Why do the God-haters persist?

Considering the insults and vitriol in this reply, shall I assume you are a god-hater?

Gee, I don't see where I said anything about insults and vitriol automatically being God-hate. Nope, not there. Didn't say it, wasn't my argument or point. But thanks for demonstrating what a totally incompetent dickhead you are.

No, you didn't....but you DID equate insults and vitriol to god-haters and the supposed secret believers.

Perhaps you are upset that I am mocking the assumptions you supposedly don't make instead of mocking god? :dunno:

Uhm... no... I did not equate insults and vitriol to God-haters. I stated factually that true Atheists can't hate what they don't believe exists. Now I certainly do believe that God-haters exist. I submit that God-haters are not Atheists as they claim to be. God-haters can insult God all day long, I can insult you all day long. Atheists have no rational reason to insult God or believers in God because they don't believe God exists.

I'm not upset. I'm sorry that you have misinterpreted my insults as me being upset, and perhaps you need to feel like I am upset and you've done the upsetting. To me, this is more evidence that you are a true believer in God and hate Him.
Gee, I don't see where I said anything about insults and vitriol automatically being God-hate. Nope, not there. Didn't say it, wasn't my argument or point. But thanks for demonstrating what a totally incompetent dickhead you are.

No, you didn't....but you DID equate insults and vitriol to god-haters and the supposed secret believers.

Perhaps you are upset that I am mocking the assumptions you supposedly don't make instead of mocking god? :dunno:

Uhm... no... I did not equate insults and vitriol to God-haters. I stated factually that true Atheists can't hate what they don't believe exists. Now I certainly do believe that God-haters exist. I submit that God-haters are not Atheists as they claim to be. God-haters can insult God all day long, I can insult you all day long. Atheists have no rational reason to insult God or believers in God because they don't believe God exists.

I'm not upset. I'm sorry that you have misinterpreted my insults as me being upset, and perhaps you need to feel like I am upset and you've done the upsetting. To me, this is more evidence that you are a true believer in God and hate Him.

Of course that's what you think. Clearly you have a problem accepting the possibility that people without faith might argue or mock those who do have it. That's fairly silly, considering how often people of opposing faiths argue with or mock those of different beliefs.

Rarely do I see a self-proclaimed atheist insult god as though they believe in it. Where you get the idea that mocking believers or mocking belief systems/religions is somehow an admittance that a god exists, I don't know; then again, most of what you post falls into that category. :lol:

Is there a rational reason to insult anyone for any reason? If so, do those reasons never apply to atheists regarding those with faith?

Do you somehow expect atheists to be always rational in their actions? Are you, perhaps, mistaking atheists for Vulcans? :eusa_whistle:

I realize atheists can't hate a thing they don't believe exists. That is why I have, over and over, pointed out that hating a system of beliefs is not the same as hating the supposed entity that belief system is based around. It is why I have, over and over, pointed out that hating people who believe in a god is not the same as hating the god in which they believe.

If someone were to hate Santa Claus, to denigrate and insult in extreme measure either the children who believe in him or the parents who perpetuate the myth, would you assume such a person secretly believes in Santa?

If a person of faith hates the Flying Spaghetti Monster, would you assume they believe in his noodley appendages?

I can only suppose that your insistence is somehow connected to your belief about human spirituality; perhaps you think people who truly have no spiritual beliefs must be vanishingly rare, I don't know. It certainly doesn't make sense that only atheists should be rational as well as polite about faith. :lol:
No, you didn't....but you DID equate insults and vitriol to god-haters and the supposed secret believers.

Perhaps you are upset that I am mocking the assumptions you supposedly don't make instead of mocking god? :dunno:

Uhm... no... I did not equate insults and vitriol to God-haters. I stated factually that true Atheists can't hate what they don't believe exists. Now I certainly do believe that God-haters exist. I submit that God-haters are not Atheists as they claim to be. God-haters can insult God all day long, I can insult you all day long. Atheists have no rational reason to insult God or believers in God because they don't believe God exists.

I'm not upset. I'm sorry that you have misinterpreted my insults as me being upset, and perhaps you need to feel like I am upset and you've done the upsetting. To me, this is more evidence that you are a true believer in God and hate Him.

Of course that's what you think. Clearly you have a problem accepting the possibility that people without faith might argue or mock those who do have it. That's fairly silly, considering how often people of opposing faiths argue with or mock those of different beliefs.

