Why Is This Statue Still Standing?

A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.

And they were for the most part traitors that were re-admitted to citizenship once the war was over. That's how civil wars usually end. Part of the healing process was to allow them to honor their dead, both the soldiers and the cause. Now for some reason a statue of some dude with a rifled musket is too much for some pansy snowflakes to bear.
The memorials were, in large part, erected in the era of Jim Crow laws and repression of African Americans. Therefore it can be argued that these memorials were intended as symbols of repressi N.

What are memorials supposed to do? Inspire, honor, inculcate history. I ask: what is inspirational about the treason of confederates? Is it proper Tom honor their treason? Are these memorials inculcating a false history, a history of noble aspirations?

What does when they were erected have anything to do about it. Does the KKK hold rallys around them ?
They just did. In Charlottesville.
And at no time did the CSA ever attempt to overthrow the American government, Dufus.

The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Sadly, you're just another Public School victim. The Republican Party was fighting for Civil Rights while the Democrats were still lynching African Americans. You just don't know that because you're an indoctrinated victim.
The liberal Republican Party fought for civil rights while the right wing Democrats opposed them and Christian terrorists were lynching negroes.

Try the WHOLE truth for once, retard.
Some more inconvenient truths:

The racists of old were Southern right wing Christians.

Not just Democrat, though. And not just the south, either.


We're Republicans now.

With the Klan operating primarily within the Republican party...


Hooded Americanism




A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
Californians are traitors then. Yes!
As far as I know the Golden State is still in the union. There are still fifty stars on the American flag flying out on my front yard.
They plan to leave right? That makes them traitors right?
The man put people into concentration camps simply based upon their race.
He allowed blacks to be segregated from everything whites were allowed to do.
He kept people from immigrating into America just because of their race.

Time to tear down this statue of FDR.

View attachment 143963
Don't forget anything Truman related also. He partnered with the KKK to gain political power.
The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Sadly, you're just another Public School victim. The Republican Party was fighting for Civil Rights while the Democrats were still lynching African Americans. You just don't know that because you're an indoctrinated victim.
The liberal Republican Party fought for civil rights while the right wing Democrats opposed them and Christian terrorists were lynching negroes.

Try the WHOLE truth for once, retard.
Ive lived from the George Wallace Robert Byrd days, what year did your imaginary flip occur? And why do Leftist today love using skin color to say who gets jobs and educated?
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Sadly, you're just another Public School victim. The Republican Party was fighting for Civil Rights while the Democrats were still lynching African Americans. You just don't know that because you're an indoctrinated victim.
The liberal Republican Party fought for civil rights while the right wing Democrats opposed them and Christian terrorists were lynching negroes.

Try the WHOLE truth for once, retard.
Ive lived from the George Wallace Robert Byrd days, what year did your imaginary flip occur? And why do Leftist today love using skin color to say who gets jobs and educated?
1958 was the last year the Republicans and Democrats each had an equal balance of liberals and conservatives in their parties.

Southern Democrats were overwhelmingly conservative.

Alive since Wallace days, eh? Then you know who this guy is and why any tard who deliberately leaves out the FACT the civil rights obstructionist Southern Democrats were right wing is a liar by omission:

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Sadly, you're just another Public School victim. The Republican Party was fighting for Civil Rights while the Democrats were still lynching African Americans. You just don't know that because you're an indoctrinated victim.
The liberal Republican Party fought for civil rights while the right wing Democrats opposed them and Christian terrorists were lynching negroes.

Try the WHOLE truth for once, retard.
Ive lived from the George Wallace Robert Byrd days, what year did your imaginary flip occur? And why do Leftist today love using skin color to say who gets jobs and educated?
1958 was the last year the Republicans and Democrats each had an equal balance of liberals and conservatives in their parties.

Southern Democrats were overwhelmingly conservative.

Alive since Wallace days, eh? Then you know who this guy is and why any tard who deliberately leaves out the FACT the civil rights obstructionist Southern Democrats were right wing is a liar by omission:

Answer the question. Dems embraced Wallace thru 1987 and applauded Robert Byrd at his funeral in 2010.

