Why Is This Statue Still Standing?

KKK never fought against the US.

Your post is an epic fail.
Lee fought against America. Who brought up the KKK?
So only people fighting again government count?

MLK openly fought against the government, Dufus.
Only traitors fighting against America. Lee is as much a traitor as Benedict Arnold.
LOL, according to your flawed reasoning the American Revolutionaries were "traitors" too ....
Like I told the last dumb shit, England can feel free to tear down their Washington Monument.

In other words, you have no argument and thus must resort to irrelevancy and vituperation. :cool:

Sorry to have interrupted your sophistry with reason and insight, carry on.
KKK never fought against the US.

Your post is an epic fail.
Lee fought against America. Who brought up the KKK?
So only people fighting again government count?

MLK openly fought against the government, Dufus.
Only traitors fighting against America. Lee is as much a traitor as Benedict Arnold.
LOL, according to your flawed reasoning the American Revolutionaries were "traitors" too .....

George Washington and the rest were certainly traitors to Great Britain- and heroes to the United States.
You have it backwards, the Government of Britain betrayed it's citizens in the American Colonies, after all government has a duty to serve the citizenry not the other way around.

And yes- I can see why you would consider Robert E. Lee a hero-
Nobody said he was a "hero" except you, I only pointed out what He and the American Revolutionaries had in common, namely exercising their inalienable right to "alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness" .... Apparently some folks around these parts have no idea what those words actually mean and instead seem to think that government is owed allegiance regardless of how much it threatens the life, liberty and property of its citizens.

if you consider the Confederate States to be your country. But to the United States- he was yes- a traitor- who led troops against the United States Army- and killed U.S. soldiers.
Uh-huih, he was responsible for killing U.S. Soldiers that were attempting to kill him because he felt that the U.S. Government was a threat to his and his fellow citizens life, liberty and property, in other words, his way of life. We can argue about the merits of his reasoning but to argue that Lee was a "traitor" because he rose up in defense of his life, liberty and property is to argue that human beings have no right of self defense from government tyranny.
Lee fought against America. Who brought up the KKK?
So only people fighting again government count?

MLK openly fought against the government, Dufus.
Only traitors fighting against America. Lee is as much a traitor as Benedict Arnold.
LOL, according to your flawed reasoning the American Revolutionaries were "traitors" too .....

George Washington and the rest were certainly traitors to Great Britain- and heroes to the United States.
You have it backwards, the Government of Britain betrayed it's citizens in the American Colonies, after all government has a duty to serve the citizenry not the other way around.

Not backward at all.

Who says a government has a duty to serve its citizenry? Great Britain- despite the Magna Carta- did not believe that.

George Washington and the rest were certainly traitors to Great Britain- and heroes to the United States.

To the UK George Washington was as much a traitor as Guy Fawkes.

Another royal subject who felt that the UK was not serving its citizenry.

But George Washington was- and is a hero- to the United States.

Not backward at all.

Who says a government has a duty to serve its citizenry? Great Britain- despite the Magna Carta- did not believe that.

George Washington and the rest were certainly traitors to Great Britain- and heroes to the United States.

To the UK George Washington was as much a traitor as Guy Fawkes.

Another royal subject who felt that the UK was not serving its citizenry.

But George Washington was- and is a hero- to the United States.
Lee fought against America. Who brought up the KKK?
So only people fighting again government count?

MLK openly fought against the government, Dufus.
Only traitors fighting against America. Lee is as much a traitor as Benedict Arnold.
LOL, according to your flawed reasoning the American Revolutionaries were "traitors" too .....

George Washington and the rest were certainly traitors to Great Britain- and heroes to the United States.
You have it backwards, the Government of Britain betrayed it's citizens in the American Colonies, after all government has a duty to serve the citizenry not the other way around.

And yes- I can see why you would consider Robert E. Lee a hero-
Nobody said he was a "hero" except you, I only pointed out what He and the American Revolutionaries had in common, namely exercising their inalienable right to "alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness" .... Apparently some folks around these parts have no idea what those words actually mean and instead seem to think that government is owed allegiance regardless of how much it threatens the life, liberty and property of its citizens..

Americans owe an allegiance to the Constitution and our country. Robert E. Lee believed he owed allegiance to the state of Virginia before the Constitution.

Lee didn't fight against the government of the United States- he fought- and killed- troops of the United States Army- some of whom he had previously commanded.
Uh-huih, he was responsible for killing U.S. Soldiers that were attempting to kill him because he felt that the U.S. Government was a threat to his and his fellow citizens life, liberty and property, in other words, his way of life. We can argue about the merits of his reasoning but to argue that Lee was a "traitor" because he rose up in defense of his life, liberty and property is to argue that human beings have no right of self defense from government tyranny.

