Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Illogical and ignorant is running trillon dollar deficits in good times and voting for lying assholes like this:

Coulda been worse. Coulda been hildaskank.

No one lies worse than Trump and Clinton would be way more fiscally restrained. Trump stright up doesn't give a shit about deficits (except of course to bullshit you during campaign about how he will EASILY balance the budget)

Clinton wouldn't be blowing up trade wars either.
The claim that Democrats care about deficits doesn't pass the smell test. I don't recall any of you whining when Obama increased the debt by $10 trillion


Deficits (which is what debt IS MADE OF) under Obama shrunk from 1.3T to ~500B.

Obama did NOT cause those deficits with his policy. You look at all the budget revisions and not counting his 2012 extension of the tax cuts he actually added little-to-nothing to debt.

Stimulus was unpaid for, but passed in the middle of Great Recession.

Healthcare law incorporated Obama's VERY EXPLICIT goal of not increasing long term deficits. It contained spending provisions, but also cuts and revenues. CBO consistently scored it to somewhat REDUCE debt, not increase it.

And there were also spending sequestrations that went into effect to the tune of about half a trillion.

Aside from policy achieved Obama has consistently put on the table the Grand Bargain which would really set us on a road to long term fiscal solvency. Rightwingers would have none of that, because it involved a dirty dirty word that begins with a c.
Coulda been worse. Coulda been hildaskank.

No one lies worse than Trump and Clinton would be way more fiscally restrained. Trump stright up doesn't give a shit about deficits (except of course to bullshit you during campaign about how he will EASILY balance the budget)

Clinton wouldn't be blowing up trade wars either.
The claim that Democrats care about deficits doesn't pass the smell test. I don't recall any of you whining when Obama increased the debt by $10 trillion


Deficits (which is what debt IS MADE OF) under Obama shrunk from 1.3T to ~500B.

Obama did NOT cause those deficits with his policy. You look at all the budget revisions and not counting his 2012 extension of the tax cuts he actually added little-to-nothing to debt.

Stimulus was unpaid for, but passed in the middle of Great Recession.

Healthcare law incorporated Obama's VERY EXPLICIT goal of not increasing long term deficits. It contained spending provisions, but also cuts and revenues. CBO consistently scored it to somewhat REDUCE debt, not increase it.

And there were also spending sequestrations that went into effect to the tune of about half a trillion.

Aside from policy achieved Obama has consistently put on the table the Grand Bargain which would really set us on a road to long term fiscal solvency. Rightwingers would have none of that, because it involved a dirty dirty word that begins with a c.
The above says that deficits under obooba shrunk when the national debt actually doubled. If you take your pills you might know what you did 2 minutes ago...lol

A typical idiot who wants to pay more taxes

Moron, I will repeat AGAIN, because that's what you have to do for morons.

Just because something happened during Obama term (deficits going down in this case), DOES NOT MEAN HE CAUSED IT. I explicitly said he did not significantly cause the deficits, I NEVER said he reduced them.

Can you get that through your thick skull?

YES? Ok, you can now proceed to explain how the fuck Obama caused 8 Trillion dollar debt.
So you are saying that the deficit reductions that you claim obooba achieved are not his responsibility.

Again only people with mental disease want to pay more taxes........
That is the way society works
As a whole you make out better than you would by yourself
By who's accounting? Who decides what is "better" for you?
By any accounting you are better off as part of a society than as an individual.
Save your taxes and try surviving without roads, bridges, clean water, police and military protection, free education, safe food and drugs

You seem to be missing the point. Or perhaps you're just ignoring it.

The problem is the "We Know Better" mentality of statists. They want government to decide what is best for people and force it on them. That's an abuse of government in my view. Government should protect each individual's freedom to pursue their own vision of the good life - not mandate what that vision should be.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
You don't get it

The people who voted for Hillary don't want to pay more taxes. They want everyone else to pay more taxes

This is the mythology of the left-wing that is unavoidable. If the left-wing didn't have myths to believe, they wouldn't exist.

In this case, the myth is that when they demand higher taxes, they always believe that someone else will pay those taxes. They never believe that they themselves will pay the taxes. It's always someone somewhere else.
The fact remains the Democratic platform and policy 4 years has been to raise taxes only on the rich. GOP Dupes cannot past that at all LOL! Arrgghhh

Say what?

