Why Do Poor Whites Vote Republican?

It's race. It's because of race. Duh. Poor whites resent the government assistance that blacks receive because poor whites do not believe that poor blacks deserve assistance, and poor whites resent the presence of Hispanics, who they view as usurpers, here illegally and stealing peoples' jobs. Poor whites vote GOP because the GOP is willing to be quite hostile to both blacks and Hispanics in exchange for votes of poor whites. I could have saved this writer a whole lot of time and money.

There is much more to it, but for a good number of poor whites, this is very much the case, especially those living in southern states, or states that have that southern mentality where blacks are still considered second class citizens by most whites.

oh boy
you people have it all figured out don't you
so it must be about race for blacks to
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Really, what is it anyone's business why or who people vote for

And why don't we see all the concerned articles on why poor blacks vote Democrat
There is nothing more vexing to liberals than poor Republicans.

One fails to see why.

Many are motivated solely by partisan politics. Still more are likely social conservatives or Christian fundamentalists, opposed to marriage equality, due process rights for immigrants, and privacy rights.

That they vote republican is understandable.

Broad brush with stereotypes much?
Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

Republicans are against abortion, equal rights for women and they play like they're Christians and throw in a bunch of horse shit about this being a Christian nation. Most of the poor cling to their religion and their guns. That's the biggest part of the answer. The other things is that many of them are outright dreamers. It's like Joe the plumber who snaked out septic tanks and dreamed of one day owning the company. He could already see himself having to pay higher taxes on his half a million dollar income. In the south it's not the exception...it's the rule. Add to that the NRA and Republican support for them and VOILA!!! A bible thumpin', gun totin' tobacco chewing Republican redneck.

Look at a political map.......the entire south is blood red:

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Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

Republicans are against abortion, equal rights for women and they play like they're Christians and throw in a bunch of horse shit about this being a Christian nation. Most of the poor cling to their religion and their guns. That's the biggest part of the answer. The other things is that many of them are outright dreamers. It's like Joe the plumber who snaked out septic tanks and dreamed of one day owning the company. He could already see himself having to pay higher taxes on his half a million dollar income. In the south it's not the exception...it's the rule. Add to that the NRA and Republican support for them and VOILA!!! A bible thuimpin', gun totin' tobacco chewing Republican redneck.

Look at a political map.......the entire south is blood red:


and we club seals too
Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

Republicans are against abortion, equal rights for women and they play like they're Christians and throw in a bunch of horse shit about this being a Christian nation. Most of the poor cling to their religion and their guns. That's the biggest part of the answer. The other things is that many of them are outright dreamers. It's like Joe the plumber who snaked out septic tanks and dreamed of one day owning the company. He could already see himself having to pay higher taxes on his half a million dollar income. In the south it's not the exception...it's the rule. Add to that the NRA and Republican support for them and VOILA!!! A bible thumpin', gun totin' tobacco chewing Republican redneck.

Look at a political map.......the entire south is blood red:


How horrible, there are people out there who are against the killing of the children in this country with abortion..
so because of that you are called, a bible thumpin, gun totin tobacco chewing redneck
You see, this is how liberals-Democrats view the people in this country who don't THINK like they do..so why would anyone want to be a Democrat is beyond me
Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

Republicans are against abortion, equal rights for women and they play like they're Christians and throw in a bunch of horse shit about this being a Christian nation. Most of the poor cling to their religion and their guns. That's the biggest part of the answer. The other things is that many of them are outright dreamers. It's like Joe the plumber who snaked out septic tanks and dreamed of one day owning the company. He could already see himself having to pay higher taxes on his half a million dollar income. In the south it's not the exception...it's the rule. Add to that the NRA and Republican support for them and VOILA!!! A bible thumpin', gun totin' tobacco chewing Republican redneck.

Look at a political map.......the entire south is blood red:


People can be for equal rights etc and still not be dimwitcraps.

Get out of your two dimensional pigeonhole for a while.
Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

The ignorant and stupid ones vote Democrat. People who don't want to be on welfare the rest of their lives vote Republican.

You think anyone wants to be on welfare? Or do you just think that you are better because you are on welfare because of circumstances and "those people' are leeches by nature?
Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

The ignorant and stupid ones vote Democrat. People who don't want to be on welfare the rest of their lives vote Republican.

You think anyone wants to be on welfare?

Some people do. Denying that is naive.

Or do you just think that you are better because you are on welfare because of circumstances and "those people' are leeches by nature?

Some are.
While not poor, I think I understand why a lot of working class whites vote Republican. I did for decades.

First, the social issues can't be understated. People by nature like orderly society and dislike permissiveness. So abortion, gay marriage, etc. have been very effective in getting people worked up about issues that don't really have much effect on your life.

