Why is jesus not a jew in churches?

Going back to the OP which I think the author was actually asking the question, it is obvious that many of us have different views of Jesus, his Jewishness, and variations in understanding of how it all came together. Certainly someone like Cmike has a very different view re Jews, Judaism, and Christianity than does the Rabbi I was privileged to study with.

Some pages back, I posted all those artisitic illustrations of Jesus as he is seen by Christians in different cultures, each adapting their personal image of him to reflect that he is Savior to people who look like them.

The hardest question of all to answer is how could Jesus be wholly human, which he was, and also God, which he was? As a human he was as vulnerable as any human is and needed God as much as any human does. So he prayed to God the Father, the same God who humbled Himself to become a man so that He could show us, teach us, demonstrate to us the true nature of God.

The Apostle Paul described it as foolishness to the unbeliever and that only by the power of the Holy Spirit could anybody believe it.

I think he was right.
There were lot of Rabbi Akivas.
then please provide a link that explains him

This is yet another Rabbi Akiva who isn't the one who I was referring too but it makes the same point.

Shema Yisrael

What does it mean to "love God with all your soul"?

The great Talmudic scholar, Rabbi Akiva (second century) loved God so much, that he taught Torah despite the Roman law forbidding it. When the Romans found out, they sentenced him to a painful death. They took a large iron comb and began to scrape off his flesh. As he was being tortured, Rabbi Akiva joyously recited the Shema -- "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One."

His bewildered students asked, "Rabbi, how can you praise God amidst such torture?"

Rabbi Akiva replied: "All my life, I strived to love God with all my soul. Now that I have the opportunity to fulfill it, I do so with joy!" With his dying breath, he sanctified God's name by crying out the words of Shema. (Talmud - Brachot 61a)

This Rabbi Akiva died as a hero proclaiming his love for G-D, jesus did the opposite, and died as a wuss.
They are one and the same, you clearly do not understand Christianity.

Obviously they are not.

According to jesus, he prayed to god, and talked to god. That means that they were two separate entities.
Your god is not my god.

Also something else I wanted to deal with.

The true jewish heroes were the ones that took toture and death rather than convert to Christianity.

One of the most famous was a person called Rabbi Akiva. He was burned at the stake and the christians made sure it was a slow death.

As he was dying he telled out the most important prayer in judaism "Hear O'Israel The Lord is our G-D, The Lord is One".

What does jesus say "G-D why have you forsaken me"?

That is another difference between a true jewish leader/hero, and someone whom is not.

If Jesus is God, then who did He pray to? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

If Jesus is God, then who did He pray to?
by Matt Slick

This is a very common question and the answer is found in understanding the Trinity and the incarnation of Jesus.

The Trinity is the doctrine that there is only one God in all existence. This one God exists as three persons: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are not three gods, but one God. Each is a separate person, yet each of them is, in essence, divine in nature.

A close analogy of the Trinity can be found by looking at the concept of time. Time is past, present, and future. There are three "aspects" or "parts" of time. This does not mean that there are three "times," but only one. Each is separate, in a sense, yet each shares the same nature, or essence. In a similar way, the Trinity is three separate persons who share the same nature.

The Incarnation
The doctrine of the incarnation in Christian teaching is that Jesus, who is the second person of the Trinity, added to himself human nature and became a man.

The Bible says that Jesus is God in flesh, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.....and the word became flesh and dwelt among us," (John 1:1, 14); and, "For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form," (Col. 2:9). Jesus, therefore, has two natures. He is both God and man.

Jesus is completely human, but He also has a divine nature.

He is worshiped (Matt. 2:2,11; 14:33; 28:9)
He is prayed to (Acts 7:59; 1 Cor. 1:2)
He was called God (John 20:28; Heb. 1:8)
He was called Son of God (Mark 1:1)
He is sinless (1 Pet. 2:22; Heb. 4:15)
He knew all things (John 21:17)
He gives eternal life (John 20:28)
The fullness of deity dwells in Him (Col. 2:9)
He worshiped the Father (John 17)
He prayed to the Father (John 17:1)
He was called man (Mark 15:39; John 19:5).
He was called Son of Man (John 9:35-37)
He was tempted (Matt. 4:1)
He grew in wisdom (Luke 2:52)
He died (Rom. 5:8)
He has a body of flesh and bones (Luke 24:39)

As a man, Jesus needed to pray. When He was praying he was not praying to Himself, but to God the Father.