Rarely do I see a self-proclaimed atheist insult god as though they believe in it. Where you get the idea that mocking believers or mocking belief systems/religions is somehow an admittance that a god exists, I don't know; then again, most of what you post falls into that category. :lol:

Is there a rational reason to insult anyone for any reason? If so, do those reasons never apply to atheists regarding those with faith?

Do you somehow expect atheists to be always rational in their actions? Are you, perhaps, mistaking atheists for Vulcans? :eusa_whistle:

I realize atheists can't hate a thing they don't believe exists. That is why I have, over and over, pointed out that hating a system of beliefs is not the same as hating the supposed entity that belief system is based around. It is why I have, over and over, pointed out that hating people who believe in a god is not the same as hating the god in which they believe.

If someone were to hate Santa Claus, to denigrate and insult in extreme measure either the children who believe in him or the parents who perpetuate the myth, would you assume such a person secretly believes in Santa?

If a person of faith hates the Flying Spaghetti Monster, would you assume they believe in his noodley appendages?

I can only suppose that your insistence is somehow connected to your belief about human spirituality; perhaps you think people who truly have no spiritual beliefs must be vanishingly rare, I don't know. It certainly doesn't make sense that only atheists should be rational as well as polite about faith. :lol:

Quiet the opposite as a matter of fact. Atheists, agnostics, non adherents to any one faith now comprise the 3rd or 4th largest group in the entire world today when people are asked to self identify their religious beliefs. Even in the USA that group is the fastest growing of all.

Statistics on Religion in America Report -- Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life

You wouldn't believe it but atheism is now world's third biggest 'faith' after Christianity and Islam | Mail Online
And here we see DoritoTea reinforcing his facade by showing some rather specious statistics.

As I said in the OP, the God-haters are lying about their Atheism. So all of these stats which show this massive growing trend of Atheism is largely the lying God-haters, who claim to be Atheists but are not.

Nihilism is the belief in nothing. No spirituality whatsoever. Surveys vary, but there has never been a survey of significance which has shown more than about 5~7% who identify as Nihilists worldwide, and even in the most Atheistic of all regions (Scandinavia) only about 10~12% identify as Nihilists.

Now it seems to me there are an awful lot of Atheists who don't quite feel comfortable making the leap to Nihilism. Perhaps they are Atheists in the sense they reject theism and belief in deities but still accept there is a spiritual nature of some kind. Or maybe they are lying asswipes like DoritoTea, who really do believe in God and just hate Him. In any event, it appears the overwhelming majority of humans do believe in something.
If someone were to hate Santa Claus, to denigrate and insult in extreme measure either the children who believe in him or the parents who perpetuate the myth, would you assume such a person secretly believes in Santa?

I would say that if you had someone who devoted vast number of hours each day to seeking out the children who believe in Santa and "informing" them they are idiots and morons, ridiculing them, insulting them, coming up with every thinkable way to denigrate them for believing in Santa.... they either have mental problems or they must believe Santa is real. Probably both.

The fact remains, you can't hate something you don't believe in. There is no rational reason for the hate and vitriol we see from the God-haters, if they are legitimately Atheists. Oh they may have some dismissive comment to interject now and again, but by-and-large, the people who believed in God and the concept itself, wouldn't mean anything to them. As we see here, it very much does mean something to God-haters.
It's because they want to assure themselves that they are right, and they believe that shoving their views in everyone's face is the only way for confirmation, it's pathetic and childish really. I also believe that some people feel that they want to prove that no one can control them, and that they are themselves, so as a result, they try to prove that no god can ever control their actions, and that they do what they want when they want, a massive ego trip. I believe that there are many other reasons behind this too, some stimulate from being pressured by parents, others are just looking for something/someone to blame and they feel that god and/or a higher power is a easy target.
Agreed, but that is not the point the OP is trying to make. He is alleging the existence of a mythical "spiritual energy" and claiming that people's feelings of spirituality are "evidence" of this "spiritual energy". He has invoked Darwin and alleged that only mankind is capable of a "spiritual connection" to his mythical "spiritual energy" only to be proven wrong when evidence of spirituality exists in Neanderthal sites that predate human ones. He also alleges that anyone who successfully debunks his absurdities is a de facto "god hater". Too bad that his own posts expose the OP as a Christian hater.

So, unlike you, the OP is making ludicrous claims that he cannot substantiate. As you stated there are plenty of Christians who understand and embrace the scientific method. The OP would classify them as "god haters" too if they were to hold up his allegations to any kind of scrutiny.

