Why do Republicans bash socialism - when it's all around them?

Curious, why do you bash capitalism when it's all around you?

Dare I name some examples?

Your clothes? You paid for them using the capitalist method.
The PC or Laptop you post your garbage on? You paid for it via the capitalist method.
Your car? You more than likely paid for it via the capitalist method.
The food you eat? Paid for by the capitalist method.

You buy, the government taxes, and the seller profits.

Note that all of the examples in your OP are things instituted by government, not the free market. The free market prefers capitalism, for a reason.

Who's bashing capitalism? I engage in it everyday - just like I do socialism. America is a blend of capitalism and socialism - democratic socialism.

Then why don't we see you posting threads highlighting the perks of capitalism then? Or how it has improved America?

Why? Because it's not democratic socialism you're after.
Curious MarcATL, where are you? You don't seem to be appreciative of the benefits capitalism has granted you.

What about this is funny, hmm? Where would you be in life without capitalism?

Here's a question you probably won't answer: What if it were pure socialism? Would you be praising it then?

No, you wouldn't. It is nothing but a facade.

You and Lakhota both know just how untenable socialism is as an economic concept. You don't see the free market imitating the socialist government programs in place do you? No. You go with what works, not with what suits your feelings.

You don't realize how much you need something until you lose it. Just imagine what America would be like if we suddenly devolved into a Keynesian economic system where all capitalist precepts were eliminated.
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I hate the fact these socialists are around, should relocate to Venezuela.
Libertarians should relocate to Somalia.

Libertarians promote freedom, very American.

What American values do you promote?
The only difference between libertarians and liberals is small government VS massive government.
That's not the only difference. Libertarians disagree with liberals not only on the size of government, but also on the scope. Government is a justifiable solution for some problems, but not all. Not most.
But for some reason the libertarians don't sound any different than liberals on USMB. They're both anti-Republican and don't seem to complain about Democrats much at all.
When I was in the jungle mosquito’s, snakes, leaches,spiders, disease, and other forms of pest and pestilence was all around me. Did my best to protect myself against it. Just like I do today with socialism. It is a threat to me.
Because the question is not “ Are we a socialist nation” or “ how bad is socialism” but rather “How much socialism do we require to mitigate the harms of capitalism”
From the moment they took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line literally and as gospel, the Right has lost track of the fact that efficient regulation is not a bane to capitalism, but a critical component of capitalism.

They're also hopelessly stuck in this weird, binary world in which we can only be either 100% capitalist or 100% Venezuela. The fact that the level of government involvement lies along a continuum remains hopelessly lost on them.
Because the question is not “ Are we a socialist nation” or “ how bad is socialism” but rather “How much socialism do we require to mitigate the harms of capitalism”
From the moment they took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line literally and as gospel, the Right has lost track of the fact that efficient regulation is not a bane to capitalism, but a critical component of capitalism.

They're also hopelessly stuck in this weird, binary world in which we can only be either 100% capitalist or 100% Venezuela. The fact that the level of government involvement lies along a continuum remains hopelessly lost on them.
I think you're exaggerating.
From the moment they took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line literally and as gospel, the Right has lost track of the fact that efficient regulation is not a bane to capitalism, but a critical component of capitalism.

They're also hopelessly stuck in this weird, binary world in which we can only be either 100% capitalist or 100% Venezuela. The fact that the level of government involvement lies along a continuum remains hopelessly lost on them.
I think you're exaggerating.
Trillions in tax cuts for billionaires is the ultimate form of socialism. Talk about “free stuff“. To be able to use the infrastructure of an entire country and just rape money from that country. It’s so anti-American and such a disgrace.
Unfortunately, this is who the Republican Party has become.

