Why Is This Statue Still Standing?

The man put people into concentration camps simply based upon their race.
He allowed blacks to be segregated from everything whites were allowed to do.
He kept people from immigrating into America just because of their race.

Another contard fail.

FDR wasn't a traitor to the United States- and never fought against the United States.

And far from keeping blacks segregated from 'everything whites were allowed to do'- integrated the war industry in WW2

Executive Order 8802 - Wikipedia
KKK never fought against the US.

Your post is an epic fail.
Lee fought against America. Who brought up the KKK?
So only people fighting again government count?

MLK openly fought against the government, Dufus.
Only traitors fighting against America. Lee is as much a traitor as Benedict Arnold.
LOL, according to your flawed reasoning the American Revolutionaries were "traitors" too ....

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness"

Ring any bells? Or don't you recognize the parallels between the American Revolutionaries fighting a war of separation from Britain and Robert E. Lee fighting a war of separation from the United States?

Let me give you a hint: both the American Revolutionaries and the Southern Confederates believed that the government they were living under was unjust, you can argue the merits of the reasons but to label one group as "traitors" and not the other is just ignorant, not to mention is an attempt to invalidate the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence.
Pretty much 85% of our statues and memorials should be torn down.
What gets me about all this is why its suddenly a big deal..

It is necessary that we become a society where there are no statues, no monuments, no flags or commemoration of anything. Only then will no one be offended, well, we can put up mirrors where the monuments used to be so people can only see the true reflection of society. ;) It can be a monument to themselves.
The man put people into concentration camps simply based upon their race.
He allowed blacks to be segregated from everything whites were allowed to do.
He kept people from immigrating into America just because of their race.

Time to tear down this statue of FDR.

View attachment 143963

stop repeating Donald trump's idiocy
Just say all lives matter in a room full of Democrats and then you'll see racist idiocy.

Because of course saying that Veterans Lives matter- means that we only care about Veterans......
Just the latest Democrat incitement of violent division. Carrying on Obama's work. This 'Monument' issue was never a major issue. Now all of a sudden it's a major issue, worthy of hysterical chaos. The 'most important issue facing America.' It's all Democrat-contrived incitement. Democrats desperately want their 'Race War.' Just follow the money, and you'll find that George Soros-funded groups are behind this manufactured 'crisis.'

I'm amazed so many Americans are still falling for the same old Democrat-manufactured B.S. But oh well, i guess it's all part of the NWO Globalist plan. They're employing the old 'Divide & Conquer' strategy to destroy the country. They've already been very successful with it in Western Europe. They're just carrying the plan over here to the US now. Hopefully enough Americans are aware of what's going on, and stand up. But i guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
They said it was flags. Then it's monuments. Then it's names. It just keeps going because the left fights shadows.

Yes, they're attempting to marginalize and eliminate Nationalism. They're doing what they've done in Western Europe. Anyone who's a Nationalist, is immediately deemed a 'Nazi.' They want their Globalist New World Order. And the Nationalists are the only ones standing in the way. Therefore, they must be eliminated.

Make no mistake about it, this stuff doesn't 'just happen.' This latest 'crisis' is a completely manufactured scam. It was all well-planned. Like i said, just follow the money. It will lead to Soros-funded groups. Bet on that.
The man put people into concentration camps simply based upon their race.
He allowed blacks to be segregated from everything whites were allowed to do.
He kept people from immigrating into America just because of their race.

Time to tear down this statue of FDR.

View attachment 143963

stop repeating Donald trump's idiocy
Just say all lives matter in a room full of Democrats and then you'll see racist idiocy.

Because of course saying that Veterans Lives matter- means that we only care about Veterans......
$5 for every Democrat mocking All Lives Matter too?

I'm gonna be rich!
Another contard fail.

FDR wasn't a traitor to the United States- and never fought against the United States.

And far from keeping blacks segregated from 'everything whites were allowed to do'- integrated the war industry in WW2

Executive Order 8802 - Wikipedia
KKK never fought against the US.

Your post is an epic fail.
Lee fought against America. Who brought up the KKK?
So only people fighting again government count?

MLK openly fought against the government, Dufus.
Only traitors fighting against America. Lee is as much a traitor as Benedict Arnold.
LOL, according to your flawed reasoning the American Revolutionaries were "traitors" too .....

George Washington and the rest were certainly traitors to Great Britain- and heroes to the United States.

And yes- I can see why you would consider Robert E. Lee a hero- if you consider the Confederate States to be your country. But to the United States- he was yes- a traitor- who led troops against the United States Army- and killed U.S. soldiers.
The man put people into concentration camps simply based upon their race.
He allowed blacks to be segregated from everything whites were allowed to do.
He kept people from immigrating into America just because of their race.

Time to tear down this statue of FDR.

View attachment 143963

stop repeating Donald trump's idiocy
Just say all lives matter in a room full of Democrats and then you'll see racist idiocy.

Because of course saying that Veterans Lives matter- means that we only care about Veterans......
$5 for every Democrat mocking All Lives Matter too?

