Why do the God-haters persist?

Can you tell me what church it is? I don't believe it is Baptist looking at the church structure in England.
It's not, and I have no objection to honest questioning or disagreement with various 'incarnations' of God. In other words, if someone says, "I believe God is [fill in blank]!" And someone responds, "I don't believe that, I believe [fill in blank]!" This is sharing of opinions and is fine, I have no problem with that. My OP is addressing people who are obsessed with God to the point of vitriol and hatred, making insultuous remarks, attacking with meanness and hostility, ridiculing and demeaning. These are also opinions, but they are opinions based on a belief and hate of God.

Just to interject a quick clarification of my views : plenty of times atheists or non-believers can be total ass-holes toward the religious. I am in no way trying to deny or defend any bad behavior from atheists.

I simply don't see a reason to assume such bad behavior equates to a belief in god.

It doesn't always. But most of the time it does.

Why do you assume that to be the case?
Here is another video with a look at the building structure. Do you know what church it is? It isn't in America and there are white and black people in this church.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQbdjCYXWZo#t=17]LOU FELLINGHAM & THE PHATFISH-TO GOD BE THE GLORY - YouTube[/ame]

No racism here.
Just to interject a quick clarification of my views : plenty of times atheists or non-believers can be total ass-holes toward the religious. I am in no way trying to deny or defend any bad behavior from atheists.

I simply don't see a reason to assume such bad behavior equates to a belief in god.

It doesn't always. But most of the time it does.

Why do you assume that to be the case?

Because, as some Atheists in this thread have admitted, you cannot hate what you don't believe exists.
It doesn't always. But most of the time it does.

Why do you assume that to be the case?

Because, as some Atheists in this thread have admitted, you cannot hate what you don't believe exists.

So yet again I have to point out that hating the belief in a god(s) is not the same as hating the god(s). Hating the believer is not the same as hating the god(s).

Is there a particular reason you assume atheists cannot hate either the belief or the believer and must, instead, hate the god(s)?
Why do you assume that to be the case?

Because, as some Atheists in this thread have admitted, you cannot hate what you don't believe exists.

So yet again I have to point out that hating the belief in a god(s) is not the same as hating the god(s). Hating the believer is not the same as hating the god(s).

Is there a particular reason you assume atheists cannot hate either the belief or the believer and must, instead, hate the god(s)?

You can't hate what you do not believe exists. I don't know how else to explain that to you. In order to hate something, you have to believe it exists first. If you don't believe in God, why do you need to call him "sky daddy" and other assorted names? It makes no sense. Those are perjoratives designed to insult and infer hate or ridicule for something you very much do believe in but loathe. When you are obsessing with it, spending day after day here, doing the same thing, it is either a mental disorder or you honestly hate the God that you believe exists. There is not another rational explanation.

Now you are doing practically everything you can think of to avoid seeing my point. You've come up with every possible way to create and exception or explain a nuance instead of trying to understand my point, and I wonder why that is? Is it so you can keep on defending your personal God-hate? Is it because you are thick and obtuse? Or is it just because you like to win arguments on any front for the hell of it?

It doesn't really matter to me, if you're stubbornly going to refuse to see my point, there isn't much I can do about that. You just keep trying to sidestep it and carve out an exception... well, there are exceptions to everything. I've not said that 100% of the time in all cases this is true. It's my observation, I've made my point, and if you don't agree with me, that's fine.
Because, as some Atheists in this thread have admitted, you cannot hate what you don't believe exists.

So yet again I have to point out that hating the belief in a god(s) is not the same as hating the god(s). Hating the believer is not the same as hating the god(s).

Is there a particular reason you assume atheists cannot hate either the belief or the believer and must, instead, hate the god(s)?

You can't hate what you do not believe exists. I don't know how else to explain that to you. In order to hate something, you have to believe it exists first. If you don't believe in God, why do you need to call him "sky daddy" and other assorted names? It makes no sense. Those are perjoratives designed to insult and infer hate or ridicule for something you very much do believe in but loathe. When you are obsessing with it, spending day after day here, doing the same thing, it is either a mental disorder or you honestly hate the God that you believe exists. There is not another rational explanation.

Now you are doing practically everything you can think of to avoid seeing my point. You've come up with every possible way to create and exception or explain a nuance instead of trying to understand my point, and I wonder why that is? Is it so you can keep on defending your personal God-hate? Is it because you are thick and obtuse? Or is it just because you like to win arguments on any front for the hell of it?

It doesn't really matter to me, if you're stubbornly going to refuse to see my point, there isn't much I can do about that. You just keep trying to sidestep it and carve out an exception... well, there are exceptions to everything. I've not said that 100% of the time in all cases this is true. It's my observation, I've made my point, and if you don't agree with me, that's fine.