Stop lying to people, asshole. I've made no such arguments. The OP is about the difference between true Atheists and God-haters. I've substantiated every claim I've made, you've not refuted them, and so now you're just bowing up and lying through your shit-stained teeth, like the low-life trash you are. You've not held up anything to scrutiny, you have twisted and wiggled around logic at every turn to avoid admitting you've had your ass handed to you. It's not my job to prove spiritual nature to you, it's your job to disprove it if you are going to claim it doesn't exist. So far, you have failed to do so. I couldn't care less if you believe it or don't believe it, makes no difference to me or the God I believe in.

Considering the insults and vitriol in this reply, shall I assume you are a god-hater? :eusa_whistle:

That comes through loud and clear in his posts.

He's free to believe whatever gets him through the night but its not god. That's for sure.
And here we see DoritoTea reinforcing his facade by showing some rather specious statistics.

As I said in the OP, the God-haters are lying about their Atheism. So all of these stats which show this massive growing trend of Atheism is largely the lying God-haters, who claim to be Atheists but are not.

Nihilism is the belief in nothing. No spirituality whatsoever. Surveys vary, but there has never been a survey of significance which has shown more than about 5~7% who identify as Nihilists worldwide, and even in the most Atheistic of all regions (Scandinavia) only about 10~12% identify as Nihilists.

Now it seems to me there are an awful lot of Atheists who don't quite feel comfortable making the leap to Nihilism. Perhaps they are Atheists in the sense they reject theism and belief in deities but still accept there is a spiritual nature of some kind. Or maybe they are lying asswipes like DoritoTea, who really do believe in God and just hate Him. In any event, it appears the overwhelming majority of humans do believe in something.

A couple of problems with your statements here.

First, I don't know what definition of nihilism you are using, but 'belief in nothing, no spirituality whatsoever' is not one I've seen.

Second, even if we were to accept your definition of nihilism, that it is somehow related to spiritual faith and merely a synonym for atheism, I'd guess that many people do not know the definition. I'd guess that surveys about religious/spiritual belief rarely, if ever, put nihilism as a choice. And most importantly, if atheism and nihilism are synonymous, as you seem to claim, why would a survey put both of them down as choices?

So. You don't believe that very many people could truly disbelieve in god. That's fine, and I disagree. However, supposed evidence you're providing has been thin, at best. Why not just say you believe you know what people really think, rather than what they claim, and be done with it?
And here we see DoritoTea reinforcing his facade by showing some rather specious statistics.

As I said in the OP, the God-haters are lying about their Atheism. So all of these stats which show this massive growing trend of Atheism is largely the lying God-haters, who claim to be Atheists but are not.

Nihilism is the belief in nothing. No spirituality whatsoever. Surveys vary, but there has never been a survey of significance which has shown more than about 5~7% who identify as Nihilists worldwide, and even in the most Atheistic of all regions (Scandinavia) only about 10~12% identify as Nihilists.

Now it seems to me there are an awful lot of Atheists who don't quite feel comfortable making the leap to Nihilism. Perhaps they are Atheists in the sense they reject theism and belief in deities but still accept there is a spiritual nature of some kind. Or maybe they are lying asswipes like DoritoTea, who really do believe in God and just hate Him. In any event, it appears the overwhelming majority of humans do believe in something.

More pathetic lies from the OP!

The surveys are credible and you can't factually refute them!

Atheism is not equal to nihilism no matter what the voices in your head tell you.

Your inability to engage in civil discourse will be dealt with in full accordance with USMB rules!
It's because they want to assure themselves that they are right, and they believe that shoving their views in everyone's face is the only way for confirmation ...

Boss: We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

the God-haters are lying about their Atheism.

Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh?

who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him.

Boss: If we can't have an honest dialogue ...

* clue Boss, where's the honesty ?

And here we see DoritoTea reinforcing his facade by showing some rather specious statistics.

As I said in the OP, the God-haters are lying about their Atheism. So all of these stats which show this massive growing trend of Atheism is largely the lying God-haters, who claim to be Atheists but are not.

Nihilism is the belief in nothing. No spirituality whatsoever. Surveys vary, but there has never been a survey of significance which has shown more than about 5~7% who identify as Nihilists worldwide, and even in the most Atheistic of all regions (Scandinavia) only about 10~12% identify as Nihilists.

