Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Under Democratic Presidents, Minorities Make Economic Gains - And So Do Whites | Scholars Strategy Network

Under Democratic presidents, black families’ incomes grew on average $895 dollars annually, but grew only by $142 dollars under Republicans. The black unemployment rate fell by a net 7.9 percentage points across the 26 years of Democratic leadership, but went up by a net of 13.7 points during 28 years of Republican presidencies. Across the years of Democratic leadership, black poverty declined by a net of 23.6 percentage points, but grew by three points when Republicans held the White House.

So fortunate that Presidents control every aspect of our economy, and Congress nor Senate does.
The price of food going up will hurt the poor, not to mention our exports.

You can thank your local environmentalist for that. Increasing food prices is what happens when your environmentalists promote burning up your food supply for fuel instead of oil.
And yours sound like a left wing democrat.

Probably on this thread. I can think of ways dems have tried to help the poor. Repubs I have nothing for at this time.

And you are liberal in most threads.

I can't think of any way the left has helped the poor, all they have done have found ways to keep more people on subsidized something.

Good job!

And you can't think of ways republicans have helped them either.

I didn't make any claims did I? The Democrats are the ones that claim they help the poor and blacks, I call BS. All you have done is divert the thread away from your Democrats.

Wouldn't it be nice if one party was able to do more to help them?

Well we know that it won't be the Democrats or Republicans, maybe you can find a party that will.
why should capitalists get a tax break for simply working their capital?

Highest corporate rate in the world...where is the break?
nothing but diversion? why should capitalists get a tax break for simply working their capital? they have to work it, anyway. labor should get a tax break for actually working.

Why should they be punished, if the punishment reduces revenues to the government and reduces business formation?
so they will do a better job; a high rate of business failure only wastes money.

Over tax the successful ones....to make them do better?
no more "UnderTaxing" for mere speculation! end the capital gains distinction for income.

The proper tax rate for capital gains is 0%.
Well then you are a partisan nut job. The evidence has been clear, sorry your partisanship puts you at a huge disadvantage.

I'm an independent. Just call it as I see it.
Isn't that interesting. Papa tries to paint himself as an independent and everyone else is a partisan nut job. I sense he is more a right wing partisan hack than he is a moderate and now I see he's calling another independent a partisan nut job.

Do you think Papa can put into words how the GOP are racist? Do you think he would dare? He sure likes to swallow right wing talking points and spew that bullshit but I never hear him be honest about Republicans. Why is that papa?

His posts sure sounded republican...

And yours sound like a left wing democrat.

Probably on this thread. I can think of ways dems have tried to help the poor. Repubs I have nothing for at this time.

I'm going to love this: how did Democrats try to help the poor?
nothing but diversion? why should capitalists get a tax break for simply working their capital? they have to work it, anyway. labor should get a tax break for actually working.

Why should they be punished, if the punishment reduces revenues to the government and reduces business formation?
so they will do a better job; a high rate of business failure only wastes money.

Over tax the successful ones....to make them do better?
no more "UnderTaxing" for mere speculation! end the capital gains distinction for income.

The proper tax rate for capital gains is 0%.
there should be no capital gains preference.
You don't have to agree with somebody to like them. Don't you have conservative friends, family members or coworkers?

There are liberals I do like and Colmes happened to be one of them. He presented the liberal point of view in an articulate and intelligent way, something very rare among liberals. To be honest, I always liked James Carville as well. I don't agree with anything he says, but he seems like a happy go lucky guy that I wouldn't mind having a beer with.

I love Carville, he and his wife prove that opposites attract.
Lies are lies, and you dupes believe a giant pile of them. Here's hoping Trump learns that and jettisons Bannon and the lies and goes middle party.

I like Carville and Colmes, sounds like you are the piece of crap that is lying. You on the left are just intolerant of others opinions, now go crawl back into your cave, Neanderthal.
I'm just intolerant of the lies and bs propaganda that are the base of all your misinformed "opinions", dupes... Most of my friends are dupes, but it's hard when many hate you for the facts. So I don't talk politics with them.

Facts! Lol! You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the behind.
Check my sig, all fact. More than you referred in years.
I'm an independent. Just call it as I see it.
Isn't that interesting. Papa tries to paint himself as an independent and everyone else is a partisan nut job. I sense he is more a right wing partisan hack than he is a moderate and now I see he's calling another independent a partisan nut job.

