Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

So you terminally confused. 3rd party is as good as GOP. 35 years of GOP policy=
The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 35 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/blog/09/04/27/CongratulationstoEmmanuelSaez/
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 = FRB: Z.1 Release - Financial Accounts of the United States - Current Release
5/6 = 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

Overview = http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2010062415/reagan-revolution-home-roost-charts

Third party means I didn't support the GOP candidate, because people like Hillary would never get my vote, she is too corrupt. She reminds me of you a hypocrite who expects others to do but not do it yourself.
"Hilary is corrupt" is pure BS GOP propaganda, dupe...and cowardly corporate media thrown in. ALL investigated, NOTHING.

She lied over and over and over and over again, she couldn't even tell us what a classified email was? LOL!
No lies at all. Comey is a GOP douchebag.

So are you douche, she lied over and over and over. She even claimed she sent tons of emails to her husband and he said he didn't use email. Then there is the lie about her not having two phones, the lady can't help it. She is corrupt and has to lie.
RW BS blown out of all proportion, malevolent gossip, for chumps only. The GOP and its bought off pundits lie nonstop about the facts and policy so they can rip off you and the country- not to mention character assassination. The rich pay all the taxes, we had the best health care-nobody was dying, see sig for all the lies and what they don't tell. Obama had 2 years of control and his policies BS!, crap. A disgrace.
See you are a lying sack of shytte! You don't support unions in anyway shape or form other than words on this message board, yet pieces of shytte like you expect everyone else to be in a union. I bet your eyes are brown.
I vote for the pro-union party, stupid. Everything else is useless.

You don't buy union so you are not helping them at all, you are just enforcing to them why unions aren't working.

You claim everyone should belong to a union, yet you never did, you are a hypocrite.
Means nothing if the GOP busts them...and cut the stupid bs.

if violent unions are good to force better pay for some why not for all? Just pass a violent law to force all wages to $100 per hour. No more poverty and just one simple little law!
Unions were violent back in the 30's lol...man....

They are violent now.

Longview labor dispute escalates with violence, Washington port shutdowns

National Right to Work Foundation » UNION MILITANTS TERRORIZE WORKERS


Union Leaders on Trial for Racketeering and Extortion Plead Guilty
You don't buy union so you are not helping them at all, you are just enforcing to them why unions aren't working.

You claim everyone should belong to a union, yet you never did, you are a hypocrite.
Means nothing if the GOP busts them...and cut the stupid bs.

You said everyone should belong to a union, yet you never did, you are full of shit! You are a first class hypocrite.
That is ridiculous.

You said it jackass!
Never expect a GOP dupe to make sense...

Are you denying that you posted it in this thread?
Third party means I didn't support the GOP candidate, because people like Hillary would never get my vote, she is too corrupt. She reminds me of you a hypocrite who expects others to do but not do it yourself.
"Hilary is corrupt" is pure BS GOP propaganda, dupe...and cowardly corporate media thrown in. ALL investigated, NOTHING.

She lied over and over and over and over again, she couldn't even tell us what a classified email was? LOL!
No lies at all. Comey is a GOP douchebag.

So are you douche, she lied over and over and over. She even claimed she sent tons of emails to her husband and he said he didn't use email. Then there is the lie about her not having two phones, the lady can't help it. She is corrupt and has to lie.
RW BS blown out of all proportion, malevolent gossip, for chumps only. The GOP and its bought off pundits lie nonstop about the facts and policy so they can rip off you and the country- not to mention character assassination. The rich pay all the taxes, we had the best health care-nobody was dying, see sig for all the lies and what they don't tell. Obama had 2 years of control and his policies BS!, crap. A disgrace.

Poor shytte head, you can't face the facts or the truth. Maybe one day you will grow up.
Means nothing if the GOP busts them...and cut the stupid bs.

You said everyone should belong to a union, yet you never did, you are full of shit! You are a first class hypocrite.
That is ridiculous.

You said it jackass!
Never expect a GOP dupe to make sense...

Are you denying that you posted it in this thread?
That doesn't mean I have to organize them, dingbat lol.
You said everyone should belong to a union, yet you never did, you are full of shit! You are a first class hypocrite.
That is ridiculous.

You said it jackass!
Never expect a GOP dupe to make sense...

Are you denying that you posted it in this thread?
That doesn't mean I have to organize them, dingbat lol.