Now it seems to me there are an awful lot of Atheists who don't quite feel comfortable making the leap to Nihilism. Perhaps they are Atheists in the sense they reject theism and belief in deities but still accept there is a spiritual nature of some kind. Or maybe they are lying asswipes like DoritoTea, who really do believe in God and just hate Him. In any event, it appears the overwhelming majority of humans do believe in something.

A couple of problems with your statements here.

First, I don't know what definition of nihilism you are using, but 'belief in nothing, no spirituality whatsoever' is not one I've seen.

Second, even if we were to accept your definition of nihilism, that it is somehow related to spiritual faith and merely a synonym for atheism, I'd guess that many people do not know the definition. I'd guess that surveys about religious/spiritual belief rarely, if ever, put nihilism as a choice. And most importantly, if atheism and nihilism are synonymous, as you seem to claim, why would a survey put both of them down as choices?

So. You don't believe that very many people could truly disbelieve in god. That's fine, and I disagree. However, supposed evidence you're providing has been thin, at best. Why not just say you believe you know what people really think, rather than what they claim, and be done with it?

I never said that Nihilism is synonymous with Atheism. Certainly they are not synonymous. But yet again we see the eagerness of yourself and others to be deliberately dishonest. Why do you do this? What purpose do you have to distort my words into lies?

It's not that I don't believe very many people could disbelieve in God, it's that I believe many people claim to disbelieve and they are lying. I personally know a lot of real-life Atheists. Not a single one of them has ever mocked me or my beliefs, called God "sky daddy" or any other pejorative, or spent much time at all denigrating the faith of others. They simply couldn't care less. As I said before, I have certain family members who define ME as an Atheist because I reject organized religions. I would never define myself as such, but I see their point.

I am a psychologist, I study behavior in humans. When I come here and I see people who are spending day after day in thread after thread, denouncing, bemoaning, ridiculing and denigrating God and those who believe in God, I can't help but think I am seeing classic "cognitive dissonance" in all it's glory. These are not true Atheists, although they claim to be and perhaps have even sociopathically convinced themselves they are. I can't speak to their motives, everyone has their own reasonings for their behavior. I just don't believe they are true Atheists because a true Atheist wouldn't be this obsessed.

Someone who does believe in God but hates God, is not going to come right out and admit that. It's like a pathological liar telling you, "hey, don't believe a word I say because I lie all the time!" Humans don't behave this way. We often hide our true feelings and pretend we are something else, especially if our true feelings leave us vulnerable. This is why the God-haters pretend to be Atheists. However, it is their obsession with God and vehement hatred of all things associated with God, which reveals who they really are.
And here we see DoritoTea reinforcing his facade by showing some rather specious statistics.

As I said in the OP, the God-haters are lying about their Atheism. So all of these stats which show this massive growing trend of Atheism is largely the lying God-haters, who claim to be Atheists but are not.

Nihilism is the belief in nothing. No spirituality whatsoever. Surveys vary, but there has never been a survey of significance which has shown more than about 5~7% who identify as Nihilists worldwide, and even in the most Atheistic of all regions (Scandinavia) only about 10~12% identify as Nihilists.

Now it seems to me there are an awful lot of Atheists who don't quite feel comfortable making the leap to Nihilism. Perhaps they are Atheists in the sense they reject theism and belief in deities but still accept there is a spiritual nature of some kind. Or maybe they are lying asswipes like DoritoTea, who really do believe in God and just hate Him. In any event, it appears the overwhelming majority of humans do believe in something.

A couple of problems with your statements here.

First, I don't know what definition of nihilism you are using, but 'belief in nothing, no spirituality whatsoever' is not one I've seen.

Second, even if we were to accept your definition of nihilism, that it is somehow related to spiritual faith and merely a synonym for atheism, I'd guess that many people do not know the definition. I'd guess that surveys about religious/spiritual belief rarely, if ever, put nihilism as a choice. And most importantly, if atheism and nihilism are synonymous, as you seem to claim, why would a survey put both of them down as choices?

So. You don't believe that very many people could truly disbelieve in god. That's fine, and I disagree. However, supposed evidence you're providing has been thin, at best. Why not just say you believe you know what people really think, rather than what they claim, and be done with it?

I never said that Nihilism is synonymous with Atheism. Certainly they are not synonymous. But yet again we see the eagerness of yourself and others to be deliberately dishonest. Why do you do this? What purpose do you have to distort my words into lies?

