Why Do Poor Whites Vote Republican?

Here in NY you can get a carton for $15 at a reservation...lol. UPSTATE!!

wow not the normal comeback I normarly get in political forums when I bring this up, the normal reponse is some crap about saving lifes....lol ~ but do the busses in the bronx go all that way? I have seen $16 dollar cartons down here but they are local small bussiness "floor sweeps" what I call them. 2 hits the smoke is done....
Why Do Poor Whites Vote Republican?

Thier is a good reason why most people are poor. They are as dumb as bags of doorknobs.

Religious affiliation. They get hammered on things such as gays and guns and abortion.

Then they vote agaist ALL thier other best interests even though gays don't affect them ..no one is taking anyones guns away and never will and the needle on abortion hasn't moved in like 50 years and never will no matter how much noise is raised about it.
And, what's your excuse for the other side?:eusa_whistle:

The other side of what exactly? I just believe that the motivations I have listed are ignorant.

The reason much of the infrestructure of this country is falling apart and the good jobs that the maintainace of roads. bridges and the other structures and new projects that are needed and would help finalize the recovery of our economy is being held hostage over the nonsense issues I previously laid out...plus just the sheer ignorance and hateful anti Obama spirit in congress. Just a bunch of butt hurt assholes fucking America for no good reason. Just blind Ignorance. There is no "other(reasonable) side" of my point..just an anti American side.
And what about the side you don't hate....what keeps them "poor"?

Surely they too must have motivations that are ignorant, seeing as though they're dumb as a bag of doorknobs....what would THEIR motivations be?
Republicans are against abortion, equal rights for women and they play like they're Christians and throw in a bunch of horse shit about this being a Christian nation. Most of the poor cling to their religion and their guns. That's the biggest part of the answer. The other things is that many of them are outright dreamers. It's like Joe the plumber who snaked out septic tanks and dreamed of one day owning the company. He could already see himself having to pay higher taxes on his half a million dollar income. In the south it's not the exception...it's the rule. Add to that the NRA and Republican support for them and VOILA!!! A bible thuimpin', gun totin' tobacco chewing Republican redneck.

Look at a political map.......the entire south is blood red:


and we club seals too

If you continue to club 'em you've won your last presidential election.


I forgot to thank you for your racist bigoted rant
And, what's your excuse for the other side?:eusa_whistle:

The other side of what exactly? I just believe that the motivations I have listed are ignorant.

The reason much of the infrestructure of this country is falling apart and the good jobs that the maintainace of roads. bridges and the other structures and new projects that are needed and would help finalize the recovery of our economy is being held hostage over the nonsense issues I previously laid out...plus just the sheer ignorance and hateful anti Obama spirit in congress. Just a bunch of butt hurt assholes fucking America for no good reason. Just blind Ignorance. There is no "other(reasonable) side" of my point..just an anti American side.
And what about the side you don't hate....what keeps them "poor"?

Surely they too must have motivations that are ignorant, seeing as though they're dumb as a bag of doorknobs....what would THEIR motivations be?

You are so stuck in your "agenda" and hatred of a black president like a lot of other morons in the GOP that you are more willing to help in the destruction of this country than agree to do what can be done to raise the country up. In short you assholes are not patriots. You just want Obama to look bad in someones...anyones eyes.

It doesn't take rocket surgeons to do the work of restoring the infrastructure. BUT it does take legislators that care more about the quality of this country more than pushing thier butt hurt agendas. You don't like what you are seeing so your answer is to stab yourself in the eye.
Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

Then why do poor blacks typically vote Democrat when all the modern Democratic Party has done is embed blacks in generational poverty?
Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

Then why do poor blacks typically vote Democrat when all the modern Democratic Party has done is embed blacks in generational poverty?

because most of them buy into the dem lies that all republicans are evil rich guys that hate blacks--------when the real truth is that the democrats that control the dem party are evil rich guys that hate everyone.
So youre saying he should vote democrat so the govt can force a PRIVATE business to break their mutual signed AGREEMENT?

This is why we always say you're trying to buy votes.
Anyone who thinks Democrats or Republicans really ARE looking out for you is a useless human being. God gave them their great brains by mistake - the spinal chord would have been sufficient.
Anyone who thinks Democrats or Republicans really ARE looking out for you is a useless human being. God gave them their great brains by mistake - the spinal chord would have been sufficient.

most are bought & paid for largely due to the way election financing is allowed to operate in a wild west manner (unlimited secret contributions)
Perhaps they can grasp the concept of something greater than 'self'.

I sure know that democrats can't think beyond whats in it for them.

Study Ayn Rand - the holy godmother of the Libertarian movement. She taught a generation of Republicans that pure selfishness was the highest ethical ideal. As long as someone is doing what they want, it doesn't matter who or what they are destroying. This is why John Galt sank the global economy with an unregulated derivative market. Our great financial innovators knew that they were selling ultra risky garbage that would eventually explode and destroy a lot of people, but they only cared about personal wealth. And this, says Rand, is what makes the economy work. Every man pursuing only his selfish interests, with no concern for anyone else. Indeed, if someone else is stupid enough to buy a derivative from you that you can't cover, fuck 'em - your only obligation is to yourself.

And that's how a great nation dies. When a small class of ultra wealthy people get wealthy at the expense of everyone else.
I don't adhere to Rand, who is incorrectly labeled a conservative.
dy Ayn Rand - the holy godmother of the Libertarian movement. She taught a generation of Republicans that pure selfishness was the highest ethical ideal. As long as someone is doing what they want, it doesn't matter who or what they are destroying

You got that people, if you only worry about taking care of yourself and families you are being selfish..
dy Ayn Rand - the holy godmother of the Libertarian movement. She taught a generation of Republicans that pure selfishness was the highest ethical ideal. As long as someone is doing what they want, it doesn't matter who or what they are destroying

You got that people, if you only worry about taking care of yourself and families you are being selfish..

Then I am one selfish mofo, if everyone else would do the same we'd all be a lot better off.
Republican policies offer prosperity and opportunity for all who seek it. Democrats offer free stuff, but their policies keep you poor. As Mitt Romney rightly said, it's not compassionate to put people on welfare, it's compassionate to get people off of welfare and government dependency.

Being a Democrat is like being a 26 year old who is jobless and still lives with his parents. They get healthcare, a place to live, no taxes.

Being a Republican is the 26 year old who worked hard in school and now has a career living comfortably on his own. He buys his own healthcare, he owns a home, and pays taxes.


It's posts like this that really make this site worthwhile. Thanks for the laugh!

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