My God, this has been covered over and over on this board. Nearly everyone, and especially the lower class, got a tax cut under Trump. Yes, that includes the working "rich"(upper class), who by the way, pay more in taxes as a percentage of their income anyway. Funny enough, many of the so called "rich" in liberal areas ae moving out because of a reduction in SALT, which is essentially a higher tax(less deduction) on those with more expensive property or those with multiple properties. The "rich" liberals are running from high taxes which they say they support. It amazes me that people are incapble of understanding this simple concept.
Because the question is not “ Are we a socialist nation” or “ how bad is socialism” but rather “How much socialism do we require to mitigate the harms of capitalism”
From the moment they took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line literally and as gospel, the Right has lost track of the fact that efficient regulation is not a bane to capitalism, but a critical component of capitalism.

They're also hopelessly stuck in this weird, binary world in which we can only be either 100% capitalist or 100% Venezuela. The fact that the level of government involvement lies along a continuum remains hopelessly lost on them.
We have a limited mixed economy that leans heavily toward a free-market. Democrats want a 100% socialist economy. Marx wrote that the first step toward a communist state would be socialism.
Because the question is not “ Are we a socialist nation” or “ how bad is socialism” but rather “How much socialism do we require to mitigate the harms of capitalism”
From the moment they took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line literally and as gospel, the Right has lost track of the fact that efficient regulation is not a bane to capitalism, but a critical component of capitalism.

They're also hopelessly stuck in this weird, binary world in which we can only be either 100% capitalist or 100% Venezuela. The fact that the level of government involvement lies along a continuum remains hopelessly lost on them.
We have a limited mixed economy that leans heavily toward a free-market. Democrats want a 100% socialist economy. Marx wrote that the first step toward a communist state would be socialism.
I don't see a lot of Democrats demanding public ownership of all production and distribution.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. There's a significant difference between Venezuela and Canada, Australia, Denmark & Germany. Significant.
Curious, why do you bash capitalism when it's all around you?

Dare I name some examples?

Your clothes? You paid for them using the capitalist method.
The PC or Laptop you post your garbage on? You paid for it via the capitalist method.
Your car? You more than likely paid for it via the capitalist method.
The food you eat? Paid for by the capitalist method.

You buy, the government taxes, and the seller profits.

Note that all of the examples in your OP are things instituted by government, not the free market. The free market prefers capitalism, for a reason.

Who's bashing capitalism? I engage in it everyday - just like I do socialism. America is a blend of capitalism and socialism - democratic socialism.

Then why don't we see you posting threads highlighting the perks of capitalism then? Or how it has improved America?

Why? Because it's not democratic socialism you're after.
Curious MarcATL, where are you? You don't seem to be appreciative of the benefits capitalism has granted you.

What about this is funny, hmm? Where would you be in life without capitalism?

Here's a question you probably won't answer: What if it were pure socialism? Would you be praising it then?

No, you wouldn't. It is nothing but a facade.

You and Lakhota both know just how untenable socialism is as an economic concept. You don't see the free market imitating the socialist government programs in place do you? No. You go with what works, not with what suits your feelings.

You don't realize how much you need something until you lose it. Just imagine what America would be like if we suddenly devolved into a Keynesian economic system where all capitalist precepts were eliminated.
Keynesian economics is still a free market, but it just focuses on the demand side during depressions or recessions.
Free markets always has two sides: the demand and the supply. Either of these sides can be constrained, causing economic growth to slow or reverse. Its just a matter of recognizing which side of the market is constrained, and address that. Typically demand is constrained during recession/depression.
Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.

Sounds horrible, huh?

Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

MORE: 75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

What the hell is wrong with a little socialism? We live with it. It's all around us. It has made our lives better. It's called Democratic Socialism.

Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.
You need to look up the definition of socialism

Because none of what you posted is correct
Government is literally socialism in action.
I hate the fact these socialists are around, should relocate to Venezuela.
Libertarians should relocate to Somalia.

Libertarians promote freedom, very American.

What American values do you promote?
The only difference between libertarians and liberals is small government VS massive government.
That's not the only difference. Libertarians disagree with liberals not only on the size of government, but also on the scope. Government is a justifiable solution for some problems, but not all. Not most.
But for some reason the libertarians don't sound any different than liberals on USMB. They're both anti-Republican and don't seem to complain about Democrats much at all.

