Why Is This Statue Still Standing?

Remove that bust of Martin Luther King Jr from out of the Whitehouse.

As an interesting sideline to Black slave owners in the South of the USA, is that there were also an estimated 65,000 Southern blacks in the Confederate military, including over 13,000 who fought against the North in battle.[40]

A well-known and favourably reviewed novel, The Known World, by Black author Edward P. Jones, has tackled the issue of Black-owned slaves, much to the surprise of those readers who had never heard of Black slave owners.[41] However, the interesting story of Blacks who owned slaves is largely ignored by the media and educators. Black slave owners in the United States
And they were for the most part traitors that were re-admitted to citizenship once the war was over. That's how civil wars usually end. Part of the healing process was to allow them to honor their dead, both the soldiers and the cause. Now for some reason a statue of some dude with a rifled musket is too much for some pansy snowflakes to bear.
The memorials were, in large part, erected in the era of Jim Crow laws and repression of African Americans. Therefore it can be argued that these memorials were intended as symbols of repressi N.

What are memorials supposed to do? Inspire, honor, inculcate history. I ask: what is inspirational about the treason of confederates? Is it proper Tom honor their treason? Are these memorials inculcating a false history, a history of noble aspirations?

They were raised at the time when all the guys who fought in the war were dying off, which is what triggered most of these being built, especially the ones to unknown and unnamed soldiers.

The only one I know of that was a direct reference to the Redeemer period, and which you would have a case, is the Battle of Liberty Place Monument.

Battle of Liberty Place Monument - Wikipedia

That the only one I can understand as "gotta go"
They were raised at the time when all the guys who fought in the war were dying off, which is what triggered most of these being built, especially the ones to unknown and unnamed soldiers.
Bullshit! 80% of those monuments "honoring" the traitorous scum of the Civil War sprung up between 1895 and 1965 which was a reaction to the end of Reconstruction and then the civil rights movement. The erection of those works was nothing more than a petty act of defiance during the Jim Crow era, your rewrite of that period notwithstanding.

Reconstruction ended in 1876, most redeemer crap was over by 1880.

Again I gave an example of a "bad" memorial, however the rest fall in the time period of the dying off of the last of the veterans from the time period, i.e. early 1900's.
Get someone to explain my post to you.

Jim Crow was LONG from being over. If 80% of those "monuments" were built in the 70 years between 1895 & 1965, then only 20% were erected in the 30 years before and the 50 + years afterwards, or 80 + years. That would mean that 80% were built after Reconstruction and during the Jim Crow era, doesn't it? What did I write?

The point is it boiled down to an act of defiance and in all cases honoring traitors to the United States. Put as much lipstick on that porker that you wish, but the fact remains it's still a damn PIG!

You just glossed over the fact that most of these were built in the time period when all the people involved were dying off. When were most Union memorials put up?

And you can take your condescending opening line and shove it up your open for business ass.
... Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.

Yes. An attempt to amplify the wrongs Roosevelt did in an effort to cast him as a traitor, a villain.

"Amplify"? Does throwing innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps need any amplification to reach the level of villainy for you?
I'm not forgiving FDR for internment camps. Neither am I about to use that issue to forget the good he did. A myopic view of history distorts history.
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
you ok with what he did to the Japanese American citizens?...
In the hindsight of history, no. But I also understand the myriad of reasons to celebrate Franklin Roosevelt.
as it is with the guys who have monuments in DC.....but yet apparently some are calling for some of them to come down....
Which D.C. Monuments should come down?
the Jefferson Memorial was one and i heard there was another but not sure which one...
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
you ok with what he did to the Japanese American citizens?...
In the hindsight of history, no. But I also understand the myriad of reasons to celebrate Franklin Roosevelt.
as it is with the guys who have monuments in DC.....but yet apparently some are calling for some of them to come down....
Which D.C. Monuments should come down?
the Jefferson Memorial was one and i heard there was another but not sure which one...
And should the Jefferson Memorial come down?
... Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.

Yes. An attempt to amplify the wrongs Roosevelt did in an effort to cast him as a traitor, a villain.

"Amplify"? Does throwing innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps need any amplification to reach the level of villainy for you?
I'm not forgiving FDR for internment camps. Neither am I about to use that issue to forget the good he did. A myopic view of history distorts history.

Do you apply that standard to everyone? And exactly what did fdr do that tips the scales more than throwing over one hundred thousand innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps?
The man put people into concentration camps simply based upon their race.
He allowed blacks to be segregated from everything whites were allowed to do.
He kept people from immigrating into America just because of their race.

Time to tear down this statue of FDR.

View attachment 143963
Can you point out when he was a leader in an armed rebellion against the United States? I missed that particular history lesson.
In many cases the Civil Rights movement was a violent movement against the government.
you ok with what he did to the Japanese American citizens?...
In the hindsight of history, no. But I also understand the myriad of reasons to celebrate Franklin Roosevelt.
as it is with the guys who have monuments in DC.....but yet apparently some are calling for some of them to come down....
Which D.C. Monuments should come down?
the Jefferson Memorial was one and i heard there was another but not sure which one...
And should the Jefferson Memorial come down?
hell no.....
FDR did the best he could and so did Obama. How would YOU have managed?
Not being around FDR I'm not as well versed. But I have lived through Obama and Obama did EVERYTHING to tear apart our country!
One only needs to read these quotes and see Obama was a destructor not a builder!
View attachment 143965

FDR was a piece of shit. Would have been better off had he died earlier.

an intriguing topic------lets us NAME the people who SHOULD HAVE DIED EARILIER----
or----even better---dropped out of the wombs of their mothers ----before viable.

for starters
Genghis Khan -------

please continue the list, beloved, fellows of cyber space
The man put people into concentration camps simply based upon their race.
He allowed blacks to be segregated from everything whites were allowed to do.
He kept people from immigrating into America just because of their race.

