Why Is There Controversy Over Confederate Monuments?

Yeah, for all.

On the 4th day of March next, this party will take possession of the Government. It has announced that the South shall be excluded from the common territory, that the judicial tribunals shall be made sectional, and that a war must be waged against slavery until it shall cease throughout the United States.

The guaranties of the Constitution will then no longer exist; the equal rights of the States will be lost. The slaveholding States will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection, and the Federal Government will have become their enemy.

South Carolina Declaration of Secession

People argue states rights, self determination, etc ... but it comes down to the fact that the states seceding wanted to keep slavery and knew the North would eventually end it.
What you just posted implies states rights, dufus.
If you read the text from the whole discussion in SC, you would understand they were pretty specific in blaming lincolns words on how he couldn't have half the country doing something the rest of the country didn't do. The northern states had all passed laws outlawing slavery while the south didn't. They tried to force state compliance.
Also, look at those eastern TN soldiers who left the Union to help the confederates because Lincoln was jailing their brothers, killing their livestock and raping their sisters.
Give me a fucking BREAK
Slavery was a state right, doofus.
Think about WTF you just said..
Not to mention EVERYTHING else. Your clichés are boring. Get some new material, gramps.
fuck you asshole. You started name calling. There's no discussion with you. You're one and done on this topic
The civil war was not about slavery
Oh, man. This is priceless. You must have been homeschooled by David Duke.

Lookee here, dipshit: The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States

In their declarations of secession, the rebel states mention slavery no less than 83 times.

Including this, in the second sentence of Mississippi's declaration:

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."
Better than the Three-Fifths Compromise. It was ratified on December 6th, 1965, eight months after the Civil War ended.

What does that have to do with the fact the Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in secession states?

Emancipation was a major political blow to the south. Not because they were losing their slaves but because they were unable to get Europe to support their cause if it was about slavery
European countries were not going to fight in defense of slavery

Emancipation proclamation was only the first step in the process. 13th amendment freed all slaves forever and by 1870 they had the right to vote

Nice glossy PC coating over history. So why didn't Lincoln emancipate all of the slaves on January 1st, 1863? If the war was about slavery, then why weren't all the slaves freed until well after the war was over?
The war, caused by secession in order to ensure Southern slavery, became a struggle to keep states in the Union. And, eventually, slavery became the weapon Lincoln used against the South. He killed the reason for them to secede. He took step by step. He succeeded, and it would have been better for the southern states to not have seceded (heh).

The south overplayed their hand and lost bigly

Lincoln was not going to abolish slavery. He was probably going to be an obscure, one term President. He may have passed some legislation limiting the expansion of slavery, but couldn't have abolished it

By seceding and provoking a war, the South ended up losing their slaves within five years....it would have taken 20-30 years otherwise

The election of Lincoln set off a panic throughout the south.....Lincoln is going to take our slaves away, we had better secede to ensure we can keep them forever

Slavery was going to eventually end even in a Confederate America. What they did was accelerate the process and kill 600,000 Americans. The men who caused that should not be honored
The best and the most honorable leader in the Civil War was General Lee... fact
Saying the Civil War was "ALL'' And/or "just" about slavery is just basically progressive politically correct elementary history…
not for all
Yeah, for all.

On the 4th day of March next, this party will take possession of the Government. It has announced that the South shall be excluded from the common territory, that the judicial tribunals shall be made sectional, and that a war must be waged against slavery until it shall cease throughout the United States.

The guaranties of the Constitution will then no longer exist; the equal rights of the States will be lost. The slaveholding States will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection, and the Federal Government will have become their enemy.

South Carolina Declaration of Secession

People argue states rights, self determination, etc ... but it comes down to the fact that the states seceding wanted to keep slavery and knew the North would eventually end it.
What you just posted implies states rights, dufus.
If you read the text from the whole discussion in SC, you would understand they were pretty specific in blaming lincolns words on how he couldn't have half the country doing something the rest of the country didn't do. The northern states had all passed laws outlawing slavery while the south didn't. They tried to force state compliance.
Also, look at those eastern TN soldiers who left the Union to help the confederates because Lincoln was jailing their brothers, killing their livestock and raping their sisters.
Give me a fucking BREAK
Slavery was a state right, doofus.
Think about WTF you just said..
Not to mention EVERYTHING else. Your clichés are boring. Get some new material, gramps.
fuck you asshole. You started name calling. There's no discussion with you. You're one and done on this topic
Because you repeat the same tired bullshit. It wasn't over just slavery and you fucking know it. If you don't, bless your heart.
You don't even realize what you are saying, so at least I am getting some laughs this morning.
PLEASE, don't stop :D
The civil war was not about slavery
Oh, man. This is priceless. You must have been homeschooled by David Duke.

Lookee here, dipshit: The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States

In their declarations of secession, the rebel states mention slavery no less than 83 times.

Including this, in the second sentence of Mississippi's declaration:

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."
Of course it was about slavery but that was not the only cause. dip shit
So it was over?

Yeah, for all.

