Why I dislike illegals

You are a dumb ass idiot. My wife is now a US Citizen after LEGALLY entering the Country you asshole, shall I report you for attacking a family member?
That wasn't an attack, it was a question.

How did she legally enter the country?

That is none of your business. She is a US Citizen now and petitioned and brought her mother over. Her mother petitioned the two sons but she died before the petition was finished It took 10 YEARS to hear back from the Government on that and costs hundreds of dollars with hundreds more due to continue. Further in the Philippines in order to get a passport and not take 2 years one has to pay a facilitator and a lawyer. Hundreds of dollars more.

Take your dumb shit for brains ass elsewhere you retard.
It is my business because you brought it up. She was probably "allowed" to become a citizen because she married a citizen. That's what you call a special privilege. As is the fact that she could PETITION to bring her mother over.

Most people that wish to immigrate here don't get these special privileges. You should be thankful that your family did instead of demonizing those less fortunate.
I am stupid? Your buddy Obama refuses to prosecute employers and your buddies on the left on this board have claimed that illegals here should be able to work anywhere they want. And I am stupid? By the way? What jobs are the urchins coming now getting? ohh that's right they aren't getting any they are here because Obama announced to the world he would not deport children.

Kick OUT the illegals, fine the employers as is the law. Last I checked since 2009 Obama has controlled the executive which determines what laws are enforced and which are not. Obama and his cronies have a made a conscious decision to IGNORE illegals INCLUDING the employers that hire them.

Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to 4 in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to 3."

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Once again not a single thing about Obama I see. Bush hasn't been President since 2008.

I'm showing you it was Reagan/Bush who did it and why.

Encouraging a rapid increase in the workforce by encouraging companies to hire non-citizens is one of the three most potent tools conservatives since Ronald Reagan have used to convert the American middle class into the American working poor. (The other two are destroying the governmental protections that keep labor unions viable, and ending tariffs while promoting trade deals like NAFTA/WTO/GATT that export manufacturing jobs.)
That wasn't an attack, it was a question.

How did she legally enter the country?

That is none of your business. She is a US Citizen now and petitioned and brought her mother over. Her mother petitioned the two sons but she died before the petition was finished It took 10 YEARS to hear back from the Government on that and costs hundreds of dollars with hundreds more due to continue. Further in the Philippines in order to get a passport and not take 2 years one has to pay a facilitator and a lawyer. Hundreds of dollars more.

Take your dumb shit for brains ass elsewhere you retard.
It is my business because you brought it up. She was probably "allowed" to become a citizen because she married a citizen. That's what you call a special privilege. As is the fact that she could PETITION to bring her mother over.

Most people that wish to immigrate here don't get these special privileges. You should be thankful that your family did instead of demonizing those less fortunate.

One is not "allowed" to become a citizen by marriage you retard. They have to petition and take all the same tests and interviews as any other immigrant. Further once a citizen or a legal immigrant anyone is allowed to petition their family members, again if you were not so abysmally stupid you might know that.
Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to 4 in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to 3."

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Once again not a single thing about Obama I see. Bush hasn't been President since 2008.

I'm showing you it was Reagan/Bush who did it and why.

Encouraging a rapid increase in the workforce by encouraging companies to hire non-citizens is one of the three most potent tools conservatives since Ronald Reagan have used to convert the American middle class into the American working poor. (The other two are destroying the governmental protections that keep labor unions viable, and ending tariffs while promoting trade deals like NAFTA/WTO/GATT that export manufacturing jobs.)

Obama has been President since 2009 with absolute control over who and what the Immigration services investigate fine and prosecute. Care to point out how he has done? or just admit he has done nothing?
That is none of your business. She is a US Citizen now and petitioned and brought her mother over. Her mother petitioned the two sons but she died before the petition was finished It took 10 YEARS to hear back from the Government on that and costs hundreds of dollars with hundreds more due to continue. Further in the Philippines in order to get a passport and not take 2 years one has to pay a facilitator and a lawyer. Hundreds of dollars more.

Take your dumb shit for brains ass elsewhere you retard.
It is my business because you brought it up. She was probably "allowed" to become a citizen because she married a citizen. That's what you call a special privilege. As is the fact that she could PETITION to bring her mother over.

Most people that wish to immigrate here don't get these special privileges. You should be thankful that your family did instead of demonizing those less fortunate.