Just like you. :lol:
I never said that Nihilism is synonymous with Atheism. Certainly they are not synonymous. But yet again we see the eagerness of yourself and others to be deliberately dishonest. Why do you do this? What purpose do you have to distort my words into lies?

It's not that I don't believe very many people could disbelieve in God, it's that I believe many people claim to disbelieve and they are lying. I personally know a lot of real-life Atheists. Not a single one of them has ever mocked me or my beliefs, called God "sky daddy" or any other pejorative, or spent much time at all denigrating the faith of others. They simply couldn't care less. As I said before, I have certain family members who define ME as an Atheist because I reject organized religions. I would never define myself as such, but I see their point.

I am a psychologist, I study behavior in humans. When I come here and I see people who are spending day after day in thread after thread, denouncing, bemoaning, ridiculing and denigrating God and those who believe in God, I can't help but think I am seeing classic "cognitive dissonance" in all it's glory. These are not true Atheists, although they claim to be and perhaps have even sociopathically convinced themselves they are. I can't speak to their motives, everyone has their own reasonings for their behavior. I just don't believe they are true Atheists because a true Atheist wouldn't be this obsessed.

Someone who does believe in God but hates God, is not going to come right out and admit that. It's like a pathological liar telling you, "hey, don't believe a word I say because I lie all the time!" Humans don't behave this way. We often hide our true feelings and pretend we are something else, especially if our true feelings leave us vulnerable. This is why the God-haters pretend to be Atheists. However, it is their obsession with God and vehement hatred of all things associated with God, which reveals who they really are.
no you claim to be a psychologist !
psychologists have to keep their religious views separate from their profession so as not to taint their advice to clients.
I've yet to see you take a neutral position in any of your posts..

A few points I need to correct you on here. First of all, psychologists do not have "clients" (...you may be thinking of psychiatrists.) A psychologist is a scientist who studies human behavior. Secondly, I do not post at USMB in an "official" capacity of my profession, but as an individual posting his opinion and viewpoint. Lastly, I have no "religious" views, other than the view that I don't condone or advocate any organized religious doctrine. I am a Spiritualist. I believe in a Spiritual Nature and Spiritual God.

Imagine that? Someone who claims to be a psychologist but doesn't even know that clinical/counseling psychologists treat patients (not "clients").

A psychologist evaluates, diagnoses, treats, and studies behavior and mental processes.[1] Some psychologists, such as clinical and counseling psychologists, provide mental health care, and some psychologists, such as social or organizational psychologists conduct research and provide consultation services..

Psychologist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Furthermore it requires advanced degrees (mostly doctorates) to be classified as a psychologist with the only exception being a "school psychologist" but the OP claims to be in "research" and is a "scientist who studies human behavior" instead. (Makes one wonder why he picked an inane handle like "the boss" :cuckoo:)

Nothing in the OP's posts indicate that he has any great depth of education, or that he has any insight into human behavior, or any grasp whatsoever of the scientific method. Quite the opposite in fact. He demonstrates an inability to express himself clearly and concisely, he has an all too obvious problem controlling his emotions and he posts logical fallacies on a regular basis.

So perhaps he is just a PsyINO! :badgrin:
It's not, and I have no objection to honest questioning or disagreement with various 'incarnations' of God. In other words, if someone says, "I believe God is [fill in blank]!" And someone responds, "I don't believe that, I believe [fill in blank]!" This is sharing of opinions and is fine, I have no problem with that. My OP is addressing people who are obsessed with God to the point of vitriol and hatred, making insultuous remarks, attacking with meanness and hostility, ridiculing and demeaning. These are also opinions, but they are opinions based on a belief and hate of God.

Ironic given the OP's tendency to spew vitriolic, hostile and demeaning insults.

In order to make you point, you need to find some example of something I don't believe exists and then show where I have insulted and denigrated that or those who believe in it. My argument is not a complaint about insults and vitriol. I fully understand people have passion over their beliefs and sometimes become aggressive in tone when discussing those beliefs. That said, it kind of proves my point. The so-called "Atheist" who spends inordinate amounts of time here, hurling one insult after another at religious people and God, are true believers. They hide behind the mask of Atheism because they are cowards.

You're one of those people, and I am calling you out. I fully understand this upsets you and makes you feel compelled to emotively respond. People don't like being exposed as frauds.

Does this mean you want this thread moved to the FZ now? :D

OP: There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt?

No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him.

Boss: You can't hate what you do not believe exists. I don't know how else to explain that to you. In order to hate something, you have to believe it exists first. If you don't believe in God, why do you need to call him "sky daddy" and other assorted names? It makes no sense. Those are perjoratives designed to insult and infer hate or ridicule for something you very much do believe in but loathe.

Now you are doing practically everything you can think of to avoid seeing my point.

