Why do the God-haters persist?

You falsely allege that factual scientific knowledge requires faith and belief when it doesn't.

Then present for us an example of something you have no faith or belief in that you consider to be factual scientific knowledge?

the tides ....the seasons...the cycle of the moon.
these and every other action reaction require no faith or belief
you are attempting to imbue subjective notions to real world events
faith and belief are not cause and effect....
The conditions would have changed therefore the experiment is not being performed under identical circumstances. Same conditions equal identical results. Change any of them and you will get different results. That doesn't require belief or faith either.

So far you have struck out every time!

Hey, you're the one who gave the hammer experiment as an example. I simply showed where it failed your test of logic. The experiment doesn't automatically produce the same results, it depends on the conditions and other intangibles. It might produce the same results, you may be relatively certain it will, but you still need faith and belief to be absolutely certain it will.

Everything you believe requires belief, and every belief requires faith. This is why you have ignored my challenge to present an example of something you do not believe or have faith in, yet you consider it factual scientific knowledge. Anything you can present, you have faith in and believe. Why is this so hard for you to accept? It's basic logic.

Yet another strike out! You are utterly clueless as to how the scientific method works. Your home schooling didn't do you any favors. It left you unable to cope with the real world that you inhabit. You are stuck in some delusional fantasy bubble instead. But that is your problem. Have a nice day!

There's that bigotry and hatred coming out.

It always does. Trust me, there are a lot of Christians who have a perfect understanding of how the scientific method works.

The existence of God is not dependent upon the application of the scientific method (which frequently leads to INCREDIBLE *scientific* misconceptions).
Hey, you're the one who gave the hammer experiment as an example. I simply showed where it failed your test of logic. The experiment doesn't automatically produce the same results, it depends on the conditions and other intangibles. It might produce the same results, you may be relatively certain it will, but you still need faith and belief to be absolutely certain it will.

Everything you believe requires belief, and every belief requires faith. This is why you have ignored my challenge to present an example of something you do not believe or have faith in, yet you consider it factual scientific knowledge. Anything you can present, you have faith in and believe. Why is this so hard for you to accept? It's basic logic.

Yet another strike out! You are utterly clueless as to how the scientific method works. Your home schooling didn't do you any favors. It left you unable to cope with the real world that you inhabit. You are stuck in some delusional fantasy bubble instead. But that is your problem. Have a nice day!

There's that bigotry and hatred coming out.

It always does. Trust me, there are a lot of Christians who have a perfect understanding of how the scientific method works.

The existence of God is not dependent upon the application of the scientific method (which frequently leads to INCREDIBLE *scientific* misconceptions).

Where did I say that Christians don't "have a perfect understanding of how the scientific method works"?

The OP has repeatedly stated that he is not a Christian and my comments are directed at him and him alone.
You falsely allege that factual scientific knowledge requires faith and belief when it doesn't.

Then present for us an example of something you have no faith or belief in that you consider to be factual scientific knowledge?

the tides ....the seasons...the cycle of the moon.
these and every other action reaction require no faith or belief
you are attempting to imbue subjective notions to real world events
faith and belief are not cause and effect....

Let the record show, dawsy doesn't believe or have faith in tides, seasons or cycles of the moon. ...but he does believe in gravitons, right dawsy?
A true Atheist cannot hate what he doesn't believe in. That's why.

Now, there are lots and lots of people who CLAIM to be Atheists. That's a fact. And perhaps you are assuming they are telling the truth about that, and you figure they are simply behaving differently than other Athiests, I don't know. What I do know is, an Atheist can't hate what he doesn't believe in.

The fact that an atheist doesn't believe a god exists in no way means they cannot care about the fact that many others do hold such beliefs. Nor does it mean they cannot or will not argue against religious belief, or hate religious beliefs, or hate believers.

You are operating under the assumption that not believing in god means not caring if others do, and that is a completely false assumption with no logical basis.

I don't operate under assumptions. People lie about things all the time. They even lie to themselves sometimes. In fact, some people lie to themselve to the point they convince themselves of the lie. You cannot hate what you do not believe exists, it's impossible.

When I come here and see thread after thread from supposed "atheists" who are chortling insults left and right, using perjoratives like "magic sky daddy" and "flying spaghetti monster" and "imaginary friend" ....that is sheer raw hate. These are people who are lying about their beliefs, perhaps even lying to themselves to the point they believe it. Living in pure denial of the fact that they DO believe in God and hate Him.
that's your hate talking the pejoratives ,insults are in actuality clever euphemisms for your imagined god..
they are in fact directed at you not god.
if they offended god then, if he were as thin skinned as you are he would react.
where do you get off speaking for god anyway?
if god existed and gave a holy shit about this conversation it would be you bossy that would get gods wrath for being a pretentious snot..
Hey, you're the one who gave the hammer experiment as an example. I simply showed where it failed your test of logic. The experiment doesn't automatically produce the same results, it depends on the conditions and other intangibles. It might produce the same results, you may be relatively certain it will, but you still need faith and belief to be absolutely certain it will.

Everything you believe requires belief, and every belief requires faith. This is why you have ignored my challenge to present an example of something you do not believe or have faith in, yet you consider it factual scientific knowledge. Anything you can present, you have faith in and believe. Why is this so hard for you to accept? It's basic logic.

Yet another strike out! You are utterly clueless as to how the scientific method works. Your home schooling didn't do you any favors. It left you unable to cope with the real world that you inhabit. You are stuck in some delusional fantasy bubble instead. But that is your problem. Have a nice day!

There's that bigotry and hatred coming out.