One is not "allowed" to become a citizen by marriage you retard. They have to petition and take all the same tests and interviews as any other immigrant. Further once a citizen or a legal immigrant anyone is allowed to petition their family members, again if you were not so abysmally stupid you might know that.
They may have to petition and take a test but it is still a special privilege. You won't allow certain segments of the world population to petition and take the test.
I am stupid? Your buddy Obama refuses to prosecute employers and your buddies on the left on this board have claimed that illegals here should be able to work anywhere they want. And I am stupid? By the way? What jobs are the urchins coming now getting? ohh that's right they aren't getting any they are here because Obama announced to the world he would not deport children.

Kick OUT the illegals, fine the employers as is the law. Last I checked since 2009 Obama has controlled the executive which determines what laws are enforced and which are not. Obama and his cronies have a made a conscious decision to IGNORE illegals INCLUDING the employers that hire them.

Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to 4 in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to 3."

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Once again not a single thing about Obama I see. Bush hasn't been President since 2008.

Yet it's almost never mentioned in the mainstream media, because to point it out could slightly reduce the profits and CEO salaries of many of America's largest multi-state and multinational corporations - who both own the media and contribute heavily to conservative politicians. Republicans would prefer that the "criminals" covered in the press are working people, and that corporate and CEO criminals not get discussed.
Only the CNN poll asked the question: "Would you favor increasing penalties for employers who hire illegal immigrants?" Two-thirds of Americans, of all party affiliations, said, "Yes," but it went virtually unreported in mainstream media coverage.
Politically, it's not a civil rights issue, it's a jobs issue, as working Americans keep telling pollsters over and over again.
Once again not a single thing about Obama I see. Bush hasn't been President since 2008.

I'm showing you it was Reagan/Bush who did it and why.

Encouraging a rapid increase in the workforce by encouraging companies to hire non-citizens is one of the three most potent tools conservatives since Ronald Reagan have used to convert the American middle class into the American working poor. (The other two are destroying the governmental protections that keep labor unions viable, and ending tariffs while promoting trade deals like NAFTA/WTO/GATT that export manufacturing jobs.)

Obama has been President since 2009 with absolute control over who and what the Immigration services investigate fine and prosecute. Care to point out how he has done? or just admit he has done nothing?

"Mass deportations" and "Fences" are hysterics and false choices. Start penalizing "Illegal Employers" and non-citizens without a Social Security number will leave the country on their own.
Republicans, however, are not going to allow a discussion of "Illegal Employers." Instead, they will continue to hammer the issue of "Illegal Immigrants," and tie that political albatross around the necks of Democrats (who seem all too willing to accept it).
Now even Bush is talking like the Republicans in the House of Representatives - time to "get tough" and give Halliburton a few hundred billion to build a fence.
But still nobody is talking about the real problem here - the Illegal Employers.
Once again not a single thing about Obama I see. Bush hasn't been President since 2008.

I'm showing you it was Reagan/Bush who did it and why.

Encouraging a rapid increase in the workforce by encouraging companies to hire non-citizens is one of the three most potent tools conservatives since Ronald Reagan have used to convert the American middle class into the American working poor. (The other two are destroying the governmental protections that keep labor unions viable, and ending tariffs while promoting trade deals like NAFTA/WTO/GATT that export manufacturing jobs.)

Obama has been President since 2009 with absolute control over who and what the Immigration services investigate fine and prosecute. Care to point out how he has done? or just admit he has done nothing?

I wasn't done tearing your first point a new asshole. Now that I am...

High rate of deportations continue under Obama despite Latino disapproval | Pew Research Center
Once again not a single thing about Obama I see. Bush hasn't been President since 2008.

I'm showing you it was Reagan/Bush who did it and why.

Encouraging a rapid increase in the workforce by encouraging companies to hire non-citizens is one of the three most potent tools conservatives since Ronald Reagan have used to convert the American middle class into the American working poor. (The other two are destroying the governmental protections that keep labor unions viable, and ending tariffs while promoting trade deals like NAFTA/WTO/GATT that export manufacturing jobs.)

Obama has been President since 2009 with absolute control over who and what the Immigration services investigate fine and prosecute. Care to point out how he has done? or just admit he has done nothing?

Deportations Under Obama vs. Bush: Who Deported More Immigrants? | New Republic

Obama will have deported more illegals by the end of this year than Bush did his entire 8 years in office.
I'm showing you it was Reagan/Bush who did it and why.