Boss: What does it hurt?

your point being history does not bear the proof of scriptural religious persecution and conquest ?

just curious Boss, have the Santa Clause believers ever tortured to death those who question their beliefs ?

Why do the God-haters persist?

there is no basis to your argument there are "haters" of God but only a perspective void of historical reality as the cause and affect of existing scriptural religions and the righteous cause for their dismissal.

just curious Boss, have the Santa Clause believers ever tortured to death those who question their beliefs ?

Well I hardly believe anyone here was affected by the Crusades. But even so, if the God-haters simply admitted they hate God because of the Crusades, I would totally understand the justifications for their vitriolic hate.
Furthermore it requires advanced degrees (mostly doctorates) to be classified as a psychologist with the only exception being a "school psychologist" but the OP claims to be in "research" and is a "scientist who studies human behavior" instead. (Makes one wonder why he picked an inane handle like "the boss" )

I've never made any such claims. To be a psychologist you only have to obtain a degree in Psychology. To be a doctor of psychology, you have to obtain a doctorate in Psychology. This entire line of questioning is the result of daws incorrectly stating that psychologists are obligated to remain neutral for their clients. This is clearly an ethical consideration of a practicing psychiatrist and not a psychologist. It's a common error made by dummies like daws.

Now as I said, psychologists can work in all kinds of specialized fields, and in rare cases, some may actually treat patients and have clients. The vast majority of psychologists do not. In fact, most people who have a psychology degree never use it.
Furthermore it requires advanced degrees (mostly doctorates) to be classified as a psychologist with the only exception being a "school psychologist" but the OP claims to be in "research" and is a "scientist who studies human behavior" instead. (Makes one wonder why he picked an inane handle like "the boss" )

I've never made any such claims. To be a psychologist you only have to obtain a degree in Psychology. To be a doctor of psychology, you have to obtain a doctorate in Psychology. This entire line of questioning is the result of daws incorrectly stating that psychologists are obligated to remain neutral for their clients. This is clearly an ethical consideration of a practicing psychiatrist and not a psychologist. It's a common error made by dummies like daws.

Now as I said, psychologists can work in all kinds of specialized fields, and in rare cases, some may actually treat patients and have clients. The vast majority of psychologists do not. In fact, most people who have a psychology degree never use it.

Once again the OP's canards are exposed!

DT: but the OP claims to be in "research" and is a "scientist who studies human behavior"

Boss: I've never made any such claims.

Boss: I am a psychologist, I study behavior in humans.
Because, as some Atheists in this thread have admitted, you cannot hate what you don't believe exists.

So yet again I have to point out that hating the belief in a god(s) is not the same as hating the god(s). Hating the believer is not the same as hating the god(s).

Is there a particular reason you assume atheists cannot hate either the belief or the believer and must, instead, hate the god(s)?

You can't hate what you do not believe exists. I don't know how else to explain that to you. In order to hate something, you have to believe it exists first. If you don't believe in God, why do you need to call him "sky daddy" and other assorted names? It makes no sense. Those are perjoratives designed to insult and infer hate or ridicule for something you very much do believe in but loathe. When you are obsessing with it, spending day after day here, doing the same thing, it is either a mental disorder or you honestly hate the God that you believe exists. There is not another rational explanation.

Now you are doing practically everything you can think of to avoid seeing my point. You've come up with every possible way to create and exception or explain a nuance instead of trying to understand my point, and I wonder why that is? Is it so you can keep on defending your personal God-hate? Is it because you are thick and obtuse? Or is it just because you like to win arguments on any front for the hell of it?

It doesn't really matter to me, if you're stubbornly going to refuse to see my point, there isn't much I can do about that. You just keep trying to sidestep it and carve out an exception... well, there are exceptions to everything. I've not said that 100% of the time in all cases this is true. It's my observation, I've made my point, and if you don't agree with me, that's fine.

Wow, pot meet kettle.

Once again! Hating a belief in god is not hating the god. Hating believers in god is not hating god. Are you able to understand that yet?

Each time I bring up hating not the god, but the belief in it or those who believe, you once again go right back to assuming any hatred must be of the god itself. That's simply untrue and a completely foolish assumption to make. Why is it only with god that a person cannot hate a belief? Certainly this board shows many people hating various political beliefs. Is that for some reason impossible with religious belief?

Clearly when someone uses the term 'sky daddy' it is an insult. However, only someone reaching for ways to fit things into their preconceived notions of god hate would think it is anything other than an insult to the believer. It is a dig at someone who believes in god. That doesn't indicate the insulter believes! I could call Santa Clause the fat fairy, it wouldn't indicate I believe in his existence!