It's self evident Dems are the same.
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
Californians are traitors then. Yes!
As far as I know the Golden State is still in the union. There are still fifty stars on the American flag flying out on my front yard.
They plan to leave right? That makes them traitors right?
I think Californians are loyal Americans, right up until the point they secede.
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.
Californians are traitors then. Yes!
As far as I know the Golden State is still in the union. There are still fifty stars on the American flag flying out on my front yard.
They plan to leave right?
Which one of your propaganda masters told you that?
This latest 'Crisis' is completely manufactured. Now all of a sudden, removing statues is the 'most important issue facing America.'

The Neo-KKK-skinheads are the ones all in a huff about States and local governments, elected governments, who are choosing to remove and rename what they consider symbols of racism. WTF does some asshat in Ohio have to do with what the people of a city in Virginia (or any other city not their own) call their park or what monuments they choose to display?

Maybe General Lee should be retired to in a Civil War museum somewhere.

Manufactured 'Crisis.' Follow the money, i'm sure it will lead to Soros-funded groups. These things don't 'just happen.' Now all of a sudden it's vital we start destroying statues. I'm so so amazed so many Americans continue to buy into such obvious manufactured 'Crisis.' Folks need to stop running with the herd on these scams. They're just being played.
The CSA killed American troops and sailors, and invaded American soil.
You are the icon of leftist education.

CSA never attempted to overthrow the American government.

Sadly, our Public Education System is a miserable catastrophe at this point. Most of these dunces don't even realize that is was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. They have no idea that it was actually the Democratic Party that fought against it..


The Republican Party did indeed fight to free the slaves(though that was not Lincoln's original intention.

The Democratic Party didn't fight to preserve slavery- that was the Confederacy- the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy.

Who works to preserve the Confederate Monuments today?


Sadly, you're just another Public School victim. The Republican Party was fighting for Civil Rights while the Democrats were still lynching African Americans. You just don't know that because you're an indoctrinated victim.
The liberal Republican Party fought for civil rights while the right wing Democrats opposed them and Christian terrorists were lynching negroes.

Try the WHOLE truth for once, retard.

Oh boy, you're the epitome of the poor ignorant Public School victim. You're a lost soul kid. :cuckoo:
A clumsy and stupid attempt to find moral equivalence to men who raised their swords against the United States of America. Men who were, in fact, traitors to this nation.

What a pity that, in addition to desperately needing a lesson in morality, some hammerheads like the OP need a lesson in American history. Ham handed stabs at rewriting it appear all the more ridiculous.

And they were for the most part traitors that were re-admitted to citizenship once the war was over. That's how civil wars usually end. Part of the healing process was to allow them to honor their dead, both the soldiers and the cause. Now for some reason a statue of some dude with a rifled musket is too much for some pansy snowflakes to bear.
The memorials were, in large part, erected in the era of Jim Crow laws and repression of African Americans. Therefore it can be argued that these memorials were intended as symbols of repressi N.

What are memorials supposed to do? Inspire, honor, inculcate history. I ask: what is inspirational about the treason of confederates? Is it proper Tom honor their treason? Are these memorials inculcating a false history, a history of noble aspirations?

What does when they were erected have anything to do about it. Does the KKK hold rallys around them ?
I guess so. They certainly have no qualms about beating the crap out of people who want to dismantle them.

Only when they try to dismantle them.

I doubt that is the KKK.

But, then you have no issues with people vandalizing public property.
Yes. An attempt to amplify the wrongs Roosevelt did in an effort to cast him as a traitor, a villain.

"Amplify"? Does throwing innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps need any amplification to reach the level of villainy for you?
I'm not forgiving FDR for internment camps. Neither am I about to use that issue to forget the good he did. A myopic view of history distorts history.

Do you apply that standard to everyone? And exactly what did fdr do that tips the scales more than throwing over one hundred thousand innocent Americans into fucking concentration camps?
He lead this nation out of the greatest fiscal tragedy in our history. He lead this nation and the free world to victory against Fascism. He provided the sick and the elderly a means of security.

Do we really have to justify the magnanimity of Franklin Roosevelt? Are you drawing a moral equivalence between the greatest President of the twentieth century to men who fought to destroy this nation's n in the nineteenth century?

He prolonged that fiscal tragedy. He didn't lead anyone. Eisenhower did. He burdened our kids kids with a debt they will never repay and they will likely not see what they put in.

We don't need to compare him to the generals.

