Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

To answer the question in the OP, it's because conservatives are selfish pieces of shit,.

but they give more to charity than liberals??
I'll repeat:

Conservatives tend to donate to their churches (tax deductable) which in turn, contribute a small amount of that back to actual charities. The predominant church in my area considers itself a charitable organization for the tax benefits but the actual amount of charity is about 1%.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Our church is a big contributor to feeding the poor and providing services in the community to those that really need it.

This next Sunday morning we will meet at the regular service time and go en mass to the grocery stores and buy food instead of having the normal worship service. We do that several times a year.

What are you going to be doing this Sunday morning Moon Bat, laying in bed?

The third weekend of every month my wife and I go to the grocery store and buy food and donate it to our church's food pantry. We also help to support an orphanage.

What do you do Moon Bat other than bitch that the rich are not being taxed enough?
Not knowing the specifics of your church, I'll try not to discourage your efforts to do good. However, from my experience GENERALLY, church charities shelter tax revenues that would go as far or farther in providing for the poor if they were collected.
how do you figure that?
To answer the question in the OP, it's because conservatives are selfish pieces of shit,.

but they give more to charity than liberals??
I'll repeat:

Conservatives tend to donate to their churches (tax deductable) which in turn, contribute a small amount of that back to actual charities. The predominant church in my area considers itself a charitable organization for the tax benefits but the actual amount of charity is about 1%.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Our church is a big contributor to feeding the poor and providing services in the community to those that really need it.

This next Sunday morning we will meet at the regular service time and go en mass to the grocery stores and buy food instead of having the normal worship service. We do that several times a year.

What are you going to be doing this Sunday morning Moon Bat, laying in bed?

The third weekend of every month my wife and I go to the grocery store and buy food and donate it to our church's food pantry. We also help to support an orphanage.

What do you do Moon Bat other than bitch that the rich are not being taxed enough?
Not knowing the specifics of your church, I'll try not to discourage your efforts to do good. However, from my experience GENERALLY, church charities shelter tax revenues that would go as far or farther in providing for the poor if they were collected.
how do you figure that?
I base my information on the predominant local church. They collect 10% from their members which is tax exempt meaning that given an average tax rate of 15%, they prevent 1.5% from being collected. The church spends about 1% of what they collect on charity. There's a shortfall of 0.5%.

Not knowing the specifics of your church, I'll try not to discourage your efforts to do good. However, from my experience GENERALLY, church charities shelter tax revenues that would go as far or farther in providing for the poor if they were collected.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Do you even go to a church? If so do you encourage your congregation to be generous? If not do you lay in bed every Sunday morning while the churches in your area are doing something to help people?

Christians believes that charity should come from the heart, church and family.

I base my information on the predominant local church. They collect 10% from their members which is tax exempt meaning that given an average tax rate of 15%, they prevent 1.5% from being collected. The church spends about 1% of what they collect on charity. There's a shortfall of 0.5%.

Do you attend that church?
but they give more to charity than liberals??
I'll repeat:

Conservatives tend to donate to their churches (tax deductable) which in turn, contribute a small amount of that back to actual charities. The predominant church in my area considers itself a charitable organization for the tax benefits but the actual amount of charity is about 1%.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Our church is a big contributor to feeding the poor and providing services in the community to those that really need it.

This next Sunday morning we will meet at the regular service time and go en mass to the grocery stores and buy food instead of having the normal worship service. We do that several times a year.

What are you going to be doing this Sunday morning Moon Bat, laying in bed?

The third weekend of every month my wife and I go to the grocery store and buy food and donate it to our church's food pantry. We also help to support an orphanage.

What do you do Moon Bat other than bitch that the rich are not being taxed enough?
Not knowing the specifics of your church, I'll try not to discourage your efforts to do good. However, from my experience GENERALLY, church charities shelter tax revenues that would go as far or farther in providing for the poor if they were collected.
how do you figure that?
I base my information on the predominant local church. They collect 10% from their members which is tax exempt meaning that given an average tax rate of 15%, they prevent 1.5% from being collected. The church spends about 1% of what they collect on charity. There's a shortfall of 0.5%.
there are no records that would support that statement on spending for the poor. the poor get theirs no matter what. even above workers in cities. so no, you have no justification for that at all.
The best way to stop being poor is to stop voting for big government Liberals that destroy the economy with failed Left economic policies like increased taxation and onerous regulations.

I base my information on the predominant local church. They collect 10% from their members which is tax exempt meaning that given an average tax rate of 15%, they prevent 1.5% from being collected. The church spends about 1% of what they collect on charity. There's a shortfall of 0.5%.

Do you attend that church?
No. I have family members that do but it doesn't ring true in any way for me.
I'll repeat:

Conservatives tend to donate to their churches (tax deductable) which in turn, contribute a small amount of that back to actual charities. The predominant church in my area considers itself a charitable organization for the tax benefits but the actual amount of charity is about 1%.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Our church is a big contributor to feeding the poor and providing services in the community to those that really need it.