Very creative. The Torah which consists of thousands upon of thousands of pages, and covered every aspect of a jew's life, mentions nothing about breaking G-D into different parts. :cuckoo:

Fact is if jesus was talking to G-D, and complaining to G-D, and saying that people can only reach G-D through to him :cuckoo:, G-D is a separate being.
5766 High Holidays: Yom Kippur

During the time of Roman rule, around the time of the destruction of the Second Temple, Rome was persecuting Jews and putting restrictions on religious practices. The Roman governor of Judea studied enough scripture from learned sages that he was able to turn his knowledge against the Jews by bring together ten great sages and asking them: “Judge this matter objectively, pervert it not with falsehood but pass on it truthfully: If a man is caught kidnapping one of his brothers of the children of Israel, treating him as slave and selling him, what should be done?” They answered: “That thief shall die.” Then he exclaimed: “Where are your fathers who sold their brother Joseph and battered him for shoes?” “You must atone for the iniquity of your fathers.”

The sages asked for a one day reprieve and they turned to Rabbi Ishmael, the most learned amongst them for an answer. Legend has it that Rabbi Ishmael ascended to heaven and inquired of one robed in linen, presumably an angel of God, who said: “Submit, beloved saints, for I have heard from behind the curtain that this would be your fate.” Rabbi Ishmael descended back to earth and told his colleagues the word of God. It was God’s divine decree that they should die for the sins of the Jewish people and they all submitted to be put to death.

The story continues with Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel dieing by beheading. Rabbi Ishmael died next. The governors daughter thought him so beautiful she wanted him spared. The Governor instead peeled off his face and had it preserved. Rabbi Akiva died next and famously uttering the Shema; gaining final and complete understanding of what it means to love God with all your soul, all while his skin was being raked off his body. Rabbi Yehudah ben Bava died fourth burnt at the stake while wrapped in a torah scroll.


We remember the agonies of the Rabbis.

They brought him and wrapped him in the Torah scroll and surrounded him with bundles of twigs with which they lit the fire. They brought wads of cotton that had been soaked in water and put them on his heart so that he would not die quickly. His daughter said to him: Father, must I see you thus? He said to her: were I to be burned alone, it would be hard for me, but now I am being burned along with the Torah. When someone comes to avenge the insult done to the Torah, he will avenge mine as well. His students said to him, my master, what do you see? He said to them: the parchment is burning and the letters fly up into the air.

Eleh Ezkerah

* * *

He watched in wonder as the letters of the Torah danced around him and soared upward. His executioner for unknown reasons was overtaken and plunged himself into the flame and died.

There is little description of the death of the other martyrs though we do know who they are and their life’s work.
This one is for Fox whom seems to think that the Romans were all cuddle and fuzzy toward the jews.

Yom Kippur Survival Kit - Torah.org
The Ten Martyrs
Ayleh Ezkerah / These I Will Remember

In the words of Mark Twain, "The Egyptian, the Babylonian and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone… All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains." And what about the French, the British and the Americans. How long until they too are relegated to the quiet halls of museum exhibitions visited only by curious strangers—and by Jews.

True, Am Yisroel Chai, the Jewish people live. And so do Rabbi Yishmael, Rabbi Akiva and the other martyrs. Their words have guided and inspired us for all of these centuries. But what's more, in a sense, they still speak to us. Everyday, countless students of the Talmud, of Jewish thought and wisdom, study their words in schools and yeshivot all over the world. Their words are alive, seriously reckoned with and hotly debated. We live because they live. But if they pass, what will become of us?

Triumph of the Spirit - A Look at the Martyrs

Rabbi Akiva

Rabbi Akiva is one of the most famous names in Jewish history. At the age of forty he was an illiterate shepherd who detested the rabbis of his day.

One day, Akiva noticed a rock that had a small, smooth hole bored through it. He soon noticed that the hole had been created by droplets of water that were dripping onto the rock. "If a drop of water can penetrate a stone," he thought, "then surely the words of Torah can penetrate my heart." This realization sparked a transformation that saw the ignorant Akiva grow into the great Rabbi Akiva, teacher of his nation.

