Why Do Poor Whites Vote Republican?

Well anyone voting republican or democrat is an idiot try voting issues. I know hell of a concept. But I guess if we really extended the op to its furthest ends why do rich blacks vote democrat? Are they racist? Most of these rappers are doing nothing for the poor except exploiting them for record sales yet they vote democratic and give money to campaigns instead of people in need. Hmm perhaps critical thinking skills should be exercised in this area. Garbage article pure and simple. Instead of looking at multiple avenues they clung to the contradictions that supported their opinion and did away with moral issues that also guide voters.

Because 'voting issues' is narrow and deceptive. If you look at party platforms, and campaign promises, the specifics on isolated issues change radically, regardless of who wins, once they are elected. What's important to understand is a candidate's ideology. We need to know what their priorities are and what they see as the proper role of government. Those most important concerns are rarely considered by the 'issues' voter, to the detriment of the democratic process.
Good read and this has always been one of the most baffling questions as to why poor rednecks vote republican, and it seems as the article gets at is simply because of ignorance and stupidity.

The ignorant and stupid ones vote Democrat. People who don't want to be on welfare the rest of their lives vote Republican.

The guy mentioned in the OP article who lost his house might have had better luck if Obama hadn't made a deal with banks to help those who had subprime loans and were upside down on their mortgages. When the banks had to deal with lowering the mortgage balance and interest rates for millions of people who got no docs loans, thanks to the Community Reinvestment Act, they had no incentive to help other people. Of course, Obama had another deal with banks. If they foreclosed on people, the government made up the difference between what was owed and what they got at a sheriff's sale. Where was the incentive to help the average home owner when there was instant money for foreclosing?

Now, there is a National Mortgage Settlement. Quite a few banks are involved and they agreed on a settlement, which comes to about $850 per home owner. The banks admitted to not following the law when doing so many foreclosures and all the homeowners get is a small check that doesn't begin to cover their losses. The banks refused to work with many people. Seems the only ones getting a deal were those who weren't qualified buyers to begin with and took out subprime mortgages for homes they couldn't afford to begin with. Those were the people from poor neighborhoods that the Clinton administration forced banks to make loans to. Those who did it the right way were left in the cold.

Maybe poor people would like to retain their rights and liberty and eventually become wealthier and be free of any government assistance. That is more likely to happen under Republican leadership. Republicans understand better what it takes to see businesses thrive and hire people. Poor Republicans want to work their way up and know that successful businesses are needed and banks need to be willing to make loans so they can start their own business.

The left offers government dependency, which is a dead end street and people have remained in their miserable lot for generations. The left seems anti-business. That is certainly true with Obama's policies. Government dependents could care less about jobs. There is currently a limit on the number of small business loans banks can make. Why the hell would they stop banks from helping people create jobs?
Republican policies offer prosperity and opportunity for all who seek it. Democrats offer free stuff, but their policies keep you poor. As Mitt Romney rightly said, it's not compassionate to put people on welfare, it's compassionate to get people off of welfare and government dependency.

Being a Democrat is like being a 26 year old who is jobless and still lives with his parents. They get healthcare, a place to live, no taxes.

Being a Republican is the 26 year old who worked hard in school and now has a career living comfortably on his own. He buys his own healthcare, he owns a home, and pays taxes.

There is nothing more vexing to liberals than poor Republicans.

One fails to see why.

Many are motivated solely by partisan politics. Still more are likely social conservatives or Christian fundamentalists, opposed to marriage equality, due process rights for immigrants, and privacy rights.

That they vote republican is understandable.
During the postwar years the majority of poor whites - especially in the rural south - were New Deal Democrats, e.g., Dixiecrats.

The populism of the poor was directed at the wealthy fat cats.

Then, in the sixties, the Democratic party shifted from traditional working class issues to racial and lifestyle politics. This is when Nixon's Silent White Majority was born - these were mostly religious, patriotic and traditional working class Americans that felt left behind by the New Left.

