Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Okay, it's not that we want to pay more taxes. We think the rich should pay their fair share of theirs. But let's leave the argument off to the side.

The alternatives to paying taxes are 1) Not spending on key things we need and 2) borrowing to pay for those things.

Neither of those are preferable options.

Fact is, most of what the government spends, isn't discretionary. We've already cut public spending to the bone, and the fact is, with a retiring population, we still have more obligations than revenues.

As for borrowing, we've been doing that for 30 years, the economy is not going to grow its way out of the deficit.
We can easily cut 90% of what government spends, so that's pure bullshit. Welfare is not "key," and neither is Social Security.
You are a member of the country's smallest and stupidest party LOL...
I'm a Republican, dumbass.

Well at least you have the courage to openly admit it.

There are far too many Republican (and Democrat) dumbasses that stubbornly refuse to concede what they really are.

Personally I think we need a national 12 step program to cure people of the stupidity that's brought on by partisanship.
once a candidate wins the job, the effort is to stay in and not on keeping promises. to keep a promise is harder than anyone could imagine when one only cares about the one and not the many.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Can you point to the bible verse where Jesus commanded that we pay taxes to the government?

I recall him overturning the taxmans tables in the temple...……….
give unto Caesar, what is Caesar's, give unto God, what is God's...

yep. so?
Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.

Oliver Wendell Holmes
/——/ So you’d be ok paying double, triple or even quadruple your current taxes as a price of a civilized society? Do you have anything other than cliches?
Nobody wants to pay more taxes, but with $20 trillion in debt hanging over our heads, somebody's going to have to at some point.

Sorry worker bees, but with republicans running things, we can be sure that somebody is not going to be the wealthy.
I wish you boobs knew who the rich in the country really are politically. It ain't the GOP.
Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.

Oliver Wendell Holmes
/——/ So you’d be ok paying double, triple or even quadruple your current taxes as a price of a civilized society? Do you have anything other than cliches?
when you pay zero, the math is on your side for your post. double nothing is still nothing. sure they don't care if you and I pay double.
Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.

Oliver Wendell Holmes
/——/ So you’d be ok paying double, triple or even quadruple your current taxes as a price of a civilized society? Do you have anything other than cliches?
when you pay zero, the math is on your side for your post. double nothing is still nothing. sure they don't care if you and I pay double.
/——-/ Then they should make a voluntary donation to the Treasury with a note on the check: For a civilized society.
Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.

Oliver Wendell Holmes
/——/ So you’d be ok paying double, triple or even quadruple your current taxes as a price of a civilized society? Do you have anything other than cliches?
when you pay zero, the math is on your side for your post. double nothing is still nothing. sure they don't care if you and I pay double.
/——-/ Then they should make a voluntary donation to the Treasury with a note on the check: For a civilized society.
them? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
How does society get "civilized" ?

With guns, of course.

close enough; … and thus we arrive at yet another example of the circular reasoning that dominates modern American Political Discourse.

"guns are bad, civilized society is good" …. "can't achieve civilized society without guns" … "guns are bad, civilized society is good" , round and round we go.

Of course one might be so bold as to suggest that the root cause of the problem is that people require violence and coercion to become "civilized" in the first place.
well you dont know shit.

my money is my money not the govt money.
so I don't give a fuck about the impact of taxes on the debt...its my fucking money

I know you are reaping the benefits of a country that is spending more than it brings adn and you do not give a shit if future generations pay for it.

second, to fix the debt you need to reform entitlements, so what is the plan?

Once again, the plan is to vote for and elect people that will do those things. But as long as people like you keep voting for those who do not care about the debt, things will never change because there are a whole lot more freeloaders out there than there are people who care.

1) No I don't care, it's my money...the govt needs to get their stuff in order.....not my problem
2)that I a cop out......what DO YOU think we need to do....you need to know that in order to vote for a politician....they don't all agree....so whats the plan?