In the end, Rabbi Akiva was tortured to death by the Romans for the crime of teaching Torah. The last words he uttered were, Shema Yisroel…

Rabbi Chananya ben Teradyon

Rabbi Chananya ben Teradyon was one of the preeminent sages of his day, yet more than anything he was known as a man with an overriding concern for the poor. His efforts to raise funds on their behalf are legendary.

In the end, he too became a victim of Roman savagery. Before they burned him at the stake, the Romans wrapped his body in a Torah scroll and packed tufts of water-soaked wool around his heart to delay his death and prolong the suffering

Like Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Chananya ben Teradyon in his final moments continued to embody the triumph of a noble soul. His final words to his disciples were, "I see the parchment burning, but the letters are flying to heaven."

Rabbi Yehudah ben Bava Rabbi Yehudah ben Bava was fearless in his commitment to the continuity of Judaism, even in the face of the frenzied Roman drive to crush the Jewish spirit. In their attempt to vanquish the Jews, the Romans hunted down the sages of Israel and outlawed the ordination of new rabbis.

Rabbi Yehudah ben Bava ignored the threat of death that followed him everywhere. He did all he could to teach, inspire and ordain a new generation of rabbis. Our tradition says that when he was finally caught, the Roman spears turned his body into a sieve. But the new leaders he inspired lived on, as did the Jewish people.
Going back to the OP which I think the author was actually asking the question, it is obvious that many of us have different views of Jesus, his Jewishness, and variations in understanding of how it all came together. Certainly someone like Cmike has a very different view re Jews, Judaism, and Christianity than does the Rabbi I was privileged to study with.

Some pages back, I posted all those artisitic illustrations of Jesus as he is seen by Christians in different cultures, each adapting their personal image of him to reflect that he is Savior to people who look like them.

The hardest question of all to answer is how could Jesus be wholly human, which he was, and also God, which he was? As a human he was as vulnerable as any human is and needed God as much as any human does. So he prayed to God the Father, the same God who humbled Himself to become a man so that He could show us, teach us, demonstrate to us the true nature of God.

The Apostle Paul described it as foolishness to the unbeliever and that only by the power of the Holy Spirit could anybody believe it.

I think he was right.

Rediculous that he supposedly prayed to himself :cuckoo:

How do you come up with this?
There were lot of Rabbi Akivas.
then please provide a link that explains him

This is yet another Rabbi Akiva who isn't the one who I was referring too but it makes the same point.

Shema Yisrael

What does it mean to "love God with all your soul"?

The great Talmudic scholar, Rabbi Akiva (second century) loved God so much, that he taught Torah despite the Roman law forbidding it. When the Romans found out, they sentenced him to a painful death. They took a large iron comb and began to scrape off his flesh. As he was being tortured, Rabbi Akiva joyously recited the Shema -- "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One."

His bewildered students asked, "Rabbi, how can you praise God amidst such torture?"

Rabbi Akiva replied: "All my life, I strived to love God with all my soul. Now that I have the opportunity to fulfill it, I do so with joy!" With his dying breath, he sanctified God's name by crying out the words of Shema. (Talmud - Brachot 61a)

This Rabbi Akiva died as a hero proclaiming his love for G-D, jesus did the opposite, and died as a wuss.

This says the Romans killed him, not Christians.
There were a lot of Rabbi Akivas as I said. It was irrelevant to the point which I was making which is the manner of how he died.

The jewish heros did defiantly proclaiming the greatness of G-D. Jesus died complaining to god. That it the point I was making.

You want a list of how christians treated the jews?
He didn't pray to himself. He prayed as a fully human being to God the Father who was still spirit, not flesh. Again, perhaps it can't be fully understood without the Holy Spirit as the Apostle Paul taught. I don't know. I understand and believe. I can appreciate why that is difficult for someone like Cmike to do.

There are more than 360 'Old Testament' references that Christians believe point to Jesus as the Messiah and yet he wasn't anything like what they were expecting which is why nobody recognized him as the Messiah at first. Even those specially called twelve men who were with him constantly for the three years of his ministry did not recognize him for most of that time. Most Christians now understand that there is a God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit though all Christians are not 100% agreed about exactly what that means.

Someone likened the three personas of God to water, ice, steam--all the same stuff but different in substance.
Here you go.