Obama care was the biggest tax of all..
In other words, we live better than they do. We have bigger houses, more and bigger cars, much cheaper gas, much cheaper electricity. Almost every U.S. home has a dishwasher. I've seen on those HGTV shows that many European houses do not have a dishwasher. They do not have an American sized refrigerator. They do not have American sized ranges or ovens. They have tiny bathrooms. About 30 years ago I had a friend who was visiting from Germany. He loved America because he could play tennis for free at his condo recreation center. In Germany it would typically cost you $50 to get on a tennis court, and that was 30 years ago. Now it's probably more like $100.

That's wha socialism gets you, a meager lifestyle.
You are right we have smaller houses and slightly smaller cars and most importantly no big refrigerator. We have only those unimportant things as universal Healthcare, the ability to send our kids to college without going in debt. Way less debt in general since we typically don't have credit cards to pay off other credit cards. The ability to keep doing organized sports into our adult life. Doctors, physical therapists and nurses coming to our house if we aren't mobile, something that helps make us live years longer on average, etc. That's what Socialism gets you.
Plus 4- 6 week vacations, good infrastructure daycare paid parental leave. The GOP has screwed Americans.
There's more but what's the point, bripat is interested in his prejudices being confirmed, not actual information
Your "information" is actually just propaganda. You're trying to make paying $10/gal for gas sound like a good thing. Driving a car is much preferable to mass transit. The latter is the transit that gets you from where you aren't to where you don't want to be. Yeah, everyone wants to live in a smaller house without modern appliances

Somehow playing soccer is supposed to be some big luxury. We have a thing here called intramural sports. Anyone who wants to can participate for very little money. The reason no one wants to play golf in Europe is the fact that it costs $200 for a round. Here you can get on a course for under $25.
I pay a bit less than 5 dollars a gallon. How in the hell did you get the idea I live in a house that has no modern appliances. In fact I just bought an LG oled TV last week. I use a car myself, an SUV btw. If you use golf as a way to establish a higher quality of live, why can't I use my own sport of preference. And if you call my information propaganda you are of course capable of providing me with a list of the errors? As to my link, it's number 5 when you Google average electricity prize by country. It's the link I used because it was the first which had current statistical data and had Belgium included. Give me data that disputes the numbers and you might have a point. Until you do the fact that your outdated chart didn't have the same numbers as mine proves nothing

I have watched television shows on HGTV where couples are shopping for housing in various European cities. Most of the places they look at do not have dish washers, the regrigerators are tiny, they don't have ovens and they have a two burner electric stove. The cost is also astronimical compared to what we pay here. Often they are talking about paying $2000/mo for these tiny apartments.

Golf is a sign of affluence because golf is an expensive sport. A golf course requires a large plot of land in a populated area, and it also requires extensive maintenance and has huge water bills. The equipment used to play golf is also expensive. A good set of clubs will cost you at least $500. Soccor doesn't require 1/10th as much physical capital.

According to the chart on this web page, the cost of gas in Belgium is $6.71/gal.

As I have noted, electricty is 3 times the price in Germany that we pay in America. Other european countries are equally high.

Your link to electricity prices is obviously to a propaganda site.
Why should I have to?
You do realize that by not having kids that I use less government services don't you?
Your choice

The services are still available

ROFL! I pay for them whether I use them or not. That's the leftwing conception of a "free choice."
That is the way society works
As a whole you make out better than you would by yourself
By who's accounting? Who decides what is "better" for you?
By any accounting you are better off as part of a society than as an individual.
Save your taxes and try surviving without roads, bridges, clean water, police and military protection, free education, safe food and drugs
Government isn't society, numskull. Society can build bridges, supply clean water, education, safe food and drugs and have security without government. In fact, the only real security is contracted for privately. The police only show up to draw a chalk outline around your body. Your belief that it can't is the result of swallowing government propaganda for 16 years.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
I said the are calling for bigger spending. I didn't say anything about taxes, moron.
Can't resist the insult can we.
I'm still waiting for your PhD.
I keep asking, just get. Moron!!!
Our baby boy obviously isn't a millionaire.
My dad (and I) are
Dad "I love paying more taxes this year, means I screwed the uneducated out of more than last year."
The rich don't mind paying, don't miss it.
On the other hand the Vegas friend of. Don got a $600000000 tax refund

1. Your writing sucks.
2. Use commas.
3. Who was it that got a $600 mil tax refund? Gonna need a link to that one.

How could anyone get a tax refund this year when Trump’s tax cuts didn’t take effect until the 2018 tax year?