1) I know you do not, that is what makes you a freeloader.

2) two options...

a. An across the board 10% cut to every agency in the Fed Govt to include the DOD and military. 2% per year for 5 years and let the agency choose where to cut. Once that is accomplished more precise cuts till we are bringing in more than we spend and then a moratorium on deficit spending without 3/4 approval of both houses of congress and for a set period of time limited to no more than 1 year.

b. If we cannot cut spending we need to adjust the tax rate for everyone living in the country to cover the cost of what we are spending. Let everyone feel the pain and then see if that does not affect the way they vote the next election.

1) No it doesn't make me a freeloader, I do pay taxes, I just am honest and want to pay less. I don't use govt resources.
2)I'm on board for both. Too bad your leftwing buddies would never go for either.
a)Cutting spending means a smaller beauracracy and jobs for the left.....no chance
b)Having everyone pay taxes and when trying to raise them the left would have to explain it to everyone, not just bash the rich....they will die before this ever happens.
The US has limited elements of socialism. To pay for it, we need Capitalism. Further, Socialism does not permit a Middle Class. The modern day Leftists say they are for the Middle Class but yo truly transform the American system, the Middle Class has got to go. Socialism has a true, locked-in, 1 percent, and then the masses. No upward mobility. No opportunity.
bingo.....it's socialism is just another word for monarchy.....you have the aristocracy and the peasants....I guess all the lefties think they will be in the aristocracy....bwahahaahahaha
well you dont know shit.

my money is my money not the govt money.
so I don't give a fuck about the impact of taxes on the debt...its my fucking money

I know you are reaping the benefits of a country that is spending more than it brings adn and you do not give a shit if future generations pay for it.

second, to fix the debt you need to reform entitlements, so what is the plan?

Once again, the plan is to vote for and elect people that will do those things. But as long as people like you keep voting for those who do not care about the debt, things will never change because there are a whole lot more freeloaders out there than there are people who care.

1) No I don't care, it's my money...the govt needs to get their stuff in order.....not my problem
2)that I a cop out......what DO YOU think we need to do....you need to know that in order to vote for a politician....they don't all agree....so whats the plan?

1) I know you do not, that is what makes you a freeloader.

2) two options...

a. An across the board 10% cut to every agency in the Fed Govt to include the DOD and military. 2% per year for 5 years and let the agency choose where to cut. Once that is accomplished more precise cuts till we are bringing in more than we spend and then a moratorium on deficit spending without 3/4 approval of both houses of congress and for a set period of time limited to no more than 1 year.

b. If we cannot cut spending we need to adjust the tax rate for everyone living in the country to cover the cost of what we are spending. Let everyone feel the pain and then see if that does not affect the way they vote the next election.
you can't collect enough money. the economists already stated such. spending cuts is all that will decrease the deficit. and all that is needed is five percent across the board to achieve.

I assume you only vote for people who agree with across the board spending cuts?

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Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

I did not vote for Hillary but I think that we should pay for what we spend and not keep passing it off to our children and grandchildren.

Why do you want to be a free loader and live off the backs of future generations?

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Weird that Lowlifes always seem to be Econ majors...they have all the answers for balancing a budget don’t they?
“Just tax the wealthy more.”
Wouldn’t it make more sense to demand that .GOV spend less money on bullshit like illegal wetbacks and such? Shouldn’t we start there?
Weird that filthy LefTards never, EVER mention anything like that...huh?

So where was your concern of the children when leftists enacted social security, medicaid and medicare, now debt into the tune of 150 trillion? Much more than the projected cost of global warming...

Trump takes debt because he wants to end all your nonsense. That's a sound investment. If he was a president before all the nonsense was enacted we would have saved trillions and trillions. Since that is no longer possible we will save civilization.
Really silly stuff, Dupe. If you count all taxes and fees the rich now pay no no more percentage wise than the middle class and the country is going broke.
You have a link? And who sets the taxes and fees?
Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.

