Why do the God-haters persist?

You have now stated that that atheists who argue strongly against god or are extremely insulting to believers actually secretly believe in god and are hiding that behind a false veneer of atheism.

Not what I said.

God-haters are people who believe in God and hate Him. They are intellectual cowards who will not admit they believe in God, and hide behind the label "Atheist" because they believe this gives them cover. They should never be confused with Atheists. But yet here again, you have misconstrued what I said and are assuming I have said something I didn't.

You have said, on multiple occasions, that a 'real' atheist won't argue against belief in god or hate believers or any of the things you attribute to the god-haters. Here's just one example :
I never met an atheist who hated God either. They don't believe in God, so how can you hate what you don't believe exists? They also don't hate people who can't show proof of something they know doesn't exist, that doesn't even make logical sense. That's why I call the punks here "God-haters" and not Atheists.

No, what you are "supposed to do" is follow your heart, and by "heart" I mean your inner spirit. That's the only path to the truth. All religious books are meaningless until you do that.

You assume that you know who a person will or won't hate based on their lack of religious belief. You assume people (or at least atheists) will act logically and rationally.

Or perhaps you are, once again, using your own personal definition of a word? Do you define atheist not just as a person who doesn't believe in gods, but one who doesn't believe in gods and doesn't argue about it? :lol:
It's because they want to assure themselves that they are right, and they believe that shoving their views in everyone's face is the only way for confirmation, it's pathetic and childish really. I also believe that some people feel that they want to prove that no one can control them, and that they are themselves, so as a result, they try to prove that no god can ever control their actions, and that they do what they want when they want, a massive ego trip. I believe that there are many other reasons behind this too, some stimulate from being pressured by parents, others are just looking for something/someone to blame and they feel that god and/or a higher power is a easy target.
(cue buzzer )rahahahahaha!
religious people, mainly Christians or those who pose as Christians have been forcing their pov on every culture on the globe for the last 2000 years..
if that's not "a giant ego trip then nothing is...
you asshats have been doing it for so long and are so indoctrinated to the practice that you spew total nonsense like the above post.
And here we see DoritoTea reinforcing his facade by showing some rather specious statistics.

As I said in the OP, the God-haters are lying about their Atheism. So all of these stats which show this massive growing trend of Atheism is largely the lying God-haters, who claim to be Atheists but are not.

Nihilism is the belief in nothing. No spirituality whatsoever. Surveys vary, but there has never been a survey of significance which has shown more than about 5~7% who identify as Nihilists worldwide, and even in the most Atheistic of all regions (Scandinavia) only about 10~12% identify as Nihilists.

Now it seems to me there are an awful lot of Atheists who don't quite feel comfortable making the leap to Nihilism. Perhaps they are Atheists in the sense they reject theism and belief in deities but still accept there is a spiritual nature of some kind. Or maybe they are lying asswipes like DoritoTea, who really do believe in God and just hate Him. In any event, it appears the overwhelming majority of humans do believe in something.

A couple of problems with your statements here.

First, I don't know what definition of nihilism you are using, but 'belief in nothing, no spirituality whatsoever' is not one I've seen.

Second, even if we were to accept your definition of nihilism, that it is somehow related to spiritual faith and merely a synonym for atheism, I'd guess that many people do not know the definition. I'd guess that surveys about religious/spiritual belief rarely, if ever, put nihilism as a choice. And most importantly, if atheism and nihilism are synonymous, as you seem to claim, why would a survey put both of them down as choices?

So. You don't believe that very many people could truly disbelieve in god. That's fine, and I disagree. However, supposed evidence you're providing has been thin, at best. Why not just say you believe you know what people really think, rather than what they claim, and be done with it?

I never said that Nihilism is synonymous with Atheism. Certainly they are not synonymous. But yet again we see the eagerness of yourself and others to be deliberately dishonest. Why do you do this? What purpose do you have to distort my words into lies?

It's not that I don't believe very many people could disbelieve in God, it's that I believe many people claim to disbelieve and they are lying. I personally know a lot of real-life Atheists. Not a single one of them has ever mocked me or my beliefs, called God "sky daddy" or any other pejorative, or spent much time at all denigrating the faith of others. They simply couldn't care less. As I said before, I have certain family members who define ME as an Atheist because I reject organized religions. I would never define myself as such, but I see their point.

