Why Did Zimmerman Say, "It Was All God's Plan?"

I took from it that the day happened the way it did because
that was the way it was supposed to happen.
God's will or fate or destiny.Call it what you will.

If Zimmerman walked away.
If Trevon chose to walk away and not try to be the tough guy.
What if?

Well it happened the way it did and so here we are.
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I wonder what the Stanford cops really think about "Zimmerman" the wannabe cop.

Well, you're a wanna-be man. I think you're a cocksnorting Liberal queer.
You are an emotional train wreck...


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When Zimmerman was asked by soft-balling interviewer Sean Hannity, if he regrets anything and would have have done anything differently.

The killer, George Zimmerman, said with a grin on his face, "I don't want to speculate...it was all God's will."

That would have been the FIRST question the prosecution would have asked about had Zimmerman decided to take the stand.

I would if I were them.

Zimmerman is TOAST!

"All God's Will".....sounds like the Rep. Elijah Cummings explanation to the Benghazi witnesses, survivors, and victims survivors: "Death is a Part of Life." Wondering if he will use the same explanation to people not happy when Zimmerman is acquitted?

SEARCH: Elijah Cummings and "Death is a Part of Life".
Zimmerman repeats stuff he has heard. He is not Bill Buckley. But that does not make him a murderer...I think he should walk, but if gets 3to5 I will not cry.

Digging your own hole, Marc.
No stupid, that's what Zimmerman did to Trayvon.

Profiled him, sized him up, pursued him, and shot and killed him.

Dug Trayvon's hole nice and deep.

He will not get away with this.

Mark my words.
Have you had your meeting for the riots you plan to hold yet? I know a few loons who may want to join you.

What is it that makes you think that Marc is going to riot? Tell us.
"All God's Will".....sounds like the Rep. Elijah Cummings explanation to the Benghazi witnesses, survivors, and victims survivors: "Death is a Part of Life." Wondering if he will use the same explanation to people not happy when Zimmerman is acquitted?

SEARCH: Elijah Cummings and "Death is a Part of Life".
No, I'm not doing YOUR work for you.

You made a claim, have the balls to back it up!
No stupid, that's what Zimmerman did to Trayvon.

Profiled him, sized him up, pursued him, and shot and killed him.

Dug Trayvon's hole nice and deep.

He will not get away with this.

Mark my words.
Have you had your meeting for the riots you plan to hold yet? I know a few loons who may want to join you.

What is it that makes you think that Marc is going to riot? Tell us.
Perhaps the riot in his brains that my posts give him due to mental abuse...?
Zimmerman's just a dumb guy who did something really stupid. And someone died because of it. Does he deserve consequences? I think yes.

Will he get any consequences? I don't know. We live in a fucked up world after all.

I'm interested to know how you perceived things to have gone down. What did Zimmerman do wrong exactly?

Thats the fucking problem with you ya idiot.

Its not how we "percieve" it went down... we have to go on the facts.

Facts are, Zimmerman is going to be railroaded to make you race baiting fuckers happy.

Hey Marc,
Go fuck yourself ya racist punk! :321:
If Zimmerman had taken the stand and was asked about the gods will question the answer would have been very simple there are many people who believe everything that happens in life is a part gods will and plan and we are not always meant to understand why things happen the way they do.
When Zimmerman was asked by soft-balling interviewer Sean Hannity, if he regrets anything and would have have done anything differently.

The killer, George Zimmerman, said with a grin on his face, "I don't want to speculate...it was all God's will."

That would have been the FIRST question the prosecution would have asked about had Zimmerman decided to take the stand.

I would if I were them.

Zimmerman is TOAST!
To him, it was probably meant the same as someone else saying "que sera, sera."

You're making something out of nothing again, aren't you. ;)
1. he did not have a grin, that is a bald face lie

2. it is clear that he was referring to him still being alive as hannity was asking, repeatedly, about him still being here today

why do some on the left continue to make such bald face lies about this?

marc lied and ran away again...
1. he did not have a grin, that is a bald face lie

2. it is clear that he was referring to him still being alive as hannity was asking, repeatedly, about him still being here today

why do some on the left continue to make such bald face lies about this?

marc lied and ran away again...

Typical... he's a race baiting little punk ass "nagger" :razz:

Yeah, I went there.
When Zimmerman was asked by soft-balling interviewer Sean Hannity, if he regrets anything and would have have done anything differently.

The killer, George Zimmerman, said with a grin on his face, "I don't want to speculate...it was all God's will."

That would have been the FIRST question the prosecution would have asked about had Zimmerman decided to take the stand.

I would if I were them.

Zimmerman is TOAST!

It's a devout persons way of saying"shit happens".
Let it go lefties. You aren't going to get a double jeopardy trial. Why torture yourselves about a jury verdict? Here's a tip, the jihad US Army major is about to go on trial for deliberately shooting about 40 of his own Soldiers. Why not step up and demand that he be executed?

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