Well, it's interesting. There are number of Trump sellouts on the board who used to claim to be libertarians. But they don't talk about it much these days.

I pick on Democrats plenty. I don't expect you to read all my posts, but if you did, I think you'd see that.
Curious, why do you bash capitalism when it's all around you?

Dare I name some examples?

Your clothes? You paid for them using the capitalist method.
The PC or Laptop you post your garbage on? You paid for it via the capitalist method.
Your car? You more than likely paid for it via the capitalist method.
The food you eat? Paid for by the capitalist method.

You buy, the government taxes, and the seller profits.

Note that all of the examples in your OP are things instituted by government, not the free market. The free market prefers capitalism, for a reason.

Who's bashing capitalism? I engage in it everyday - just like I do socialism. America is a blend of capitalism and socialism - democratic socialism.

Then why don't we see you posting threads highlighting the perks of capitalism then? Or how it has improved America?

Why? Because it's not democratic socialism you're after.
Curious MarcATL, where are you? You don't seem to be appreciative of the benefits capitalism has granted you.

What about this is funny, hmm? Where would you be in life without capitalism?

Here's a question you probably won't answer: What if it were pure socialism? Would you be praising it then?

No, you wouldn't. It is nothing but a facade.

You and Lakhota both know just how untenable socialism is as an economic concept. You don't see the free market imitating the socialist government programs in place do you? No. You go with what works, not with what suits your feelings.

You don't realize how much you need something until you lose it. Just imagine what America would be like if we suddenly devolved into a Keynesian economic system where all capitalist precepts were eliminated.
Keynesian economics is still a free market, but it just focuses on the demand side during depressions or recessions.
Free markets always has two sides: the demand and the supply. Either of these sides can be constrained, causing economic growth to slow or reverse. Its just a matter of recognizing which side of the market is constrained, and address that. Typically demand is constrained during recession/depression.

"Constrained" isn't free.
Libertarians should relocate to Somalia.

Libertarians promote freedom, very American.

What American values do you promote?
The only difference between libertarians and liberals is small government VS massive government.
That's not the only difference. Libertarians disagree with liberals not only on the size of government, but also on the scope. Government is a justifiable solution for some problems, but not all. Not most.
But for some reason the libertarians don't sound any different than liberals on USMB. They're both anti-Republican and don't seem to complain about Democrats much at all.

Well, it's interesting. There are number of Trump sellouts on the board who used to claim to be libertarians. But they don't talk about it much these days.

I pick on Democrats plenty. I don't expect you to read all my posts, but if you did, I think you'd see that.
The focus always seems to be issues that Democrats created as part of their constant campaigning So if you jump on their bandwagon there lies the confusion.
Libertarians promote freedom, very American.

What American values do you promote?
The only difference between libertarians and liberals is small government VS massive government.
That's not the only difference. Libertarians disagree with liberals not only on the size of government, but also on the scope. Government is a justifiable solution for some problems, but not all. Not most.
But for some reason the libertarians don't sound any different than liberals on USMB. They're both anti-Republican and don't seem to complain about Democrats much at all.

Well, it's interesting. There are number of Trump sellouts on the board who used to claim to be libertarians. But they don't talk about it much these days.

I pick on Democrats plenty. I don't expect you to read all my posts, but if you did, I think you'd see that.
The focus always seems to be issues that Democrats created as part of their constant campaigning So if you jump on their bandwagon there lies the confusion.

Whatever. I don't do bandwagons. The bottom line is, some of the complaints that Democrats have about Trump's Republicans are perfectly valid. Likewise with Republican complaints about Democrats. Just because I agree with someone on one issue doesn't mean I'm on their team.
The only difference between libertarians and liberals is small government VS massive government.
That's not the only difference. Libertarians disagree with liberals not only on the size of government, but also on the scope. Government is a justifiable solution for some problems, but not all. Not most.
But for some reason the libertarians don't sound any different than liberals on USMB. They're both anti-Republican and don't seem to complain about Democrats much at all.