I am a psychologist, I study behavior in humans. When I come here and I see people who are spending day after day in thread after thread, denouncing, bemoaning, ridiculing and denigrating God and those who believe in God, I can't help but think I am seeing classic "cognitive dissonance" in all it's glory. These are not true Atheists, although they claim to be and perhaps have even sociopathically convinced themselves they are. I can't speak to their motives, everyone has their own reasonings for their behavior. I just don't believe they are true Atheists because a true Atheist wouldn't be this obsessed.

Someone who does believe in God but hates God, is not going to come right out and admit that. It's like a pathological liar telling you, "hey, don't believe a word I say because I lie all the time!" Humans don't behave this way. We often hide our true feelings and pretend we are something else, especially if our true feelings leave us vulnerable. This is why the God-haters pretend to be Atheists. However, it is their obsession with God and vehement hatred of all things associated with God, which reveals who they really are.
no you claim to be a psychologist !
psychologists have to keep their religious views separate from their profession so as not to taint their advice to clients.
I've yet to see you take a neutral position in any of your posts..
You have now stated that that atheists who argue strongly against god or are extremely insulting to believers actually secretly believe in god and are hiding that behind a false veneer of atheism.

Not what I said.

God-haters are people who believe in God and hate Him. They are intellectual cowards who will not admit they believe in God, and hide behind the label "Atheist" because they believe this gives them cover. They should never be confused with Atheists. But yet here again, you have misconstrued what I said and are assuming I have said something I didn't.

Just a question, if you believe that God is 'spiritual energy' and someone who believes that God is more than energy ridicules someone else's belief that God is triune and edible how is that showing hatred for your belief in God or hatred for God?

Bossboy, why do you hate god so much?
You have now stated that that atheists who argue strongly against god or are extremely insulting to believers actually secretly believe in god and are hiding that behind a false veneer of atheism.

Not what I said.

God-haters are people who believe in God and hate Him. They are intellectual cowards who will not admit they believe in God, and hide behind the label "Atheist" because they believe this gives them cover. They should never be confused with Atheists. But yet here again, you have misconstrued what I said and are assuming I have said something I didn't.

Just a question, if you believe that God is 'spiritual energy' and someone who believes that God is more than energy ridicules someone else's belief that God is triune and edible how is that showing hatred for your belief in God or hatred for God?

It's not, and I have no objection to honest questioning or disagreement with various 'incarnations' of God. In other words, if someone says, "I believe God is [fill in blank]!" And someone responds, "I don't believe that, I believe [fill in blank]!" This is sharing of opinions and is fine, I have no problem with that. My OP is addressing people who are obsessed with God to the point of vitriol and hatred, making insultuous remarks, attacking with meanness and hostility, ridiculing and demeaning. These are also opinions, but they are opinions based on a belief and hate of God.
Not what I said.

God-haters are people who believe in God and hate Him. They are intellectual cowards who will not admit they believe in God, and hide behind the label "Atheist" because they believe this gives them cover. They should never be confused with Atheists. But yet here again, you have misconstrued what I said and are assuming I have said something I didn't.

Just a question, if you believe that God is 'spiritual energy' and someone who believes that God is more than energy ridicules someone else's belief that God is triune and edible how is that showing hatred for your belief in God or hatred for God?

It's not, and I have no objection to honest questioning or disagreement with various 'incarnations' of God. In other words, if someone says, "I believe God is [fill in blank]!" And someone responds, "I don't believe that, I believe [fill in blank]!" This is sharing of opinions and is fine, I have no problem with that. My OP is addressing people who are obsessed with God to the point of vitriol and hatred, making insultuous remarks, attacking with meanness and hostility, ridiculing and demeaning. These are also opinions, but they are opinions based on a belief and hate of God.
false! only in your rationalizing...not in reality.
your argument besides being weak it's for the most part an aesthetic one...
you IMO are feigning insult and injury to make it seem that you have some imagined moral high ground or to put it another way "your shit don't stink."
the oh my virgin eyes /ears routine went out with "getting the vapors" and horse drawn carriages ,even then it was fantasy...
A couple of problems with your statements here.

First, I don't know what definition of nihilism you are using, but 'belief in nothing, no spirituality whatsoever' is not one I've seen.