I'm not sidestepping. I'm pointing out the clear differences that you seem incapable of accepting. Hating something you don't believe in isn't possible. Hating the idea of something, or the people who believe in the thing, certainly is. For some reason, in your mind, that doesn't seem to be true.
So yet again I have to point out that hating the belief in a god(s) is not the same as hating the god(s). Hating the believer is not the same as hating the god(s).

Is there a particular reason you assume atheists cannot hate either the belief or the believer and must, instead, hate the god(s)?

You can't hate what you do not believe exists. I don't know how else to explain that to you. In order to hate something, you have to believe it exists first. If you don't believe in God, why do you need to call him "sky daddy" and other assorted names? It makes no sense. Those are perjoratives designed to insult and infer hate or ridicule for something you very much do believe in but loathe. When you are obsessing with it, spending day after day here, doing the same thing, it is either a mental disorder or you honestly hate the God that you believe exists. There is not another rational explanation.

Now you are doing practically everything you can think of to avoid seeing my point. You've come up with every possible way to create and exception or explain a nuance instead of trying to understand my point, and I wonder why that is? Is it so you can keep on defending your personal God-hate? Is it because you are thick and obtuse? Or is it just because you like to win arguments on any front for the hell of it?

It doesn't really matter to me, if you're stubbornly going to refuse to see my point, there isn't much I can do about that. You just keep trying to sidestep it and carve out an exception... well, there are exceptions to everything. I've not said that 100% of the time in all cases this is true. It's my observation, I've made my point, and if you don't agree with me, that's fine.

Wow, pot meet kettle.

Once again! Hating a belief in god is not hating the god. Hating believers in god is not hating god. Are you able to understand that yet?

Each time I bring up hating not the god, but the belief in it or those who believe, you once again go right back to assuming any hatred must be of the god itself. That's simply untrue and a completely foolish assumption to make. Why is it only with god that a person cannot hate a belief? Certainly this board shows many people hating various political beliefs. Is that for some reason impossible with religious belief?

Clearly when someone uses the term 'sky daddy' it is an insult. However, only someone reaching for ways to fit things into their preconceived notions of god hate would think it is anything other than an insult to the believer. It is a dig at someone who believes in god. That doesn't indicate the insulter believes! I could call Santa Clause the fat fairy, it wouldn't indicate I believe in his existence!

I'm not sidestepping. I'm pointing out the clear differences that you seem incapable of accepting. Hating something you don't believe in isn't possible. Hating the idea of something, or the people who believe in the thing, certainly is. For some reason, in your mind, that doesn't seem to be true.

The OP's excuse is that he is a "psychologist" so he can make up whatever convenient "truths" suit his vague purposes at any point in time.
Furthermore it requires advanced degrees (mostly doctorates) to be classified as a psychologist with the only exception being a "school psychologist" but the OP claims to be in "research" and is a "scientist who studies human behavior" instead. (Makes one wonder why he picked an inane handle like "the boss" )

I've never made any such claims. To be a psychologist you only have to obtain a degree in Psychology. To be a doctor of psychology, you have to obtain a doctorate in Psychology. This entire line of questioning is the result of daws incorrectly stating that psychologists are obligated to remain neutral for their clients. This is clearly an ethical consideration of a practicing psychiatrist and not a psychologist. It's a common error made by dummies like daws.

Now as I said, psychologists can work in all kinds of specialized fields, and in rare cases, some may actually treat patients and have clients. The vast majority of psychologists do not. In fact, most people who have a psychology degree never use it.

Once again the OP's canards are exposed!

Boss: I've never made any such claims.

Boss: I am a psychologist, I study behavior in humans.

Sorry, I am not seeing where I said I was in research there.

The "canard" seems to be your focus on my personal life instead of the thread OP.
I've never made any such claims. To be a psychologist you only have to obtain a degree in Psychology. To be a doctor of psychology, you have to obtain a doctorate in Psychology. This entire line of questioning is the result of daws incorrectly stating that psychologists are obligated to remain neutral for their clients. This is clearly an ethical consideration of a practicing psychiatrist and not a psychologist. It's a common error made by dummies like daws.

Now as I said, psychologists can work in all kinds of specialized fields, and in rare cases, some may actually treat patients and have clients. The vast majority of psychologists do not. In fact, most people who have a psychology degree never use it.

Once again the OP's canards are exposed!

Boss: I am a psychologist, I study behavior in humans.

Sorry, I am not seeing where I said I was in research there.

The "canard" seems to be your focus on my personal life instead of the thread OP.

:dig: your hole even deeper again?

When you "study behavior in humans" that is research. Fascinating how you don't even know the common terms and their meanings in your alleged own line of work.

Your credibility as the OP is what is in question now. Since you utterly failed to substantiate your OP and then tried to bolster yourself by alleging to be a "psychologist" it is perfectly legitimate to vet your latest claim.

That this claim appears to be as bogus as your OP comes as no surprise.

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