Their withholding was adjusted as soon as the tax bill was signed. You should just keep your mouth shut about American government if you don't want everyone to know how ignorant you are.
Illogical and ignorant is running trillon dollar deficits in good times and voting for lying assholes like this:

Coulda been worse. Coulda been hildaskank.

No one lies worse than Trump and Clinton would be way more fiscally restrained. Trump stright up doesn't give a shit about deficits (except of course to bullshit you during campaign about how he will EASILY balance the budget)

Clinton wouldn't be blowing up trade wars either.
The claim that Democrats care about deficits doesn't pass the smell test. I don't recall any of you whining when Obama increased the debt by $10 trillion


Deficits (which is what debt IS MADE OF) under Obama shrunk from 1.3T to ~500B.

Obama did NOT cause those deficits with his policy. You look at all the budget revisions and not counting his 2012 extension of the tax cuts he actually added little-to-nothing to debt.

Stimulus was unpaid for, but passed in the middle of Great Recession.

Healthcare law incorporated Obama's VERY EXPLICIT goal of not increasing long term deficits. It contained spending provisions, but also cuts and revenues. CBO consistently scored it to somewhat REDUCE debt, not increase it.

And there were also spending sequestrations that went into effect to the tune of about half a trillion.

Aside from policy achieved Obama has consistently put on a table the Grand Bargain which would really set us on a road to long term fiscal solvency. Rightwingers would have none of that.
Look psycho, the national debt increased by 8 trillion dollars under Obama. Take your meds if you know different.
More like $10 trillion.
The claim that Democrats care about deficits doesn't pass the smell test. I don't recall any of you whining when Obama increased the debt by $10 trillion


Deficits (which is what debt IS MADE OF) under Obama shrunk from 1.3T to ~500B.

Obama did NOT cause those deficits with his policy. You look at all the budget revisions and not counting his 2012 extension of the tax cuts he actually added little-to-nothing to debt.

Stimulus was unpaid for, but passed in the middle of Great Recession.

Healthcare law incorporated Obama's VERY EXPLICIT goal of not increasing long term deficits. It contained spending provisions, but also cuts and revenues. CBO consistently scored it to somewhat REDUCE debt, not increase it.

And there were also spending sequestrations that went into effect to the tune of about half a trillion.

Aside from policy achieved Obama has consistently put on a table the Grand Bargain which would really set us on a road to long term fiscal solvency. Rightwingers would have none of that.
Look psycho, the national debt increased by 8 trillion dollars under Obama. Take your meds if you know different.

Dumbass, babies were also born under Obama, doesn't mean he is the daddy.

Just because it happened, doesn't mean he CAUSED it.
Like I said, time for your meds

ok idiot, you go on and run along now.

Come back when you have an EXPLANATION of how Obama caused 8T dollar debt.

How about the $900 billion "stimulus?" the spending increases from this bill were incorporated permanently in to the budgets of every agency that recieved an increase.
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
I said the are calling for bigger spending. I didn't say anything about taxes, moron.
Can't resist the insult can we.
I'm still waiting for your PhD.
I keep asking, just get. Moron!!!
Our baby boy obviously isn't a millionaire.
My dad (and I) are
Dad "I love paying more taxes this year, means I screwed the uneducated out of more than last year."
The rich don't mind paying, don't miss it.
On the other hand the Vegas friend of. Don got a $600000000 tax refund

1. Your writing sucks.
2. Use commas.
3. Who was it that got a $600 mil tax refund? Gonna need a link to that one.

How could anyone get a tax refund this year when Trump’s tax cuts didn’t take effect until the 2018 tax year?