Second, even if we were to accept your definition of nihilism, that it is somehow related to spiritual faith and merely a synonym for atheism, I'd guess that many people do not know the definition. I'd guess that surveys about religious/spiritual belief rarely, if ever, put nihilism as a choice. And most importantly, if atheism and nihilism are synonymous, as you seem to claim, why would a survey put both of them down as choices?

So. You don't believe that very many people could truly disbelieve in god. That's fine, and I disagree. However, supposed evidence you're providing has been thin, at best. Why not just say you believe you know what people really think, rather than what they claim, and be done with it?

I never said that Nihilism is synonymous with Atheism. Certainly they are not synonymous. But yet again we see the eagerness of yourself and others to be deliberately dishonest. Why do you do this? What purpose do you have to distort my words into lies?

It's not that I don't believe very many people could disbelieve in God, it's that I believe many people claim to disbelieve and they are lying. I personally know a lot of real-life Atheists. Not a single one of them has ever mocked me or my beliefs, called God "sky daddy" or any other pejorative, or spent much time at all denigrating the faith of others. They simply couldn't care less. As I said before, I have certain family members who define ME as an Atheist because I reject organized religions. I would never define myself as such, but I see their point.

I am a psychologist, I study behavior in humans. When I come here and I see people who are spending day after day in thread after thread, denouncing, bemoaning, ridiculing and denigrating God and those who believe in God, I can't help but think I am seeing classic "cognitive dissonance" in all it's glory. These are not true Atheists, although they claim to be and perhaps have even sociopathically convinced themselves they are. I can't speak to their motives, everyone has their own reasonings for their behavior. I just don't believe they are true Atheists because a true Atheist wouldn't be this obsessed.

Someone who does believe in God but hates God, is not going to come right out and admit that. It's like a pathological liar telling you, "hey, don't believe a word I say because I lie all the time!" Humans don't behave this way. We often hide our true feelings and pretend we are something else, especially if our true feelings leave us vulnerable. This is why the God-haters pretend to be Atheists. However, it is their obsession with God and vehement hatred of all things associated with God, which reveals who they really are.
no you claim to be a psychologist !
psychologists have to keep their religious views separate from their profession so as not to taint their advice to clients.
I've yet to see you take a neutral position in any of your posts..

A few points I need to correct you on here. First of all, psychologists do not have "clients" (...you may be thinking of psychiatrists.) A psychologist is a scientist who studies human behavior. Secondly, I do not post at USMB in an "official" capacity of my profession, but as an individual posting his opinion and viewpoint. Lastly, I have no "religious" views, other than the view that I don't condone or advocate any organized religious doctrine. I am a Spiritualist. I believe in a Spiritual Nature and Spiritual God.
Not what I said.

God-haters are people who believe in God and hate Him. They are intellectual cowards who will not admit they believe in God, and hide behind the label "Atheist" because they believe this gives them cover. They should never be confused with Atheists. But yet here again, you have misconstrued what I said and are assuming I have said something I didn't.

Just a question, if you believe that God is 'spiritual energy' and someone who believes that God is more than energy ridicules someone else's belief that God is triune and edible how is that showing hatred for your belief in God or hatred for God?

It's not, and I have no objection to honest questioning or disagreement with various 'incarnations' of God. In other words, if someone says, "I believe God is [fill in blank]!" And someone responds, "I don't believe that, I believe [fill in blank]!" This is sharing of opinions and is fine, I have no problem with that. My OP is addressing people who are obsessed with God to the point of vitriol and hatred, making insultuous remarks, attacking with meanness and hostility, ridiculing and demeaning. These are also opinions, but they are opinions based on a belief and hate of God.

Ironic given the OP's tendency to spew vitriolic, hostile and demeaning insults.
I never said that Nihilism is synonymous with Atheism. Certainly they are not synonymous. But yet again we see the eagerness of yourself and others to be deliberately dishonest. Why do you do this? What purpose do you have to distort my words into lies?

It's not that I don't believe very many people could disbelieve in God, it's that I believe many people claim to disbelieve and they are lying. I personally know a lot of real-life Atheists. Not a single one of them has ever mocked me or my beliefs, called God "sky daddy" or any other pejorative, or spent much time at all denigrating the faith of others. They simply couldn't care less. As I said before, I have certain family members who define ME as an Atheist because I reject organized religions. I would never define myself as such, but I see their point.

