Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

fifty years and there's been zip improvement except in the 90s with the GOP contract. oops, the GOP did it. you all failed it.
right wing fantasy is all you have. why not post links?
I did. go back and look.
you can't "rest on your laurels". Y'all have nothing but repeal, now.
and I am quite good with repeal only.
repeal is not a better solution at lower cost.
sure it is. the purpose of obummerfail was for less than 10% of the population. We can figure something else out for them and give the 90% back their insurance and money.
So what, you avoid taxes, you have no worries.
yes, no worries, and solutions; the right worries too much and has nothing but repeal, as a result.

You have never posted a solution on this board, the left doesn't solve, the left divides,
The left is on board with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; the right has no economic answers, only social answers. hate is a "social answer".

Left doesn't solve, they divide. This thread is a good example.
The left is on board with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, that is a solution to social services paying fourteen dollars an hour; the right has no economic answers, only social answers.
right wing fantasy is all you have. why not post links?
I did. go back and look.
you can't "rest on your laurels". Y'all have nothing but repeal, now.
and I am quite good with repeal only.
repeal is not a better solution at lower cost.
sure it is. the purpose of obummerfail was for less than 10% of the population. We can figure something else out for them and give the 90% back their insurance and money.
don't you think, that if the right wing had anything more than repeal, they would already be doing that very thing?
yes, no worries, and solutions; the right worries too much and has nothing but repeal, as a result.

You have never posted a solution on this board, the left doesn't solve, the left divides,
The left is on board with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; the right has no economic answers, only social answers. hate is a "social answer".

Left doesn't solve, they divide. This thread is a good example.
The left is on board with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, that is a solution to social services paying fourteen dollars an hour; the right has no economic answers, only social answers.
I believe in unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, for Labor that may not be ready for, "prime time".
I did. go back and look.
you can't "rest on your laurels". Y'all have nothing but repeal, now.
and I am quite good with repeal only.
repeal is not a better solution at lower cost.
sure it is. the purpose of obummerfail was for less than 10% of the population. We can figure something else out for them and give the 90% back their insurance and money.
don't you think, that if the right wing had anything more than repeal, they would already be doing that very thing?
sometimes I just have to laugh. dude, to make the changes necessary the senate needs 60 votes. you really think the dems are going to work with the repubs? really? But, they can repeal and force their hand. That is why I'm for it.
You have never posted a solution on this board, the left doesn't solve, the left divides,
The left is on board with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; the right has no economic answers, only social answers. hate is a "social answer".

Left doesn't solve, they divide. This thread is a good example.
The left is on board with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, that is a solution to social services paying fourteen dollars an hour; the right has no economic answers, only social answers.
I believe in unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, for Labor that may not be ready for, "prime time".
dude, are you like the Eveready bunny hitting a fking wall or something. I have no idea what this gibberish is supposed to mean. I have asked at least five times for you to present this in english. And you keep repeating the gibberish.
Last edited:
You have never posted a solution on this board, the left doesn't solve, the left divides,
The left is on board with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; the right has no economic answers, only social answers. hate is a "social answer".

Left doesn't solve, they divide. This thread is a good example.
The left is on board with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, that is a solution to social services paying fourteen dollars an hour; the right has no economic answers, only social answers.
I believe in unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, for Labor that may not be ready for, "prime time".

I believe in giving career students a trailer to live in and a fishing pole so they can eat.
The left is on board with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; the right has no economic answers, only social answers. hate is a "social answer".

Left doesn't solve, they divide. This thread is a good example.
The left is on board with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, that is a solution to social services paying fourteen dollars an hour; the right has no economic answers, only social answers.
I believe in unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, for Labor that may not be ready for, "prime time".
dude, are you like the Eveready bunny hitting a fking wall or something. I have no idea what this jibbersh is supposed to mean. I have asked at least five times for you to present this in english. And you keep repeating the jibberish.

I have asked him to clarify some of his talking points and he doesn't. He just makes shit up and then pretends he knows what he is talking about.

That is why he has no credibility when it comes to economics and at will work.
I support unions, which have been destroyed by the NEW BS GOP the last 35 years, MORON. Show me a private school or office in private business that is unionized, fool. lol. Keep voting for lying tools of the greedy rich who brainwash you. A typical GOP moron. "Independant" my ass!

The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
I've been talking about this for years, and so have the Dems, but the GOP refuses cheap training programs and cheap college or college loans, as usual to save the rich and their giant corporation cronies from paying their fair share. Good to see someone on the New BS GOP propaganda machine has woken up finally.
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.
so just as I thought, you have no idea what fair share even means and you parrot it. LOL.

So you think GM is a government union? and you have the gall to laugh at me?
Without Obama's stimulus, there wouldn't be a GM union..
too funny. maybe not, but there'd still be a GM.
The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.
so just as I thought, you have no idea what fair share even means and you parrot it. LOL.

So you think GM is a government union? and you have the gall to laugh at me?
Without Obama's stimulus, there wouldn't be a GM union..
too funny. maybe not, but there'd still be a GM.
sure there would. you're a fool to think differently. There may not be saturns, but there'd be chevies and buicks and GMCs. it is simply amazing the level of stupid you spew.
Means nothing if the GOP busts them...and cut the stupid bs.

You said everyone should belong to a union, yet you never did, you are full of shit! You are a first class hypocrite.
That is ridiculous.

You said it jackass!
Never expect a GOP dupe to make sense...
we understand. your lack of common sense is duly noted in here. as are most libturds. If common sense was needed to keep people alive, the conservatives would be one happy group of people.
RW common sense is a brainwashed joke. They believe a pile of crap propaganda and parrot idiotic talking points and ridiculous insults, and don't know 3/4 of the news...change the channel.
You said everyone should belong to a union, yet you never did, you are full of shit! You are a first class hypocrite.
That is ridiculous.