Second, most Americans don't like the passive foriegn policy advocated by Democrats after Vietnam.

On the economic issues, people don't see the connection between free trade, right to work, union-busting and their declining middle class lifestyle.

Guy I grew up with posts anti-Obama screeds on Facebook every day. Even his friends are sick of it. The ironic thing is, he has a job with the City , unionized, good benefits, and that would all go away if Republicans ever got their way.
The ignorant and stupid ones vote Democrat. People who don't want to be on welfare the rest of their lives vote Republican.

You think anyone wants to be on welfare?

Some people do. Denying that is naive.

Or do you just think that you are better because you are on welfare because of circumstances and "those people' are leeches by nature?

Some are.

more do today than ever before..it used to b people had more pride and found a way to take care of themselves and their families

but when you have a party releasing videos of how you can have a wonderful life of Julia
Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

Republicans are against abortion, equal rights for women and they play like they're Christians and throw in a bunch of horse shit about this being a Christian nation. Most of the poor cling to their religion and their guns. That's the biggest part of the answer. The other things is that many of them are outright dreamers. It's like Joe the plumber who snaked out septic tanks and dreamed of one day owning the company. He could already see himself having to pay higher taxes on his half a million dollar income. In the south it's not the exception...it's the rule. Add to that the NRA and Republican support for them and VOILA!!! A bible thuimpin', gun totin' tobacco chewing Republican redneck.

Look at a political map.......the entire south is blood red:


and we club seals too

If you continue to club 'em you've won your last presidential election.
Why Do Poor Whites Vote Republican?

Thier is a good reason why most people are poor. They are as dumb as bags of doorknobs.

Religious affiliation. They get hammered on things such as gays and guns and abortion.

Then they vote agaist ALL thier other best interests even though gays don't affect them ..no one is taking anyones guns away and never will and the needle on abortion hasn't moved in like 50 years and never will no matter how much noise is raised about it.
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Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

The ignorant and stupid ones vote Democrat. People who don't want to be on welfare the rest of their lives vote Republican.

You think anyone wants to be on welfare? Or do you just think that you are better because you are on welfare because of circumstances and "those people' are leeches by nature?

Actually, I feel strongly that people make mistakes and find it easy to allow someone else to bail them out. Once they get placed in that groove, it is like being in the "C" reading group in grammar school --- it's nearly impossible to get out of without a lot of extra work. And a free ride is so much easier once someone gets used to the idea.
Why Do Poor Whites Vote Republican?

The REAL answer is the one the Democratic party truly wants to forget.

LIMO LIBERALISM is no less obnoxious to many of us (even many of us who lean left) than LIMO Conservatism.

I know some of you true blue liberals who live in a world of absolutes aren't capable of thinking critically enough to understand this but the LIBERALS ran this nation for 40 years (1940- 1980) and they SCREWED the working class, too.

So naturally a whole lot of their victims turned to the GOP for help.

Those people were called REAGAN DEMOCRATS. (mostly I blame that development on a very badly designed Affirmative Action system)

Today the Reagan DEM successor's (the next generation, you folks who are 30 -50) are calling themselves conservatives or libertarians.
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Why Do Poor Whites Vote Republican?

Thier is a good reason why most people are poor. They are as dumb as bags of doorknobs.

Religious affiliation. They get hammered on things such as gays and guns and abortion.

Then they vote agaist ALL thier other best interests even though gays don't affect them ..no one is taking anyones guns away and never will and the needle on abortion hasn't moved in like 50 years and never will no matter how much noise is raised about it.
And, what's your excuse for the other side?:eusa_whistle:

Also, when proclaiming "they are as dumb as bags of doorknobs"......ya' might want to do a lil' spell checking before posting your reply, brother.

Just sayin'.
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Why Do Poor Whites Vote Republican?

Thier is a good reason why most people are poor. They are as dumb as bags of doorknobs.

Religious affiliation. They get hammered on things such as gays and guns and abortion.

Then they vote agaist ALL thier other best interests even though gays don't affect them ..no one is taking anyones guns away and never will and the needle on abortion hasn't moved in like 50 years and never will no matter how much noise is raised about it.
And, what's your excuse for the other side?:eusa_whistle:

The other side of what exactly? I just believe that the motivations I have listed are ignorant.

The reason much of the infrestructure of this country is falling apart and the good jobs that the maintainace of roads. bridges and the other structures and new projects that are needed and would help finalize the recovery of our economy is being held hostage over the nonsense issues I previously laid out...plus just the sheer ignorance and hateful anti Obama spirit in congress. Just a bunch of butt hurt assholes fucking America for no good reason. Just blind Ignorance. There is no "other(reasonable) side" of my point..just an anti American side.

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