I am a psychologist, I study behavior in humans. When I come here and I see people who are spending day after day in thread after thread, denouncing, bemoaning, ridiculing and denigrating God and those who believe in God, I can't help but think I am seeing classic "cognitive dissonance" in all it's glory. These are not true Atheists, although they claim to be and perhaps have even sociopathically convinced themselves they are. I can't speak to their motives, everyone has their own reasonings for their behavior. I just don't believe they are true Atheists because a true Atheist wouldn't be this obsessed.

Someone who does believe in God but hates God, is not going to come right out and admit that. It's like a pathological liar telling you, "hey, don't believe a word I say because I lie all the time!" Humans don't behave this way. We often hide our true feelings and pretend we are something else, especially if our true feelings leave us vulnerable. This is why the God-haters pretend to be Atheists. However, it is their obsession with God and vehement hatred of all things associated with God, which reveals who they really are.
no you claim to be a psychologist !
psychologists have to keep their religious views separate from their profession so as not to taint their advice to clients.
I've yet to see you take a neutral position in any of your posts..

A few points I need to correct you on here. First of all, psychologists do not have "clients" (...you may be thinking of psychiatrists.) A psychologist is a scientist who studies human behavior. Secondly, I do not post at USMB in an "official" capacity of my profession, but as an individual posting his opinion and viewpoint. Lastly, I have no "religious" views, other than the view that I don't condone or advocate any organized religious doctrine. I am a Spiritualist. I believe in a Spiritual Nature and Spiritual God.
you have no official anything....

Why do the (God-haters) (persist)?

Boss: We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty.

Boss: - - > True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess (religious belief).

since when are peoples religious beliefs not a matter for an Atheist concern, who for centuries were persecuted by the very people and beliefs you defend ?

Boss: - - > Atheist ... they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty.

oh, those inquisitions - how novel and amusing.

Boss, is there no doubt scriptural religions truly represent God, unconditionally and without Persistence.

Not what I said.

God-haters are people who believe in God and hate Him. They are intellectual cowards who will not admit they believe in God, and hide behind the label "Atheist" because they believe this gives them cover. They should never be confused with Atheists. But yet here again, you have misconstrued what I said and are assuming I have said something I didn't.

Just a question, if you believe that God is 'spiritual energy' and someone who believes that God is more than energy ridicules someone else's belief that God is triune and edible how is that showing hatred for your belief in God or hatred for God?

It's not, and I have no objection to honest questioning or disagreement with various 'incarnations' of God. In other words, if someone says, "I believe God is [fill in blank]!" And someone responds, "I don't believe that, I believe [fill in blank]!" This is sharing of opinions and is fine, I have no problem with that. My OP is addressing people who are obsessed with God to the point of vitriol and hatred, making insultuous remarks, attacking with meanness and hostility, ridiculing and demeaning. These are also opinions, but they are opinions based on a belief and hate of God.

I see.

I don't think that it is so much that they are obsessed with God or hate God as it is that they are determined to not let people who are obsessed with God, especially with superstitious and irrational positions, to usurp a place of moral authority over anything given that they are hardly more than con artists who deliberately prey on the gullible or mentally ill and delusional and living in denial of reality at best..

I think it is extremely commendable that they are dedicated to oppose the 'spiritual forces' that thrive on ignorance and darkness especially if they have risen to life from such a well sealed tomb.
Last edited:
I never said that Nihilism is synonymous with Atheism. Certainly they are not synonymous. But yet again we see the eagerness of yourself and others to be deliberately dishonest. Why do you do this? What purpose do you have to distort my words into lies?

It's not that I don't believe very many people could disbelieve in God, it's that I believe many people claim to disbelieve and they are lying. I personally know a lot of real-life Atheists. Not a single one of them has ever mocked me or my beliefs, called God "sky daddy" or any other pejorative, or spent much time at all denigrating the faith of others. They simply couldn't care less. As I said before, I have certain family members who define ME as an Atheist because I reject organized religions. I would never define myself as such, but I see their point.

I am a psychologist, I study behavior in humans. When I come here and I see people who are spending day after day in thread after thread, denouncing, bemoaning, ridiculing and denigrating God and those who believe in God, I can't help but think I am seeing classic "cognitive dissonance" in all it's glory. These are not true Atheists, although they claim to be and perhaps have even sociopathically convinced themselves they are. I can't speak to their motives, everyone has their own reasonings for their behavior. I just don't believe they are true Atheists because a true Atheist wouldn't be this obsessed.