While Goldwater and Nixon fueled this poor white uprising, it wasn't until Reagan that poor white backlash became an institutional part of the Right, with think tanks, publishing groups and media outlets all agitating white resentment over the loss of their country to an array of demons.

Indeed, the Republicans created a new populism (a new object for voter rage), replacing Teddy Rooseveltian hatred of the wealthy fat cat with hatred of the thing that taxed and regulated the wealthy: government. They built a populism out of religion, patriotism and nationalism to attract mostly under-educated white people. They told these people that government was the source of all their problems. Their goal was turn the government that defeated the nazis, and built the greatest industrial infrastructure in history, and put a man on the moon . . . and reduce it to something that could not run a laundromat. They wanted to erase the Hoover Dam and Eisenhower's Interstate and all the jobs given to returning veterans, who were put to work by government building moderns suburban America. The new Right wanted to erase everything government did during the postwar years so that people would revolt against its taxing authority. This anti-government strategy was brilliant because the forces that coalesced inside the Reagan Revolution - through election funding and lobbying - owned the very government which they were telling people to hate. It was all bullshit, and it depended on the support of easily duped morons. Reagan never stepped foot in church. He was a Democrat that supported FDR and Truman. As governor of California he passed the most liberal abortion policy in this nation's history. But the Republican Party had been captured by the wealthy and it needed a charismatic, corruptible and ultimately empty "front man" - a man who could put together a massive voting coalition out of poor Americans in need of a leader. So Reagan claimed to support the family, but, alas, he was divorced and estranged from his children. It was fucking brilliant. He played the role of his life and the idiots soaked it up. Reagan got in bed with Pat Robertson and the Moral Majority because the Right's new electoral populism required religion to manipulate the poor. It was all theater designed to capture Washington on behalf of the wealthy. Conservatives and Libertarians. Jesus and Profit. Brilliant.

People went into the voting booth to take their country back; they were afraid of terrorists, illegals, gays and baby killers (borders, language, culture). . . but, somehow, they walked out of the voting booth with unregulated derivative markets, warrantless surveillance, and the loss of free markets to crony capitalism.

The Right invested billions into capturing poor and under-educated whites. It worked. These people do not question their political leaders. They LOVE the Republican Party. Game over.
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Perhaps they can grasp the concept of something greater than 'self'.

I sure know that democrats can't think beyond whats in it for them.
Perhaps they can grasp the concept of something greater than 'self'.

I sure know that democrats can't think beyond whats in it for them.

Study Ayn Rand - the holy godmother of the Libertarian movement. She taught a generation of Republicans that pure selfishness was the highest ethical ideal. As long as someone is doing what they want, it doesn't matter who or what they are destroying. This is why John Galt sank the global economy with an unregulated derivative market. Our great financial innovators knew that they were selling ultra risky garbage that would eventually explode and destroy a lot of people, but they only cared about personal wealth. And this, says Rand, is what makes the economy work. Every man pursuing only his selfish interests, with no concern for anyone else. Indeed, if someone else is stupid enough to buy a derivative from you that you can't cover, fuck 'em - your only obligation is to yourself.

And that's how a great nation dies. When a small class of ultra wealthy people get wealthy at the expense of everyone else.
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Perhaps they can grasp the concept of something greater than 'self'.

I sure know that democrats can't think beyond whats in it for them.

Study Ayn Rand - the holy godmother of the Libertarian movement. She taught a generation of Republicans that pure selfishness was the highest ethical ideal. As long as someone is doing what they want, it doesn't matter who or what they are destroying. This is why John Galt sank the global economy with an unregulated derivative market. Our great financial innovators knew that they were selling ultra risky garbage that would eventually explode and destroy a lot of people, but they only cared about personal wealth. And this, says Rand, is what makes the economy work. Every man pursuing only his selfish interests, with no concern for anyone else. Indeed, if someone else is stupid enough to buy a derivative from you that you can't cover, fuck 'em - your only obligation is to yourself.