Oliver Wendell Holmes
/——/ So you’d be ok paying double, triple or even quadruple your current taxes as a price of a civilized society? Do you have anything other than cliches?
Do you have anything other than hyperbole?

Our society sold out to supply side economics
We have suffered for it
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Okay, it's not that we want to pay more taxes. We think the rich should pay their fair share of theirs. But let's leave the argument off to the side.

The alternatives to paying taxes are 1) Not spending on key things we need and 2) borrowing to pay for those things.

Neither of those are preferable options.

Fact is, most of what the government spends, isn't discretionary. We've already cut public spending to the bone, and the fact is, with a retiring population, we still have more obligations than revenues.

As for borrowing, we've been doing that for 30 years, the economy is not going to grow its way out of the deficit.
We can easily cut 90% of what government spends, so that's pure bullshit. Welfare is not "key," and neither is Social Security.
You are a member of the country's smallest and stupidest party LOL...
I'm a Republican, dumbass.

Well at least you have the courage to openly admit it.

There are far too many Republican (and Democrat) dumbasses that stubbornly refuse to concede what they really are.

Personally I think we need a national 12 step program to cure people of the stupidity that's brought on by partisanship.
There are far more Democrats who refuse to admit it.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

I did not vote for Hillary but I think that we should pay for what we spend and not keep passing it off to our children and grandchildren.

Why do you want to be a free loader and live off the backs of future generations?

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I didn't spend it. You pay for it. I want government cut. I don't want to reward it for fiscal malfeasance with more revenue.

You say you want the government cut but your voted for an support a guy that wants to spend even more. Your actions do not match your words

What exactly is your expectation in a world of gigantic welfare states, fiat currency, rampant graft and systemic voting buying?

That people will vote against their own immediate self interest in the hopes that politicians promises regarding fiscal conditions in the distant future will pan out?

My expectation is that nothing will change and we will continue to fuck over the future generations. In a country where the only two major political parites both are populated with people that do not care about debt and do not care about overall spending levels, I have no real hope that things will change, but that does not mean I will become complicit in supporting those fucking over our children.

Democrac is designed to fuck over future generations. The time horizon of politicians is the next election. In the case of Congress that's two years. They couldn't care less what happens 30 years from now. Congress will always put off dealing with the debt to the next Congress, and the next and the next. You're a hopeless romantic if you believe Congress will ever do anything about the debt.
That's good at least you won't be disappointed in the near term, well not until the change agent ultimately does manifest itself at which point you might be in for a bit of a shock.

As I said, I do not expect it to happen, thus there will be no shock.

I understand, your goal is laudable and your reasoning is not unsound, the citizenry should pay for the services it demands from government and do it in a direct, pay as you go and transparent way. Unfortunately that doesn't work when you add in a welfare state, a giant military-industrial complex and fiat currency and trying make it work under those circumstances will have achieve the opposite of your goal as well as dumping the economy into a severe depression (at best) and causing massive political upheaval.

I think that a massive political upheaval might be inevitable, as I see our country as schizophrenic, we cannot decide what we are, and we try to be everything at once. Sooner or later it will all come to head, that might be through a silent revolution where the new generation of power has had enough or it might be a violent one not unlike the last Civil War.

I think our current system of "winner take all" elections will eventually leave enough people out in the cold that there will be a move to change it.

We will eventually have to decide what to do with our healthcare system. ObamaCare fucked it up enough that something will have to be done, and there is no going back to the mess we had before. We as a society have to decide if healthcare is a service or a commodity, this hybrid model of trying to do both is failing.

And sooner or later our national debt will be such a large number that people will no longer be able to ignore it. We will add more than trillion dollars to it this year, in a year when the economy is still doing well, if not great. Just imagine what a down year will do to the deficit.
You're dreaming. If we have any kind of "upheaval," the result will be a dictatorship. Nothing will happen in this country until people stop getting their government checks.

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