Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Okay, it's not that we want to pay more taxes. We think the rich should pay their fair share of theirs. But let's leave the argument off to the side.

The alternatives to paying taxes are 1) Not spending on key things we need and 2) borrowing to pay for those things.

Neither of those are preferable options.

Fact is, most of what the government spends, isn't discretionary. We've already cut public spending to the bone, and the fact is, with a retiring population, we still have more obligations than revenues.

As for borrowing, we've been doing that for 30 years, the economy is not going to grow its way out of the deficit.
We can easily cut 90% of what government spends, so that's pure bullshit. Welfare is not "key," and neither is Social Security.
You are a member of the country's smallest and stupidest party LOL...
I'm a Republican, dumbass.

Well at least you have the courage to openly admit it.

There are far too many Republican (and Democrat) dumbasses that stubbornly refuse to concede what they really are.

Personally I think we need a national 12 step program to cure people of the stupidity that's brought on by partisanship.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

I did not vote for Hillary but I think that we should pay for what we spend and not keep passing it off to our children and grandchildren.

Why do you want to be a free loader and live off the backs of future generations?

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I didn't spend it. You pay for it. I want government cut. I don't want to reward it for fiscal malfeasance with more revenue.

You say you want the government cut but your voted for an support a guy that wants to spend even more. Your actions do not match your words
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

I did not vote for Hillary but I think that we should pay for what we spend and not keep passing it off to our children and grandchildren.

Why do you want to be a free loader and live off the backs of future generations?

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I didn't spend it. You pay for it. I want government cut. I don't want to reward it for fiscal malfeasance with more revenue.

You say you want the government cut but your voted for an support a guy that wants to spend even more. Your actions do not match your words

What exactly is your expectation in a world of gigantic welfare states, fiat currency, rampant graft and systemic voting buying?

That people will vote against their own immediate self interest in the hopes that politicians promises regarding fiscal conditions in the distant future will pan out?
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

I did not vote for Hillary but I think that we should pay for what we spend and not keep passing it off to our children and grandchildren.

Why do you want to be a free loader and live off the backs of future generations?

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I didn't spend it. You pay for it. I want government cut. I don't want to reward it for fiscal malfeasance with more revenue.

You say you want the government cut but your voted for an support a guy that wants to spend even more. Your actions do not match your words

What exactly is your expectation in a world of gigantic welfare states, fiat currency, rampant graft and systemic voting buying?

That people will vote against their own immediate self interest in the hopes that politicians promises regarding fiscal conditions in the distant future will pan out?

My expectation is that nothing will change and we will continue to fuck over the future generations. In a country where the only two major political parites both are populated with people that do not care about debt and do not care about overall spending levels, I have no real hope that things will change, but that does not mean I will become complicit in supporting those fucking over our children.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

I did not vote for Hillary but I think that we should pay for what we spend and not keep passing it off to our children and grandchildren.

Why do you want to be a free loader and live off the backs of future generations?

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I didn't spend it. You pay for it. I want government cut. I don't want to reward it for fiscal malfeasance with more revenue.

You say you want the government cut but your voted for an support a guy that wants to spend even more. Your actions do not match your words

What exactly is your expectation in a world of gigantic welfare states, fiat currency, rampant graft and systemic voting buying?

That people will vote against their own immediate self interest in the hopes that politicians promises regarding fiscal conditions in the distant future will pan out?

My expectation is that nothing will change and we will continue to fuck over the future generations.
That's good at least you won't be disappointed in the near term, well not until the change agent ultimately does manifest itself at which point you might be in for a bit of a shock.

In a country where the only two major political parites both are populated with people that do not care about debt and do not care about overall spending levels, I have no real hope that things will change, but that does not mean I will become complicit in supporting those fucking over our children.
I understand, your goal is laudable and your reasoning is not unsound, the citizenry should pay for the services it demands from government and do it in a direct, pay as you go and transparent way. Unfortunately that doesn't work when you add in a welfare state, a giant military-industrial complex and fiat currency and trying make it work under those circumstances will have achieve the opposite of your goal as well as dumping the economy into a severe depression (at best) and causing massive political upheaval.
luckily for us Trump is commander in chief. markets move on his decisions, nations can be decimated at his command.
luckily for us Trump is commander in chief.

Who is "us"?

America, the world, the universe.

Uh-huh, while I applaud you for counting what you see as your good fortune, you can leave me off that list, there's nothing about Trump being CIC that I consider a blessing, which might have something to do with the fact that I don't subscribe to the "At least he's a preferable evil to the evil he was running against" dogma that partisans adhere to. ;)
That's good at least you won't be disappointed in the near term, well not until the change agent ultimately does manifest itself at which point you might be in for a bit of a shock.

As I said, I do not expect it to happen, thus there will be no shock.