This next Sunday morning we will meet at the regular service time and go en mass to the grocery stores and buy food instead of having the normal worship service. We do that several times a year.

What are you going to be doing this Sunday morning Moon Bat, laying in bed?

The third weekend of every month my wife and I go to the grocery store and buy food and donate it to our church's food pantry. We also help to support an orphanage.

What do you do Moon Bat other than bitch that the rich are not being taxed enough?
Not knowing the specifics of your church, I'll try not to discourage your efforts to do good. However, from my experience GENERALLY, church charities shelter tax revenues that would go as far or farther in providing for the poor if they were collected.
how do you figure that?
I base my information on the predominant local church. They collect 10% from their members which is tax exempt meaning that given an average tax rate of 15%, they prevent 1.5% from being collected. The church spends about 1% of what they collect on charity. There's a shortfall of 0.5%.
there are no records that would support that statement on spending for the poor. the poor get theirs no matter what. even above workers in cities. so no, you have no justification for that at all.
If the poor get theirs no matter what, where does the money come from?
How is enslaving people in generational poverty compassionate?

Dems decimate the economy by denying people access to their own resources and penalizing them for entrepreneurship and industry.

They create a dependent class then whine if anybody says "we don't want to pay for them, let them go to work!"

Stop making it impossible for people to work, dems. You create the starving population in the first place. Why do you hate poor people who just want to work?

If the poor get theirs no matter what, where does the money come from?

The massive US government welfare system.

A system where people get money for doing absolutely nothing.

A system where money is take from the people that earn it by oppressive government force and given away to special interest voting blocks that did nothing to earn the money.
To answer the question in the OP, it's because conservatives are selfish pieces of shit,.

but they give more to charity than liberals??
I'll repeat:

Conservatives tend to donate to their churches (tax deductable) which in turn, contribute a small amount of that back to actual charities. The predominant church in my area considers itself a charitable organization for the tax benefits but the actual amount of charity is about 1%.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Our church is a big contributor to feeding the poor and providing services in the community to those that really need it.

This next Sunday morning we will meet at the regular service time and go en mass to the grocery stores and buy food instead of having the normal worship service. We do that several times a year.

What are you going to be doing this Sunday morning Moon Bat, laying in bed?

The third weekend of every month my wife and I go to the grocery store and buy food and donate it to our church's food pantry. We also help to support an orphanage.

What do you do Moon Bat other than bitch that the rich are not being taxed enough?
Not knowing the specifics of your church, I'll try not to discourage your efforts to do good. However, from my experience GENERALLY, church charities shelter tax revenues that would go as far or farther in providing for the poor if they were collected.

Even if that were true, tell me...are you asserting that they shouldn't give anything at all because they receive LEGAL tax breaks?

That's called cutting off your nose to spite your face. Dems have mastered the art. The thing is, dems do it, in this case, in order to eliminate all outside assistance to the poor class they have created, in order to make them utterly dependent.

Trust me, the waste in government when it comes to money that is supposed to serve the poor is VAST.
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in your opinion. and we know like an asshole, everyone has one. doesn't make your opinion mean anything except you're allowed to voice it.

but you don't know shit about what conservatives believe because you are nothing but a parrot from the left. You wouldn't know our thoughts since you have no thoughts.

Guess I struck a nerve...
And I pointed out fact!

You're confusing fact with opinion, like most retarded conservatives. No wonder you're so confused.
no, 1994 was a fact

WTF are you talking about, you nutjob?

This is what he was POSTING about

Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
if you actually thought about it, it is dems keeping them dependent and holding them back. The repubs want them to be successful. Not sure how you get where you got. your facts are messed up.

If Republicans wanted them to be successful, they'd educate them better and allow them to have decent healthcare. But they don't... in fact they don't want them doing better, if they do better they'll take the jobs they think their children are entitled to.
1994 congress. conservatives say otherwise. D'OH!

GET IT!!! do some research, OH I forgot don't know what real research is because NO liberal knows how.

Harder to do reseach since the oscum admin killed Thomas, and inserted liberal indoctrination narratives into the archives.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
Because they think people are poor because they're lazy and. It because of lack of opportunity or life setbacks

Mostly they think G-d wants them to be poor
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Crap food does that. No groceries in the inner city.
Maybe if the left gave to charity there would be.
Maybe if GOPers weren't mainly racist brainwashed ignoramuses who don't care about social justice...so duped...

If the poor get theirs no matter what, where does the money come from?

The massive US government welfare system.

A system where people get money for doing absolutely nothing.

A system where money is take from the people that earn it by oppressive government force and given away to special interest voting blocks that did nothing to earn the money.
You guys keep saying that. I'd love to see your proof. If people are too lazy to take care of themselves, why would they make the effort to vote?
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Because starchy food is more fattening than healthy food. And it's cheaper to feed a family on mac and cheese than it is roast chicken and fresh vegetables

Have you been living in a cave not to know that?

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