It's not that I don't believe very many people could disbelieve in God, it's that I believe many people claim to disbelieve and they are lying. I personally know a lot of real-life Atheists. Not a single one of them has ever mocked me or my beliefs, called God "sky daddy" or any other pejorative, or spent much time at all denigrating the faith of others. They simply couldn't care less. As I said before, I have certain family members who define ME as an Atheist because I reject organized religions. I would never define myself as such, but I see their point.

I am a psychologist, I study behavior in humans. When I come here and I see people who are spending day after day in thread after thread, denouncing, bemoaning, ridiculing and denigrating God and those who believe in God, I can't help but think I am seeing classic "cognitive dissonance" in all it's glory. These are not true Atheists, although they claim to be and perhaps have even sociopathically convinced themselves they are. I can't speak to their motives, everyone has their own reasonings for their behavior. I just don't believe they are true Atheists because a true Atheist wouldn't be this obsessed.

Someone who does believe in God but hates God, is not going to come right out and admit that. It's like a pathological liar telling you, "hey, don't believe a word I say because I lie all the time!" Humans don't behave this way. We often hide our true feelings and pretend we are something else, especially if our true feelings leave us vulnerable. This is why the God-haters pretend to be Atheists. However, it is their obsession with God and vehement hatred of all things associated with God, which reveals who they really are.

:lmao: :rofl: :badgrin: :rofl: :lmao:

:lmao: :rofl: :lmao: :lmao: :rofl: :lmao: :lmao: :rofl: :lmao:

:lmao: :badgrin: :lmao: :badgrin: :lmao: :badgrin: :lmao: :badgrin: :lmao: :badgrin: :lmao:
And here we see DoritoTea reinforcing his facade by showing some rather specious statistics.

As I said in the OP, the God-haters are lying about their Atheism. So all of these stats which show this massive growing trend of Atheism is largely the lying God-haters, who claim to be Atheists but are not.

Nihilism is the belief in nothing. No spirituality whatsoever. Surveys vary, but there has never been a survey of significance which has shown more than about 5~7% who identify as Nihilists worldwide, and even in the most Atheistic of all regions (Scandinavia) only about 10~12% identify as Nihilists.

Now it seems to me there are an awful lot of Atheists who don't quite feel comfortable making the leap to Nihilism. Perhaps they are Atheists in the sense they reject theism and belief in deities but still accept there is a spiritual nature of some kind. Or maybe they are lying asswipes like DoritoTea, who really do believe in God and just hate Him. In any event, it appears the overwhelming majority of humans do believe in something.

A couple of problems with your statements here.

First, I don't know what definition of nihilism you are using, but 'belief in nothing, no spirituality whatsoever' is not one I've seen.

Second, even if we were to accept your definition of nihilism, that it is somehow related to spiritual faith and merely a synonym for atheism, I'd guess that many people do not know the definition. I'd guess that surveys about religious/spiritual belief rarely, if ever, put nihilism as a choice. And most importantly, if atheism and nihilism are synonymous, as you seem to claim, why would a survey put both of them down as choices?

So. You don't believe that very many people could truly disbelieve in god. That's fine, and I disagree. However, supposed evidence you're providing has been thin, at best. Why not just say you believe you know what people really think, rather than what they claim, and be done with it?

I never said that Nihilism is synonymous with Atheism. Certainly they are not synonymous. But yet again we see the eagerness of yourself and others to be deliberately dishonest. Why do you do this? What purpose do you have to distort my words into lies?

It's not that I don't believe very many people could disbelieve in God, it's that I believe many people claim to disbelieve and they are lying. I personally know a lot of real-life Atheists. Not a single one of them has ever mocked me or my beliefs, called God "sky daddy" or any other pejorative, or spent much time at all denigrating the faith of others. They simply couldn't care less. As I said before, I have certain family members who define ME as an Atheist because I reject organized religions. I would never define myself as such, but I see their point.

I am a psychologist, I study behavior in humans. When I come here and I see people who are spending day after day in thread after thread, denouncing, bemoaning, ridiculing and denigrating God and those who believe in God, I can't help but think I am seeing classic "cognitive dissonance" in all it's glory. These are not true Atheists, although they claim to be and perhaps have even sociopathically convinced themselves they are. I can't speak to their motives, everyone has their own reasonings for their behavior. I just don't believe they are true Atheists because a true Atheist wouldn't be this obsessed.

Someone who does believe in God but hates God, is not going to come right out and admit that. It's like a pathological liar telling you, "hey, don't believe a word I say because I lie all the time!" Humans don't behave this way. We often hide our true feelings and pretend we are something else, especially if our true feelings leave us vulnerable. This is why the God-haters pretend to be Atheists. However, it is their obsession with God and vehement hatred of all things associated with God, which reveals who they really are.

