Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

As a libertarian, I can only respond by pointing out that you have a lot of misconceptions about libertarians. There's a distinct difference between rejecting coercive government and rejecting community action. In my experience, libertarians believe in community spirit, charity, and helping their fellow man more sincerely that most modern liberals. They simply don't believe it needs to be forced on us via coercive government programs.

Frankly, I find the liberal point of view deeply cynical, based on the tacit assumption that without government forcing it on us, we will turn our backs on those in need. I've heard it said that pretty much everyone starts with the base assumption that everyone else is like them. So people who are kind, charitable and forgiving assume the world will be likewise. Those who are less so, fear a world where people are free to be who they are. I couldn't take that as a blanket condemnation, because I know liberals who I believe are genuinely good people, but it does give me pause. What are you all so worried about?
Reality shows us that people DO NOT take care of the poorest when there is no government compulsion to do so.

In countries where there is no government " safety net ", such as India, they have beggars in the streets.

You can try to fool yourself all you want but I'm not buying it. I've seen countries where the only help for the poor comes from coins people tossed them.

Not my definition of " caring for the less fortunate ".

People who claim the government should not take money from them to help others because they would do it on their own, those people wouldn't give their grandmother 50 cents.

I've seen a lot of right wingers claim they gave to the poor but they never post copies of their tax returns to prove it and from the way they talk in their posts I don't believe a word they say.

So you believe people should be forced at gunpoint to pay for your "compassion".
you republicans are such extremist gunpoint really are you that stupid??? lets see how do we get it done Hummm how do we get it done ??? have ya figured it out yet moron or are you standing behind your door lock and loaded??? gunpoint you are stuypid

WE pass laws... laws that are designed to help .. where everybody pays ...not just republicans ...all thought they should be stuck with the cost after all the did create this mess in the first place

And yet those laws don't help. Or haven't you noticed?

Well, they aren't perfect. They're run by people after all. And the premise of this viewpoint is that people are too selfish to care or others unless they're forced to.

Uh ...

Yeah, compassion by gunpoint is a great idea.
As a libertarian, I can only respond by pointing out that you have a lot of misconceptions about libertarians. There's a distinct difference between rejecting coercive government and rejecting community action. In my experience, libertarians believe in community spirit, charity, and helping their fellow man more sincerely that most modern liberals. They simply don't believe it needs to be forced on us via coercive government programs.

Frankly, I find the liberal point of view deeply cynical, based on the tacit assumption that without government forcing it on us, we will turn our backs on those in need. I've heard it said that pretty much everyone starts with the base assumption that everyone else is like them. So people who are kind, charitable and forgiving assume the world will be likewise. Those who are less so, fear a world where people are free to be who they are. I couldn't take that as a blanket condemnation, because I know liberals who I believe are genuinely good people, but it does give me pause. What are you all so worried about?
Reality shows us that people DO NOT take care of the poorest when there is no government compulsion to do so.

In countries where there is no government " safety net ", such as India, they have beggars in the streets.

You can try to fool yourself all you want but I'm not buying it. I've seen countries where the only help for the poor comes from coins people tossed them.

Not my definition of " caring for the less fortunate ".

People who claim the government should not take money from them to help others because they would do it on their own, those people wouldn't give their grandmother 50 cents.

I've seen a lot of right wingers claim they gave to the poor but they never post copies of their tax returns to prove it and from the way they talk in their posts I don't believe a word they say.
They don't realize the level in which they are charitable isn't going to solve shit. Republicans yesterday suggested I sell my quadrunner and donate the money to the poor. Is that going to solve anything?

So that's why government gets involved. Government only gets involved when capitalism is unwilling or unable to solve a problem.

So, you need government to force you to sell your quadrunner and donate money to the poor?
Did you watch this bit on how you and I are evil and we don't care?

Louis CK's Really Evil Life | Jason Brennan

Yeah. Louis CK is brilliant, and that piece, in particular, resonates with me. But if you think his goal is to show us that we're really evil, you're missing the point. Dark humor is subtle, and not everyone gets it. His point isn't to recognize that we're all evil, but to remind us that we're not.
Good point.
As a libertarian, I can only respond by pointing out that you have a lot of misconceptions about libertarians. There's a distinct difference between rejecting coercive government and rejecting community action. In my experience, libertarians believe in community spirit, charity, and helping their fellow man more sincerely that most modern liberals. They simply don't believe it needs to be forced on us via coercive government programs.

