Why Do Poor Whites Vote Republican?

It's too bad that some people have nothing to offer any thread on any subject but empty, partisan nonsense in broken English.
It's too bad that some people have nothing to offer any thread on any subject but empty, partisan nonsense in broken English.

What on earth do you mean, you greedy, mega rich, Pub, A-hole, dupe, chump, dolt, lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid idiot?
Blacks know which Party the racists are in now fcs...lol

Interesting how the topic of "race" BEGINS with liberals from the Democrat party. Yet, at the same time the left stumbles when they find out we have so many blacks who "choose" the Republican Party (they apparently don't agree to this MYTH that the Republican Party is the party of racists)

Arthur Fletcher, official in the administrations of Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and George H.W. Bush; considered the "father of affirmative action"

Condoleezza Rice

Michael Steele

Hiram Rhodes Revels - former U.S. Senator from Mississippi, first African American to serve in the U.S. Senate

Joe Rogers - former Lieutenant Governor of Colorado, youngest Lieutenant Governor in Colorado history

Stephen Broden - conservative commentator, Life Always board member (a pro-life organization) and evangelical pastor, 2010 Congressional candidate

Edward Brooke - former U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, first African American elected by popular vote to the U.S. Senate

Eldridge Cleaver, author and civil rights leader

Norris Wright Cuney, Chairman of the Texas Republican Party (1886-1896)

Artur Davis - former Democratic Alabama Congressman, speaker at 2012 Republican National Convention, potential Republican candidate

Frederick Douglass - abolitionist, editor, orator, author, and statesman

Samuel B. Fuller, founder and president of the Fuller Products Company, publisher of the New York Age and Pittsburgh Courier, head of the South Side Chicago NAACP, president of the National Negro Business League, and a prominent black Republican

So what HAS been the response to seeing a black running on the Republican ticket?

When Michael Steele ran for the senate position Maryland, rather than looking to the issues, here is what Democrats and the left had to say about it:

Attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an “Uncle Tom” and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.

YES, I am quite familiar with which party exhorts to racism.
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Why ANY American who has to work for his money votes for EITHER PARTY mystifies me.

Voting for the lesser or two evils is the only excuse I have for why I do.

And the DUELOPOLY knows perfectly well how to parce out social and economic issues such that they are assured that me and millions like me keep voting for the lesser of two evils, too.

the good cop/bad cop system works even when you KNOW both cops are working against your long term interests.

It's truly a brilliant system.

So brilliant that I suspect most Americans cannot even see it, let along find any way of short circuiting it.
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They are able to figure it out that the more Government there is the more everything costs.
The more State Tax and State regulations there are, it brings up the cost of each and everything you buy.

They move to Red States because they can afford to live there, compared to Blue States. Those who work for a living in the Blue States, the majority have to be upper middle class or Rich.

One example - Cigarettes in New York cost 14.50
Cigarettes in Arizona 5.62.
This also applies to rent, gas, buying homes, all products cost less in Red Sates,because of less State Tax and and less State regulations.
The poor and lower middle class and middle class can afford things and have nice things.
It about better living conditions.

The more Government there is, the more things cost.
The left have never figured this out.
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But I thought Dems buy votes with Welfare? That doesnt seem to apply to poor whites. Must be because whites are just doggone better and arent concerned with money
But I thought Dems buy votes with Welfare? That doesnt seem to apply to poor whites. Must be because whites are just doggone better and arent concerned with money

That's not all together true, there are poor blacks and whites, it all comes down to "government dependency". No matter how bad a Democrat candidate is, if you depend on government to supply all your needs and a Republican comes in and suggests limitations or "accountability", the voter is going to side with the party where there is none.

Once you get the taste of having something conveniently provided FOR you without any effort on your part, you become immune to the point where you expect that free assistance as part of your every day life. Like any other "dependency", it becomes an addictive habit... one that you simply can not do without. The thought of going back, and having to work for what (in the past) has simply been freely given without a second thought, scares them that government dependency is all they are willing to accept. This is why free government programs hurt more than they help, because the desire and need to make a successful transition to a better way of life [on your own] simply doesn't exist. It's like a parent who is always there to coddle their children, and never allows them the experience or teaches them the hard decisions they need to make in order to "break out" and make it on their own.
But I thought Dems buy votes with Welfare? That doesnt seem to apply to poor whites. Must be because whites are just doggone better and arent concerned with money

That's not all together true, there are poor blacks and whites, it all comes down to "government dependency". No matter how bad a Democrat candidate is, if you depend on government to supply all your needs and a Republican comes in and suggests limitations or "accountability", the voter is going to side with the party where there is none.