A History of the Jews, a list of expulsions for 2000 years

135 B.C
Antiochus Epiphanes desecrates Second Jewish Temple; leading to Hasmonean Revolt against Rome.

70 A.D.
Titus took Jerusalem - second revolt. Over one million Jews killed.

136 A.D.
580,000 men destroyed, 985 towns destroyed - third revolt.

300 A.D.
Purim festival celebrating God's deliverance to Mordecai and the Jews through Esther and the fasting. Lies spread that Jews kill Christians for sacrifice. Emperor Severus also said the Jews purchased 90,000 Christians to kill them.

306 A.D.
Council in Spain banned Christians & Jews meeting or marrying.

325 A.D.
Constantine changed the celebration of Easter on the calendar so that it did not coincide with the Jewish Passover.

379 A.D.
Vicious writing by St. John Chrysostom and St. Ambrose in Milan who said: "The Jews are the most worthless of all men. They are lecherous, greedy, rapacious. They are perfidious murderers of Christ. They worship the Devil. Their religion is a sickness. The Jews are the odious assassins of Christ and for killing God there is no expiation possible, no indulgence or pardon. Christians may never cease vengeance, and the Jew must live in servitude forever. God always hated the Jews. It is essential that all Christians hate them." He was called the Bishop with the Golden Tongue. St. Ambrose, Bishop of the Church offered to burn the synagogue himself.

395 A.D.
St. Gregory of Nyssa in sermons and writings characterized Jews as assassins of the Prophets, companions of the Devil, a race of vipers, a Sanhedrin of Demons, enemies of all that is beautiful, hogs and goats in their lewd grossness.

415 A.D.
ACCUSATION of Ritual murder by the Jews during Purim. Christians confiscated synagogues in ANTIOCH.
These were not hooligans but Church Fathers!
AUGUSTINE, JEROME, AMBROSE AND LESSER SAINTS AS ST. CHRYSOSTROM AND CYRIL, added to untruths the new ones that Jews were dishonest and prone to sexual perversions.

717 A.D.
Jews had to wear special yellow garb. Originated in Islam.

1012 A.D.
Emperor Henry II of Germany expels Jews from Mainz, the beginning of persecutions against Jews in Germany.

1096 A.D.
First Crusade. Crusaders massacre the Jews of the Rhineland.

1144 A.D.
First recorded blood libel. In Norwich it was alleged that the Jews had "bought a Christian child before Easter, tortured him with all the tortures wherewith our Lord was tortured and on Friday hanged him on a rood in hatred of our Lord." (England)
This notorious allegation that Jews murder non-Jews, especially Christians, in order to obtain blood for the Passover or other rituals is a complex of deliberate lies, trumped up accusations, and popular beliefs about the murder-lust of the Jews and their blood-thirstiness, based on the conception that Jews hate Christianity and mankind in general. It is combined with the delusion that Jews are in some way not human and must have recourse to special remedies and subterfuges in order to appear at least outwardly, like other men. The blood libel led to trials and massacres of Jews. Its origin is rooted in ancient almost primordial, concepts concerning the potency and energies of blood. It is one of the most terrible expressions of human cruelty and credulity. These blood rituals are expressly forbidden in Judaism. (See Leviticus 17;11 etc.)

1190 A.D.
Massacre of Jews in England.

1215 A.D.
The Jewish badge introduced.

1240 A.D.
Talmud burned in France.

1290 A.D.
Jews expelled from England.

1298 A.D.
Massacre of thousands in Germany, in 146 localities.

1306 A.D.
Expulsion from France.

1348 A.D.
JEWS blamed for the BLACK DEATH. Charge laid to the Jews that they POISONED the wells to kill CHRISTIANS.

1389 A.D.
MASSACRES in Bohemia, Spain.

1421 A.D.
270 JEWS BURNED AT THE STAKE. In the 14th and 15th centuries the Inquisition was more intense because the Church and State joined forces. Just being Jewish guaranteed persecution

1480 A.D.
Inquisition in Spain - Jews and Christians burned at the stake.

1483 A.D.
EXPULSIONS from Warsaw, Sicily, Lithuania, Portugal.

1492 A.D.

1506 A.D.
Murders in Lisbon - 4000, "conversos", men, women, and children thrown from windows to street mobs below, due to preaching by Dominicans against the Jews.