I see you skipped the definition of nihilism issue.

You said, and I quote, "Now it seems to me there are an awful lot of Atheists who don't quite feel comfortable making the leap to Nihilism. Perhaps they are Atheists in the sense they reject theism and belief in deities but still accept there is a spiritual nature of some kind. Or maybe they are lying asswipes like DoritoTea, who really do believe in God and just hate Him. In any event, it appears the overwhelming majority of humans do believe in something.". You appear to be giving choices. The first is atheists who don't believe in deities but do believe in the spiritual. The second is liars who really do believe but won't admit it. And that's it. Those are, apparently, the only possibilities you see as to why people don't self-identify as nihilists rather than simply atheists.

Well, you are free to use whatever definitions you want for those words, but I'm afraid you're unlikely to find the rest of the world agreeing with you. There is no reason an atheist must 'make the leap' to nihilism, as you put it, if they hold no spiritual beliefs. That is a false connection on your part. And as I pointed out, I think it is possible that many of those who fit your definition of nihilism would not know they should self-identify as such instead of simply as atheist.

Do you have any evidence that the definition of nihilism you provided is a correct one, and more importantly, a commonly used one?

Do you have any evidence that all or even most surveys about religious or spiritual belief provide nihilism as one of the choices?

Are you just making this up as you go?

I see you skipped the definition of nihilism issue.

Because it is superfluous. I never presented a dictionary definition of Nihlism. I simply stated that Nihilism is the belief in nothing. No spirituality or deities. I also did not claim to be listing all possible reasons Atheists don't identify as Nihilist. I gave a couple of examples of why they might not, and said that everyone has their own motivations.

I've had these sort of debates with you before. You like to distort and pervert what people say, then have a phantom argument with that. You like to find little contextual faults you can exploit and make the argument about, instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue. And you're really good at it too, I might add. The thing is, I am not interested in playing your game.
I see you skipped the definition of nihilism issue.

Because it is superfluous. I never presented a dictionary definition of Nihlism. I simply stated that Nihilism is the belief in nothing. No spirituality or deities. I also did not claim to be listing all possible reasons Atheists don't identify as Nihilist. I gave a couple of examples of why they might not, and said that everyone has their own motivations.

I've had these sort of debates with you before. You like to distort and pervert what people say, then have a phantom argument with that. You like to find little contextual faults you can exploit and make the argument about, instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue. And you're really good at it too, I might add. The thing is, I am not interested in playing your game.

Pot meet kettle. :lol:

I didn't say you presented a dictionary definition of nihilism. However, if you use a definition that other people do not, it makes your entire argument pretty much asinine, doesn't it? I mean, of course people will not consider themselves nihilists if they don't believe it means the same thing you say it does!

Yet here you are, making an argument about why atheists don't identify themselves as nihilists based on your own personal definition of the term, then complain about me arguing distortions of what people say. :lmao:

You have now stated that that atheists who argue strongly against god or are extremely insulting to believers actually secretly believe in god and are hiding that behind a false veneer of atheism. That's not enough, though, as you've tried to provide evidence for that. In this particular case, you've used an uncommon, or entirely false, definition of the word nihilism to try and make that case.

What part of that is a distortion or perversion of what you've said in this thread? :popcorn:
You have now stated that that atheists who argue strongly against god or are extremely insulting to believers actually secretly believe in god and are hiding that behind a false veneer of atheism.

Not what I said.

God-haters are people who believe in God and hate Him. They are intellectual cowards who will not admit they believe in God, and hide behind the label "Atheist" because they believe this gives them cover. They should never be confused with Atheists. But yet here again, you have misconstrued what I said and are assuming I have said something I didn't.
You have now stated that that atheists who argue strongly against god or are extremely insulting to believers actually secretly believe in god and are hiding that behind a false veneer of atheism.

Not what I said.

God-haters are people who believe in God and hate Him. They are intellectual cowards who will not admit they believe in God, and hide behind the label "Atheist" because they believe this gives them cover. They should never be confused with Atheists. But yet here again, you have misconstrued what I said and are assuming I have said something I didn't.

Just a question, if you believe that God is 'spiritual energy' and someone who believes that God is more than energy ridicules someone else's belief that God is triune and edible how is that showing hatred for your belief in God or hatred for God?

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