Frankly, I find the liberal point of view deeply cynical, based on the tacit assumption that without government forcing it on us, we will turn our backs on those in need. I've heard it said that pretty much everyone starts with the base assumption that everyone else is like them. So people who are kind, charitable and forgiving assume the world will be likewise. Those who are less so, fear a world where people are free to be who they are. I couldn't take that as a blanket condemnation, because I know liberals who I believe are genuinely good people, but it does give me pause. What are you all so worried about?
Reality shows us that people DO NOT take care of the poorest when there is no government compulsion to do so.

In countries where there is no government " safety net ", such as India, they have beggars in the streets.

You can try to fool yourself all you want but I'm not buying it. I've seen countries where the only help for the poor comes from coins people tossed them.

Not my definition of " caring for the less fortunate ".

People who claim the government should not take money from them to help others because they would do it on their own, those people wouldn't give their grandmother 50 cents.

I've seen a lot of right wingers claim they gave to the poor but they never post copies of their tax returns to prove it and from the way they talk in their posts I don't believe a word they say.
They don't realize the level in which they are charitable isn't going to solve shit. Republicans yesterday suggested I sell my quadrunner and donate the money to the poor. Is that going to solve anything?

So that's why government gets involved. Government only gets involved when capitalism is unwilling or unable to solve a problem.

That's complete horseshit. Government is a horribly bad problem solver. See the trillions spent on social programs...to get more poverty than they had before.
lets look at that what has happen .... here democrats pass a plan with a tax to pay for that plan ... what does the republicans do ??? they get in control of the house a take the money away to pay for that plan, then idiots like you say see if failed ... just like they tried with Obama care.. but they failed becasue Obama veto that bill ... what was passed was a tax, 2% of medical equipment ... that money goes to the people buying health care ...to off set the cost of their plan ... if they passed it they idiots like you would say see government can't do anything right ... everyt ime a plan has failed republicans had their hands all over it

Take your time typing because you know some moron will ridicule your postings based on your grammar and syntax.
Scalia dying is another great example why I'll never vote gop
What is Bernie Sanders saying? Yes, you already took your shot that conservatives are devoid of thought. So, how about enlightening or translating what Bernie Sanders intends to do.


...and someone else will pay for it, it's the socialist way till the money runs out.
Bernie is a butt nugget
like I said go read it stop making a fool of yourself 5 unanswered questions about Bernie Sanders' health care plan
It can't work for millions... It takes away from standard of life.

the liberal goal for the USA----------------everyone EQUALLY miserable.
Funny Reagan saved Ford in the 80s and everyone was happy except the people who wanted to send those high paying middle class jobs to mexico and china.

Trump want to make us great again? Does that mean bring back millions of good paying factory jobs? Or will they be $15 hr now? That's not great

...and someone else will pay for it, it's the socialist way till the money runs out.
Bernie is a butt nugget
like I said go read it stop making a fool of yourself 5 unanswered questions about Bernie Sanders' health care plan
It can't work for millions... It takes away from standard of life.

the liberal goal for the USA----------------everyone EQUALLY miserable.
Funny Reagan saved Ford in the 80s and everyone was happy except the people who wanted to send those high paying middle class jobs to mexico and china.

Trump want to make us great again? Does that mean bring back millions of good paying factory jobs? Or will they be $15 hr now? That's not great

right, lining up for welfare is much better. ya fricken moron
...and someone else will pay for it, it's the socialist way till the money runs out.
Bernie is a butt nugget
like I said go read it stop making a fool of yourself 5 unanswered questions about Bernie Sanders' health care plan
It can't work for millions... It takes away from standard of life.

the liberal goal for the USA----------------everyone EQUALLY miserable.
Funny Reagan saved Ford in the 80s and everyone was happy except the people who wanted to send those high paying middle class jobs to mexico and china.

Trump want to make us great again? Does that mean bring back millions of good paying factory jobs? Or will they be $15 hr now? That's not great

right, lining up for welfare is much better. ya fricken moron
Why I can never vote GOP? Because to to them the Bush years leading up to the Great Recession were great years but Obama sucks. Yea, sure he does.

The Obama Economy Sets Another Record As Job Growth Streak Surges On
Why I can never vote GOP? Because to to them the Bush years leading up to the Great Recession were great years but Obama sucks. Yea, sure he does.

Did you ever talk to any actual libertarians during the Bush years? We were out in the streets protesting the PATRIOT Act and the Iraq War. Where were you?
Why I can never vote GOP? Because to to them the Bush years leading up to the Great Recession were great years but Obama sucks. Yea, sure he does.

Did you ever talk to any actual libertarians during the Bush years? We were out in the streets protesting the PATRIOT Act and the Iraq War. Where were you?