I'm gonna be rich!
Well you believe all sorts of crazy shit. So believe that too.

Because of course saying that Veterans Lives matter- means that we only care about Veterans....
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.

And they were for the most part traitors that were re-admitted to citizenship once the war was over. That's how civil wars usually end. Part of the healing process was to allow them to honor their dead, both the soldiers and the cause. Now for some reason a statue of some dude with a rifled musket is too much for some pansy snowflakes to bear.
The memorials were, in large part, erected in the era of Jim Crow laws and repression of African Americans. Therefore it can be argued that these memorials were intended as symbols of repressi N.

What are memorials supposed to do? Inspire, honor, inculcate history. I ask: what is inspirational about the treason of confederates? Is it proper Tom honor their treason? Are these memorials inculcating a false history, a history of noble aspirations?
I'd just leave the statues standing as a reminder to all that some things we do just don't make any sense.
Lee fought against America. Who brought up the KKK?
So only people fighting again government count?

MLK openly fought against the government, Dufus.
Only traitors fighting against America.

Tell me something. Did you drink a big glass of Liquid Drano this morning to make yourself this stupid?
Dufus has no clue that thousands of Civil Rights people were arrested for defying the government.
For defying the unconstitutional Jim Crow laws.

Jesus, you really are one stupid bigoted retard.

And at no time did the CSA ever attempt to overthrow the American government, Dufus.

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
KKK never fought against the US.

Your post is an epic fail.
Lee fought against America. Who brought up the KKK?
So only people fighting again government count?

MLK openly fought against the government, Dufus.
Only traitors fighting against America. Lee is as much a traitor as Benedict Arnold.
LOL, according to your flawed reasoning the American Revolutionaries were "traitors" too .....

George Washington and the rest were certainly traitors to Great Britain- and heroes to the United States.

And yes- I can see why you would consider Robert E. Lee a hero- if you consider the Confederate States to be your country. But to the United States- he was yes- a traitor- who led troops against the United States Army- and killed U.S. soldiers.
And Obamas pal murdered Americans too, yet he got invited to the White House and was given a job at a university to teach young minds
So only people fighting again government count?

MLK openly fought against the government, Dufus.
Only traitors fighting against America.

Tell me something. Did you drink a big glass of Liquid Drano this morning to make yourself this stupid?
Dufus has no clue that thousands of Civil Rights people were arrested for defying the government.
For defying the unconstitutional Jim Crow laws.

Jesus, you really are one stupid bigoted retard.

And at no time did the CSA ever attempt to overthrow the American government, Dufus.

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.
Only traitors fighting against America.

Tell me something. Did you drink a big glass of Liquid Drano this morning to make yourself this stupid?
Dufus has no clue that thousands of Civil Rights people were arrested for defying the government.
For defying the unconstitutional Jim Crow laws.

Jesus, you really are one stupid bigoted retard.

And at no time did the CSA ever attempt to overthrow the American government, Dufus.

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it.

They're not taught truth & reality. They're only indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive fantasies. From early childhood they're dumped into Public School Madrasas, which are only designed to create future loyal Democrat Zombies. Parents should avoid sending their children into that hell, at all costs.
Dufus has no clue that thousands of Civil Rights people were arrested for defying the government.
For defying the unconstitutional Jim Crow laws.

Jesus, you really are one stupid bigoted retard.

And at no time did the CSA ever attempt to overthrow the American government, Dufus.

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?

.... From early childhood they're dumped into Public School Madrasas, which are only designed to create future loyal Democrat Zombies. ......

Don't be ridiculous.

That's all our Public School System is about now. It's all about the indoctrination. They're not being taught truth & reality. They're only being taught Communist/Progressive fantasy. Most Public School victims don't even know that the Republican Party was promoting Civil Rights, while the Democrats were still lynching African Americans. They're completely ignorant of actual history. Parents these days should seriously consider choosing education alternatives. I strongly recommend Home Schooling.
Only traitors fighting against America.

Tell me something. Did you drink a big glass of Liquid Drano this morning to make yourself this stupid?
Dufus has no clue that thousands of Civil Rights people were arrested for defying the government.
For defying the unconstitutional Jim Crow laws.

Jesus, you really are one stupid bigoted retard.

And at no time did the CSA ever attempt to overthrow the American government, Dufus.

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

You are the icon of contard group think

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil

And you applaud that.
.... From early childhood they're dumped into Public School Madrasas, which are only designed to create future loyal Democrat Zombies. ......

Don't be ridiculous.
Ask any 10 year old about global warming.
Then ask who are the bad guys with global warming.

Ok, I did (9, close enough). He had no idea on either count. All I got was "It's bad to leave your trash around." I couldn't argue with him.
Dufus has no clue that thousands of Civil Rights people were arrested for defying the government.
For defying the unconstitutional Jim Crow laws.

Jesus, you really are one stupid bigoted retard.

And at no time did the CSA ever attempt to overthrow the American government, Dufus.

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

You are the icon of contard group think

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil

And you applaud that.
Not only insane but you're delusional as well.

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