Do you think Papa can put into words how the GOP are racist? Do you think he would dare? He sure likes to swallow right wing talking points and spew that bullshit but I never hear him be honest about Republicans. Why is that papa?

His posts sure sounded republican...

And yours sound like a left wing democrat.

Probably on this thread. I can think of ways dems have tried to help the poor. Repubs I have nothing for at this time.

I'm going to love this: how did Democrats try to help the poor?
ACA, min wage, SS, UE, HEAP, Food stamps, welfare, ay caramba, fool. All the stuff you dupes bitch about endlessly...
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If you tax over 10 million 80%, their pay goes down magically. That's what's missing.

How does that help our economy overall?
It gives us tons of money to invest in training and education for 3-6 million tech jobs going begging, make us more like Germany instead of an oligarchy with everyone selling cheeseburgers and insurance to each other- AND invest in our collapsing infrastructure. That's what we need to take advantage of the new markets from free trade, and the GOP has blocked for 35 years...

It gives us tons of money to invest in training and education for 3-6 million tech jobs going begging

The Federal government took in over $3.3 trillion last year and spent about $4 trillion.
They did such an excellent job that you want to give them even more money? DERP!
The GOP has cut taxes on the rich so much we have a flat tax now with the rich getting all the new wealth, superdupe.
It gives us tons of money to invest in training and education for 3-6 million tech jobs going begging, make us more like Germany instead of an oligarchy with everyone selling cheeseburgers and insurance to each other- AND invest in our collapsing infrastructure. That's what we need to take advantage of the new markets from free trade, and the GOP has blocked for 35 years...

You wouldn't collect a dime more in income taxes. In fact, you would probably collect less. People on welfare easily figured out how to game the system. They quit getting married so they could collect more in benefits. You don't think multi-millionaires, their attorneys, accountants along with the companies wouldn't find an easy work around?

How Bill Clinton Helped Boost CEO Pay
A law he championed to curb compensation has backfired -- and pay packages have exploded
November 27, 2006, 12:00 AM EST
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Bill Clinton had what he thought was a great idea to curb the soaring paychecks of the nation's executives. It was 1991, shortly after the launch of his Presidential campaign, and he had just read a best seller on corporate greed by compensation guru Graef Crystal.

Clinton's brainstorm: Use the tax code to curb excessive pay. Companies at the time were allowed to deduct all compensation to top executives. Clinton wanted to permit companies to write off amounts over $1 million only if executives hit specified performance goals. He called Crystal for his thoughts. "Utterly stupid," the consultant says he told the future President.

Now, 13 years after Clinton's plan became law, the results are clear: It didn't work. Over the law's first decade, average compensation for chief executives at companies in Standard & Poor's 500-stock index soared from $3.7 million to $9.1 million, according to a 2005 Harvard Law School study. The law contains so many obvious loopholes, says Crystal, that "in 10 minutes even Forrest Gump could think up five ways around it."

Read more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2006-11-26/how-bill-clinton-helped-boost-ceo-pay
Why should they be punished, if the punishment reduces revenues to the government and reduces business formation?
so they will do a better job; a high rate of business failure only wastes money.

Over tax the successful ones....to make them do better?
no more "UnderTaxing" for mere speculation! end the capital gains distinction for income.

The proper tax rate for capital gains is 0%.
there should be no capital gains preference.

Or category. Should be tax free.
Then win over the people in the city. Step one, put some fucking jobs there rather than sending them to the white burbs and Mexico. Step 2, hire black people.

Are you suggesting that most of the people in a black city get welfare? Then you are fool because they don't. So then most people in the city would go along with you and your fucked up ideas if they worked. They don't so even working black people reject you. We all reject you. I hate fish. LOL

Sealybobo, Step one: how do you "PUT" jobs in an area? Step 2, are you suggesting discrimination is a good thing now?

Curious, I didn't know we have black cities and white cities. Do we have brown cities too?
Ever hear of white flight? Those are black cities. Don't deny your history
You don't have to agree with somebody to like them. Don't you have conservative friends, family members or coworkers?

There are liberals I do like and Colmes happened to be one of them. He presented the liberal point of view in an articulate and intelligent way, something very rare among liberals. To be honest, I always liked James Carville as well. I don't agree with anything he says, but he seems like a happy go lucky guy that I wouldn't mind having a beer with.