Their withholding was adjusted as soon as the tax bill was signed. You should just keep your mouth shut about American government if you don't want everyone to know how ignorant you are.
His name adelson? The Jewish casino owner.
It was $650000000

Deficits (which is what debt IS MADE OF) under Obama shrunk from 1.3T to ~500B.

Obama did NOT cause those deficits with his policy. You look at all the budget revisions and not counting his 2012 extension of the tax cuts he actually added little-to-nothing to debt.

Stimulus was unpaid for, but passed in the middle of Great Recession.

Healthcare law incorporated Obama's VERY EXPLICIT goal of not increasing long term deficits. It contained spending provisions, but also cuts and revenues. CBO consistently scored it to somewhat REDUCE debt, not increase it.

And there were also spending sequestrations that went into effect to the tune of about half a trillion.

Aside from policy achieved Obama has consistently put on a table the Grand Bargain which would really set us on a road to long term fiscal solvency. Rightwingers would have none of that.
Look psycho, the national debt increased by 8 trillion dollars under Obama. Take your meds if you know different.

Dumbass, babies were also born under Obama, doesn't mean he is the daddy.

Just because it happened, doesn't mean he CAUSED it.
Like I said, time for your meds

ok idiot, you go on and run along now.

Come back when you have an EXPLANATION of how Obama caused 8T dollar debt.

How about the $900 billion "stimulus?" the spending increases from this bill were incorporated permanently in to the budgets of every agency that recieved an increase.
Was this when we were losing 750000 jobs/ month?
I thought 1/2? Went to tax cuts
Your choice

The services are still available

ROFL! I pay for them whether I use them or not. That's the leftwing conception of a "free choice."
That is the way society works
As a whole you make out better than you would by yourself
By who's accounting? Who decides what is "better" for you?
By any accounting you are better off as part of a society than as an individual.
Save your taxes and try surviving without roads, bridges, clean water, police and military protection, free education, safe food and drugs
Government isn't society, numskull. Society can build bridges, supply clean water, education, safe food and drugs and have security without government. In fact, the only real security is contracted for privately. The police only show up to draw a chalk outline around your body. Your belief that it can't is the result of swallowing government propaganda for 16 years.

Heard of "projection"
Accusing someone of what you are doing?
Presume you returned your socialist SS Medicare?
Or to paraphrase Bertrand Russell
"Dumb people are certain, those with a few brains have doubts"
Awful lot of certainty on the old white fart forum
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant.

Illogical and ignorant is running trillon dollar deficits in good times and voting for lying assholes like this:

Coulda been worse. Coulda been hildaskank.

No one lies worse than Trump and Clinton would be way more fiscally restrained. Trump stright up doesn't give a shit about deficits (except of course to bullshit you during campaign about how he will EASILY balance the budget)

Clinton wouldn't be blowing up trade wars either.
The claim that Democrats care about deficits doesn't pass the smell test. I don't recall any of you whining when Obama increased the debt by $10 trillion


Deficits (which is what debt IS MADE OF) under Obama shrunk from 1.3T to ~500B.
And now Trump is accelerating the deficit. He is on track to hit at least $800 billion this year. A trillion next year.
The fact that they don't means they are fine with serving whomever, but that is because they don't have any religious convictions to go by.

I promise, I'm not trying to be a religious zealot here, I'm trying to show that, under the current system, people with religious beliefs really have no rights, because the courts have been taking them away. In your example of the public accommodation laws, that is an example of a law restricting the rights of those who own Christian businesses being force to male concessions against the first amendment, which states that Congress shall make no law preventing the free exercise of religion.

Your implication that lack of belief in any religious doctrine is grounds for you forcing your belief on them is nuts. There is no reason why a person has to adhere to a religion.
I'm not trying to force a religion on anybody, I'm saying you shouldn't be allowed to force your atheism on believers.

How does performing the service you are in business to perform have anything to do with anything?
If you create anything for specific cause, then you are working on behalf of that cause, which means you are participating.

Right. The electric company was part of the wedding party, along with the people who sold them the ice for the punch.
Ok then, I guess the only answer is to force religious businesses to comply with the wishes of anyone who wants to patron their store, and there should absolutely be no organizations who are allowed to refuse anyone based on religion, races, or orientation, correct?

