Why educated people are more Liberal

koshergirl thinks my question is "funny" but won't attempt to answer it.

Try this, princess. Go to Hawaii and ask elder native Hawaiians if their islands are sinking....

The Marshalls are down more than a foot over the past 30+ years.

The two versions of the TV show Hawaii 5-0 are both filmed at the same beach, 50 years apart, and the ocean level is THE SAME...
I don't care. It's totally irrelevant to anything in the real world.
It's totally irrelevant to anything in the real world.

Yeah, because Zionist Jews like you who spout lie after lie supporting the fraudulent claim that CO2 affects Earth's climate are all still big time BUYERS of BEACHFRONT PROPERTY around the world...

"real world" = Israel and Zionist Jews and nothing else....
'Why educated people are more Liberal'

This is a Fake News Liberal Propaganda-Pushing snowflake claim. This is part of their self-deluded brainwashing that they are part of a vastly superior 'master race', smarter, more intelligent than everyone else, knows better than everyone else, are more qualified to tell everyone else how they should live than the people themselves.... Much like Hitler convinced the German people of prior to WWII.

Of course, despite their claims, the contrary is proven whenever they open their mouths or post on-line...and when their intellect is proven wanting, when their claims of fact are proven to be nothing more than opinion, they resort to personal attacks...the tell-tale sign of Intellectual INFERIORITY / Defeat.
Fatcats Love Mice

College is unmanly; it's for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. So the acadiminished snobs are defensive about their wimpitude. "Brains, not bravery." Or Woody Allen's shtick: "I'm a 90-pound weakling who gets sand kicked in my face. But intelligent people don't judge a guy by that."
Hmm...so whites have the same problems as other races when faced with bleak prospects.
Who knew? :dunno:

ANyone with a brain.

And not surprisingly when "confronted with bleak prospects" we voted for change, without concern for whether it might be "chaotic".

That "Educated" people think that the reason is that Trump voters were stupid, shows that those "educated" people are ignorant assholes.

I'm sure that's it.

Way to dismiss economic pain great enough that it is literally killing your fellow Americans.

And you wonder why we don't care about your complaints.

Who and what are you referring to?

I assumed that your , "I'm sure that's it" was sarcasm, thus YOU were the one dismissing the pain causing the decline in life spans.

"we" was a reference to us Trump voters.

You don't care about us suffering and dying and we don't care about your complaints.
We won't live free until Liberals live in fear.
"Why educated people are more Liberal"


What are you talking about? It reads like lunatic ramblings. Who's suffering and dying?

Decline in life span caused by early deaths. White people.

That was in the link you responded to, and then cut from this thread.

Maybe you shouldn't cut stuff if you can't remember it.

WTH does that have to do with liberals and education?
If anything, it shows the need for more people to seek an education.

Why is it suddenly a problem for you now that it's white people experiencing this?
This has been the case for minorities my entire lifetime. Get over yourself.
It's conservatives that rail against the poor, refuse to raise wages and want to remove access to health insurance. Your argument is not only disingenuous but dumb.

I brought it up in response to an arrogant poster who dismissed the reasons of Trump voters as foolish.

Trump voters have been experiencing real pain and voted for change.

YOur lack of understanding of opposing viewpoints is on you, not me.

YOur dismissal of white suffering because "minorities" is you being a racist.

It is foolish. I can't be a racist against my own race, dope.
Sure you can, if you're mentally ill.
As all useful idiots are, ultimately.

You're a great example of the thread premise.
I assumed that your , "I'm sure that's it" was sarcasm, thus YOU were the one dismissing the pain causing the decline in life spans.

"we" was a reference to us Trump voters.

You don't care about us suffering and dying and we don't care about your complaints.

What are you talking about? It reads like lunatic ramblings. Who's suffering and dying?

Decline in life span caused by early deaths. White people.

That was in the link you responded to, and then cut from this thread.

Maybe you shouldn't cut stuff if you can't remember it.

WTH does that have to do with liberals and education?
If anything, it shows the need for more people to seek an education.

Why is it suddenly a problem for you now that it's white people experiencing this?
This has been the case for minorities my entire lifetime. Get over yourself.
It's conservatives that rail against the poor, refuse to raise wages and want to remove access to health insurance. Your argument is not only disingenuous but dumb.

I brought it up in response to an arrogant poster who dismissed the reasons of Trump voters as foolish.

Trump voters have been experiencing real pain and voted for change.

YOur lack of understanding of opposing viewpoints is on you, not me.

YOur dismissal of white suffering because "minorities" is you being a racist.

It is foolish. I can't be a racist against my own race, dope.

Why not?
Feinstein wrote an editorial for the San Diego Union Tribune after the 2005 hurricane season warning "this is just the beginning" for "more and larger hurricanes..." I wrote a letter to the editor titled "Feinstein deserves an 'F' because she is no Einstein" and that never got published --- what a shock NOT!!!!!!!

Feinstein = pro Israel = good according to the Israeli owned "US" media
You can go to your college, you can go to your school, but if you ain't got Jesus you're an educated fool.

p.s. ever see a PhD in psychology try to change a tire on a car?
Lol, yes really dummy, Boxer has a bachelor's degree in Economics, so that's a very poor example you chose.
Yes, thank God she had that Economics degree so she could understand that the lives of people who are killed will never be the same after they are killed.

We need change. The "pragmatic" political class is happy with the status quo that is literally killing Middle America.

White Americans Are Dying Younger as Drug and Alcohol Abuse Rises

" Life expectancy declined slightly for white Americans in 2014, according to new federal data, a troubling sign that distress among younger and middle-age whites who are dying at ever-higher rates from drug overdoses is lowering average life spans for the white population as a whole."

Hmm...so whites have the same problems as other races when faced with bleak prospects.
Who knew? :dunno:

ANyone with a brain.

And not surprisingly when "confronted with bleak prospects" we voted for change, without concern for whether it might be "chaotic".

That "Educated" people think that the reason is that Trump voters were stupid, shows that those "educated" people are ignorant assholes.
You voted for change without regard of the resulting chaos?

And you call people with higher education ignorant assholes?

Can you connect the dots in your logic for us?
It's the convoluted logic of a frustrated intellect.

Well the problem is, sometimes even smart people get scammed when they have such a huge desire for a certain outcome. The real problem lies in the fact that they are too stubborn to admit it when it is slapping them in the face.

I agree. The self proclaimed smarter than the rest of us Liberals were too stubborn to admit they got scammed with Obama. They were too busy patting themselves on the back for electing someone of color because of color and kissing his ass after the election to even see it was slapping them in the face.

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