Encouraging a rapid increase in the workforce by encouraging companies to hire non-citizens is one of the three most potent tools conservatives since Ronald Reagan have used to convert the American middle class into the American working poor. (The other two are destroying the governmental protections that keep labor unions viable, and ending tariffs while promoting trade deals like NAFTA/WTO/GATT that export manufacturing jobs.)

Obama has been President since 2009 with absolute control over who and what the Immigration services investigate fine and prosecute. Care to point out how he has done? or just admit he has done nothing?

Deportations Under Obama vs. Bush: Who Deported More Immigrants? | New Republic

Obama will have deported more illegals by the end of this year than Bush did his entire 8 years in office.

I repeat Obama has been President since 2009, he controls all decisions on who to fine, who to prosecute, what laws to enforce. So as soon as he took over he could enforce the LAWS already on the books. He could order employers be fined and prosecuted, yet he did not and you keep trying to divert the conversation to Republican former presidents.

So we know that the laws already exist and do not require approval of any kind from Congress. We know that Obama did NOT start prosecuting employers any more nor assess fines. Your red herring about Bush is just that.
I'm showing you it was Reagan/Bush who did it and why.

Encouraging a rapid increase in the workforce by encouraging companies to hire non-citizens is one of the three most potent tools conservatives since Ronald Reagan have used to convert the American middle class into the American working poor. (The other two are destroying the governmental protections that keep labor unions viable, and ending tariffs while promoting trade deals like NAFTA/WTO/GATT that export manufacturing jobs.)

Obama has been President since 2009 with absolute control over who and what the Immigration services investigate fine and prosecute. Care to point out how he has done? or just admit he has done nothing?

"Mass deportations" and "Fences" are hysterics and false choices. Start penalizing "Illegal Employers" and non-citizens without a Social Security number will leave the country on their own.
Republicans, however, are not going to allow a discussion of "Illegal Employers." Instead, they will continue to hammer the issue of "Illegal Immigrants," and tie that political albatross around the necks of Democrats (who seem all too willing to accept it).
Now even Bush is talking like the Republicans in the House of Representatives - time to "get tough" and give Halliburton a few hundred billion to build a fence.
But still nobody is talking about the real problem here - the Illegal Employers.

And you insist anyone that does not agree with this is stupid. So the President is stupid according to your logic. President Obama has not increased the incident of arrests or fines to the employers so he is stupid according to you.
They may have to petition and take a test but it is still a special privilege. You won't allow certain segments of the world population to petition and take the test.
No. We just don't want certain segments to DOMINATE the petitions and test taking.

Why do you wanna' squeeze out everyone else?
My wife is Filipino. Her mother came here and she petitioned for her two sons to come to the US. It took 10 YEARS for the paperwork to wind its way through the system, now her mother is dead and we are stuck with trying to transfer the paperwork or start all over.

Meanwhile illegals stream across the border and get amnesty or the next best thing to it daily. Thumbing their noses at the system and the laws.

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My wife is Filipino. Her mother came here and she petitioned for her two sons to come to the US. It took 10 YEARS for the paperwork to wind its way through the system, now her mother is dead and we are stuck with trying to transfer the paperwork or start all over.

Meanwhile illegals stream across the border and get amnesty or the next best thing to it daily. Thumbing their noses at the system and the laws.
Your wife is illegal?

Try to clean up your story, it isn't making a whole lot of sense.

Since she is married to him, she is a legal resident, at the least.
I cannot blame illegals for coming when they can get here what they cannot get in their own country without having to fight for it. Even crime is more lucrative here than it other countries. You Americans get over on the system when ever you can also. GMAFB
My wife is Filipino. Her mother came here and she petitioned for her two sons to come to the US. It took 10 YEARS for the paperwork to wind its way through the system, now her mother is dead and we are stuck with trying to transfer the paperwork or start all over.

Meanwhile illegals stream across the border and get amnesty or the next best thing to it daily. Thumbing their noses at the system and the laws.


Fuck you. You don't know my wife or her brothers. Remind us how claiming cause you knew one person that equates to everyone? If I did that for someone of color you would be having a fit. Hypocrite.
She was lucky. Most immigrants aren't allowed to pay and wait to become citizens. They just get deported because our country is full of xenophobes.