I didn't say that shytte head. You claim everyone should belong to a union and made excuses why you didn't. You don't believe in unions, you are like all the other people on this board that say the love unions.

You never belonged to one, you don't buy from union shops, you don't even own a union car, you just give lip service. You bitch about me, I belonged to a union, shop at union grocery store, owned GMC and Chrysler all my life.

I do more for unions and support them more than you ever have. You little fool.
I vote for the pro-union party, stupid. Everything else is useless.

You don't buy union so you are not helping them at all, you are just enforcing to them why unions aren't working.

You claim everyone should belong to a union, yet you never did, you are a hypocrite.
Means nothing if the GOP busts them...and cut the stupid bs.

if violent unions are good to force better pay for some why not for all? Just pass a violent law to force all wages to $100 per hour. No more poverty and just one simple little law!
Unions were violent back in the 30's lol...man....

They are violent now.

Longview labor dispute escalates with violence, Washington port shutdowns

National Right to Work Foundation » UNION MILITANTS TERRORIZE WORKERS


Union Leaders on Trial for Racketeering and Extortion Plead Guilty
That's what happens when the GOP and corps and CEOs screw them and workers for 35 years...
That is ridiculous.

You said it jackass!
Never expect a GOP dupe to make sense...

Are you denying that you posted it in this thread?
That doesn't mean I have to organize them, dingbat lol.

I didn't say that shytte head. You claim everyone should belong to a union and made excuses why you didn't. You don't believe in unions, you are like all the other people on this board that say the love unions.

You never belonged to one, you don't buy from union shops, you don't even own a union car, you just give lip service. You bitch about me, I belonged to a union, shop at union grocery store, owned GMC and Chrysler all my life.

I do more for unions and support them more than you ever have. You little fool.
You don't vote for them DUHHH. That's politics. This a politics MB. Ferchrissake all I said was everyone should be in a union lol. They're now 7% of private workers thanks to the union busting GOP. Who you parrot all day long here. Hillary is beloved by unions but you believe a pile of GOP shytte about her. So you fecked everything good and true AGAIN. I've bought well used cars all my life lol, so eat shytte and die, dupe. lol. I If I had the money I'd buy an Alfa. lol. Jeebus what a stupid a-hole. My father always bought Chryslers and voted Dem. NOT a GOP tool either of us.
Last edited:
You don't buy union so you are not helping them at all, you are just enforcing to them why unions aren't working.

You claim everyone should belong to a union, yet you never did, you are a hypocrite.
Means nothing if the GOP busts them...and cut the stupid bs.

if violent unions are good to force better pay for some why not for all? Just pass a violent law to force all wages to $100 per hour. No more poverty and just one simple little law!
Unions were violent back in the 30's lol...man....

They are violent now.

Longview labor dispute escalates with violence, Washington port shutdowns

National Right to Work Foundation » UNION MILITANTS TERRORIZE WORKERS


Union Leaders on Trial for Racketeering and Extortion Plead Guilty
That's what happens when the GOP and corps and CEOs screw them and workers for 35 years...

And you told me that only happened in the 30's, another hater dupe lie. Sad you have to lie all the time.
"Hilary is corrupt" is pure BS GOP propaganda, dupe...and cowardly corporate media thrown in. ALL investigated, NOTHING.

She lied over and over and over and over again, she couldn't even tell us what a classified email was? LOL!
No lies at all. Comey is a GOP douchebag.

So are you douche, she lied over and over and over. She even claimed she sent tons of emails to her husband and he said he didn't use email. Then there is the lie about her not having two phones, the lady can't help it. She is corrupt and has to lie.
RW BS blown out of all proportion, malevolent gossip, for chumps only. The GOP and its bought off pundits lie nonstop about the facts and policy so they can rip off you and the country- not to mention character assassination. The rich pay all the taxes, we had the best health care-nobody was dying, see sig for all the lies and what they don't tell. Obama had 2 years of control and his policies BS!, crap. A disgrace.

Poor shytte head, you can't face the facts or the truth. Maybe one day you will grow up.
You parrot GOP lies all day long. You're a GOP dupe.
Means nothing if the GOP busts them...and cut the stupid bs.

if violent unions are good to force better pay for some why not for all? Just pass a violent law to force all wages to $100 per hour. No more poverty and just one simple little law!
Unions were violent back in the 30's lol...man....

They are violent now.