You said it jackass!
Never expect a GOP dupe to make sense...
we understand. your lack of common sense is duly noted in here. as are most libturds. If common sense was needed to keep people alive, the conservatives would be one happy group of people.
RW common sense is a brainwashed joke. They believe a pile of crap propaganda and parrot idiotic talking points and ridiculous insults, and don't know 3/4 of the news...change the channel.
talking points? TALKING POINTS? Son, too funny. The only people with talking points is the left. they live and breathe with talking points. One mind is what the left is. wrapped up like a burrito.
???? LOL!
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.
so just as I thought, you have no idea what fair share even means and you parrot it. LOL.

So you think GM is a government union? and you have the gall to laugh at me?
Without Obama's stimulus, there wouldn't be a GM union..
too funny. maybe not, but there'd still be a GM.
sure there would. you're a fool to think differently. There may not be saturns, but there'd be chevies and buicks and GMCs. it is simply amazing the level of stupid you spew.
There was no money around for anyone to pick up the pieces. The GOP would have presided over a full blown corrupt depression like 1929-32.
so just as I thought, you have no idea what fair share even means and you parrot it. LOL.

So you think GM is a government union? and you have the gall to laugh at me?
Without Obama's stimulus, there wouldn't be a GM union..
too funny. maybe not, but there'd still be a GM.
sure there would. you're a fool to think differently. There may not be saturns, but there'd be chevies and buicks and GMCs. it is simply amazing the level of stupid you spew.
There was no money around for anyone to pick up the pieces. The GOP would have presided over a full blown corrupt depression like 1929-32.
sure there was. It's called bankruptcy you goofball.
That is ridiculous.

You said it jackass!
Never expect a GOP dupe to make sense...
we understand. your lack of common sense is duly noted in here. as are most libturds. If common sense was needed to keep people alive, the conservatives would be one happy group of people.
RW common sense is a brainwashed joke. They believe a pile of crap propaganda and parrot idiotic talking points and ridiculous insults, and don't know 3/4 of the news...change the channel.
talking points? TALKING POINTS? Son, too funny. The only people with talking points is the left. they live and breathe with talking points. One mind is what the left is. wrapped up like a burrito.
Sorry, we don't HAVE a FOX/Rush propaganda machine for the dupes. It's a disgrace, as are you. There's that, and then there's the rest of the world media. You're a dupe of about 8 greedy lying RW media billionaires, fool.
Without Obama's stimulus, there wouldn't be a GM union..
too funny. maybe not, but there'd still be a GM.
sure there would. you're a fool to think differently. There may not be saturns, but there'd be chevies and buicks and GMCs. it is simply amazing the level of stupid you spew.
There was no money around for anyone to pick up the pieces. The GOP would have presided over a full blown corrupt depression like 1929-32.
sure there was. It's called bankruptcy you goofball.
Only the gov't had money, and the GOP would only use it to bail out the greedy idiot GOP cronies on Wall ST/private lenders who caused it DUH.
right wing fantasy is all you have. why not post links?
I did. go back and look.
you can't "rest on your laurels". Y'all have nothing but repeal, now.
and I am quite good with repeal only.
repeal is not a better solution at lower cost.
sure it is. the purpose of obummerfail was for less than 10% of the population. We can figure something else out for them and give the 90% back their insurance and money.
You chumps and GOP scammers can only figure out tax cuts for the rich and how to wreck the world. You're a total dupe.
You said it jackass!
Never expect a GOP dupe to make sense...
we understand. your lack of common sense is duly noted in here. as are most libturds. If common sense was needed to keep people alive, the conservatives would be one happy group of people.
RW common sense is a brainwashed joke. They believe a pile of crap propaganda and parrot idiotic talking points and ridiculous insults, and don't know 3/4 of the news...change the channel.
talking points? TALKING POINTS? Son, too funny. The only people with talking points is the left. they live and breathe with talking points. One mind is what the left is. wrapped up like a burrito.
Sorry, we don't HAVE a FOX/Rush propaganda machine for the dupes. It's a disgrace, as are you. There's that, and then there's the rest of the world media. You're a dupe of about 8 greedy lying RW media billionaires, fool.
seeing I don't listen to the idiots in the media, it would be hard pressed to talk about what they say. Profiling is a very strange tool to use to justify a post. but I know, it is part of the talking points memo to bring up FOX and Rush and all of them. When you submit your timesheet, I can sign it stating you used the talking points from the memo.
I did. go back and look.
you can't "rest on your laurels". Y'all have nothing but repeal, now.
and I am quite good with repeal only.
repeal is not a better solution at lower cost.
sure it is. the purpose of obummerfail was for less than 10% of the population. We can figure something else out for them and give the 90% back their insurance and money.
You chumps and GOP scammers can only figure out tax cuts for the rich and how to wreck the world. You're a total dupe.
and more talking points. wow, you're good at this.

Do you have any original thoughts?
you can't "rest on your laurels". Y'all have nothing but repeal, now.
and I am quite good with repeal only.
repeal is not a better solution at lower cost.
sure it is. the purpose of obummerfail was for less than 10% of the population. We can figure something else out for them and give the 90% back their insurance and money.
You chumps and GOP scammers can only figure out tax cuts for the rich and how to wreck the world. You're a total dupe.
and more talking points. wow, you're good at this.

Do you have any original thoughts?

Franco parrots the left wing party almost verbatim. He doesn't have his own thoughts, just the thoughts he is told.

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