Why Is This Statue Still Standing?

A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
So it's ok to pick and choose our first amendment rights - as long as they conform to your marxist liberal agenda. I see.
You have a first amendment right to speak. You do not have a first amendment right to be heard.
Are you stupid?
Are you?
You are on a roll. Soon it will be political opposition getting chopped to bits in the streets and rape gangs running all over.

It's happened before ...


The left has to remember that during and after the Reign of Terror, those implementing it went to the Guillotine just as easily as those they were trying to eradicate.

Just ask Robspierre.

Yup, the mob is an evil that feeds on its self when it gets going.
Pretty much 85% of our statues and memorials should be torn down.
What gets me about all this is why its suddenly a big deal..
It's a big deal because conservatives have started killing people over it.
Actually the violence started by ANTIFA but you won't admit that and the MSM are accomplices in this also.
BOTH sides did violence. NO question.
But the ANTIFA crowd started the feces, throwing, the balloons filled with urine, the pushing and clubbing.
Here look at this video IF you are an open-minded person like Trump is when he said BOTH SIDES!! Both SIDES. Involved in violent actions.
Pretty much 85% of our statues and memorials should be torn down.
What gets me about all this is why its suddenly a big deal..
It's a big deal because conservatives have started killing people over it.

Okay you are a blatant liar. So far crazy left wing democrats lead in mass shootings if you want to go there. People like you are why we are in this situation. For you, blacks have only been warm bodies for the ballot box, and the Mexicans? 20 buck lawn care. Nothing more. Hope you get over your white guilt. Stop acting like you did not jizz in your pants when you heard about a dead white woman. Your dreams of a mass killer not being a democrat finally came true.
What the hell is wrong with some of you? Tear down our historical monuments. That is our history, like it or not it is still our history and taking down monuments will not change any of it. Or is becoming more like ISIS the real goal.
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
you ok with what he did to the Japanese American citizens?...
In the hindsight of history, no. But I also understand the myriad of reasons to celebrate Franklin Roosevelt.
as it is with the guys who have monuments in DC.....but yet apparently some are calling for some of them to come down....
Pretty much 85% of our statues and memorials should be torn down.
What gets me about all this is why its suddenly a big deal..
It's a big deal because conservatives have started killing people over it.

Okay you are a blatant liar. So far crazy left wing democrats lead in mass shootings if you want to go there. People like you are why we are in this situation. For you, blacks have only been warm bodies for the ballot box, and the Mexicans? 20 buck lawn care. Nothing more. Hope you get over your white guilt. Stop acting like you did not jizz in your pants when you heard about a dead white woman. Your dreams of a mass killer not being a democrat finally came true.
Remember the lib who asked who will clean our toilets when talking about the border wall?
FDR did the best he could and so did Obama. How would YOU have managed?
Not being around FDR I'm not as well versed. But I have lived through Obama and Obama did EVERYTHING to tear apart our country!
One only needs to read these quotes and see Obama was a destructor not a builder!
View attachment 143965

FDR was a piece of shit. Would have been better off had he died earlier.
Pretty much 85% of our statues and memorials should be torn down.
What gets me about all this is why its suddenly a big deal..
It's a big deal because conservatives have started killing people over it.
Such disingenuous bullshit. Go find another.

Funny how you never take your rightwing nut pals to task for far worse.

So far only you have come out in support of cop killers. Hope BLM never comes to where you live.
Pretty much 85% of our statues and memorials should be torn down.
What gets me about all this is why its suddenly a big deal..
It's a big deal because conservatives have started killing people over it.
Such disingenuous bullshit. Go find another.

Funny how you never take your rightwing nut pals to task for far worse.
he takes them to task about as much as you take your leftwing nut pals to task for the violence they do........
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
So it's ok to pick and choose our first amendment rights - as long as they conform to your marxist liberal agenda. I see.

Nothing to do with first amendment rights, you can host all the confederate monuments you want on your own property.
What is next for the Alt Left? Trump was right in saying that those assholes are bat shit crazy.

Yesterday some of the Alt Left Moon Bats were calling for the removal of Tomas Jefferson.

Washington next. Then Hamilton. Just because the Negroes are making money putting on a Broadway play about him doesn't mean he is exempt from Alt Left hate. After all he helped to finance a slave country.

What happens when the Alt Left learns of the extreme racist statements made by Lincoln and that his wife's family owned slaves? That means the Lincoln Memorial gotta go.

The Alt Left will demand that the history of the US be purged entirely up until the Civil Rights movement.

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