You are brain dead and stupid. People attempting to enter the Country legally have to pay fees and paperwork costs. As well as hire attorneys in some Countries. Perhaps if you had any intelligence you would actually research crap before you opened your yap and proved just how fucking stupid you are.

The fact is that we had an open border with Mexico for several centuries, and "illegal immigration" was never a serious problem. Before Reagan's presidency, an estimated million or so people a year came into the US from Mexico - and the same number, more or less, left the US for Mexico at the end of the agricultural harvest season. Very few stayed, because there weren't jobs for them.
Non-citizens didn't have access to the non-agricultural US job market, in large part because of the power of US labor unions (before Reagan 25% of the workforce was unionized; today the private workforce is about 7% unionized), and because companies were unwilling to risk having non-tax-deductible labor expenses on their books by hiring undocumented workers without valid Social Security numbers.
But Reagan put an end to that. His 1986 amnesty program, combined with his aggressive war on organized labor (begun in 1981), in effect told both employers and non-citizens that there would be few penalties and many rewards to increasing the US labor pool (and thus driving down wages) with undocumented immigrants. A million people a year continued to come across our southern border, but they stopped returning to Latin America every fall because instead of seasonal work they were able to find permanent jobs.
The magnet drawing them? Illegal Employers.

your right Bobo.....now,lets see you get my State to agree with you....its heavily Democrat out here you should be able to convince them...
I'm showing you it was Reagan/Bush who did it and why.

Encouraging a rapid increase in the workforce by encouraging companies to hire non-citizens is one of the three most potent tools conservatives since Ronald Reagan have used to convert the American middle class into the American working poor. (The other two are destroying the governmental protections that keep labor unions viable, and ending tariffs while promoting trade deals like NAFTA/WTO/GATT that export manufacturing jobs.)

Obama has been President since 2009 with absolute control over who and what the Immigration services investigate fine and prosecute. Care to point out how he has done? or just admit he has done nothing?

"Mass deportations" and "Fences" are hysterics and false choices. Start penalizing "Illegal Employers" and non-citizens without a Social Security number will leave the country on their own.
Republicans, however, are not going to allow a discussion of "Illegal Employers." Instead, they will continue to hammer the issue of "Illegal Immigrants," and tie that political albatross around the necks of Democrats (who seem all too willing to accept it).
Now even Bush is talking like the Republicans in the House of Representatives - time to "get tough" and give Halliburton a few hundred billion to build a fence.
But still nobody is talking about the real problem here - the Illegal Employers.
Republicans, however, are not going to allow a discussion of "Illegal Employers."

thats not a big topic out here in S.Cal either Bobo....but its not Republicans doing the dis allowing....yea i know ....i was shocked too....
I'm showing you it was Reagan/Bush who did it and why.

Encouraging a rapid increase in the workforce by encouraging companies to hire non-citizens is one of the three most potent tools conservatives since Ronald Reagan have used to convert the American middle class into the American working poor. (The other two are destroying the governmental protections that keep labor unions viable, and ending tariffs while promoting trade deals like NAFTA/WTO/GATT that export manufacturing jobs.)

Obama has been President since 2009 with absolute control over who and what the Immigration services investigate fine and prosecute. Care to point out how he has done? or just admit he has done nothing?

I wasn't done tearing your first point a new asshole. Now that I am...

High rate of deportations continue under Obama despite Latino disapproval | Pew Research Center

so he deports 100 and a 100 more come in.....you have to plug the leak before you bail water......
My wife is Filipino. Her mother came here and she petitioned for her two sons to come to the US. It took 10 YEARS for the paperwork to wind its way through the system, now her mother is dead and we are stuck with trying to transfer the paperwork or start all over.

Meanwhile illegals stream across the border and get amnesty or the next best thing to it daily. Thumbing their noses at the system and the laws.

I've heard similar stories. I watched a video on YouTube the other day with a wheel chair bound LEGAL immigrants protesting at the border. She said she had to pay thousands and wait 15 yrs to become a citizen. It's terrible and unfair to say the least.


She was lucky. Most immigrants aren't allowed to pay and wait to become citizens. They just get deported because our country is full of xenophobes.

If someone marries an American, certainly they should be processed in a different manner than those who walk in, unauthorized. I knew a family in the US, father immigrated legally, daughter was born in the US; getting his mother over here was complicated, time consuming, and expensive.

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