Why Is This Statue Still Standing?

And at no time did the CSA ever attempt to overthrow the American government, Dufus.

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Yes Robert E. Lee was a Democrat, the Republicans have always been the civil Was General Robert E. Lee a democrat or republican

Two things:

A) that link is crap- it is merely one unsubstantiated opinion.
B) Robert E. Lee did not fight as a Democrat- the Democratic Party did not exist in the Confederacy.

I can't find any record that Robert E. Lee ever voted Democrat.

Can you?
The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Sadly, you're just another Public School victim. The Republican Party was fighting for Civil Rights while the Democrats were still lynching African Americans. You just don't know that because you're an indoctrinated victim.

Sadly, your just another indoctrinated GOP drone.

The Republican Party- founded nobly on the cause to oppose slavery- did nothing to oppose the lynching of African Americans by Southern white conservatives.

Starting in the 1930's, Democrats started introducing programs to improve the economic conditions of African Americans- including FDR's executive order desegregating the war industry- which was a huge boost for African American prosperity.

But the real sea change started happening in 1960- when Kennedy invited the wife of Rev. King to the White House when King was arrested.

Then in 1963, Kennedy proposed what would become the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Pushed through Congress by LBJ, with bipartisan support from all Northern Senators and Congressman- and opposed by virtually every Southern Senator and Congressman- what was the Republican response?

To nominate for President the most prominent non-Southern Senator to oppose the 1964 Civil Rights Act- Barry Goldwater.

The Republicans went on to nominate two more Presidents who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act-
Ronald Reagan and
George Bush.

For the last 20 years Republicans have been siding with the Confederacy- opposing efforts to remove the Confederate flag, opposing efforts to remove monuments honoring the Confederacy......

And that history.

Again, you're just another sad Public School victim. The Republican Party is the original warrior for Civil Rights. It was doing Civil Rights while your beloved Democrats were still hanging African Americans from trees. And it was mostly Democrats who opposed the Civil Rights Act. You just don't know all that, because you are an indoctrinated victim. You just don't know any better.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Sadly, you're just another Public School victim. The Republican Party was fighting for Civil Rights while the Democrats were still lynching African Americans. You just don't know that because you're an indoctrinated victim.

Sadly, your just another indoctrinated GOP drone.

The Republican Party- founded nobly on the cause to oppose slavery- did nothing to oppose the lynching of African Americans by Southern white conservatives.

Starting in the 1930's, Democrats started introducing programs to improve the economic conditions of African Americans- including FDR's executive order desegregating the war industry- which was a huge boost for African American prosperity.

But the real sea change started happening in 1960- when Kennedy invited the wife of Rev. King to the White House when King was arrested.

Then in 1963, Kennedy proposed what would become the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Pushed through Congress by LBJ, with bipartisan support from all Northern Senators and Congressman- and opposed by virtually every Southern Senator and Congressman- what was the Republican response?

To nominate for President the most prominent non-Southern Senator to oppose the 1964 Civil Rights Act- Barry Goldwater.

The Republicans went on to nominate two more Presidents who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act-
Ronald Reagan and
George Bush.

For the last 20 years Republicans have been siding with the Confederacy- opposing efforts to remove the Confederate flag, opposing efforts to remove monuments honoring the Confederacy......

And that history.

Again, you're just another sad Public School victim. The Republican Party is the original warrior for Civil Rights. It was doing Civil Rights while your beloved Democrats were still hanging African Americans from trees. And it was mostly Democrats who opposed the Civil Rights Act. You just don't know all that, because you are an indoctrinated victim. You just don't know any better.

Note- you couldn't refute a single historic fact I made.

Fact: It was mostly Southerners who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act- proposed by Democrats.

Virtually every Southerner- Democrat or Republican- all Conservative white Christians- opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

The majority of Democrats- and Republicans supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

The Republican Party- founded nobly on the cause to oppose slavery- did nothing to oppose the lynching of African Americans by Southern white conservatives.

Starting in the 1930's, Democrats started introducing programs to improve the economic conditions of African Americans- including FDR's executive order desegregating the war industry- which was a huge boost for African American prosperity.

But the real sea change started happening in 1960- when Kennedy invited the wife of Rev. King to the White House when King was arrested.

Then in 1963, Kennedy proposed what would become the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Pushed through Congress by LBJ, with bipartisan support from all Northern Senators and Congressman- and opposed by virtually every Southern Senator and Congressman- what was the Republican response?

To nominate for President the most prominent non-Southern Senator to oppose the 1964 Civil Rights Act- Barry Goldwater.

The Republicans went on to nominate two more Presidents who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act-
Ronald Reagan and
George Bush.

For the last 20 years Republicans have been siding with the Confederacy- opposing efforts to remove the Confederate flag, opposing efforts to remove monuments honoring the Confederacy......

And that history.
....... the greatest President of the twentieth century .....