Once you get the taste of having something conveniently provided FOR you without any effort on your part, you become immune to the point where you expect that free assistance as part of your every day life. Like any other "dependency", it becomes an addictive habit... one that you simply can not do without. The thought of going back, and having to work for what (in the past) has simply been freely given without a second thought, scares them that government dependency is all they are willing to accept. This is why free government programs hurt more than they help, because the desire and need to make a successful transition to a better way of life [on your own] simply doesn't exist. It's like a parent who is always there to coddle their children, and never allows them the experience or teaches them the hard decisions they need to make in order to "break out" and make it on their own.

Ok, the majority of folks on welfare are working poor so lets cut the bullshit about "not wanting to work". First point

Second point, why doesnt this apply to poor whites? Dont they like money? Free stuff? Or does that "handout" bullshit only apply to minorities?
CHessey, glad to see you joined this board. Still peddling your racial theories eh? Get out of the 1950's.
It's too bad that some people have nothing to offer any thread on any subject but empty, partisan nonsense in broken English.

its also to bad when folks dont have anything to comment on in a post except bring up spelling and grammer errors.
Imagine a news source headquartered in a city where Mohammed is the #1 name for a male newborn and the degenerate monarch family is still supported by the poor, making bigoted comments about American politics. Not surprising the radical left confuses propaganda opinion with news though.
Maybe they want someone who will improve the economy enough for them to work at decent jobs.

Just a guess.
That's the greedy idiot GOP's line. The 47% are GOP as much as Dem, and they pay plenty in payroll taxes, sales and local taxes and fees- as much %wise as the richest pay in all taxes- many of whom are ALSO in the 47%, idiot Pub dupes.

BTW, I'm a retired teacher, stupid LOL

Oh so you are sitting on a nice comfy nest egg of pensions on top of your other retirement benefits. How would you feel about handing some of that income over to be given to, say .... a life long McDonalds employee for example, who doesn't share in those same comfortable benefits? You wouldn't turn down someone who lived a career with opportunities that wasn't as fortunate as yours would you? Share some of that wealth and give them the retirement THEY think they deserve, out of the kindness of your heart. Give more towards your taxes and help those less fortunate that are stuck in low pay jobs, with less retirement compensation, for all that hard work they go through. If that's what you truly believe, then there really is nothing wrong with "living by example".
But I thought Dems buy votes with Welfare? That doesnt seem to apply to poor whites. Must be because whites are just doggone better and arent concerned with money

That's not all together true, there are poor blacks and whites, it all comes down to "government dependency". No matter how bad a Democrat candidate is, if you depend on government to supply all your needs and a Republican comes in and suggests limitations or "accountability", the voter is going to side with the party where there is none.

Once you get the taste of having something conveniently provided FOR you without any effort on your part, you become immune to the point where you expect that free assistance as part of your every day life. Like any other "dependency", it becomes an addictive habit... one that you simply can not do without. The thought of going back, and having to work for what (in the past) has simply been freely given without a second thought, scares them that government dependency is all they are willing to accept. This is why free government programs hurt more than they help, because the desire and need to make a successful transition to a better way of life [on your own] simply doesn't exist. It's like a parent who is always there to coddle their children, and never allows them the experience or teaches them the hard decisions they need to make in order to "break out" and make it on their own.

Ok, the majority of folks on welfare are working poor so lets cut the bullshit about "not wanting to work". First point

Second point, why doesnt this apply to poor whites? Dont they like money? Free stuff? Or does that "handout" bullshit only apply to minorities?

First. I do believe in my response I did just say there are poor whites AND poor blacks, government dependency doesn't discriminate. Show me specifically where I have stated otherwise and singled out only blacks (excluding whites from my statement).

Second. If those that depend upon government to supply them with their needs, are actually moving on AWAY from "dependency" towards a lifestyle where they no longer need government - then show me where all this government spending has actually REDUCED the poverty rate. Show me one factual graph, that proves and there really is no government assistance dependency as you say. If you believe it's truly B.S. then provide me with something to back up your argument. If you simply want to call what I say as B.S. and just leave it only to cut and run, then I'm going to call you out on it.
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That's not all together true, there are poor blacks and whites, it all comes down to "government dependency". No matter how bad a Democrat candidate is, if you depend on government to supply all your needs and a Republican comes in and suggests limitations or "accountability", the voter is going to side with the party where there is none.

Once you get the taste of having something conveniently provided FOR you without any effort on your part, you become immune to the point where you expect that free assistance as part of your every day life. Like any other "dependency", it becomes an addictive habit... one that you simply can not do without. The thought of going back, and having to work for what (in the past) has simply been freely given without a second thought, scares them that government dependency is all they are willing to accept. This is why free government programs hurt more than they help, because the desire and need to make a successful transition to a better way of life [on your own] simply doesn't exist. It's like a parent who is always there to coddle their children, and never allows them the experience or teaches them the hard decisions they need to make in order to "break out" and make it on their own.