And that's how a great nation dies. When a small class of ultra wealthy people get wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

Sounds like you dont understand Ayn Rand nor Libertarianism.

Every individual should be responsible for what they buy and sell. To pretend that people shouldn't be responsible for their investments will only lead to people not being responsible for their investments. Thus more of the same.

It's when people recognize they have a responsibility to do their due dilligence that due dilligence is done. If people arent willing to take responsibility for their choices, why should the rest of society do it for them?
It's race. It's because of race. Duh. Poor whites resent the government assistance that blacks receive because poor whites do not believe that poor blacks deserve assistance, and poor whites resent the presence of Hispanics, who they view as usurpers, here illegally and stealing peoples' jobs. Poor whites vote GOP because the GOP is willing to be quite hostile to both blacks and Hispanics in exchange for votes of poor whites. I could have saved this writer a whole lot of time and money.

There is much more to it, but for a good number of poor whites, this is very much the case, especially those living in southern states, or states that have that southern mentality where blacks are still considered second class citizens by most whites.
Race, AND all the longtime myth that Pubs are for small government, better at business, family values- despite all the actual evidence- AND the incredible new power of the Pub propaganda Machine, they fear al kinds of communist, Marxist FASCIST and Nazai LOL BS see sig pp3. Rush, Beck and all the rest of bogus institutes orgs, blogs, Moonie and Murdoch rags- they're lost in a jungle that doesn't exist...

not sure my friend what state or world you live in and hell I am just a simple plastic industrial maintenance man but the cost of my smokes today was $3.19 compared to $11 bucks a pack in cook county Illinois. a win win for me and sucks to be them.
That's what happens when a state declares war on business through over regulation and taxation.....The citizens end up paying through the nose on taxation, when businesses start fleeing to friendlier grounds, and those states lose the revenue from business. They've got to make it up somewhere, and it leads to the citizens wallets and pocketbooks as the only way....We've been going through it for years here in Cali....It's the idiotic liberal way.

And just wait and see what happens when Obamacare fully kicks in come '14.....The dems are going to get their asses handed to 'em come '16 and '18, particularly when people start seeing the IRS unleash their dogs on 'em, and businesses elect to pay the fine that will be much cheaper then abiding by Obama's BS.
Liberals question why poor voters who use public assistance still vote for Republicans who want to cut those very services. The real story, Gary Younge finds, is much more complicated

Tracey Owings is fighting hard to keep the home that has been in his family for 34 years. In 2000 his mother refinanced. In 2006 she died. In 2009 he lost his job and had no paid work for nine months. He fell behind with the mortgage. The bank moved to foreclose on the house. Gradually the work came back. Less than before. Much less. But just enough. The house is not in negative equity and now he can make the payments. But he can't get the bank to take his money. Attempts to modify the loan and take advantage of a settlement, brokered by the White House, between mortgage companies and the justice department have come to nought. "I don't qualify," he says with exasperation detailing both his efforts to meet each bureaucratic challenge and his frustration at each bureaucratic obstacle.

He stands in the waiting room of Gulfcoast Legal Services offices in Sarasota with an armful of documents and a belly full of bile. "They have failed me," he says. "Obama came in offering hope and change but he's failed. I just want to save my mother's house."

Owings is voting for Mitt Romney. Does he think Romney will improve his lot? "I'm willing to try anything at this point," he says.

There is nothing more vexing to liberals than poor Republicans. Their very existence rankles. It turns their world on its head and their assumptions inside out. The effort to explain them is understood not just as a political paradox but a psychological disorder. They have been duped. They must have been. How else would one explain putting your cross next to the man who derided them as "victims" among the 47% "I don't worry about". To many liberals these are turkeys voting for Christmas or lemmings off for a leap; the condemned tying the noose for their own execution.