So you believe that any person who kills Americans- as long as he 'rose up in defense of his 'life, liberty, and property' is justified?

That any American who kills American soldiers because he can claim he is protecting 'his way of life' is justified?

And that doesn't even get into the 'tyranny' he opposed- or the 'way of life' he was protecting.

The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Sadly, you're just another Public School victim. The Republican Party was fighting for Civil Rights while the Democrats were still lynching African Americans. You just don't know that because you're an indoctrinated victim.
The liberal Republican Party fought for civil rights while the right wing Democrats opposed them and Christian terrorists were lynching negroes.

Try the WHOLE truth for once, retard.
Ive lived from the George Wallace Robert Byrd days, what year did your imaginary flip occur? And why do Leftist today love using skin color to say who gets jobs and educated?
1958 was the last year the Republicans and Democrats each had an equal balance of liberals and conservatives in their parties.

Southern Democrats were overwhelmingly conservative.

Alive since Wallace days, eh? Then you know who this guy is and why any tard who deliberately leaves out the FACT the civil rights obstructionist Southern Democrats were right wing is a liar by omission:

and applauded Robert Byrd at his funeral in 2010.

Why wouldn't Democrats applaud Robert Byrd at his funeral? And Republicans too- remember he was applauded by both Republicans and Democrats.

Even the NAACP was applauding Robert Byrd and how he had changed and eventually championed civil rights.

The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Yes Robert E. Lee was a Democrat, the Republicans have always been the civil Was General Robert E. Lee a democrat or republican

The average Public School victim is completely clueless about actual history. They've only been indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive Democrat fantasy. The reality is, the Republican Party was advocating Civil Rights while Democrats were still lynching African Americans. But talk to the average Public School victim. See what their take is on that. It's pretty sad & shocking.
This country started off as one party, and that is the Republican party. But during the 1800's. The southerners started their own party. It was the Democrats party. ]

What a bunch of ignorant Bullshit.

The Republican Party was not founded until the 1850's.

The First Party System of the United States featured the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party

In 1829, the Second Party System saw a split of the Democratic-Republican Party into the successor of the party the National Republican Party, led by John Quincy Adams, which grew to the Whig Party led by Henry Clay and Jacksonian Democrats, who grew into the modern Democratic Party, led by Andrew Jackson.

The Third Party System stretched from 1854 to the mid-1890s, and was characterized by the emergence of the anti-slavery Republican Party (nicknamed "GOP"), which adopted many of the economic policies of the Whigs, such as national banks, railroads, high tariffs, homesteads and aid to land grant colleges. Civil war and Reconstruction issues polarized the parties until the Compromise of 1877, which ended the latter. Thus, both parties became broad-based voting coalitions. The race issue pulled newly enfranchised African Americans (Freedmen) into the Republican party while white southerners (Redeemers) joined the Democratic Party.

Republic means the country is a public matter. In the dream that George Washington had. That in the dream, the entity referred to him as a child of the republic. In those days they were considered as the republic. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. That was going against the Democratic Southerners. And the preamble started off saying , We the people, which means this country is a public matter.

Evangelical Protestants, and social reformers.(needs citation) The party advocated westward expansion, Manifest Destiny, greater equality among all white men, and opposition to the national banks. In 1860 the Civil War began between the mostly-Republican North against the mostly-Democratic, slave-holding South. History of the United States Democratic Party - Wikipedia

So to consolidate:
Your claim that the Republican Party was the first political Party of the United States was a lie.

Your claim that Southerners started their own party- the Democratic Party- was a lie.

The Party was weakest in New England, but strong everywhere else and won most national elections thanks to strength in New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia (by far, the most populous states at the time), and the American frontier. Democrats opposed elites and aristocrats, the Bank of the United States, and the whiggish modernizing programs that would build up industry at the expense of the yeoman or independent small farmer.[8]
So only people fighting again government count?

MLK openly fought against the government, Dufus.
Only traitors fighting against America. Lee is as much a traitor as Benedict Arnold.
LOL, according to your flawed reasoning the American Revolutionaries were "traitors" too .....

George Washington and the rest were certainly traitors to Great Britain- and heroes to the United States.
You have it backwards, the Government of Britain betrayed it's citizens in the American Colonies, after all government has a duty to serve the citizenry not the other way around.