Longview labor dispute escalates with violence, Washington port shutdowns

National Right to Work Foundation » UNION MILITANTS TERRORIZE WORKERS


Union Leaders on Trial for Racketeering and Extortion Plead Guilty
That's what happens when the GOP and corps and CEOs screw them and workers for 35 years...

And you told me that only happened in the 30's, another hater dupe lie. Sad you have to lie all the time.
It IS coming back, because of ignorant dupes like you destroying unions not voting for Dems- but buying union. Useless POS dupe.
You said it jackass!
Never expect a GOP dupe to make sense...

Are you denying that you posted it in this thread?
That doesn't mean I have to organize them, dingbat lol.

I didn't say that shytte head. You claim everyone should belong to a union and made excuses why you didn't. You don't believe in unions, you are like all the other people on this board that say the love unions.

You never belonged to one, you don't buy from union shops, you don't even own a union car, you just give lip service. You bitch about me, I belonged to a union, shop at union grocery store, owned GMC and Chrysler all my life.

I do more for unions and support them more than you ever have. You little fool.
You don't vote for them DUHHH. That's politics. This a politics MB. Ferchrissake all I said was everyone should be in a union lol. They're now 7% of private workers thanks to the union busting GOP. Who you parrot all day long here. Hillary is beloved by unions but you believe a pile of GOP shytte about her. So you fecked everything good and true AGAIN. I've bought well used cars all my life lol, so eat shytte and die, dupe. lol. I bought a new Honda in 1984, and they had great unions AND cars. If I had the money I'd buy an Alfa. lol. Jeebus what a stupid a-hole. My father always bought Chryslers and voted Dem. NOT a GOP tool either of us.

She won the union vote by only 8% dupe! The worst showing by a Democratic candidate since 1984. What a liar! Grow up and quit lying like Hillary.

Also Honda is not unionized and never has been. Stupid lying asshole.
That's what happens when the GOP and corps and CEOs screw them and workers for 35 years...

And you told me that only happened in the 30's, another hater dupe lie. Sad you have to lie all the time.
It IS coming back, because of ignorant dupes like you destroying unions not voting for Dems- but buying union. Useless POS dupe.

Trying to make excuses for your lie? Blaming other for getting caught in a lie? Lol! You are so pathetic.
And mainly parroting ridiculous GOP myth like the OP- absolutely ignorant hate propaganda.
Never expect a GOP dupe to make sense...

Are you denying that you posted it in this thread?
That doesn't mean I have to organize them, dingbat lol.

I didn't say that shytte head. You claim everyone should belong to a union and made excuses why you didn't. You don't believe in unions, you are like all the other people on this board that say the love unions.

You never belonged to one, you don't buy from union shops, you don't even own a union car, you just give lip service. You bitch about me, I belonged to a union, shop at union grocery store, owned GMC and Chrysler all my life.

I do more for unions and support them more than you ever have. You little fool.
You don't vote for them DUHHH. That's politics. This a politics MB. Ferchrissake all I said was everyone should be in a union lol. They're now 7% of private workers thanks to the union busting GOP. Who you parrot all day long here. Hillary is beloved by unions but you believe a pile of GOP shytte about her. So you fecked everything good and true AGAIN. I've bought well used cars all my life lol, so eat shytte and die, dupe. lol. I bought a new Honda in 1984, and they had great unions AND cars. If I had the money I'd buy an Alfa. lol. Jeebus what a stupid a-hole. My father always bought Chryslers and voted Dem. NOT a GOP tool either of us.

She won the union vote by only 8% dupe! The worst showing by a Democratic candidate since 1984. What a liar! Grow up and quit lying like Hillary.

Also Honda is not unionized and never has been. Stupid lying asshole.
Stupid GOP union dupes duh. I said the unions love her, not the silly dupe members...

In Japan? They're not stupid Americans watching Fox and Rush...
Are you denying that you posted it in this thread?
That doesn't mean I have to organize them, dingbat lol.

I didn't say that shytte head. You claim everyone should belong to a union and made excuses why you didn't. You don't believe in unions, you are like all the other people on this board that say the love unions.

You never belonged to one, you don't buy from union shops, you don't even own a union car, you just give lip service. You bitch about me, I belonged to a union, shop at union grocery store, owned GMC and Chrysler all my life.