At times the contradictions are striking. In August 2009, when opponents of Obamacare were disrupting town hall meetings with claims of death panels, Kenneth Gladney and other members of St Louis tea party got into a fight with Democrats at a public meeting. He had to go to the emergency room with injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face and ended up in a wheelchair. It turned out Gladney, who had recently been laid off, had no health insurance. He appealed for donations.

Trace a map highlighting government dependency and those most reliant on benefits live in Republican states and often Republican counties. In Floyd county in Eastern Kentucky, 40% of the income comes from the government. In 2008 Floyd, where almost 20% live below the poverty line and the median income is almost 20% lower than the country, voted for McCain – a 27 point swing against the Democrats and the first victory for Republicans in living memory.

Working class voters: why America's poor are willing to vote Republican | World news | guardian.co.uk

Why Do Poor Whites Vote Republican?

Go fuck yourself you racist pile of filth.
Liberals question why poor voters who use public assistance still vote for Republicans who want to cut those very services. The real story, Gary Younge finds, is much more complicated

Tracey Owings is fighting hard to keep the home that has been in his family for 34 years. In 2000 his mother refinanced. In 2006 she died. In 2009 he lost his job and had no paid work for nine months. He fell behind with the mortgage. The bank moved to foreclose on the house. Gradually the work came back. Less than before. Much less. But just enough. The house is not in negative equity and now he can make the payments. But he can't get the bank to take his money. Attempts to modify the loan and take advantage of a settlement, brokered by the White House, between mortgage companies and the justice department have come to nought. "I don't qualify," he says with exasperation detailing both his efforts to meet each bureaucratic challenge and his frustration at each bureaucratic obstacle.

He stands in the waiting room of Gulfcoast Legal Services offices in Sarasota with an armful of documents and a belly full of bile. "They have failed me," he says. "Obama came in offering hope and change but he's failed. I just want to save my mother's house."

Owings is voting for Mitt Romney. Does he think Romney will improve his lot? "I'm willing to try anything at this point," he says.

There is nothing more vexing to liberals than poor Republicans. Their very existence rankles. It turns their world on its head and their assumptions inside out. The effort to explain them is understood not just as a political paradox but a psychological disorder. They have been duped. They must have been. How else would one explain putting your cross next to the man who derided them as "victims" among the 47% "I don't worry about". To many liberals these are turkeys voting for Christmas or lemmings off for a leap; the condemned tying the noose for their own execution.

At times the contradictions are striking. In August 2009, when opponents of Obamacare were disrupting town hall meetings with claims of death panels, Kenneth Gladney and other members of St Louis tea party got into a fight with Democrats at a public meeting. He had to go to the emergency room with injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face and ended up in a wheelchair. It turned out Gladney, who had recently been laid off, had no health insurance. He appealed for donations.

Trace a map highlighting government dependency and those most reliant on benefits live in Republican states and often Republican counties. In Floyd county in Eastern Kentucky, 40% of the income comes from the government. In 2008 Floyd, where almost 20% live below the poverty line and the median income is almost 20% lower than the country, voted for McCain – a 27 point swing against the Democrats and the first victory for Republicans in living memory.

Working class voters: why America's poor are willing to vote Republican | World news | guardian.co.uk

Gee maybe some people would rather be poor than accept government handouts.

It's called pride.
Poor or not they know the democratic party is an anti-military, anti-God, anti-American values party that embraces and promotes sexual deviancy, communism, immorality, the murder of children in the womb and a host of other agendas that not only go against their core values, but do their damndest to keep them poor and dependent. See unlike the poor blacks, they won't sell their votes nor trade their personal values, their duty to nation and their love of the American way of life for a free cell phone.
It's a cycle of ignorance due to environment.

Hey Iggy.

You need to have some conservative edit your grammar before proving beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are the one that is ignorant.

Really? Apparently one of us is really stupid.


it's "because of" not " due to"

It is also correct that the left is hypocritically accusing poor white people of racism for doing the same thing that minorities and white liberals do. Got it?
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