Why Is This Statue Still Standing?

..... They've only been indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive Democrat fantasy. ......

This is flatly untrue.

How so? Have you talked to an average Public School victim lately?

I teach History in a public school, big mouth. No one has EVER so much as suggested that I promote any political agenda in my classroom.

I haven't suggested that either. Guilty conscience?

Don't trip over yourself.
....... the greatest President of the twentieth century .....

If that is how you consider a POS who threw innocent American citizens into concentration camps, that speaks volumes about your moral compass.

FDR was a great President- ......

He was a cheat, a liar, a scumbag and a fool. He cheated on his wife,.

Sounds like you are talking about Trump.

Yeah- FDR was a great President- who cheated on his wife.

Our current President was elected knowing that Trump had cheated on his wife.
... He lead this nation and the free world to victory against Fascism. ......

He never fired a shot during the war (a war he had sworn up and down we would never enter, btw).

Wow- you mean a President of the United States didn't fire a shot in a war we were in?


But good way to dance away from the fact that FDR did indeed lead the United States to victory in WW2 against Fascism.

He did nothing, in following the advice of military experts, that anyone in his position might have. What someone in his position with the slightest bit of loyalty, patriotism, or moral fiber would have done is NOT build concentration camps for American citizens or send a shipload of Jews back to the waiting arms of the fascist Hitler, for example.
Maybe he should have shown his patriotism and compassion by building a wall and deporting high school kids who want to go to college.

Today's Special for those losing an argument: Red Herring
The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Yes Robert E. Lee was a Democrat, the Republicans have always been the civil Was General Robert E. Lee a democrat or republican

The average Public School victim is completely clueless about actual history. They've only been indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive Democrat fantasy. The reality is, the Republican Party was advocating Civil Rights while Democrats were still lynching African Americans. But talk to the average Public School victim. See what their take is on that. It's pretty sad & shocking.
This country started off as one party, and that is the Republican party. But during the 1800's. The southerners started their own party. It was the Democrats party. But it is too bad that the past administration never had enforced our constitutional rights. They only enforced the rights of the special interest. And they were not for the people at all.

A republic (Latin: res publica) is a form of government in which the country is considered a "public matter" – not the private concern or property of the rulers – and where offices of state are elected or appointed, rather than inherited. It is a form of government under which the head of state is not a monarch.[1][2][3] Republic - Wikipedia

“We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Quote/Counterquote: “Government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

Presently I heard a voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn,"Historic Valley forge

When are Americans gonna wake up? This latest 'Crisis' is completely manufactured. Now all of a sudden, removing statues is the 'most important issue facing America.' These things don't 'just happen' They're actually well-planned. Just follow the money, and you'll see who's behind this latest faux 'Crisis.' Don't be a sheep. Don't run with the herd.

These things are designed to provoke a desired response. It's clear that some very powerful folks in very powerful places, want mass Civil Unrest. I'm guessing it's another ploy to achieve their Globalist New World Order. They believe that out of disorder, they'll more easily achieve their NWO. My advice is, don't go along. Don't buy into manufactured 'Crisis.'
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... He lead this nation and the free world to victory against Fascism. ......

He never fired a shot during the war (a war he had sworn up and down we would never enter, btw).

Wow- you mean a President of the United States didn't fire a shot in a war we were in?


But good way to dance away from the fact that FDR did indeed lead the United States to victory in WW2 against Fascism.

He did nothing, in following the advice of military experts,

Actually he did.

You should try reading a history book.

Look- you want to blame FDR for the things that happened on his watch- that he personally had nothing to do with.

But you don't want to give credit to FDR for the things that happened on his watch- that he was personally involved with- and yes- FDR was very personally involved with our success in WW2.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Yes Robert E. Lee was a Democrat, the Republicans have always been the civil Was General Robert E. Lee a democrat or republican

The average Public School victim is completely clueless about actual history. They've only been indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive Democrat fantasy. The reality is, the Republican Party was advocating Civil Rights while Democrats were still lynching African Americans. But talk to the average Public School victim. See what their take is on that. It's pretty sad & shocking.
This country started off as one party, and that is the Republican party. But during the 1800's. The southerners started their own party. It was the Democrats party. ]

What a bunch of ignorant Bullshit.