Someone who does believe in God but hates God, is not going to come right out and admit that. It's like a pathological liar telling you, "hey, don't believe a word I say because I lie all the time!" Humans don't behave this way. We often hide our true feelings and pretend we are something else, especially if our true feelings leave us vulnerable. This is why the God-haters pretend to be Atheists. However, it is their obsession with God and vehement hatred of all things associated with God, which reveals who they really are.
no you claim to be a psychologist !
psychologists have to keep their religious views separate from their profession so as not to taint their advice to clients.
I've yet to see you take a neutral position in any of your posts..

A few points I need to correct you on here. First of all, psychologists do not have "clients" (...you may be thinking of psychiatrists.) A psychologist is a scientist who studies human behavior. Secondly, I do not post at USMB in an "official" capacity of my profession, but as an individual posting his opinion and viewpoint. Lastly, I have no "religious" views, other than the view that I don't condone or advocate any organized religious doctrine. I am a Spiritualist. I believe in a Spiritual Nature and Spiritual God.
Didn't I read that you were talking about a Creator? That's pretty much all the organized religions who believe in that. If you're really a negro, you're probably a baptist.
Not what I said.

God-haters are people who believe in God and hate Him. They are intellectual cowards who will not admit they believe in God, and hide behind the label "Atheist" because they believe this gives them cover. They should never be confused with Atheists. But yet here again, you have misconstrued what I said and are assuming I have said something I didn't.

Just a question, if you believe that God is 'spiritual energy' and someone who believes that God is more than energy ridicules someone else's belief that God is triune and edible how is that showing hatred for your belief in God or hatred for God?

It's not, and I have no objection to honest questioning or disagreement with various 'incarnations' of God. In other words, if someone says, "I believe God is [fill in blank]!" And someone responds, "I don't believe that, I believe [fill in blank]!" This is sharing of opinions and is fine, I have no problem with that. My OP is addressing people who are obsessed with God to the point of vitriol and hatred, making insultuous remarks, attacking with meanness and hostility, ridiculing and demeaning. These are also opinions, but they are opinions based on a belief and hate of God.

Just to interject a quick clarification of my views : plenty of times atheists or non-believers can be total ass-holes toward the religious. I am in no way trying to deny or defend any bad behavior from atheists.

I simply don't see a reason to assume such bad behavior equates to a belief in god.
no you claim to be a psychologist !
psychologists have to keep their religious views separate from their profession so as not to taint their advice to clients.
I've yet to see you take a neutral position in any of your posts..

A few points I need to correct you on here. First of all, psychologists do not have "clients" (...you may be thinking of psychiatrists.) A psychologist is a scientist who studies human behavior. Secondly, I do not post at USMB in an "official" capacity of my profession, but as an individual posting his opinion and viewpoint. Lastly, I have no "religious" views, other than the view that I don't condone or advocate any organized religious doctrine. I am a Spiritualist. I believe in a Spiritual Nature and Spiritual God.
Didn't I read that you were talking about a Creator? That's pretty much all the organized religions who believe in that. If you're really a negro, you're probably a baptist.
ahhh max boosy's race is irrelevant....besides only fucking ignorant racists use the term negro.
there is no love lost between boosy and I but racism has no place here!
Clinical psychologists have a wide range of clients. Who is included depends on the setting, the role, the interests, and the training of the particular psychologists in question. In a private practice focusing on life coaching, a broad sample of the general population would be seen. In an educational setting, both students and staff could be clients. In a hospital environment, patients with psychological issues affecting their physical health might be the focus (e.g., those with diabetes, cardiac disease, epilepsy, or chronic pain). In community mental health agencies, clients might include people with mental disorders, such as bipolar affective disorder, dissociative identity disorder (i.e., multiple personality disorders), schizophrenia, mental retardation, or significant life struggles (e.g., gender issues).
Clinical psychologists have a wide range of clients. Who is included depends on the setting, the role, the interests, and the training of the particular psychologists in question. In a private practice focusing on life coaching, a broad sample of the general population would be seen. In an educational setting, both students and staff could be clients. In a hospital environment, patients with psychological issues affecting their physical health might be the focus (e.g., those with diabetes, cardiac disease, epilepsy, or chronic pain). In community mental health agencies, clients might include people with mental disorders, such as bipolar affective disorder, dissociative identity disorder (i.e., multiple personality disorders), schizophrenia, mental retardation, or significant life struggles (e.g., gender issues).

