Why Is This Statue Still Standing?

A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
you ok with what he did to the Japanese American citizens?...
The Taliban go around destroying statues they don't like too.

The left and the Taliban are identical.

After 1,700 years, Buddhas fall to Taliban dynamite

A mere superficial-----but INTRIGUING-----similarity
Everyone in history did their best for their people in their own eyes. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Mao etc etc. They all had visions of leading their nations to greatness and felt they were doing the right thing.
You won the internets. I would go further and say most don't even know why they are pissed, just that they are.

I would go so far as to say they're not so much angry as drunk with power ... which can superficially mimic anger.


You are on a roll. Soon it will be political opposition getting chopped to bits in the streets and rape gangs running all over. But sadly, I'm thinking it's going to get worse.
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.

And they were for the most part traitors that were re-admitted to citizenship once the war was over. That's how civil wars usually end. Part of the healing process was to allow them to honor their dead, both the soldiers and the cause. Now for some reason a statue of some dude with a rifled musket is too much for some pansy snowflakes to bear.
The memorials were, in large part, erected in the era of Jim Crow laws and repression of African Americans. Therefore it can be argued that these memorials were intended as symbols of repressi N.

What are memorials supposed to do? Inspire, honor, inculcate history. I ask: what is inspirational about the treason of confederates? Is it proper Tom honor their treason? Are these memorials inculcating a false history, a history of noble aspirations?

Both sides of the argument HAVE a constitutional RIGHT to express...i.e. the White Supremacists as well as ANTIFA! But both groups' rights extend only as far as my nose!
And that is the problem with this discussion.
THE MSM is taking sides! They completely ignored that ANTIFA started the violence by NOT getting a permit as the legal protesters had i.e. a permit to protest.
But the MSM hasn't presented that side. That's because they are biased!
The man put people into concentration camps simply based upon their race.
He allowed blacks to be segregated from everything whites were allowed to do.
He kept people from immigrating into America just because of their race.

Time to tear down this statue of FDR.

View attachment 143963

And the capital building in Sacremento as well as any structure build in the 1800's Back to when the Spanis occupied the west coast as all those buildings were built utilizing unpaied labor (slaves) from the population of local Indians. Hate to do it, but I'll quote Trump and ask, where does it stop ? And how will the left handle it when the shoe is on the other foot?
Then the California missions must be demolished. They are symbols of slavery and Christian oppression. Not only that, but they still have services. They are state park property that regularly holds religious services. Separation of church and state anyone.

The missions must go.

Holley shit, the Spanish were mission building motherfuckers too, they are all over from Texas up to the border with Canada. Yup, lots of work to do. Wonder how Texas will feel when BLM shutter the Alamo!
You are on a roll. Soon it will be political opposition getting chopped to bits in the streets and rape gangs running all over.

It's happened before ...


The left has to remember that during and after the Reign of Terror, those implementing it went to the Guillotine just as easily as those they were trying to eradicate.

Just ask Robspierre.
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
So it's ok to pick and choose our first amendment rights - as long as they conform to your marxist liberal agenda. I see.
You have a first amendment right to speak. You do not have a first amendment right to be heard.
The man put people into concentration camps simply based upon their race.
He allowed blacks to be segregated from everything whites were allowed to do.
He kept people from immigrating into America just because of their race.

Time to tear down this statue of FDR.

View attachment 143963

And the capital building in Sacremento as well as any structure build in the 1800's Back to when the Spanis occupied the west coast as all those buildings were built utilizing unpaied labor (slaves) from the population of local Indians. Hate to do it, but I'll quote Trump and ask, where does it stop ? And how will the left handle it when the shoe is on the other foot?
Then the California missions must be demolished. They are symbols of slavery and Christian oppression. Not only that, but they still have services. They are state park property that regularly holds religious services. Separation of church and state anyone.

The missions must go.

Holley shit, the Spanish were mission building motherfuckers too, they are all over from Texas up to the border with Canada. Yup, lots of work to do. Wonder how Texas will feel when BLM shutter the Alamo!
Railroads were built upon the backs of Chinese laborers who were then denied citizenship.
FDR did the best he could and so did Obama. How would YOU have managed?
Not being around FDR I'm not as well versed. But I have lived through Obama and Obama did EVERYTHING to tear apart our country!
One only needs to read these quotes and see Obama was a destroyer not a builder!
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A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
It very well be that a hundred years from now everyone will be vegetarian and look upon meat eaters the same way we do slave owners from the past. They justified in destroying the Obama library because he ate a dog?
What point are you so desperately stretching for there, spaceman?
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
So it's ok to pick and choose our first amendment rights - as long as they conform to your marxist liberal agenda. I see.
You have a first amendment right to speak. You do not have a first amendment right to be heard.
Are you stupid?
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
you ok with what he did to the Japanese American citizens?...
In the hindsight of history, no. But I also understand the myriad of reasons to celebrate Franklin Roosevelt.
The man put people into concentration camps simply based upon their race.
He allowed blacks to be segregated from everything whites were allowed to do.
He kept people from immigrating into America just because of their race.

Time to tear down this statue of FDR.

View attachment 143963
I do not know why nobody cannot see what they are trying to do. First they are trying to have the people to remove all memorabilia of confederate regime because of slavery. Then they will ease on down to Thomas Jefferson, a slave owner and the author of the Declaration of Independence . And which He and George Washington had own slaves. And guess what? They were apart of the authorship/signing of the constitution. That is what they are leading up to. And that is to remove the constitution or change it, because of them being slave owners, that will be their excuse to change it.



FDR did the best he could and so did Obama. How would YOU have managed?
David Duke did the best he could too.

David Duke -----as you comment----is very likely -----a "congenital" Nazi dog. Lots of
US people (ie "americans") are
"LOTS"????? Once again ignorance leads to exaggeration which leads to opinions which leads to actions.
Based on your "statement" Lots"...are NAZIs is exemplary of the low mentality of a "FEW" people like you!

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