And yes- I can see why you would consider Robert E. Lee a hero-
Nobody said he was a "hero" except you, I only pointed out what He and the American Revolutionaries had in common, namely exercising their inalienable right to "alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness" .... Apparently some folks around these parts have no idea what those words actually mean and instead seem to think that government is owed allegiance regardless of how much it threatens the life, liberty and property of its citizens..

Americans owe an allegiance to the Constitution and our country. Robert E. Lee believed he owed allegiance to the state of Virginia before the Constitution.

Lee didn't fight against the government of the United States- he fought- and killed- troops of the United States Army- some of whom he had previously commanded.
There was a slight difference in the tyranny they fought against. Some of Founders owned slaves, all of the Sothern elite owned slaves, and that was what it was about.

Frankly I don't care about their statues. But if communities vote to put them in museums or on private property .... the Republic will not fall. Nor were we all become mulatto .. overnite.
This latest 'Crisis' is completely manufactured. Now all of a sudden, removing statues is the 'most important issue facing America.'

The Neo-KKK-skinheads are the ones all in a huff about States and local governments, elected governments, who are choosing to remove and rename what they consider symbols of racism. WTF does some asshat in Ohio have to do with what the people of a city in Virginia (or any other city not their own) call their park or what monuments they choose to display?

Maybe General Lee should be retired to in a Civil War museum somewhere.

Manufactured 'Crisis.' Follow the money, i'm sure it will lead to Soros-funded groups. These things don't 'just happen.' Now all of a sudden it's vital we start destroying statues. I'm so so amazed so many Americans continue to buy into such obvious manufactured 'Crisis.' Folks need to stop running with the herd on these scams. They're just being played.

Say, that was a nice pole vault from removing statues from public spaces by duly elected state and local governments to "it's vital we start destroying statues"meme.

If the locals don't want to remove anything and call their park "Stonewall Jackson" that is their choice too.

You really think that's how the shrieking pee-pitchers see it?
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
So it's ok to pick and choose our first amendment rights - as long as they conform to your marxist liberal agenda. I see.
You have a first amendment right to speak. You do not have a first amendment right to be heard.
I'd hate to think someone would take a beating for expressing their rights.
Only traitors fighting against America. Lee is as much a traitor as Benedict Arnold.
LOL, according to your flawed reasoning the American Revolutionaries were "traitors" too .....

George Washington and the rest were certainly traitors to Great Britain- and heroes to the United States.
You have it backwards, the Government of Britain betrayed it's citizens in the American Colonies, after all government has a duty to serve the citizenry not the other way around.

And yes- I can see why you would consider Robert E. Lee a hero-
Nobody said he was a "hero" except you, I only pointed out what He and the American Revolutionaries had in common, namely exercising their inalienable right to "alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness" .... Apparently some folks around these parts have no idea what those words actually mean and instead seem to think that government is owed allegiance regardless of how much it threatens the life, liberty and property of its citizens..

Americans owe an allegiance to the Constitution and our country. Robert E. Lee believed he owed allegiance to the state of Virginia before the Constitution.

Lee didn't fight against the government of the United States- he fought- and killed- troops of the United States Army- some of whom he had previously commanded.
There was a slight difference in the tyranny they fought against. Some of Founders owned slaves, all of the Sothern elite owned slaves, and that was what it was about.

Frankly I don't care about their statues. But if communities vote to put them in museums or on private property .... the Republic will not fall. Nor were we all become mulatto .. overnite.

There was a significant difference between the 'tyranny'.

But I agree with you about statues- though who uses the term 'mulatto' anymore?

I hope we are not overrun by steeds.......
This latest 'Crisis' is completely manufactured. Now all of a sudden, removing statues is the 'most important issue facing America.'

The Neo-KKK-skinheads are the ones all in a huff about States and local governments, elected governments, who are choosing to remove and rename what they consider symbols of racism. WTF does some asshat in Ohio have to do with what the people of a city in Virginia (or any other city not their own) call their park or what monuments they choose to display?

Maybe General Lee should be retired to in a Civil War museum somewhere.

Manufactured 'Crisis.' Follow the money, i'm sure it will lead to Soros-funded groups. These things don't 'just happen.' Now all of a sudden it's vital we start destroying statues. I'm so so amazed so many Americans continue to buy into such obvious manufactured 'Crisis.' Folks need to stop running with the herd on these scams. They're just being played.

Say, that was a nice pole vault from removing statues from public spaces by duly elected state and local governments to "it's vital we start destroying statues"meme.

If the locals don't want to remove anything and call their park "Stonewall Jackson" that is their choice too.

You really think that's how the shrieking pee-pitchers see it?

I don't care how they see it. That's the law.

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