1510 A.D.
EXPELLED from Brandenburg, Germany.

1516 A.D.
Venice initiates the ghetto, the first in Christian Europe.

1544 A.D.
The Reformation. At the end of Martin Luther's life the German reformer vilified the Jews in violent pamphlets which could not fail to exert their influence. But because Calvinists were steeped in Old Testament theology, the Dutch people respected the Jews as "the Chosen" people; and were not anti-Semitic in their faith. The reformation was a time of turmoil as the Roman Church and feudalism lost their supremacy. There was a rising up of Nationhood and Luther was a German nationalist. The Talmud was seized and burned everywhere by Papal authority. Jews in Catholic countries and Polish Jews suffered greatly. Luther's anti-Semitic writings were later used in anti-Semitic literature.

1553 A.D.
Rome seized and burned the Talmud by order of the POPE.

1559 A.D.
12,000 copies of Talmud burned in Milan.

1569 A.D.
POPE PIUS V ordered all Jews out of the Papal states.

1593 A.D.
EXPULSIONS from Italy and Bavaria.

1598 A.D.
Ritual murder charge that sent three Jews to their deaths. Execution of the supposed guilty was done by QUARTERING. (In his book the "Birth of the Prison" Michel Foucault describes at length the quartering of a condemned man in 1757. It was done eventually by six horses instead of the four original ones and other means had to come in to play due to the failure even of six horses as the prisoners limbs were tied to ropes harnessed to the horses. Each horse pulled in a different direction. One horse fell to the ground unsuccessfully. Knives had to be used for severing...)

1614 A.D.
JEWS attacked and driven out of Frankfurt, Germany.

1624 A.D.
GHETTO established in Ferrara, Italy.

1648 A.D.
Leader of the Cossacks, in the Ukraine massacres 100,000 Jews and destroyed 300 communities.

1655 A.D.
Massacres of Jews in war against Sweden & Russia by Poland.

1715 A.D.
POPE PIUS VI issues edict against Jews.

1768 A.D.
20,000 Jews in Poland killed.

1805 A.D.
MASSACRE of Jews in Algeria.

1840 A.D.

1853 A.D.

1858 A.D.
THE MORTARA CASE: Catholics abduct a 7 yr. old Jewish child. A Catholic servant baptized a Jewish child when the child was seriously ill and the church of Rome seized the child. Outcry had no effect on the POPE.

1879 A.D.
Word anti-Semitism comes into existence.

1881 A.D.
POGROMS BEGAN. The word is of Russian origin. It designates attack, accompanied by destruction, looting of property, murder, rape. There were three major outbreaks in Russia. The word designates more particularly the attacks carried out by the Christian population. Each pogrom surpassed the other in savagery.
KIEV, ODESSA; Here murder of whole families was a common occurrence. Partial data are available for 530 communities in which 887 major pogroms and 349 minor pogroms occurred. There were 60,000 dead and several times that many were wounded.

1882 A.D.

1894 A.D.
ALFRED DREYFUS TRIAL in France. Details follow further on in this summary.

1903 A.D.
APPEARANCE of a new issue of the PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION. In Russia.
This spectre of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy aiming at reducing the Gentiles to slavery or extermination loomed up in the medieval Christian imagination and grew out of legends about well poisonings and plague spreading. It was concocted in Paris by an unknown author working for the Russian secret police. It was an alleged conference of the leaders of World Jewry. It was translated into all the world languages. In 1963 a Spanish edition was published. During World War II, the Protocols of the elders of Zion became an implicit justification for the GENOCIDE of the Jews and Nazi propaganda relied on them until the last days of the Third Reich. Smaller pamphlets of it have been distributed in B.C. 1983 published in California... Required reading in most Arab countries, in schools, to this day.

1905 A.D.
Russian pogroms continue. Also in Morocco, Ukraine, 300 dead.

1919 A.D.
3000 Jews killed in Hungarian pogroms.

1920 A.D.
Appearance of ADOLPH HITLER. Also Henry Ford the 1st believes the Protocols; and publishes anti-Jewish articles in his newspaper, the Dearborn Independent.

