Why Do Poor Whites Vote Republican?

I am no where near the 1%, between the wife and I we made $45k last year and our 20 year old son still lives with us.

I wouldn't vote for a Democrat for anything above the city level for love nor money.

What does it benefit me or my children, or his children to get something "for free" from the Government if it destroys the country in the process?

How is getting something for free going to ruin a country?

??? the people will keep voting for it and nothing is free. when 47% is on the goverment dole in one way or another we have a huge problem.
No man, I figured it out!!!! Since most poor whites live in the south, or have Confederate leanings, they think Lincoln will appear on the ballot again so they can get another crack at him! Hey, O'Riley and Newt can write pseudo-history so why can't I?
another reason worth mentioning as I live now in the south. The rednecks down here can hunt for food, rely on mother earth for their needs for the most part then the government, they have conservitive values. I have seen amazing new tricks to fix something with out much money.
I am no where near the 1%, between the wife and I we made $45k last year and our 20 year old son still lives with us.

I wouldn't vote for a Democrat for anything above the city level for love nor money.

What does it benefit me or my children, or his children to get something "for free" from the Government if it destroys the country in the process?

How is getting something for free going to ruin a country?

??? the people will keep voting for it and nothing is free. when 47% is on the goverment dole in one way or another we have a huge problem.

Those getting assistance are mainly victims of the Pub Meltdown and obstruction, dupes. Those 47% include the elderly, the military, poor workers and MANY GOP voters. That's FEDERAL Income taxes only, dingbats. Payroll taxes are now more than that, and if you include all local taxes and fees, the non rich 47% pay MORE %wise than the richest.

People like you, total dupes, are almost as big a disgrace as your greedy idiot megarich Pub masters...actually by now you KNOW YOU are lying too...pffft!
It's race. It's because of race. Duh. Poor whites resent the government assistance that blacks receive because poor whites do not believe that poor blacks deserve assistance, and poor whites resent the presence of Hispanics, who they view as usurpers, here illegally and stealing peoples' jobs. Poor whites vote GOP because the GOP is willing to be quite hostile to both blacks and Hispanics in exchange for votes of poor whites. I could have saved this writer a whole lot of time and money.

You could have saved yourself the trouble of proving to the board that you are dumber than a box of rocks. That has been obvious for some time. Save your dumbass racism for the other members of your choir. No one else buys it/

Many poor whites still have the notion that they are capable of taking care of themselves without help from assholes who want something for nothing. Because they are not looking for a government handout, they are not inclined to vote for those who promise them that handout.

You wouldn't understand that, because you have never had the guts to cut the umbilical cord and fend for yourself in an uncertain world. You couldn't hack it without someone to kiss your boo boos, and guarantee that you have a hot meal and a warm bed every night. That is the difference between the rugged individualists and the cowards of the collective.
Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

The ignorant and stupid ones vote Democrat. People who don't want to be on welfare the rest of their lives vote Republican.

Those who vote democratic work for a living, and feel everyone should also have the ability to have an honest job.

Those on the right however just sit on their lazy asses on welfare, waiting for the "trickle down" to happen which they think will make them rich for simply being sheep to the GOP.

Yeah, I know. I'll bet you have the guts to step on superman's cape too. What a hoot.
How is getting something for free going to ruin a country?

??? the people will keep voting for it and nothing is free. when 47% is on the goverment dole in one way or another we have a huge problem.

Those getting assistance are mainly victims of the Pub Meltdown and obstruction, dupes. Those 47% include the elderly, the military, poor workers and MANY GOP voters. That's FEDERAL Income taxes only, dingbats. Payroll taxes are now more than that, and if you include all local taxes and fees, the non rich 47% pay MORE %wise than the richest.

People like you, total dupes, are almost as big a disgrace as your greedy idiot megarich Pub masters...actually by now you KNOW YOU are lying too...pffft!

Lmao....... so I guess I found my first arch nemis on here. you know damn well a counrty cant survive when 47% in some way or another is on the government dole. its fucking suicide.
Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

The ignorant and stupid ones vote Democrat. People who don't want to be on welfare the rest of their lives vote Republican.

Those who vote democratic work for a living, and feel everyone should also have the ability to have an honest job.

Those on the right however just sit on their lazy asses on welfare, waiting for the "trickle down" to happen which they think will make them rich for simply being sheep to the GOP.
bullshit !! hard work and personal responsibility are core beliefs of conservative Americans !!
It's race. It's because of race. Duh. Poor whites resent the government assistance that blacks receive because poor whites do not believe that poor blacks deserve assistance, and poor whites resent the presence of Hispanics, who they view as usurpers, here illegally and stealing peoples' jobs. Poor whites vote GOP because the GOP is willing to be quite hostile to both blacks and Hispanics in exchange for votes of poor whites. I could have saved this writer a whole lot of time and money.