People like him haven't the slightest clue what libertarianism is, but don't think it will stop them from believing they are experts on the subject.
Why I couldn't care less......see post #1.

You're probably so old and set in your ways old man.

No, I'm just sick of the extreme idiots on this board posting a bunch of BS nonsense and trying to pass it off as mainstream ideals.

Your party has been taken over by radical Ayn Rand thinking selfish people gramps. Trying to destroy the Middle Class. Came awful close too. Maybe you don't care because you are old and retired and got yours? Selfish prick. Typical righty. My point exactly. And I bet you enjoy social security and medicare, you ass. You don't realize if not for those two programs, you would die broke.

It isn't my party trying to destroy very popular programs like social security and medicare.

Think about that when you accuse us of being extreme or radical. You are in a fringe group gramps.
You keep mentioning Social Security and Medicare like its some sort of government hand out that people should consider welfare. Its not. Social Security and medicare are separate items on the taxes taken from the paycheck.
People pay into these things their entire working career to collect for what? 20 years max?
Welfare and the other government programs that the left seem to love pay out more than social security, and it is paid to people that have never contributed or paid into it.
Im not sure you have the ability to see the difference, but really, there is a big difference.
Why I couldn't care less......see post #1.

You're probably so old and set in your ways old man.

No, I'm just sick of the extreme idiots on this board posting a bunch of BS nonsense and trying to pass it off as mainstream ideals.

Your party has been taken over by radical Ayn Rand thinking selfish people gramps. Trying to destroy the Middle Class. Came awful close too. Maybe you don't care because you are old and retired and got yours? Selfish prick. Typical righty. My point exactly. And I bet you enjoy social security and medicare, you ass. You don't realize if not for those two programs, you would die broke.

It isn't my party trying to destroy very popular programs like social security and medicare.

Think about that when you accuse us of being extreme or radical. You are in a fringe group gramps.
You keep mentioning Social Security and Medicare like its some sort of government hand out that people should consider welfare. Its not. Social Security and medicare are separate items on the taxes taken from the paycheck.
People pay into these things their entire working career to collect for what? 20 years max?
Welfare and the other government programs that the left seem to love pay out more than social security, and it is paid to people that have never contributed or paid into it.
Im not sure you have the ability to see the difference, but really, there is a big difference.
What I don't have the ability to see is your point.
Why I couldn't care less......see post #1.

You're probably so old and set in your ways old man.

No, I'm just sick of the extreme idiots on this board posting a bunch of BS nonsense and trying to pass it off as mainstream ideals.

Your party has been taken over by radical Ayn Rand thinking selfish people gramps. Trying to destroy the Middle Class. Came awful close too. Maybe you don't care because you are old and retired and got yours? Selfish prick. Typical righty. My point exactly. And I bet you enjoy social security and medicare, you ass. You don't realize if not for those two programs, you would die broke.

It isn't my party trying to destroy very popular programs like social security and medicare.

Think about that when you accuse us of being extreme or radical. You are in a fringe group gramps.
You keep mentioning Social Security and Medicare like its some sort of government hand out that people should consider welfare. Its not. Social Security and medicare are separate items on the taxes taken from the paycheck.
People pay into these things their entire working career to collect for what? 20 years max?
Welfare and the other government programs that the left seem to love pay out more than social security, and it is paid to people that have never contributed or paid into it.
Im not sure you have the ability to see the difference, but really, there is a big difference.
What I don't have the ability to see is your point.
no doubt, if you were able to see the difference, you might not be a liberal.
Can't really blame you though, not all areas have good schools.
like I said go read it stop making a fool of yourself 5 unanswered questions about Bernie Sanders' health care plan
It can't work for millions... It takes away from standard of life.

the liberal goal for the USA----------------everyone EQUALLY miserable.
Funny Reagan saved Ford in the 80s and everyone was happy except the people who wanted to send those high paying middle class jobs to mexico and china.

Trump want to make us great again? Does that mean bring back millions of good paying factory jobs? Or will they be $15 hr now? That's not great

right, lining up for welfare is much better. ya fricken moron
Why I can never vote GOP? Because to to them the Bush years leading up to the Great Recession were great years but Obama sucks. Yea, sure he does.

The Obama Economy Sets Another Record As Job Growth Streak Surges On

Bush had a democrat controlled congress. Obozo has a republican controlled congress. Nothing more needs to be said.
It can't work for millions... It takes away from standard of life.

the liberal goal for the USA----------------everyone EQUALLY miserable.
Funny Reagan saved Ford in the 80s and everyone was happy except the people who wanted to send those high paying middle class jobs to mexico and china.