1925 A.D.
MEIN KAMPH appears. Hitler's Plan published in Germany.

1933 A.D.
HITLER appointed chancellor in Germany.

1935 A.D.
Hitler writes his Nuremberg Laws which lead to his Final Solution.

1938 A.D.
Burning in AUSTRIA & GERMANY of Synagogues. Jews sent to concentration camps. Beginnings of the Holocaust.

1939 A.D.
Germany overruns Poland.

1940 A.D.
Gassing, shootings in Polish Ghettos (Jewish).

1941 A.D.
EXPULSION of Jews from the German Reich to Poland. Riots against Jews in Iraq.

1942 A.D.
Mass transports of Jews to Belgium & Holland.

1944 A.D.

1945 A.D.
HOLOCAUST Final Count: 6,000,000 Jews slaughtered.

1946 A.D.
Pogroms in Poland - 42 Jews murdered.

1948 A.D.
BIRTH OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL. Also Jewish intellectuals shot in Russia.

1952 A.D.
Jews murdered byCommunists, and others disappear. Prague trials. Murder of Yiddish intellectuals in Russia and many sent to work camps..

1956 A.D.
Jews expelled out of EGYPT.

1967 A.D.
SIX DAY WAR. Also new publication of Elders of Zion in Arabic.

1968 A.D.
Emigration of last remaining Jews in Poland.

1969 A.D.

1970 A.D.
Beginning of imprisonment in Russia of PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE. ("Refuseniks")

1980 A.D.
Russian imprisonments carry on throughout the 70's to the 80's.
He didn't pray to himself. He prayed as a fully human being to God the Father who was still spirit, not flesh. Again, perhaps it can't be fully understood without the Holy Spirit as the Apostle Paul taught. I don't know. I understand and believe. I can appreciate why that is difficult for someone like Cmike to do.

There are more than 360 'Old Testament' references that Christians believe point to Jesus as the Messiah and yet he wasn't anything like what they were expecting which is why nobody recognized him as the Messiah at first. Even those specially called twelve men who were with him constantly for the three years of his ministry did not recognize him for most of that time. Most Christians now understand that there is a God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit though all Christians are not 100% agreed about exactly what that means.

Someone likened the three personas of God to water, ice, steam--all the same stuff but different in substance.
3 personages, similar to how were were created, spirit, soul, and body
a 3 part being
There were a lot of Rabbi Akivas as I said. It was irrelevant to the point which I was making which is the manner of how he died.

The jewish heros did defiantly proclaiming the greatness of G-D. Jesus died complaining to god. That it the point I was making.

You want a list of how christians treated the jews?
This is the point you made:

One of the most famous was a person called Rabbi Akiva. He was burned at the stake and the christians made sure it was a slow death.
Persecution of Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews were frequently massacred and exiled from various European countries. The persecution hit its first peak during the Crusades. In the First Crusade (1096) flourishing communities on the Rhine and the Danube were utterly destroyed; see German Crusade, 1096. In the Second Crusade (1147) the Jews in France were subject to frequent massacres. The Jews were also subjected to attacks by the Shepherds' Crusades of 1251 and 1320. The Crusades were followed by expulsions, including in, 1290, the banishing of all English Jews; in 1396, 100,000 Jews were expelled from France; and, in 1421 thousands were expelled from Austria. Many of the expelled Jews fled to Poland.[2]

As the Black Death epidemics devastated Europe in the mid-14th century, annihilating more than a half of the population, Jews were taken as scapegoats. Rumors spread that they caused the disease by deliberately poisoning wells. Hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed by violence.

In the Papal States, which existed until 1870, Jews were required to live only in specified neighborhoods called ghettos. Until the 1840s, they were required to regularly attend sermons urging their conversion to Christianity. Only Jews were taxed to support state boarding schools for Jewish converts to Christianity. It was illegal to convert from Christianity to Judaism. Sometimes Jews were baptized involuntarily, and, even when such baptisms were illegal, forced to practice the Christian religion. In many such cases the state separated them from their families. See Edgardo Mortara for an account of one of the most widely publicized instances of acrimony between Catholics and Jews in the Papal States in the second half of the 19th century.