Ok, the majority of folks on welfare are working poor so lets cut the bullshit about "not wanting to work". First point

Second point, why doesnt this apply to poor whites? Dont they like money? Free stuff? Or does that "handout" bullshit only apply to minorities?

First. I do believe in my response I did just say there are poor whites AND poor blacks, government dependency doesn't discriminate. Show me specifically where I have stated otherwise and singled out only blacks (excluding whites from my statement).

Second. If those that depend upon government to supply them with their needs, are actually moving on AWAY from "dependency" towards a lifestyle where they no longer need government - then show me where all this government spending has actually REDUCED the poverty rate. Show me one factual graph, that proves and there really is no government assistance dependency as you say. If you believe it's truly B.S. then provide me with something to back up your argument. If you simply want to call what I say as B.S. and just leave it only to cut and run, then I'm going to call you out on it.

I asked why poor whites vote repub if Dems are all about vote buying with their welfare programs. You cant seem to understand that if Dems were buying votes then that would apply to poor whites on govt assistance as well. Unfortunatly for your narrative, thats not true because poor whites tend to vote Repub. Can you explain how someone who is buying votes cannot get the votes of those they are "buying"? Bet you cant...because it's bullshit

Second, you have to show me ANY evidence that govt programs keep people poor. Do you have anything that shows that? I know you have a bed time story but other than that...Anything? Are Govt programs supposed to REDUCE the poverty rate? Arent jobs supposed to do that?

Thats the problem...you expect govt programs to do things they arent designed to do. Or you just cant seem to stick with one point so you throw crap until something rings true...You have more crap? Cause this aint sticking
Ok, the majority of folks on welfare are working poor so lets cut the bullshit about "not wanting to work". First point

Second point, why doesnt this apply to poor whites? Dont they like money? Free stuff? Or does that "handout" bullshit only apply to minorities?

First. I do believe in my response I did just say there are poor whites AND poor blacks, government dependency doesn't discriminate. Show me specifically where I have stated otherwise and singled out only blacks (excluding whites from my statement).

Second. If those that depend upon government to supply them with their needs, are actually moving on AWAY from "dependency" towards a lifestyle where they no longer need government - then show me where all this government spending has actually REDUCED the poverty rate. Show me one factual graph, that proves and there really is no government assistance dependency as you say. If you believe it's truly B.S. then provide me with something to back up your argument. If you simply want to call what I say as B.S. and just leave it only to cut and run, then I'm going to call you out on it.

I asked why poor whites vote repub if Dems are all about vote buying with their welfare programs. You cant seem to understand that if Dems were buying votes then that would apply to poor whites on govt assistance as well. Unfortunatly for your narrative, thats not true because poor whites tend to vote Repub. Can you explain how someone who is buying votes cannot get the votes of those they are "buying"? Bet you cant...because it's bullshit

Second, you have to show me ANY evidence that govt programs keep people poor. Do you have anything that shows that? I know you have a bed time story but other than that...Anything? Are Govt programs supposed to REDUCE the poverty rate? Arent jobs supposed to do that?

Thats the problem...you expect govt programs to do things they arent designed to do. Or you just cant seem to stick with one point so you throw crap until something rings true...You have more crap? Cause this aint sticking

ROTFL!!!! Oh my god, why am I not surprised. When you can't answer the question, when the facts allude you, you dodge and deflect to save from going through any effort to defend and prove your argument. So you can't answer a very direct question. You say that it's not about "government dependency", that I'm all B.S. however when the rubber meets the road you fold up and run :lol::lol::lol: Well at the very least I can say your entertaining. So what other comments of criticisms would you like to make that you can't back up?

..... or do you simply want to continue this game of playing "parrot" because you it keeps you from having to address questions or having to defend your position. How typical.

Also, if you honestly believe that everyone on welfare or those who are dependent upon government assistance are only minority groups of "blacks or Hispanics", then you are delusional and clueless as well, and you need to get out more. Sad to say, hate to put you in cardiac shock, but YES there are poor whites that depend on government with their day to day lives, and they DO vote Democrat because of those government programs and give-a-ways (like free cell phones for example). Those that don't have a lifestyle of living under government dependency actually have fought their way to find success on their own, without always looking to government to bail them out.
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Are you accusing me of dodging questions while dodging questions Shakles? RLMAO

Here I'll make it simple not to confuse you:
Where is your evidence that Govt programs keep people poor?

Annnnd go!

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