I do more for unions and support them more than you ever have. You little fool.
You don't vote for them DUHHH. That's politics. This a politics MB. Ferchrissake all I said was everyone should be in a union lol. They're now 7% of private workers thanks to the union busting GOP. Who you parrot all day long here. Hillary is beloved by unions but you believe a pile of GOP shytte about her. So you fecked everything good and true AGAIN. I've bought well used cars all my life lol, so eat shytte and die, dupe. lol. I bought a new Honda in 1984, and they had great unions AND cars. If I had the money I'd buy an Alfa. lol. Jeebus what a stupid a-hole. My father always bought Chryslers and voted Dem. NOT a GOP tool either of us.

She won the union vote by only 8% dupe! The worst showing by a Democratic candidate since 1984. What a liar! Grow up and quit lying like Hillary.

Also Honda is not unionized and never has been. Stupid lying asshole.
Stupid GOP union dupes duh. I said the unions love her, not the silly dupe members...

In Japan? They're not stupid Americans watching Fox and Rush...

Union leaders love her because like with Obama they would have got kickbacks and favors. Union members, the ones you don't give a shytte about, didn't care for her.

Funny you bought the foreign car before Fox and Rush were even on the air. You bought a foreign car and flipped the UAW the bird, what a hypocrite!

Every post you expose yourself more and more as a hypocritical douche. Lol!
BS. If you earn less than 250k and vote GOP, you're a dupe. More than 250, and you're a dupe or a selfish a-hole.I vote for the party that supports unions and the working man and the country, and you don't. AND you spread total hate bs like the OP- absolute RW idiocy, as anyone not brainwashed by crap would know after hearing the truth for 40 pages...I wanted to buy an Dodge Omni but they were CRAP. And NOT because of the unions but because of arrogant stupid GOP management. Thanks Obama for saving GM and Chrysler-Fiat-ALFA.

You lose again, ignorant dupe of the greedy idiot lying GOP rich a-holes...
They are some of the stupidest people I know. Ask anyone of these idiots that claim to love unions if they belong to one, ever belonged to one, shop for only union products, shop in union stores or even own a car made by a union shop and none, not one has ever answered yes. Yet, they want everyone to join one, except themselves. They are hypocrites.
I support unions, which have been destroyed by the NEW BS GOP the last 35 years, MORON. Show me a private school or office in private business that is unionized, fool. lol. Keep voting for lying tools of the greedy rich who brainwash you. A typical GOP moron. "Independant" my ass!

The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
right now there 5.6 million Mike Rowe has been on many shows letting the country know about these jobs. No one is coming for them. Why?

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap
February 15, 2016

Mike Rowe on How to Combat Unemployment & the Skills Gap


March 01, 2017 As seen on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Television host Mike Rowe explained Wednesday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" the importance of fixing the "skills gap" in America.

Rowe said there are 5.6 million job openings waiting to be filled in fields that for the most part do not require a bachelor's degree."
I've been talking about this for years, and so have the Dems, but the GOP refuses cheap training programs and cheap college or college loans, as usual to save the rich and their giant corporation cronies from paying their fair share. Good to see someone on the New BS GOP propaganda machine has woken up finally.
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.
so just as I thought, you have no idea what fair share even means and you parrot it. LOL.

So you think GM is a government union? and you have the gall to laugh at me?
Without Obama's stimulus, there wouldn't be a GM union..
too funny. maybe not, but there'd still be a GM.
BS. If you earn less than 250k and vote GOP, you're a dupe. More than 250, and you're a dupe or a selfish a-hole.I vote for the party that supports unions and the working man and the country, and you don't. AND you spread total hate bs like the OP- absolute RW idiocy, as anyone not brainwashed by crap would know after hearing the truth for 40 pages...I wanted to buy an Dodge Omni but they were CRAP. And NOT because of the unions but because of arrogant stupid GOP management. Thanks Obama for saving GM and Chrysler-Fiat-ALFA.

You lose again, ignorant dupe of the greedy idiot lying GOP rich a-holes...
your hypocrisy on profiling is stupendous.
You don't buy union so you are not helping them at all, you are just enforcing to them why unions aren't working.

You claim everyone should belong to a union, yet you never did, you are a hypocrite.
Means nothing if the GOP busts them...and cut the stupid bs.

You said everyone should belong to a union, yet you never did, you are full of shit! You are a first class hypocrite.
That is ridiculous.

You said it jackass!
Never expect a GOP dupe to make sense...
we understand. your lack of common sense is duly noted in here. as are most libturds. If common sense was needed to keep people alive, the conservatives would be one happy group of people.

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