And what you are doing now is trying again to save face after demonstrating your ignorance. This is getting to be a habit with you. You stick your size 12 in your pie hole, then you have to come back and spin it to do damage control.

Again, psychologists do not have "clients." A psychiatrist (who has a degree in psychology) may have clients. An educator who has a degree in education and psychology, may have students. Hospitals and community health centers do not have psychologists, they sometimes have psychiatrists who have degrees in psychology. Most psychologists (who do not have medical degrees in psychiatry) work for research groups. Sometimes those research groups may be associated with a large medical center like Johns Hopkins. The psychologist still doesn't have "clients."

Why we are waist-deep in this discussion, I do not know. It has nothing to do with the topic or OP. It's a bit of personal information I revealed about myself, and it appears you want to challenge that, for some odd reason. I guess it's because I've been kicking your ass around this place for so long, you are getting desperate to make any kind of point. Sorry, but challenging someone's professional credentials is usually not a real wise way to go about that. Just saying.
Just a question, if you believe that God is 'spiritual energy' and someone who believes that God is more than energy ridicules someone else's belief that God is triune and edible how is that showing hatred for your belief in God or hatred for God?

It's not, and I have no objection to honest questioning or disagreement with various 'incarnations' of God. In other words, if someone says, "I believe God is [fill in blank]!" And someone responds, "I don't believe that, I believe [fill in blank]!" This is sharing of opinions and is fine, I have no problem with that. My OP is addressing people who are obsessed with God to the point of vitriol and hatred, making insultuous remarks, attacking with meanness and hostility, ridiculing and demeaning. These are also opinions, but they are opinions based on a belief and hate of God.

Just to interject a quick clarification of my views : plenty of times atheists or non-believers can be total ass-holes toward the religious. I am in no way trying to deny or defend any bad behavior from atheists.

I simply don't see a reason to assume such bad behavior equates to a belief in god.

It doesn't always. But most of the time it does.
Didn't I read that you were talking about a Creator? That's pretty much all the organized religions who believe in that. If you're really a negro, you're probably a baptist.

Yes, I believe in a Creator and yes, most organized religions also believe in that. This does not mean I am religious or have religious beliefs. That is called a "logical fallacy."
Just a question, if you believe that God is 'spiritual energy' and someone who believes that God is more than energy ridicules someone else's belief that God is triune and edible how is that showing hatred for your belief in God or hatred for God?

It's not, and I have no objection to honest questioning or disagreement with various 'incarnations' of God. In other words, if someone says, "I believe God is [fill in blank]!" And someone responds, "I don't believe that, I believe [fill in blank]!" This is sharing of opinions and is fine, I have no problem with that. My OP is addressing people who are obsessed with God to the point of vitriol and hatred, making insultuous remarks, attacking with meanness and hostility, ridiculing and demeaning. These are also opinions, but they are opinions based on a belief and hate of God.

Ironic given the OP's tendency to spew vitriolic, hostile and demeaning insults.

In order to make you point, you need to find some example of something I don't believe exists and then show where I have insulted and denigrated that or those who believe in it. My argument is not a complaint about insults and vitriol. I fully understand people have passion over their beliefs and sometimes become aggressive in tone when discussing those beliefs. That said, it kind of proves my point. The so-called "Atheist" who spends inordinate amounts of time here, hurling one insult after another at religious people and God, are true believers. They hide behind the mask of Atheism because they are cowards.

You're one of those people, and I am calling you out. I fully understand this upsets you and makes you feel compelled to emotively respond. People don't like being exposed as frauds.
religions who believe in that. If you're really a negro, you're probably a baptist.

That is a stereotype. I use to go to a school that was more than 50% white and demographics changed where white people are the minority and now black people are the majority.

Black people are in different denominations and non-denominational churches.

Black church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please tell me which church this is and why there are so many black people in it among white people. Let me give you a hint... It isn't in America.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT3yznbubKQ]LOU FELLINGHAM & THE PHATFISH-STRENTH WILL RISE - YouTube[/ame]

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