The Republican Party was not founded until the 1850's.

The First Party System of the United States featured the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party

In 1829, the Second Party System saw a split of the Democratic-Republican Party into the successor of the party the National Republican Party, led by John Quincy Adams, which grew to the Whig Party led by Henry Clay and Jacksonian Democrats, who grew into the modern Democratic Party, led by Andrew Jackson.

The Third Party System stretched from 1854 to the mid-1890s, and was characterized by the emergence of the anti-slavery Republican Party (nicknamed "GOP"), which adopted many of the economic policies of the Whigs, such as national banks, railroads, high tariffs, homesteads and aid to land grant colleges. Civil war and Reconstruction issues polarized the parties until the Compromise of 1877, which ended the latter. Thus, both parties became broad-based voting coalitions. The race issue pulled newly enfranchised African Americans (Freedmen) into the Republican party while white southerners (Redeemers) joined the Democratic Party.
... He lead this nation and the free world to victory against Fascism. ......

He never fired a shot during the war (a war he had sworn up and down we would never enter, btw).

Wow- you mean a President of the United States didn't fire a shot in a war we were in?


But good way to dance away from the fact that FDR did indeed lead the United States to victory in WW2 against Fascism.

He did nothing, in following the advice of military experts, that anyone in his position might have. What someone in his position with the slightest bit of loyalty, patriotism, or moral fiber would have done is NOT build concentration camps for American citizens or send a shipload of Jews back to the waiting arms of the fascist Hitler, for example.
Maybe he should have shown his patriotism and compassion by building a wall and deporting high school kids who want to go to college.

Today's Special for those losing an argument: Red Herring
Considering your argument is Franklin Roosevelt should have been perp walked out of the Oval Office, my alagory is perfectly sensible.
..... They've only been indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive Democrat fantasy. ......

This is flatly untrue.

How so? Have you talked to an average Public School victim lately?

I teach History in a public school, big mouth. No one has EVER so much as suggested that I promote any political agenda in my classroom.

I haven't suggested that either. Guilty conscience?

Spin much?

No spin. I don't know you. I'm willing to take you at your word that you don't push any political agenda on your students. But that doesn't mean the overall state of our Public School System isn't a miserable catastrophe.

Have you really talked to your average Public School victim lately? I mean really talk. It's actually quite sad & shocking how ignorant most are. It's why i strongly support parents seriously considering education alternatives. Our current Public School System is a very dangerous gamble at best.
Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Yes Robert E. Lee was a Democrat, the Republicans have always been the civil Was General Robert E. Lee a democrat or republican

The average Public School victim is completely clueless about actual history. They've only been indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive Democrat fantasy. The reality is, the Republican Party was advocating Civil Rights while Democrats were still lynching African Americans. But talk to the average Public School victim. See what their take is on that. It's pretty sad & shocking.
This country started off as one party, and that is the Republican party. But during the 1800's. The southerners started their own party. It was the Democrats party. ]

What a bunch of ignorant Bullshit.

The Republican Party was not founded until the 1850's.

The First Party System of the United States featured the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party

In 1829, the Second Party System saw a split of the Democratic-Republican Party into the successor of the party the National Republican Party, led by John Quincy Adams, which grew to the Whig Party led by Henry Clay and Jacksonian Democrats, who grew into the modern Democratic Party, led by Andrew Jackson.

The Third Party System stretched from 1854 to the mid-1890s, and was characterized by the emergence of the anti-slavery Republican Party (nicknamed "GOP"), which adopted many of the economic policies of the Whigs, such as national banks, railroads, high tariffs, homesteads and aid to land grant colleges. Civil war and Reconstruction issues polarized the parties until the Compromise of 1877, which ended the latter. Thus, both parties became broad-based voting coalitions. The race issue pulled newly enfranchised African Americans (Freedmen) into the Republican party while white southerners (Redeemers) joined the Democratic Party.

Most in the South were loyal Democrats. They vehemently fought to keep their slaves. But you're so indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive Democrat fantasies, you don't even know that. The Republican Party is the originator of fighting for Civil Rights in this country. Y'all Democrats are mere 'Johnny-Come-Latelys' on it.
He never fired a shot during the war (a war he had sworn up and down we would never enter, btw).