On the 4th day of March next, this party will take possession of the Government. It has announced that the South shall be excluded from the common territory, that the judicial tribunals shall be made sectional, and that a war must be waged against slavery until it shall cease throughout the United States.

The guaranties of the Constitution will then no longer exist; the equal rights of the States will be lost. The slaveholding States will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection, and the Federal Government will have become their enemy.

South Carolina Declaration of Secession

People argue states rights, self determination, etc ... but it comes down to the fact that the states seceding wanted to keep slavery and knew the North would eventually end it.
What you just posted implies states rights, dufus.
If you read the text from the whole discussion in SC, you would understand they were pretty specific in blaming lincolns words on how he couldn't have half the country doing something the rest of the country didn't do. The northern states had all passed laws outlawing slavery while the south didn't. They tried to force state compliance.
Also, look at those eastern TN soldiers who left the Union to help the confederates because Lincoln was jailing their brothers, killing their livestock and raping their sisters.
Give me a fucking BREAK
Slavery was a state right, doofus.
Think about WTF you just said..
Not to mention EVERYTHING else. Your clichés are boring. Get some new material, gramps.
fuck you asshole. You started name calling. There's no discussion with you. You're one and done on this topic
Because you repeat the same tired bullshit. It wasn't over just slavery and you fucking know it. If you don't, bless your heart.
You don't even realize what you are saying, so at least I am getting some laughs this morning.
PLEASE, don't stop :D
If it was the south trying to hang on to slavery, why was slavery not mentioned as an issue until two years into the civil war?
Who has filled your amazingly ignorant, credulous head with such unmitigated BULLSHIT?

So now you, too. Lookee here: The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States

In their declarations of secession, the rebel states mention slavery no less than 83 times.

Including this, in the second sentence of Mississippi's declaration:

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."
The civil war was not about slavery
Oh, man. This is priceless. You must have been homeschooled by David Duke.

Lookee here, dipshit: The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States

In their declarations of secession, the rebel states mention slavery no less than 83 times.

Including this, in the second sentence of Mississippi's declaration:

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."
Of course it was about slavery
Tell that to Rustic, Tipsycatlover, and the hordes of other ignorant fucks I have heard over the years say it wasn't.
Of course it was about slavery. The rest of the hayseeds who don't know history can just melt, the snow flakes.
There is no guarantee school children will see the statues where they are now, fishyred.

There is no attempt to delete or ignore a part of history. The statues will be in museums and well cared for.
Until they are destroyed by 3rd world savages....
The suspending of habeas corpus was not necessary whatsoever in the ending of slavery, The country just happen to have a delusional control freak president at the time…
Of course it was about slavery. The rest of the hayseeds who don't know history can just melt, the snow flakes.
It was not the only cause of the Civil War, we had a control freak for a president at the time…
The first monument to be removed in New Orleans is not even a Civil War Monument. It is a monument honoring a White Supremacist movement, which started an armed insurrection against a duly elected city biracial government in 1874. the fact that the city placed this monument on public property in 1932 is disgusting enough. To make matters worse, they had to remove it at night wearing bullet proof vests. This is the most blatant racism I have ever come across that was sponsored by a municipality in the USA.

Battle of Liberty Place - Wikipedia
Jesus Christ. These pseudocons are some of the most willfully ignorant dumb fucks who have ever walked our land.

How is it possible we have people who have no knowledge of the decades preceding the Civil War of skirmishes, legal battles, monumental Supreme Court decisions, and even a caning of one Senator by a member of the House, all over the issue of slavery, and nothing BUT slavery?

How the FUCK is this possible?
The civil war was not about slavery
Oh, man. This is priceless. You must have been homeschooled by David Duke.

Lookee here, dipshit: The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States

In their declarations of secession, the rebel states mention slavery no less than 83 times.

Including this, in the second sentence of Mississippi's declaration:

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."
Of course it was about slavery
Tell that to Rustic, Tipsycatlover, and the hordes of other ignorant fucks I have heard over the years say it wasn't.
Like I said it was about slavery but that was not the only reason, but then again control freaks are drawn to other control freaks. Look up real history for once...
The first monument to be removed in New Orleans is not even a Civil War Monument. It is a monument honoring a White Supremacist movement, which started an armed insurrection against a duly elected city biracial government in 1874. the fact that the city placed this monument on public property in 1932 is disgusting enough. To make matters worse, they had to remove it at night wearing bullet proof vests. This is the most blatant racism I have ever come across that was sponsored by a municipality in the USA.

Battle of Liberty Place - Wikipedia

They didn't have to wear Kevlar.... nobody showed up or even cared. The monument was retarded and had been moved in the past back behind the parking lot of One Canal Place. I guarantee you 99% of NOLA didn't even know it existed.
Jesus Christ. These pseudocons are some of the most willfully ignorant dumb fucks who have ever walked our land.

How is it possible we have people who have no knowledge of the decades preceding the Civil War of skirmishes, legal battles, monumental Supreme Court decisions, and even a caning of one Senator by a member of the House, all over the issue of slavery, and nothing BUT slavery?

How the FUCK is this possible?
Progressives always make history how they want it to be not how it really was…

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