In the 19th and (before the end of the second World War) 20th centuries, the Roman Catholic Church adhered to a distinction between "good anti-Semitism" and "bad anti-Semitism". The "bad" kind promoted hatred of Jews because of their descent. This was considered un-Christian because the Christian message was intended for all of humanity regardless of ethnicity; anyone could become a Christian. The "good" kind criticized alleged Jewish conspiracies to control newspapers, banks, and other institutions, to care only about accumulation of wealth, etc. Many Catholic bishops wrote articles criticizing Jews on such grounds, and, when accused of promoting hatred of Jews, would remind people that they condemned the "bad" kind of anti-Semitism. A detailed account is found in historian David Kertzer's book The Popes Against the Jews.
Mike, no one is saying that Jews weren't persecuted
but you made a claim about that Rabbi that was totally false, i looked up the man and found proof, then you tried to claim it was another Rabbi
THAT is totally dishonest
There were a lot of Rabbi Akivas as I said. It was irrelevant to the point which I was making which is the manner of how he died.

The jewish heros did defiantly proclaiming the greatness of G-D. Jesus died complaining to god. That it the point I was making.

You want a list of how christians treated the jews?
This is the point you made:

One of the most famous was a person called Rabbi Akiva. He was burned at the stake and the christians made sure it was a slow death.

The point I was making was the difference between how jewish heros died and how jesus died.

However, since you want to bring up christian atrocities here you go.

The Inquisition

In the beginning, the Inquisition dealt only with Christian heretics and did not interfere with the affairs of Jews. However, disputes about Maimonides’ books (which addressed the synthesis of Judaism and other cultures) provided a pretext for harassing Jews and, in 1242, the Inquisition condemned the Talmud and burned thousands of volumes..

In 1288, the first mass burning of Jews on the stake took place in France.

More than 13,000 Conversos were put on trial during the first 12 years of the Spanish Inquisition. Hoping to eliminate ties between the Jewish community and Conversos, the Jews of Spain were expelled in 1492..

The next phase of the Inquisition began around 1531, when Pope Leo X extended the Inquisition to Portugal. Thousands of Jews came to Portugal after the 1492 expulsion. A Spanish style Inquisition was constituted and tribunals were set up in Lisbon and other cities. Among the Jews who died at the hands of the Inquisition were well-known figures of the period such as Isaac de Castro Tartas, Antonio Serrao de Castro and Antonio Jose da Silva. The Inquisition never stopped in Spain and continued until the late 18th century.

By the second half of the 18th century, the Inquisition abated, due to the spread of enlightened ideas and lack of resources. The last auto de fe in Portugal took place on October 27, 1765. Not until 1808, during the brief reign of Joseph Bonaparte, was the Inquisition abolished in Spain. An estimated 31,912 heretics were burned at the stake, 17,659 were burned in effigy and 291,450 made reconciliations in the Spanish Inquisition. In Portugal, about 40,000 cases were tried, although only 1,800 were burned, the rest made penance.The Inquisition was not limited to Europe; it also spread to Spanish and Portugese colonies in the New World and Asia. Many Jews and Conversos fled from Portugal and Spain to the New World seeking greater security and economic opportunities. Branches of the Portugese Inquisition were set up in Goa and Brazil. Spanish tribunals and auto de fes were set up in Mexico, the Philippine Islands, Guatemala, Peru, New Granada and the Canary Islands. By the late 18th century, most of these were dissolved.
There were a lot of Rabbi Akivas as I said. It was irrelevant to the point which I was making which is the manner of how he died.

The jewish heros did defiantly proclaiming the greatness of G-D. Jesus died complaining to god. That it the point I was making.

You want a list of how christians treated the jews?
This is the point you made:

One of the most famous was a person called Rabbi Akiva. He was burned at the stake and the christians made sure it was a slow death.
and he was executed by the Romans, long before Rome turned to Christ
Mike, no one is saying that Jews weren't persecuted
but you made a claim about that Rabbi that was totally false, i looked up the man and found proof, then you tried to claim it was another Rabbi
THAT is totally dishonest

No it wasn't, it was a story that I read some time ago. It wasn't based on the specific individual.

My point was that the jewish heroes went out proclaiming how great G-D is, jesus complained to god.

There were a ton of Rabbi Akivas. In Christianity there are a lot of Maries, in judaism there are a lot of Akivas, I didn't think I had to talk about the specific person.

I am not doing that much research about someone who was incidental to my point.

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