We need to compare him to Nero.
This latest 'Crisis' is completely manufactured. Now all of a sudden, removing statues is the 'most important issue facing America.'

The Neo-KKK-skinheads are the ones all in a huff about States and local governments, elected governments, who are choosing to remove and rename what they consider symbols of racism. WTF does some asshat in Ohio have to do with what the people of a city in Virginia (or any other city not their own) call their park or what monuments they choose to display?

Maybe General Lee should be retired to in a Civil War museum somewhere.

Manufactured 'Crisis.' Follow the money, i'm sure it will lead to Soros-funded groups. These things don't 'just happen.' Now all of a sudden it's vital we start destroying statues. I'm so so amazed so many Americans continue to buy into such obvious manufactured 'Crisis.' Folks need to stop running with the herd on these scams. They're just being played.

Say, that was a nice pole vault from removing statues from public spaces by duly elected state and local governments to "it's vital we start destroying statues"meme.

If the locals don't want to remove anything and call their park "Stonewall Jackson" that is their choice too.
This latest 'Crisis' is completely manufactured. Now all of a sudden, removing statues is the 'most important issue facing America.'

The Neo-KKK-skinheads are the ones all in a huff about States and local governments, elected governments, who are choosing to remove and rename what they consider symbols of racism. WTF does some asshat in Ohio have to do with what the people of a city in Virginia (or any other city not their own) call their park or what monuments they choose to display?

Maybe General Lee should be retired to in a Civil War museum somewhere.

Manufactured 'Crisis.' Follow the money, i'm sure it will lead to Soros-funded groups. These things don't 'just happen.' Now all of a sudden it's vital we start destroying statues. I'm so so amazed so many Americans continue to buy into such obvious manufactured 'Crisis.' Folks need to stop running with the herd on these scams. They're just being played.

Say, that was a nice pole vault from removing statues from public spaces by duly elected state and local governments to "it's vital we start destroying statues"meme.

If the locals don't want to remove anything and call their park "Stonewall Jackson" that is their choice too.
Is that why the left bussed in protestors?
This latest 'Crisis' is completely manufactured. Now all of a sudden, removing statues is the 'most important issue facing America.'

The Neo-KKK-skinheads are the ones all in a huff about States and local governments, elected governments, who are choosing to remove and rename what they consider symbols of racism. WTF does some asshat in Ohio have to do with what the people of a city in Virginia (or any other city not their own) call their park or what monuments they choose to display?

Maybe General Lee should be retired to in a Civil War museum somewhere.

Manufactured 'Crisis.' Follow the money, i'm sure it will lead to Soros-funded groups. These things don't 'just happen.' Now all of a sudden it's vital we start destroying statues. I'm so so amazed so many Americans continue to buy into such obvious manufactured 'Crisis.' Folks need to stop running with the herd on these scams. They're just being played.

Say, that was a nice pole vault from removing statues from public spaces by duly elected state and local governments to "it's vital we start destroying statues"meme.

If the locals don't want to remove anything and call their park "Stonewall Jackson" that is their choice too.
Is that why the left bussed in protestors?

Stonewall Jackson?
This latest 'Crisis' is completely manufactured. Now all of a sudden, removing statues is the 'most important issue facing America.'

The Neo-KKK-skinheads are the ones all in a huff about States and local governments, elected governments, who are choosing to remove and rename what they consider symbols of racism. WTF does some asshat in Ohio have to do with what the people of a city in Virginia (or any other city not their own) call their park or what monuments they choose to display?

Maybe General Lee should be retired to in a Civil War museum somewhere.

Manufactured 'Crisis.' Follow the money, i'm sure it will lead to Soros-funded groups. These things don't 'just happen.' Now all of a sudden it's vital we start destroying statues. I'm so so amazed so many Americans continue to buy into such obvious manufactured 'Crisis.' Folks need to stop running with the herd on these scams. They're just being played.

Say, that was a nice pole vault from removing statues from public spaces by duly elected state and local governments to "it's vital we start destroying statues"meme.

If the locals don't want to remove anything and call their park "Stonewall Jackson" that is their choice too.

Yes i know, it's absolutely vital we start destroying statues now. Such manufactured hysteria B.S. Like i said, follow the money. It will lead to those who manufactured this latest 'Crisis.' I'm betting they're George Soros-funded groups. Just my feeling anyway.

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