If that is your stance, then that opens a lot of problems for certain organizations across America.

Also, electric companies are public utilities, and are not privately owned, and if someone purchased ice out of a machine, I don't see how they would have any control.

I'm not talking about discrimination here, I'm talking about actual religious beliefs. You still haven't answered my other question. Do you believe that a Muslim butcher should be forced to handle and process pork products? By what you are saying here, they should be made to do so, even though according to their religion, they are not supposed to touch any unclean meat, but, that doesn't matter, a person should be able to bring in all the hogs they want, and that butcher can not refuse to process them.
Last edited:
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
I said the are calling for bigger spending. I didn't say anything about taxes, moron.
Can't resist the insult can we.
I'm still waiting for your PhD.
I keep asking, just get. Moron!!!
Our baby boy obviously isn't a millionaire.
My dad (and I) are
Dad "I love paying more taxes this year, means I screwed the uneducated out of more than last year."
The rich don't mind paying, don't miss it.
On the other hand the Vegas friend of. Don got a $600000000 tax refund

1. Your writing sucks.
2. Use commas.
3. Who was it that got a $600 mil tax refund? Gonna need a link to that one.

How could anyone get a tax refund this year when Trump’s tax cuts didn’t take effect until the 2018 tax year?

Their withholding was adjusted as soon as the tax bill was signed. You should just keep your mouth shut about American government if you don't want everyone to know how ignorant you are.

It’s you who is displaying your ignorance.

The withholding which changed was for the 2018 taxation year. It didn’t result in refunds. It resulted in reductions in the amounts deducted from paychecks.

People are NOT being issued tax refunds based on the new tax code. That won’t happen until next year.

The level of your ignorance has no basement.
98% of welfare is for people need it and most of those are already working hard to get by. What the republicans want to do is to take away and force people to fucking take food out of the trash can. Republicans are heartless fuckers.
The dupes are Brain washed functional heartless f******.... Ignorance is the the problem.
I'd be better off if I wasn't forced to pay for things I neither want nor need.
fine, as long as you don't use Roads water electricity etc etc
So dumb
98% of welfare is for people need it and most of those are already working hard to get by. What the republicans want to do is to take away and force people to fucking take food out of the trash can. Republicans are heartless fuckers.
The dupes are Brain washed functional heartless f******.... Ignorance is the the problem.
I'd be better off if I wasn't forced to pay for things I neither want nor need.
fine, as long as you don't use Roads water electricity etc etc
So dumb
98% of welfare is for people need it and most of those are already working hard to get by. What the republicans want to do is to take away and force people to fucking take food out of the trash can. Republicans are heartless fuckers.
The dupes are Brain washed functional heartless f******.... Ignorance is the the problem..

Ignorance certainly is the problem
Rachel Dolezal, Who Pretended to Be Black, Is Charged With Welfare Fraud
You know everything about stupid GOP propaganda and and nothing about policy and GOP thievery, super duper.

No kidding, I didn't realize Ms. Dolezal was part of the GOP...dumbass.
Part of GOP propaganda d u h

You're a troll. She is a Bipolar Schizo who is as White as Snow.
I said the are calling for bigger spending. I didn't say anything about taxes, moron.
Can't resist the insult can we.
I'm still waiting for your PhD.
I keep asking, just get. Moron!!!
Our baby boy obviously isn't a millionaire.
My dad (and I) are
Dad "I love paying more taxes this year, means I screwed the uneducated out of more than last year."
The rich don't mind paying, don't miss it.
On the other hand the Vegas friend of. Don got a $600000000 tax refund

1. Your writing sucks.
2. Use commas.
3. Who was it that got a $600 mil tax refund? Gonna need a link to that one.

How could anyone get a tax refund this year when Trump’s tax cuts didn’t take effect until the 2018 tax year?

Their withholding was adjusted as soon as the tax bill was signed. You should just keep your mouth shut about American government if you don't want everyone to know how ignorant you are.
His name adelson? The Jewish casino owner.
It was $650000000
Nope. Nothing about that. However, there is a lot of stuff about him pulling $650 million out of a stadium deal.

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