Well, it's interesting. There are number of Trump sellouts on the board who used to claim to be libertarians. But they don't talk about it much these days.

I pick on Democrats plenty. I don't expect you to read all my posts, but if you did, I think you'd see that.
The focus always seems to be issues that Democrats created as part of their constant campaigning So if you jump on their bandwagon there lies the confusion.

Whatever. I don't do bandwagons. The bottom line is, some of the complaints that Democrats have about Trump's Republicans are perfectly valid. Likewise with Republican complaints about Democrats. Just because I agree with someone on one issue doesn't mean I'm on their team.
Well then it's an if the shoe fits.... wear it situation then.
That's not the only difference. Libertarians disagree with liberals not only on the size of government, but also on the scope. Government is a justifiable solution for some problems, but not all. Not most.
But for some reason the libertarians don't sound any different than liberals on USMB. They're both anti-Republican and don't seem to complain about Democrats much at all.

Well, it's interesting. There are number of Trump sellouts on the board who used to claim to be libertarians. But they don't talk about it much these days.

I pick on Democrats plenty. I don't expect you to read all my posts, but if you did, I think you'd see that.
The focus always seems to be issues that Democrats created as part of their constant campaigning So if you jump on their bandwagon there lies the confusion.

Whatever. I don't do bandwagons. The bottom line is, some of the complaints that Democrats have about Trump's Republicans are perfectly valid. Likewise with Republican complaints about Democrats. Just because I agree with someone on one issue doesn't mean I'm on their team.
Well then it's an if the shoe fits wear it situation then.

Uh... okay then. Best to stick with your tunnel vision.
But for some reason the libertarians don't sound any different than liberals on USMB. They're both anti-Republican and don't seem to complain about Democrats much at all.

Well, it's interesting. There are number of Trump sellouts on the board who used to claim to be libertarians. But they don't talk about it much these days.

I pick on Democrats plenty. I don't expect you to read all my posts, but if you did, I think you'd see that.
The focus always seems to be issues that Democrats created as part of their constant campaigning So if you jump on their bandwagon there lies the confusion.

Whatever. I don't do bandwagons. The bottom line is, some of the complaints that Democrats have about Trump's Republicans are perfectly valid. Likewise with Republican complaints about Democrats. Just because I agree with someone on one issue doesn't mean I'm on their team.
Well then it's an if the shoe fits wear it situation then.

Uh... okay then. Best to stick with your tunnel vision.
Actually I'm pretty open-minded.
However I think you're assuming something that doesn't exist here.
If the shoe fits wasn't an accusatory statement unless you felt the shoe does fit.
You are the troll, troll. You need a valid refutation not simple rejection Because You feel like it. You need a superior argument for that.

He asked you for a definition that supports you argument and you failed to supply it. So at this point you have no argument just your opinion backed by no facts. Posting for your sake of posting is not a valid argument. Either post the definition or you are just simply trolling and need to be reported as such.
it is a self-evident Truth, want to argue about it?

So you can't defend not giving the definition and posting it. Didn't think you could.
Government is social-ism in action.

Go ahead and show us the definition, we are still waiting.
it is a self-evident Truth, want to argue about it?

So you can't defend not giving the definition and posting it. Didn't think you could.
Government is social-ism in action.

Socialism defined.

Example #1 All 4 of Al Gore's kids go to Harvard while his supporters go to a crappy community college somewhere.

Example #2 Obama family purchases 15 million, 8000 square foot water front property at Martha's Vineyard. But, his supporters must conserve and live with the AC set at 82 degrees and eat with a paper fork to support conservation.

Many more examples.

That is how socialism works. You make the sacrifices because you are not royalty and only a few can enjoy that privilege.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You can repeatedly post a link, your parents must be real proud of you.
I claim it. You have to come up with arguments refuting it not simply claim you don't believe me because I haven't been plagiarizing.

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