Time to tear down this statue of FDR.

View attachment 143963

stop repeating Donald trump's idiocy
Just say all lives matter in a room full of Democrats and then you'll see racist idiocy.
... Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.

Yes. An attempt to amplify the wrongs Roosevelt did in an effort to cast him as a traitor, a villain.

"Amplify"? Does throwing innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps need any amplification to reach the level of villainy for you?
I'm not forgiving FDR for internment camps. Neither am I about to use that issue to forget the good he did. A myopic view of history distorts history.

Do you apply that standard to everyone? And exactly what did fdr do that tips the scales more than throwing over one hundred thousand innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps?

the internment camps were nothing like that which are known as "concentration camps"----ie
the Nazi constructs of your utopia. From age zero to four----I lived in the left over military
housing that had been constructed during world war II. My dad had a right as a veteran-----
it was primitive but not all that bad at all------it was the same life-style imposed on the Chinese

Yes. An attempt to amplify the wrongs Roosevelt did in an effort to cast him as a traitor, a villain.

"Amplify"? Does throwing innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps need any amplification to reach the level of villainy for you?
I'm not forgiving FDR for internment camps. Neither am I about to use that issue to forget the good he did. A myopic view of history distorts history.

Do you apply that standard to everyone? And exactly what did fdr do that tips the scales more than throwing over one hundred thousand innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps?

the internment camps were nothing like that which are known as "concentration camps"----ie
the Nazi constructs of your utopia. From age zero to four----I lived in the left over military
housing that had been constructed during world war II. My dad had a right as a veteran-----
it was primitive but not all that bad at all------it was the same life-style imposed on the Chinese
So because Japanese were not put into gas chambers we should overlook the racism of FDR?
Yes. An attempt to amplify the wrongs Roosevelt did in an effort to cast him as a traitor, a villain.

"Amplify"? Does throwing innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps need any amplification to reach the level of villainy for you?
I'm not forgiving FDR for internment camps. Neither am I about to use that issue to forget the good he did. A myopic view of history distorts history.

Do you apply that standard to everyone? And exactly what did fdr do that tips the scales more than throwing over one hundred thousand innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps?

the internment camps were nothing like that which are known as "concentration camps"----ie
the Nazi constructs of your utopia. From age zero to four----I lived in the left over military
housing that had been constructed during world war II. My dad had a right as a veteran-----
it was primitive but not all that bad at all------it was the same life-style imposed on the Chinese
So because Japanese were not put into gas chambers we should overlook the racism of FDR?

we should consider it in context and realistically. No doubt he was racist, ----so was George
Washington. Our heroes ---"did it" to lots of people-----Native americans, Negroes, ----
this and that protestant sect, Catholics---esp IRISH, Jews, Chinese, etc etc. ----all "more
or less" consider the degree and the context ------ I still believe that George admitted that HE chopped down the cherry tree. The answer is to RECOGNIZE it realistically
"Amplify"? Does throwing innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps need any amplification to reach the level of villainy for you?
I'm not forgiving FDR for internment camps. Neither am I about to use that issue to forget the good he did. A myopic view of history distorts history.

Do you apply that standard to everyone? And exactly what did fdr do that tips the scales more than throwing over one hundred thousand innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps?

the internment camps were nothing like that which are known as "concentration camps"----ie
the Nazi constructs of your utopia. From age zero to four----I lived in the left over military
housing that had been constructed during world war II. My dad had a right as a veteran-----
it was primitive but not all that bad at all------it was the same life-style imposed on the Chinese
So because Japanese were not put into gas chambers we should overlook the racism of FDR?

we should consider it in context and realistically. No doubt he was racist, ----so was George
Washington. Our heroes ---"did it" to lots of people-----Native americans, Negroes, ----
this and that protestant sect, Catholics---esp IRISH, Jews, Chinese, etc etc. ----all "more
or less" consider the degree and the context ------ I still believe that George admitted that HE chopped down the cherry tree. The answer is to RECOGNIZE it realistically
Yeah, so why would a statue of Lee be removed from a university he founded?

Answer: the left are insane.
Yes. An attempt to amplify the wrongs Roosevelt did in an effort to cast him as a traitor, a villain.

"Amplify"? Does throwing innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps need any amplification to reach the level of villainy for you?
I'm not forgiving FDR for internment camps. Neither am I about to use that issue to forget the good he did. A myopic view of history distorts history.

Do you apply that standard to everyone? And exactly what did fdr do that tips the scales more than throwing over one hundred thousand innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps?

the internment camps were nothing like that which are known as "concentration camps"----ie
the Nazi constructs of your utopia. From age zero to four----I lived in the left over military
housing that had been constructed during world war II. My dad had a right as a veteran-----
it was primitive but not all that bad at all------it was the same life-style imposed on the Chinese

They were "concentration camps." That's what the SOB fdr called them and that is what - factually - they were. They were not Nazi death camps, but I hope that is not your standard of acceptability for the United States. And the victims in fdr's concentration camps were Japanese (mostly American citizens) not Chinese, professor.

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