Why Is This Statue Still Standing?

A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.

And they were for the most part traitors that were re-admitted to citizenship once the war was over. That's how civil wars usually end. Part of the healing process was to allow them to honor their dead, both the soldiers and the cause. Now for some reason a statue of some dude with a rifled musket is too much for some pansy snowflakes to bear.
The memorials were, in large part, erected in the era of Jim Crow laws and repression of African Americans. Therefore it can be argued that these memorials were intended as symbols of repressi N.

What are memorials supposed to do? Inspire, honor, inculcate history. I ask: what is inspirational about the treason of confederates? Is it proper Tom honor their treason? Are these memorials inculcating a false history, a history of noble aspirations?

What does when they were erected have anything to do about it. Does the KKK hold rallys around them ?
.... From early childhood they're dumped into Public School Madrasas, which are only designed to create future loyal Democrat Zombies. ......

Don't be ridiculous.
Ask any 10 year old about global warming.
Then ask who are the bad guys with global warming.

Ok, I did (9, close enough). He had no idea on either count. All I got was "It's bad to leave your trash around." I couldn't argue with him.
You know I'm right.

Public schools have kids sing praises to Obama, play act being Muslim, award honors based upon race etc etc.
I guess we better stop endorsing slavery, since we hate it.



For defying the unconstitutional Jim Crow laws.

Jesus, you really are one stupid bigoted retard.

And at no time did the CSA ever attempt to overthrow the American government, Dufus.

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Sadly, you're just another Public School victim. The Republican Party was fighting for Civil Rights while the Democrats were still lynching African Americans. You just don't know that because you're an indoctrinated victim.
.... From early childhood they're dumped into Public School Madrasas, which are only designed to create future loyal Democrat Zombies. ......

Don't be ridiculous.

That's all our Public School System is about now. It's all about the indoctrination. They're not being taught truth & reality. They're only being taught Communist/Progressive fantasy......

When was the last time you were in a public school?
.... From early childhood they're dumped into Public School Madrasas, which are only designed to create future loyal Democrat Zombies. ......

Don't be ridiculous.
Ask any 10 year old about global warming.
Then ask who are the bad guys with global warming.

Ok, I did (9, close enough). He had no idea on either count. All I got was "It's bad to leave your trash around." I couldn't argue with him.
You know I'm right......

Actually, I know for a fact that you're wrong.
.... From early childhood they're dumped into Public School Madrasas, which are only designed to create future loyal Democrat Zombies. ......

Don't be ridiculous.
Ask any 10 year old about global warming.
Then ask who are the bad guys with global warming.

They only know what they're indoctrinated on. They are victims.


How so?
For defying the unconstitutional Jim Crow laws.

Jesus, you really are one stupid bigoted retard.

And at no time did the CSA ever attempt to overthrow the American government, Dufus.

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Yes Robert E. Lee was a Democrat, the Republicans have always been the civil Was General Robert E. Lee a democrat or republican
.... From early childhood they're dumped into Public School Madrasas, which are only designed to create future loyal Democrat Zombies. ......

Don't be ridiculous.

That's all our Public School System is about now. It's all about the indoctrination. They're not being taught truth & reality. They're only being taught Communist/Progressive fantasy......

When was the last time you were in a public school?

I've seen enough. I strongly recommend Home Schooling children. Public Schools are too much about forcing the Communist/Progressive Democrat political agenda on the kids. It isn't about education anymore. It hasn't been for a long time.
.... From early childhood they're dumped into Public School Madrasas, which are only designed to create future loyal Democrat Zombies. ......

Don't be ridiculous.
Ask any 10 year old about global warming.
Then ask who are the bad guys with global warming.

Ok, I did (9, close enough). He had no idea on either count. All I got was "It's bad to leave your trash around." I couldn't argue with him.
You know I'm right......

Actually, I know for a fact that you're wrong.
And now I know you're delusional.
.... From early childhood they're dumped into Public School Madrasas, which are only designed to create future loyal Democrat Zombies. ......

Don't be ridiculous.
Ask any 10 year old about global warming.
Then ask who are the bad guys with global warming.

They only know what they're indoctrinated on. They are victims.


How so?

There is no program of indoctrination in pubic schools. No teachers are ordered, instructed, or even encouraged to "brain wash" anyone. Are a lot of teachers liberal? Yes. Are some of them ridiculously liberal? Yes. Are some of them unethical in promoting their personal views in class? Yes. Is there some policy or program of "indoctrinating" students? No, that's ridiculous.
Don't be ridiculous.
Ask any 10 year old about global warming.
Then ask who are the bad guys with global warming.

