Why do we ask what the founding fathers would have wanted?

I don't understand this tradition.
My question is what exactly is the purpose of using the founding fathers or even the foundations of the United States as a means of creating laws in today's society. From what I understand none of the people who made a lot of the rules today are no longer alive. So why would we care what these people wanted? Maybe this is a stupid question but whenever I hear people argue about politics almost inevitably someone brings up the foundations of the country. I always thought that what was more important was what was better for the people in that society. So can someone please clarify why this seems to be a valid argument?

It isn't a valid argument unless you believe all progress ended at the end of the 18th century.

It's just a fallacious appeal to authority that especially conservatives like to use when it suits their agenda.

It can be used as an Appeal to Authority.

An appeal to authority is only a fallacy when the person is speaking outside their area of expertise. Therefore, it is not a fallacy to use James Madison as an authority on the Constitution. But it would be a fallacy to use James Madison as an authority on microwave ovens were he alive today.

"James Madison says Kenmore is better than Westinghouse. So there!"

I don't understand this tradition.
My question is what exactly is the purpose of using the founding fathers or even the foundations of the United States as a means of creating laws in today's society. From what I understand none of the people who made a lot of the rules today are no longer alive. So why would we care what these people wanted? Maybe this is a stupid question but whenever I hear people argue about politics almost inevitably someone brings up the foundations of the country. I always thought that what was more important was what was better for the people in that society. So can someone please clarify why this seems to be a valid argument?
if the founding fathers saw what we have become,they would first puke their guts out and revise the whole damned thing.
I don't understand this tradition.
My question is what exactly is the purpose of using the founding fathers or even the foundations of the United States as a means of creating laws in today's society. From what I understand none of the people who made a lot of the rules today are no longer alive. So why would we care what these people wanted? Maybe this is a stupid question but whenever I hear people argue about politics almost inevitably someone brings up the foundations of the country. I always thought that what was more important was what was better for the people in that society. So can someone please clarify why this seems to be a valid argument?
if the founding fathers saw what we have become,they would first puke their guts out and revise the whole damned thing.

i think there would be 4- revisions:
1) balanced budgets
2) feds no bigger than 15% of economy
3) capitalism
4) family values
Our Founding Fathers covered the entirety of this issue with our "mission statement":

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
. So why would we care what these people wanted?

they where extreme geniuses who understood that govt had been the source of evil in human history and that any new govt must be keep very very limited to be in harmony with nature's God.

They rebelled against a government that was based on the Christian belief that the King derived his power directly from God.
The founders didn't care what the King of England thought. Why should we care what the founders thought?
I don't understand this tradition.
My question is what exactly is the purpose of using the founding fathers or even the foundations of the United States as a means of creating laws in today's society. From what I understand none of the people who made a lot of the rules today are no longer alive. So why would we care what these people wanted? Maybe this is a stupid question but whenever I hear people argue about politics almost inevitably someone brings up the foundations of the country. I always thought that what was more important was what was better for the people in that society. So can someone please clarify why this seems to be a valid argument?

Everything you said you wanted, what was better for the people in the society, is what the founders wanted.

The point of recalling the tradition is to force you to think a little bit deeper on the issue at hand. Is promoting the policy really what is best for Americans? Are there prerequisites that should be met first? Or is it possible the policy would ruin what we have?

I'm trying to get the hang of conservatism, this question is best posed to someone that is well versed in its application and is more likely to take your question seriously.
EB, Ernie S., and those like them want to return American constitutionalism back to the 1920s. They wish to dominate women and minorities, particularly in the work place.

The FF did amazingly well for their day.

They would have problem with Baiamonte's and rdean's desire for America today.
. So why would we care what these people wanted?

they where extreme geniuses who understood that govt had been the source of evil in human history and that any new govt must be keep very very limited to be in harmony with nature's God.

They rebelled against a government that was based on the Christian belief that the King derived his power directly from God.

no dummy dear, they objected to the govt of Lord North who was not a King and who had far more power then the king. Welcome to your first lesson in American History.
The point of recalling the tradition.

we are not recalling a tradition, we are living according to their Constitution and making new laws only if they are consistent with their Constitution. They did not give us a democracy because they knew we would be stupid and so better off under their Constitution.

And even with their Constitution in place we still have the liberal cancer eating away at it.
. So why would we care what these people wanted?

they where extreme geniuses who understood that govt had been the source of evil in human history and that any new govt must be keep very very limited to be in harmony with nature's God.

They rebelled against a government that was based on the Christian belief that the King derived his power directly from God.

no dummy dear, they objected to the govt of Lord North who was not a King and who had far more power then the king. Welcome to your first lesson in American History.

lol, you're an idiot. Research divine right and John Locke's objections to it.
The founders are the gods of the people who think that all progress should have ended with the end of the 18th century.
FFs thought no such thing: only WHINOS think "because they where extreme geniuses who understood that govt had been the source of evil in human history"
The founders are the gods of the people who think that all progress should have ended with the end of the 18th century.

all progress ended?? dear, are you so incredibly stupid and liberal that you think our genius Founders forgot about the future and planned on Constitution ending in 1800??

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