Trump want to make us great again? Does that mean bring back millions of good paying factory jobs? Or will they be $15 hr now? That's not great

right, lining up for welfare is much better. ya fricken moron
Why I can never vote GOP? Because to to them the Bush years leading up to the Great Recession were great years but Obama sucks. Yea, sure he does.

The Obama Economy Sets Another Record As Job Growth Streak Surges On

Bush had a democrat controlled congress. Obozo has a republican controlled congress. Nothing more needs to be said.
Barry's era is over, it sucked time to move on...
the liberal goal for the USA----------------everyone EQUALLY miserable.
Funny Reagan saved Ford in the 80s and everyone was happy except the people who wanted to send those high paying middle class jobs to mexico and china.

Trump want to make us great again? Does that mean bring back millions of good paying factory jobs? Or will they be $15 hr now? That's not great

right, lining up for welfare is much better. ya fricken moron
Why I can never vote GOP? Because to to them the Bush years leading up to the Great Recession were great years but Obama sucks. Yea, sure he does.

The Obama Economy Sets Another Record As Job Growth Streak Surges On

Bush had a democrat controlled congress. Obozo has a republican controlled congress. Nothing more needs to be said.
Barry's era is over, it sucked time to move on...
Much better than Bush's era but even if Obama walked on water, which he did, you'd be saying the exact same thing. We understand. It's just politics. We get it.

Economy Gained 242,000 Jobs In February; Unemployment Rate Holds Steady

Thanks Obama.

Lets not go back to the Bush era. That's what Rubio or Cruz would be.
Funny Reagan saved Ford in the 80s and everyone was happy except the people who wanted to send those high paying middle class jobs to mexico and china.

Trump want to make us great again? Does that mean bring back millions of good paying factory jobs? Or will they be $15 hr now? That's not great

right, lining up for welfare is much better. ya fricken moron
Why I can never vote GOP? Because to to them the Bush years leading up to the Great Recession were great years but Obama sucks. Yea, sure he does.

The Obama Economy Sets Another Record As Job Growth Streak Surges On

Bush had a democrat controlled congress. Obozo has a republican controlled congress. Nothing more needs to be said.
Barry's era is over, it sucked time to move on...
Much better than Bush's era but even if Obama walked on water, which he did, you'd be saying the exact same thing. We understand. It's just politics. We get it.

Economy Gained 242,000 Jobs In February; Unemployment Rate Holds Steady

Thanks Obama.

Lets not go back to the Bush era. That's what Rubio or Cruz would be.
The last 7/8 years have been lackluster at the best...
The exception is in guns and ammo sales...

right, lining up for welfare is much better. ya fricken moron
Why I can never vote GOP? Because to to them the Bush years leading up to the Great Recession were great years but Obama sucks. Yea, sure he does.

The Obama Economy Sets Another Record As Job Growth Streak Surges On

Bush had a democrat controlled congress. Obozo has a republican controlled congress. Nothing more needs to be said.
Barry's era is over, it sucked time to move on...
Much better than Bush's era but even if Obama walked on water, which he did, you'd be saying the exact same thing. We understand. It's just politics. We get it.

Economy Gained 242,000 Jobs In February; Unemployment Rate Holds Steady

Thanks Obama.

Lets not go back to the Bush era. That's what Rubio or Cruz would be.
The last 7/8 years have been lackluster at the best...
The exception is in guns and ammo sales...

Pretty good from where I'm sitting. What NO ONE wants to do is go back to GW Bush era style governing. That's why the GOP are losing their shit with Trump. LOVE IT!
Finally poor and middle class conservatives are waking up and realizing the GOP and the rich have FUCKED THEM! No one is buying this "liberals did it to you" shit anymore. Clearly the rich have taken over. Every law passed in the last 16 years has come from ALEC and the ACA was written by corporations. How dumb are you Rustic?

The GOP planned a dynastic restoration in 2016. Instead, it triggered an internal class war. Can the party reconcile the demands of its donors with the interests of its rank and file?
The Great Republican Revolt
Finally poor and middle class conservatives are waking up and realizing the GOP and the rich have FUCKED THEM! No one is buying this "liberals did it to you" shit anymore. Clearly the rich have taken over. Every law passed in the last 16 years has come from ALEC and the ACA was written by corporations. How dumb are you Rustic?

The GOP planned a dynastic restoration in 2016. Instead, it triggered an internal class war. Can the party reconcile the demands of its donors with the interests of its rank and file?
The Great Republican Revolt

What does any of this have to do with libertarians?

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