If that is how you consider a POS who threw innocent American citizens into concentration camps, that speaks volumes about your moral compass.
... He lead this nation and the free world to victory against Fascism. ......

He never fired a shot during the war (a war he had sworn up and down we would never enter, btw).

Wow- you mean a President of the United States didn't fire a shot in a war we were in?


But good way to dance away from the fact that FDR did indeed lead the United States to victory in WW2 against Fascism.
The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Yes Robert E. Lee was a Democrat, the Republicans have always been the civil Was General Robert E. Lee a democrat or republican

Two things:

A) that link is crap- it is merely one unsubstantiated opinion.
B) Robert E. Lee did not fight as a Democrat- the Democratic Party did not exist in the Confederacy.

I can't find any record that Robert E. Lee ever voted Democrat.

Can you?

See, you're only proving that you are a poor ignorant Public School victim. You don't even know the history of the Party you worship. Maybe read up on it sometime. Just a suggestion anyway.
He lead this nation out of the greatest fiscal tragedy in our history. ....

No, he didn't. He prolonged the Great Depression. The end of WWII brought the US out of it.
Actually that's not true. By 1937 the GDP am due National industrial output were restored to 1929 levels. Then Roosevelt took his foot off the gas and we slipped into a recession. In 1940, a year before we entered WWII, we had a labor shortage.
..... They've only been indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive Democrat fantasy. ......

This is flatly untrue.

How so? Have you talked to an average Public School victim lately?

I teach History in a public school, big mouth. No one has EVER so much as suggested that I promote any political agenda in my classroom.

I haven't suggested that either. Guilty conscience?
....... the greatest President of the twentieth century .....

If that is how you consider a POS who threw innocent American citizens into concentration camps, that speaks volumes about your moral compass.

FDR was a great President- and also made one of the greatest mistakes in modern American history. Great Presidents can make great mistakes- Lincoln certainly did.

I am glad to condemn FDR for the tragedy of the Japanese internment camps- and applaud him for his leadership in WW2 and in the Great Depression.
... He lead this nation and the free world to victory against Fascism. ......

He never fired a shot during the war (a war he had sworn up and down we would never enter, btw).

Wow- you mean a President of the United States didn't fire a shot in a war we were in?


But good way to dance away from the fact that FDR did indeed lead the United States to victory in WW2 against Fascism.

He did nothing, in following the advice of military experts, that anyone in his position might have. What someone in his position with the slightest bit of loyalty, patriotism, or moral fiber would have done is NOT build concentration camps for American citizens or send a shipload of Jews back to the waiting arms of the fascist Hitler, for example.
The man put people into concentration camps simply based upon their race.
He allowed blacks to be segregated from everything whites were allowed to do.
He kept people from immigrating into America just because of their race.

Time to tear down this statue of FDR.

View attachment 143963

Since we are going there, let's piss off Luthrens to bad say that any statue of Martin Luther needs to be tore down and that anyone who celebrates reformation day (that means you christians) is an anti-semite and bigot. After all, he did advocate sacking Jews homes and he did say that (Jews) were daemons in the form of men. Okay that's mine. Who's next?
....... the greatest President of the twentieth century .....

If that is how you consider a POS who threw innocent American citizens into concentration camps, that speaks volumes about your moral compass.

FDR was a great President- ......

He was a cheat, a liar, a scumbag and a fool. He cheated on his wife, lied about his intentions regarding our entry into the war, violated the rights of Americans in the worst possible way, and prolonged a catastrophic global depression through his egotistical blundering.
..... They've only been indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive Democrat fantasy. ......

This is flatly untrue.

How so? Have you talked to an average Public School victim lately?

I teach History in a public school, big mouth. No one has EVER so much as suggested that I promote any political agenda in my classroom.

I haven't suggested that either. Guilty conscience?

Spin much?
... He lead this nation and the free world to victory against Fascism. ......

He never fired a shot during the war (a war he had sworn up and down we would never enter, btw).

Wow- you mean a President of the United States didn't fire a shot in a war we were in?


But good way to dance away from the fact that FDR did indeed lead the United States to victory in WW2 against Fascism.

He did nothing, in following the advice of military experts, that anyone in his position might have. What someone in his position with the slightest bit of loyalty, patriotism, or moral fiber would have done is NOT build concentration camps for American citizens or send a shipload of Jews back to the waiting arms of the fascist Hitler, for example.
Maybe he should have shown his patriotism and compassion by building a wall and deporting high school kids who want to go to college.
He lead this nation out of the greatest fiscal tragedy in our history. ....

No, he didn't. He prolonged the Great Depression. The end of WWII brought the US out of it.
Actually that's not true. By 1937 the GDP am due National industrial output were restored to 1929 levels. Then Roosevelt took his foot off the gas and we slipped into a recession. In 1940, a year before we entered WWII, we had a labor shortage.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

The Great Depression Was Ended by the End of World War II, Not the Start of It

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