I understand, your goal is laudable and your reasoning is not unsound, the citizenry should pay for the services it demands from government and do it in a direct, pay as you go and transparent way. Unfortunately that doesn't work when you add in a welfare state, a giant military-industrial complex and fiat currency and trying make it work under those circumstances will have achieve the opposite of your goal as well as dumping the economy into a severe depression (at best) and causing massive political upheaval.

I think that a massive political upheaval might be inevitable, as I see our country as schizophrenic, we cannot decide what we are, and we try to be everything at once. Sooner or later it will all come to head, that might be through a silent revolution where the new generation of power has had enough or it might be a violent one not unlike the last Civil War.

I think our current system of "winner take all" elections will eventually leave enough people out in the cold that there will be a move to change it.

We will eventually have to decide what to do with our healthcare system. ObamaCare fucked it up enough that something will have to be done, and there is no going back to the mess we had before. We as a society have to decide if healthcare is a service or a commodity, this hybrid model of trying to do both is failing.

And sooner or later our national debt will be such a large number that people will no longer be able to ignore it. We will add more than trillion dollars to it this year, in a year when the economy is still doing well, if not great. Just imagine what a down year will do to the deficit.
luckily for us Trump is commander in chief.

Who is "us"?

America, the world, the universe.

Uh-huh, while I applaud you for counting what you see as your good fortune, you can leave me off that list, there's nothing about Trump being CIC that I consider a blessing, which might have something to do with the fact that I don't subscribe to the "At least he's a preferable evil to the evil he was running against" dogma that partisans adhere to. ;)

One thing many people seem to miss about voting for the lesser of two evils...it is still evil they voted for.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Can you point to the bible verse where Jesus commanded that we pay taxes to the government?

I recall him overturning the taxmans tables in the temple...……….
give unto Caesar, what is Caesar's, give unto God, what is God's...

That's good at least you won't be disappointed in the near term, well not until the change agent ultimately does manifest itself at which point you might be in for a bit of a shock.

As I said, I do not expect it to happen, thus there will be no shock.
The shock that you *might* experience has nothing to do with voting or politics, it has to do with what will bring the current party to a screeching halt, namely the destruction of the dollar that comes as the inevitable result of irresponsible governance coupled with fiat currency. Whether you're shocked or not will depend on the breadth and depth of your study of past episodes of hyperinflation and the effects it had on its victims.

I think that a massive political upheaval might be inevitable, as I see our country as schizophrenic, we cannot decide what we are, and we try to be everything at once. Sooner or later it will all come to head, that might be through a silent revolution where the new generation of power has had enough or it might be a violent one not unlike the last Civil War.
IMHO you're absolutely on the right track; we're replaying the late Roman Empire in nearly flawless fashion and we're likely to suffer the exact same consequences only on a much larger and much more destructive scale. We have all but abandoned the foundation that was laid by those that learned from the Fall of Rome and tried to build a system that would prevent a repeat of it.

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within." -- Ariel Durant
The only part of the tax cuts that the Democratic congress critters want to change is instead of bringing the Corporate tax rate from 39% down to 21%, they want to bring the Corporate tax rate from 39% down to 25%.....
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Can you point to the bible verse where Jesus commanded that we pay taxes to the government?

I recall him overturning the taxmans tables in the temple...……….
give unto Caesar, what is Caesar's, give unto God, what is God's...


Bah.. fuck Caesar and all his dictatorial brethren anybody that willingly goes about giving unto Caesar is just an enabler of bad behavior.

As far as God goes, personally I figure that an omnipotent being can pretty much just take whatever it wants, anytime it wants so I'm not concerned about giving anything unto it.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
OK....I’ll be specific

As a society, we can accomplish more as a group than we can as individuals. We gain strength as a society

Since we sold out to supply side economics a generation ago, our society has done less and less to benefit its citizens while our corporations and wealthy are expected to do less

Infrastructure, education, healthcare and public services have suffered
The only part of the tax cuts that the Democratic congress critters want to change is instead of bringing the Corporate tax rate from 39% down to 21%, they want to bring the Corporate tax rate from 39% down to 25%.....
25 percent is too low
Bah.. fuck Caesar and all his dictatorial brethren anybody that willingly goes about giving unto Caesar is just an enabler of bad behavior.
I'll let you argue with Christ over that one....

I personally doubt Jesus was telling them to just pay their taxes to Caesar so they can enable the bad behavior of his.....!!!
Nobody wants to pay more taxes, but with $20 trillion in debt hanging over our heads, somebody's going to have to at some point.

Sorry worker bees, but with republicans running things, we can be sure that somebody is not going to be the wealthy.
The only part of the tax cuts that the Democratic congress critters want to change is instead of bringing the Corporate tax rate from 39% down to 21%, they want to bring the Corporate tax rate from 39% down to 25%.....
25 percent is too low
it could be higher....that's the absolute lowest, and probably just the starting point for negotiation....

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