Wow- you mean a President of the United States didn't fire a shot in a war we were in?


But good way to dance away from the fact that FDR did indeed lead the United States to victory in WW2 against Fascism.

He did nothing, in following the advice of military experts, that anyone in his position might have. What someone in his position with the slightest bit of loyalty, patriotism, or moral fiber would have done is NOT build concentration camps for American citizens or send a shipload of Jews back to the waiting arms of the fascist Hitler, for example.
Maybe he should have shown his patriotism and compassion by building a wall and deporting high school kids who want to go to college.

Today's Special for those losing an argument: Red Herring
Considering your argument is Franklin Roosevelt should have been perp walked out of the Oval Office.......

And now a straw man? You're all kinds of desperate. Quit while you're behind.
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
Californians are traitors then. Yes!
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
Californians are traitors then. Yes!
As far as I know the Golden State is still in the union. There are still fifty stars on the American flag flying out on my front yard.
Emotionally fragile liberals feel that things they don't like must be obliterated.
They can't offer a fact based discussion, just emotion
Having no cause in the present with the BLM exposed for the sham it is they are desperate and have resorted to the cause of obliterating 50-150 years ago of history
Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Yes Robert E. Lee was a Democrat, the Republicans have always been the civil Was General Robert E. Lee a democrat or republican

The average Public School victim is completely clueless about actual history. They've only been indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive Democrat fantasy. The reality is, the Republican Party was advocating Civil Rights while Democrats were still lynching African Americans. But talk to the average Public School victim. See what their take is on that. It's pretty sad & shocking.
This country started off as one party, and that is the Republican party. But during the 1800's. The southerners started their own party. It was the Democrats party. ]

What a bunch of ignorant Bullshit.

The Republican Party was not founded until the 1850's.

The First Party System of the United States featured the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party

In 1829, the Second Party System saw a split of the Democratic-Republican Party into the successor of the party the National Republican Party, led by John Quincy Adams, which grew to the Whig Party led by Henry Clay and Jacksonian Democrats, who grew into the modern Democratic Party, led by Andrew Jackson.

The Third Party System stretched from 1854 to the mid-1890s, and was characterized by the emergence of the anti-slavery Republican Party (nicknamed "GOP"), which adopted many of the economic policies of the Whigs, such as national banks, railroads, high tariffs, homesteads and aid to land grant colleges. Civil war and Reconstruction issues polarized the parties until the Compromise of 1877, which ended the latter. Thus, both parties became broad-based voting coalitions. The race issue pulled newly enfranchised African Americans (Freedmen) into the Republican party while white southerners (Redeemers) joined the Democratic Party.

Republic means the country is a public matter. In the dream that George Washington had. That in the dream, the entity referred to him as a child of the republic. In those days they were considered as the republic. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. That was going against the Democratic Southerners. And the preamble started off saying , We the people, which means this country is a public matter.

Evangelical Protestants, and social reformers.(needs citation) The party advocated westward expansion, Manifest Destiny, greater equality among all white men, and opposition to the national banks. In 1860 the Civil War began between the mostly-Republican North against the mostly-Democratic, slave-holding South. History of the United States Democratic Party - Wikipedia
This latest 'Crisis' is completely manufactured. Now all of a sudden, removing statues is the 'most important issue facing America.'

The Neo-KKK-skinheads are the ones all in a huff about States and local governments, elected governments, who are choosing to remove and rename what they consider symbols of racism. WTF does some asshat in Ohio have to do with what the people of a city in Virginia (or any other city not their own) call their park or what monuments they choose to display?

Maybe General Lee should be retired to in a Civil War museum somewhere.
Another contard fail.

FDR wasn't a traitor to the United States- and never fought against the United States.

And far from keeping blacks segregated from 'everything whites were allowed to do'- integrated the war industry in WW2

Executive Order 8802 - Wikipedia
KKK never fought against the US.

Your post is an epic fail.
Lee fought against America. Who brought up the KKK?
So only people fighting again government count?

MLK openly fought against the government, Dufus.
Only traitors fighting against America. Lee is as much a traitor as Benedict Arnold.
LOL, according to your flawed reasoning the American Revolutionaries were "traitors" too ....
Like I told the last dumb shit, England can feel free to tear down their Washington Monument.

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