naive, or just wrong. But a deliberate lie, I don't think so. A deliberate lie is Trump saying everyone will be insured. That's a lie!

That's a lie even if it is as you say just a selling point.
Stop right there. "Selling point" was the term you used. I was using your term, to make my point.

I do have to ask you this though. Is using something untrue to get people to go along with it just a selling point for democrats? That doesn't count as a lie?
Only if they knew it was untrue at the time they were saying it. If they didn't know, for whatever reason, that's not a lie, that's just being wrong.

Once again. This selling point you are calling it was bullshit. How is this not trying to deceive.
Again, "selling point" was your term. You introduced this into the discussion, not me. And again, it is not a deception if they were under the impression you could keep your doctor. Once the exchanges got up to speed and it turns out for some they couldn't keep their doctor, that's just how things turned out.

As you have set the definition.
It's not my definition, it's THE definition for anyone who wasn't home schooled.

a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive

Pompous twat.

Why was it a grand thing and worked so successfully when it was sent to President Clinton for his signature after he had VETOED the 1996 Welfare Reform Act by Newt Gingrich?

As you know, it was canceled by petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama resulting in RECORD RATES AND NUMBERS of people on welfare, food stamps and every other form of assistance.
I still say it was all about Bush Jr. Wanting revenge for Saddam wanting to kill his dad.

Says a LOT about why Progressives find it impossible to deal with reality and be willing to demand that their programs be measurable and justified.
liberal policies haven't cut college costs
the idea that the government guarantees loans ofr students has done nothing but leave us with a trillion dollar debt bomb
Liberal policies haven't been PASSED in 30 years.

what do you call Obama care?
ACA. lol. The exception that proves the rule.

yeah Obammycare is the ONLY liberal thin g that has been signed into law in 30 years

are you fucking high?
What else?
You said there were none you are wrong I don't have to provide any more proof
Why would anyone want religion in their school?

That is why you have churches

Why not? They worked and work, extremely well.

For example, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle Obama's daughters attended the same school as did the daughters of President Bush.

Sidwell Friends School is a highly selective Quaker school located in Bethesda, Maryland and Washington, D.C., offering pre-kindergarten through secondary school classes. Founded in 1883 by Thomas Sidwell, its motto is "Eluceat omnibus lux" (English: Let the light shine out from all), alluding to the Quaker concept of inner light. All Sidwell Friends students attend Quaker meeting for worship weekly, and middle school students begin every day with five minutes of silence.

Sidwell Friends School - Wikipedia

But, President Obama managed to get several low-income students attending on vouchers, thrown out.

Why do you demand such parents of these students be prohibited from attending?

Private school is where religion belongs

Your claim that students were kicked out to make room for the Obama girls is laughable...more rightwing hate propaganda

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