CDZ Why aren't we addressing the gun issue as a cultural problem?

Your hate-based hypocrisy would be funny if I'd didn't make you ignore the suffering and deaths of the vast majority of gun violence victims.

Spare me your feigned compassion. You just admitted you don't give a damn about anything but politics.

I care about getting results....

We have a violence problem because the gun industry has intentionally flooded our streets with guns, to make people scared so they'll want guns too.

When you are knee deep in gasoline, you put away the matches and start cleaning up the gasoline.... you don't get more matches and gas.
That's rediculous.

Violence isn't caused by guns...

Gun ownership had gone up while gun violence has gone down.

Try again
Not equally in fact it is very disproportionate between demographics and especially income levels

The most violence in this country occurs in inner city areas that have been historically plagued by segregation, underemployment, unemployment, the breakdown of the family, generational poverty and the trade in illicit drugs

In fact 25% of all murders committed with guns occurs in very small very well known areas in just 4 cities

Again, we've had this discussion before, and it's more dressing up racism in a nice suit...

It's unacceptable that there's so much gun violence in the inner city. It's unacceptable that we have mass shootings. It's unacceptable that most of us have to live in gated communities, security work places, active shooter drills, and everything else.. so that few nuts can own guns.
Millions of Americans aren't "a few nuts".

We have a Bill of Rights. Get over your political obsession.
Your hate-based hypocrisy would be funny if I'd didn't make you ignore the suffering and deaths of the vast majority of gun violence victims.

Spare me your feigned compassion. You just admitted you don't give a damn about anything but politics.

I care about getting results....

We have a violence problem because the gun industry has intentionally flooded our streets with guns, to make people scared so they'll want guns too.

When you are knee deep in gasoline, you put away the matches and start cleaning up the gasoline.... you don't get more matches and gas.

Wrong...we have a gun violence problem because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison with light sentences.

They don't care about crime, if they did, they would stop letting violent gun offenders out of prison over and over again....
Not equally in fact it is very disproportionate between demographics and especially income levels

The most violence in this country occurs in inner city areas that have been historically plagued by segregation, underemployment, unemployment, the breakdown of the family, generational poverty and the trade in illicit drugs

In fact 25% of all murders committed with guns occurs in very small very well known areas in just 4 cities

Again, we've had this discussion before, and it's more dressing up racism in a nice suit...

It's unacceptable that there's so much gun violence in the inner city. It's unacceptable that we have mass shootings. It's unacceptable that most of us have to live in gated communities, security work places, active shooter drills, and everything else.. so that few nuts can own guns.
No it is being honest about where the majority of violent crimes are committed

I grew up in an inner city area I think I know better than most people what it's like

And FYI most people don't live in gated communities

Most people don't have active shooter drills

So stop the histrionics

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Your hate-based hypocrisy would be funny if I'd didn't make you ignore the suffering and deaths of the vast majority of gun violence victims.

Spare me your feigned compassion. You just admitted you don't give a damn about anything but politics.

I care about getting results....

We have a violence problem because the gun industry has intentionally flooded our streets with guns, to make people scared so they'll want guns too.

When you are knee deep in gasoline, you put away the matches and start cleaning up the gasoline.... you don't get more matches and gas.
--------------------------------------- people buy guns because they want guns , tell me where the NRA Gunstore is so I can check them out JoeB .
LIKE I said the shootings in 'chicago' amount to a bit over a hundred and a few dead / murdered and were just these last 2 weekends JoeB .

Um, actually, no, nowhere near that...... but do keep trying.
----------------------------- here you go JoeB . --- Weekend gun violence down in Chicago, but West Side continues to bear brunt of shootings ---

Your own link admits violence is down... Still horribly high, as it is in the whole country because guns are too easy to get.
Millions of Americans aren't "a few nuts".

We have a Bill of Rights. Get over your political obsession.

50% of the guns are owned by 3% of the population, and those people are indeed nuts.

Because a few hundred years ago, a bunch of slave-rapists couldn't define a militia properly, is not a good reason to let every nut in the country own an arsenal.
Millions of Americans aren't "a few nuts".

We have a Bill of Rights. Get over your political obsession.

50% of the guns are owned by 3% of the population, and those people are indeed nuts.

Because a few hundred years ago, a bunch of slave-rapists couldn't define a militia properly, is not a good reason to let every nut in the country own an arsenal.

How do you define "nut"?
Because a few hundred years ago, a bunch of slave-rapists couldn't define a militia properly, is not a good reason to let every nut in the country own an arsenal.
Everyone understood it meant slave patrols. Wink wink, nudge nudge...they just couldn't actually mention it.
I don't have a simple legislative answer for the gun problem. There are already ten kazillion guns out there, they're easily accessible by any maniac, so legislating along the fringes can only do so much. Can we do some legislating here and there? Sure, let's look at EVERYTHING. But legislation's efficacy will be limited and long term only.

Obviously, our poisoned political environment is going to slow down (or worse) anything major that we try to do. That appears to be the goal, for some reason. But is it possible for us all to look at this as a cultural issue? WHY is life so cheap now? HOW do people become so radicalized? WHAT pushes a damaged person over that last edge of sanity and turns them into a monster? WHEN can we step in without harming a person's liberties?

And perhaps most importantly, how can we COMMUNICATE, COLLABORATE and INNOVATE in this toxic political environment, to SAVE LIVES? Certainly we have to look at entertainment. Certainly we have to look at partisan politics from a macro perspective. Certainly we have to look at the internet. There are some things we all can consider. No?

I think MOST of our problems are cultural, directly or indirectly. This is another example. But we're tying our own hands.
We are skipping over a big part of the answer: Define what a person's liberties are. In no society should it be so easy to kill one another. That should not be a part of a person's "liberties."

No one has the liberty to kill anyone.
A person's right to keep and bear arms is not the right to discharge those firearms anywhere at anytime.

The gun owner must have express permission from the property owner if he wishes to shoot on that property. Most towns have ordinances clearly stating where and when firearms can be discharged.

If a person fires on another person in self defense there is no presumption of innocence and the act of firing on another must be justified by the person who acted in self defense.
Sounds like reasonable infringement to me. So why not restriction on what types of weapons a person can own? Military knock offs with 100 round magazines don't belong in the hands of civilians. As a matter of fact, why in hell do we need bullet proof vests and other body armor? All this military equipment should be kept in the military with folks who need it and are trained to use it properly.
Why do you feel it is necessary to harm the innocent?


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