Ok, I did (9, close enough). He had no idea on either count. All I got was "It's bad to leave your trash around." I couldn't argue with him.
You know I'm right......

Actually, I know for a fact that you're wrong.
And now I know you're delusional.

I'm a public school teacher? Are you?
.... From early childhood they're dumped into Public School Madrasas, which are only designed to create future loyal Democrat Zombies. ......

Don't be ridiculous.

That's all our Public School System is about now. It's all about the indoctrination. They're not being taught truth & reality. They're only being taught Communist/Progressive fantasy......

When was the last time you were in a public school?

I've seen enough.....

Please answer my question.
And at no time did the CSA ever attempt to overthrow the American government, Dufus.

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Sadly, you're just another Public School victim. The Republican Party was fighting for Civil Rights while the Democrats were still lynching African Americans. You just don't know that because you're an indoctrinated victim.

Sadly, your just another indoctrinated GOP drone.

The Republican Party- founded nobly on the cause to oppose slavery- did nothing to oppose the lynching of African Americans by Southern white conservatives.

Starting in the 1930's, Democrats started introducing programs to improve the economic conditions of African Americans- including FDR's executive order desegregating the war industry- which was a huge boost for African American prosperity.

But the real sea change started happening in 1960- when Kennedy invited the wife of Rev. King to the White House when King was arrested.

Then in 1963, Kennedy proposed what would become the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Pushed through Congress by LBJ, with bipartisan support from all Northern Senators and Congressman- and opposed by virtually every Southern Senator and Congressman- what was the Republican response?

To nominate for President the most prominent non-Southern Senator to oppose the 1964 Civil Rights Act- Barry Goldwater.

The Republicans went on to nominate two more Presidents who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act-
Ronald Reagan and
George Bush.

For the last 20 years Republicans have been siding with the Confederacy- opposing efforts to remove the Confederate flag, opposing efforts to remove monuments honoring the Confederacy......

And that history.
.... From early childhood they're dumped into Public School Madrasas, which are only designed to create future loyal Democrat Zombies. ......

Don't be ridiculous.
Ask any 10 year old about global warming.
Then ask who are the bad guys with global warming.

Ok, I did (9, close enough). He had no idea on either count. All I got was "It's bad to leave your trash around." I couldn't argue with him.
You know I'm right.

Public schools have kids sing praises to Obama, play act being Muslim, award honors based upon race etc etc.

When has Weatherboy been right about anything?

Hell he believes that the world was formed 6,000 years ago.
And at no time did the CSA ever attempt to overthrow the American government, Dufus.

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Yes Robert E. Lee was a Democrat, the Republicans have always been the civil Was General Robert E. Lee a democrat or republican

The average Public School victim is completely clueless about actual history. They've only been indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive Democrat fantasy. The reality is, the Republican Party was advocating Civil Rights while Democrats were still lynching African Americans. But talk to the average Public School victim. See what their take is on that. It's pretty sad & shocking.
... Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.

Yes. An attempt to amplify the wrongs Roosevelt did in an effort to cast him as a traitor, a villain.

"Amplify"? Does throwing innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps need any amplification to reach the level of villainy for you?
I'm not forgiving FDR for internment camps. Neither am I about to use that issue to forget the good he did. A myopic view of history distorts history.

Do you apply that standard to everyone? And exactly what did fdr do that tips the scales more than throwing over one hundred thousand innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps?
He lead this nation out of the greatest fiscal tragedy in our history. He lead this nation and the free world to victory against Fascism. He provided the sick and the elderly a means of security.

Do we really have to justify the magnanimity of Franklin Roosevelt? Are you drawing a moral equivalence between the greatest President of the twentieth century to men who fought to destroy this nation's n in the nineteenth century?
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.

And they were for the most part traitors that were re-admitted to citizenship once the war was over. That's how civil wars usually end. Part of the healing process was to allow them to honor their dead, both the soldiers and the cause. Now for some reason a statue of some dude with a rifled musket is too much for some pansy snowflakes to bear.
The memorials were, in large part, erected in the era of Jim Crow laws and repression of African Americans. Therefore it can be argued that these memorials were intended as symbols of repressi N.

What are memorials supposed to do? Inspire, honor, inculcate history. I ask: what is inspirational about the treason of confederates? Is it proper Tom honor their treason? Are these memorials inculcating a false history, a history of noble aspirations?

What does when they were erected have anything to do about it. Does the KKK hold rallys around them ?
I guess so. They certainly have no qualms about beating the crap out of people who want to dismantle them.

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