It always does. Trust me, there are a lot of Christians who have a perfect understanding of how the scientific method works.

The existence of God is not dependent upon the application of the scientific method (which frequently leads to INCREDIBLE *scientific* misconceptions).
kosherhag the world's leading expert on bigotry and hatred..
btw those christian you're talking about laugh at "Christians" like you constantly....
Then present for us an example of something you have no faith or belief in that you consider to be factual scientific knowledge?

the tides ....the seasons...the cycle of the moon.
these and every other action reaction require no faith or belief
you are attempting to imbue subjective notions to real world events
faith and belief are not cause and effect....

Let the record show, dawsy doesn't believe or have faith in tides, seasons or cycles of the moon. ...but he does believe in gravitons, right dawsy?
still stinging from being punked are we?

you still believe in your sky daddy?
My point stands. The scientific method has absolutely no bearing on the existence of spirtuality, the validity of it, the existence of a higher power, nor can it determine the existence of *faith*.
My point stands. The scientific method has absolutely no bearing on the existence of spirtuality, the validity of it, the existence of a higher power, nor can it determine the existence of *faith*.
of course it can, faith exist as a thought /memory/action..
people act on faith all the time
thought memory and actions can and are studied by science. there is no question that faith exists...
My point stands. The scientific method has absolutely no bearing on the existence of spirtuality, the validity of it, the existence of a higher power, nor can it determine the existence of *faith*.

Agreed, but that is not the point the OP is trying to make. He is alleging the existence of a mythical "spiritual energy" and claiming that people's feelings of spirituality are "evidence" of this "spiritual energy". He has invoked Darwin and alleged that only mankind is capable of a "spiritual connection" to his mythical "spiritual energy" only to be proven wrong when evidence of spirituality exists in Neanderthal sites that predate human ones. He also alleges that anyone who successfully debunks his absurdities is a de facto "god hater". Too bad that his own posts expose the OP as a Christian hater.

So, unlike you, the OP is making ludicrous claims that he cannot substantiate. As you stated there are plenty of Christians who understand and embrace the scientific method. The OP would classify them as "god haters" too if they were to hold up his allegations to any kind of scrutiny.
My point is that whether or not something can be substantiated is in no way EVIDENCE that it doesn't exist.

It's just evidence that man can't figure it out.
My point is that whether or not something can be substantiated is in no way EVIDENCE that it doesn't exist.

It's just evidence that man can't figure it out.

And no one is making that claim either.

But the OP is alleging that we have to prove that his "spiritual energy" does NOT exist. That is not how it works. If you make a claim that something exists you have to either (a) prove it via the scientific method, or (b) say that you believe that it exists.

Your belief in God is based upon your faith. That is perfectly understandable and you don't go around expecting others to prove via the scientific method that he doesn't.

However the OP is doing that and that is just not acceptable.
My point is that whether or not something can be substantiated is in no way EVIDENCE that it doesn't exist.

It's just evidence that man can't figure it out.
false! you claim faith is substantiation
do you not? for you that is evidence..the problem is it's subjective and anecdotal.
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A true Atheist cannot hate what he doesn't believe in. That's why.

Now, there are lots and lots of people who CLAIM to be Atheists. That's a fact. And perhaps you are assuming they are telling the truth about that, and you figure they are simply behaving differently than other Athiests, I don't know. What I do know is, an Atheist can't hate what he doesn't believe in.

The fact that an atheist doesn't believe a god exists in no way means they cannot care about the fact that many others do hold such beliefs. Nor does it mean they cannot or will not argue against religious belief, or hate religious beliefs, or hate believers.

You are operating under the assumption that not believing in god means not caring if others do, and that is a completely false assumption with no logical basis.

I don't operate under assumptions. People lie about things all the time. They even lie to themselves sometimes. In fact, some people lie to themselve to the point they convince themselves of the lie. You cannot hate what you do not believe exists, it's impossible.

When I come here and see thread after thread from supposed "atheists" who are chortling insults left and right, using perjoratives like "magic sky daddy" and "flying spaghetti monster" and "imaginary friend" ....that is sheer raw hate. These are people who are lying about their beliefs, perhaps even lying to themselves to the point they believe it. Living in pure denial of the fact that they DO believe in God and hate Him.

Let me get this straight. You claim not to operate under assumptions, yet turn around and say that people who argue against the existence of god(s) are, in fact, secretly believers in god(s), and your evidence for this is the voracity with which they argue?

OK, you go with that. :lol:
Then present for us an example of something you have no faith or belief in that you consider to be factual scientific knowledge?

the tides ....the seasons...the cycle of the moon.
these and every other action reaction require no faith or belief
you are attempting to imbue subjective notions to real world events
faith and belief are not cause and effect....

Let the record show, dawsy doesn't believe or have faith in tides, seasons or cycles of the moon. ...but he does believe in gravitons, right dawsy?

the tides ....the seasons...the cycle of the moon.
these and every other action reaction require no faith or belief
you are attempting to imbue subjective notions to real world events
faith and belief are not cause and effect....

Let the record show, dawsy doesn't believe or have faith in tides, seasons or cycles of the moon. ...but he does believe in gravitons, right dawsy?
still stinging from being punked are we?

you still believe in your sky daddy?

the tides ....the seasons...the cycle of the moon.
these and every other action reaction require no faith or belief
you are attempting to imbue subjective notions to real world events
faith and belief are not cause and effect....

Let the record show, dawsy doesn't believe or have faith in tides, seasons or cycles of the moon. ...but he does believe in gravitons, right dawsy?

slow day at the creation museum?

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