I love Carville, he and his wife prove that opposites attract.
Lies are lies, and you dupes believe a giant pile of them. Here's hoping Trump learns that and jettisons Bannon and the lies and goes middle party.

I like Carville and Colmes, sounds like you are the piece of crap that is lying. You on the left are just intolerant of others opinions, now go crawl back into your cave, Neanderthal.
I'm just intolerant of the lies and bs propaganda that are the base of all your misinformed "opinions", dupes... Most of my friends are dupes, but it's hard when many hate you for the facts. So I don't talk politics with them.

Facts! Lol! You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the behind.
I've talked to such brainwashed Republicans the last couple days. Unable to rationally discuss the facts.

When I tried to point out how Republicans told Obama no when he asked to bomb Syria I got two responses, no three

A. He's a Muslim
B. He was weak
C. I must be watching MSNBC.
If you tax over 10 million 80%, their pay goes down magically. That's what's missing.

How does that help our economy overall?
It gives us tons of money to invest in training and education for 3-6 million tech jobs going begging, make us more like Germany instead of an oligarchy with everyone selling cheeseburgers and insurance to each other- AND invest in our collapsing infrastructure. That's what we need to take advantage of the new markets from free trade, and the GOP has blocked for 35 years...

make us more like Germany instead of an oligarchy with everyone selling cheeseburgers and insurance to each other

To funny Franco

I love Carville, he and his wife prove that opposites attract.
Lies are lies, and you dupes believe a giant pile of them. Here's hoping Trump learns that and jettisons Bannon and the lies and goes middle party.

I like Carville and Colmes, sounds like you are the piece of crap that is lying. You on the left are just intolerant of others opinions, now go crawl back into your cave, Neanderthal.
I'm just intolerant of the lies and bs propaganda that are the base of all your misinformed "opinions", dupes... Most of my friends are dupes, but it's hard when many hate you for the facts. So I don't talk politics with them.

Facts! Lol! You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the behind.
I've talked to such brainwashed Republicans the last couple days. Unable to rationally discuss the facts.

When I tried to point out how Republicans told Obama no when he asked to bomb Syria I got two responses, no three

A. He's a Muslim
B. He was weak
C. I must be watching MSNBC.

You forgot about the third he didn't need to ask...

And he asked them weeks later, Trump bombed them days latter

I'm an independent. Just call it as I see it.
Isn't that interesting. Papa tries to paint himself as an independent and everyone else is a partisan nut job. I sense he is more a right wing partisan hack than he is a moderate and now I see he's calling another independent a partisan nut job.

Do you think Papa can put into words how the GOP are racist? Do you think he would dare? He sure likes to swallow right wing talking points and spew that bullshit but I never hear him be honest about Republicans. Why is that papa?

His posts sure sounded republican...

And yours sound like a left wing democrat.

Probably on this thread. I can think of ways dems have tried to help the poor. Repubs I have nothing for at this time.

And you are liberal in most threads.

I can't think of any way the left has helped the poor, all they have done have found ways to keep more people on subsidized something.

Good job!
You mean affordable healthcare?

Everything else we wanted to try you Republicans said no. No let's see the wealth gap shrink under GOP rule. It won't but you won't care because you're a fucking republican
If you tax over 10 million 80%, their pay goes down magically. That's what's missing.

How does that help our economy overall?
It gives us tons of money to invest in training and education for 3-6 million tech jobs going begging, make us more like Germany instead of an oligarchy with everyone selling cheeseburgers and insurance to each other- AND invest in our collapsing infrastructure. That's what we need to take advantage of the new markets from free trade, and the GOP has blocked for 35 years...

make us more like Germany instead of an oligarchy with everyone selling cheeseburgers and insurance to each other

To funny Franco

Also fact. The GOP has been holding their rich brainwashers' taxes down for 35 years and are still waiting for it to trickle down like it never has...
Under Democratic Presidents, Minorities Make Economic Gains - And So Do Whites | Scholars Strategy Network

Under Democratic presidents, black families’ incomes grew on average $895 dollars annually, but grew only by $142 dollars under Republicans. The black unemployment rate fell by a net 7.9 percentage points across the 26 years of Democratic leadership, but went up by a net of 13.7 points during 28 years of Republican presidencies. Across the years of Democratic leadership, black poverty declined by a net of 23.6 percentage points, but grew by three points when Republicans held the White House.

Try again Brian...


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