You could have saved yourself the trouble of proving to the board that you are dumber than a box of rocks. That has been obvious for some time. Save your dumbass racism for the other members of your choir. No one else buys it/

Many poor whites still have the notion that they are capable of taking care of themselves without help from assholes who want something for nothing. Because they are not looking for a government handout, they are not inclined to vote for those who promise them that handout.

You wouldn't understand that, because you have never had the guts to cut the umbilical cord and fend for yourself in an uncertain world. You couldn't hack it without someone to kiss your boo boos, and guarantee that you have a hot meal and a warm bed every night. That is the difference between the rugged individualists and the cowards of the collective.

You just sound like an example of what he's talking about. The stupid insult is perfect too...dupe of greedy idiot mega rich Pubs...
Perhaps they can grasp the concept of something greater than 'self'.

I sure know that democrats can't think beyond whats in it for them.

Study Ayn Rand - the holy godmother of the Libertarian movement. She taught a generation of Republicans that pure selfishness was the highest ethical ideal. As long as someone is doing what they want, it doesn't matter who or what they are destroying. This is why John Galt sank the global economy with an unregulated derivative market. Our great financial innovators knew that they were selling ultra risky garbage that would eventually explode and destroy a lot of people, but they only cared about personal wealth. And this, says Rand, is what makes the economy work. Every man pursuing only his selfish interests, with no concern for anyone else. Indeed, if someone else is stupid enough to buy a derivative from you that you can't cover, fuck 'em - your only obligation is to yourself.

And that's how a great nation dies. When a small class of ultra wealthy people get wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

Although I am not a fan of most of Ayn Rand's thoughts, you have completely missed the concept of pure selfishness. First, is the idea that no one owes you anything in life. It is your responsibility to succeed or fail. Second, is honesty in all business dealings. Two or more intelligent people deal with each other in their own self interest, fully aware of what they want, and what they are willing to sacrifice to get it. That is the attitude necessary to build wealth, and provide not only for themselves, but for all of the workers who are dependent upon their business skills for a good paying job. If they fail, all of the people who work for them also fail.

John Galt brought down the system, because it was completely in the control of the takers and looters, who used government to make themselves wealthy by robbing the people who created the wealth. No business was allowed to operate that was not as corrupt as the people in political control. Eventually, no business could operate.
Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

The ignorant and stupid ones vote Democrat. People who don't want to be on welfare the rest of their lives vote Republican.

You think anyone wants to be on welfare? Or do you just think that you are better because you are on welfare because of circumstances and "those people' are leeches by nature?

I think a good share of them would rather be rich and comfortable, but they do not have the gumption to get there, and welfare is the next best thing. I don't blame them, I blame the assholes who established the rules that keep these people on welfare.

Nor, am I opposed to government help for those in need. Especially in a bad economy. However, it is simple to structure that help so that it does not trap the needy in the web of dependency.
dude if you dont know, I will explain this in simple terms. how does a ant colony survive? they have 1000's of workers to support the queen. right now we have 53% supporting 47%.......we are running out of workers....
It's race. It's because of race. Duh. Poor whites resent the government assistance that blacks receive because poor whites do not believe that poor blacks deserve assistance, and poor whites resent the presence of Hispanics, who they view as usurpers, here illegally and stealing peoples' jobs. Poor whites vote GOP because the GOP is willing to be quite hostile to both blacks and Hispanics in exchange for votes of poor whites. I could have saved this writer a whole lot of time and money.

You could have saved yourself the trouble of proving to the board that you are dumber than a box of rocks. That has been obvious for some time. Save your dumbass racism for the other members of your choir. No one else buys it/

Many poor whites still have the notion that they are capable of taking care of themselves without help from assholes who want something for nothing. Because they are not looking for a government handout, they are not inclined to vote for those who promise them that handout.

You wouldn't understand that, because you have never had the guts to cut the umbilical cord and fend for yourself in an uncertain world. You couldn't hack it without someone to kiss your boo boos, and guarantee that you have a hot meal and a warm bed every night. That is the difference between the rugged individualists and the cowards of the collective.

You just sound like an example of what he's talking about. The stupid insult is perfect too...dupe of greedy idiot mega rich Pubs...

How in the hell would you know? You haven't taken a breath of reality for a long time. If it weren't for the greedy mega rich Pubs, who would you have to hate? Who would you have to blame for your inability to succeed in life?

Apparently, none of you miserable left wing loons have the intelligence, or the drive, to outdo some of those idiot mega rich bastards, that you so love to hate. Why do you think that is? Genetic defect?
That's the greedy idiot GOP's line. The 47% are GOP as much as Dem, and they pay plenty in payroll taxes, sales and local taxes and fees- as much %wise as the richest pay in all taxes- many of whom are ALSO in the 47%, idiot Pub dupes.

BTW, I'm a retired teacher, stupid LOL
Payroll taxes add up to as much as fed income taxes now, GOP chumps- thanks to Voodoo and Bush tax cuts. When Pubs cut taxes, the states and localities make up for it with taxes and fees that hit the non rich hard, fools. And the rich get WAYYYY richer, and YOU have babies, Pub dolts...

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