Why Republicans think the Democratic Party is the "Plantation" party

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How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

and this is the subject

not me

they hate your party because you guys are racist
How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

and this is the subject

not me

they hate your party because you guys are racist

no it isnt moron

try again
yep, you would hope black people would notice this and see that for party for what they are...
the unemployment for blacks are out of this world but now Democrats want to legalize MILLIONS OF illegal immigrants to take jobs that are available from them and with unemployment sitting in this country at 7%...but don't forget the crow they care MORE for black people

exactly; the biggest losers when Dems give amnesty to 20 million or so illegals (yes it will be at least that; Dem ideology regarding immigration is FAMILY REUNIFICATION. when they are given amnesty their whole extended families will be eligible to come here eventually) wont be White people; it will be African-Americans

see your racist

The truth is racism is not illegal but many who will seek amnesty do so because they ARE.
Follow the TRUTH.
what the hell is Black American?

are they separate from the rest of us?

you see folks, that's how Democrats views people in this country

they separate us into class, race, etc

homosexuals are now referring to themselves as, gay Americans

then they can play their class warfare on you...this is how Democrats/progressives is tearing down this country

wake up

They prove every single day that this is how they view America:

Little identity groups, all pitted against each other.

No E Pluribus Unum, no melting pot.

And the decay continues.


And I guess you would never do such a thing? Since when?

Quote: Originally Posted by Mac1958
"What has been done by blacks and black families over the last two generations in the name of "caring" is nothing short of a tragedy...."

libs will "help" you to death

and expect you to thank them for it with your vote
I really think its amusing when white people talk about how black people think and feel about politics and society in general.
We know how black people feel and think about as much as blacks know how white people feel and think.

Most whites will follow a model of "What works in the past will work for me."

The same cannot be said of blacks. They follow the democrat model of, "Hey, you're a victim, and if you vote for us, we will give you shit."

There is nothing more cruel than one human being giving crack cocaine to a crack addict and calling that 'help'.

That is how I see those in charge of the Democrat party.

Please stop. The American black community cannot not much longer survive your brand of 'compassion'.
oh and in case you havent noticed moron; the Left has moved on and is now busy pandering to Hispanics; because Hispanics HAVE PASSED BLACKS IN POPULATION.


yep, you would hope black people would notice this and see that for party for what they are...
the unemployment for blacks are out of this world but now Democrats want to legalize MILLIONS OF illegal immigrants to take jobs that are available from them and with unemployment sitting in this country at 7%...but don't forget the crow they care MORE for black people

exactly; the biggest losers when Dems give amnesty to 20 million or so illegals (yes it will be at least that; Dem ideology regarding immigration is FAMILY REUNIFICATION. when they are given amnesty their whole extended families will be eligible to come here eventually) wont be White people; it will be African-Americans

why do you REFUSE to accept that the dem party has black people in VERY high postions of authority?

they help RUN the dem party.

Not true in your mostly white R party huh
I really think its amusing when white people talk about how black people think and feel about politics and society in general.
We know how black people feel and think about as much as blacks know how white people feel and think.

Most whites will follow a model of "What works in the past will work for me."

The same cannot be said of blacks. They follow the democrat model of, "Hey, you're a victim, and if you vote for us, we will give you shit."

There is nothing more cruel than one human being giving crack cocaine to a crack addict and calling that 'help'.

That is how I see those in charge of the Democrat party.

Please stop. The American black community cannot not much longer survive your brand of 'compassion'.

see you have racists in your party
I really think its amusing when white people talk about how black people think and feel about politics and society in general.
We know how black people feel and think about as much as blacks know how white people feel and think.

Most whites will follow a model of "What works in the past will work for me."

The same cannot be said of blacks. They follow the democrat model of, "Hey, you're a victim, and if you vote for us, we will give you shit."

There is nothing more cruel than one human being giving crack cocaine to a crack addict and calling that 'help'.

That is how I see those in charge of the Democrat party.

Please stop. The American black community cannot not much longer survive your brand of 'compassion'.

see you have racists in your party

LEFT-WING MORONS see racism behind every tree
yep, you would hope black people would notice this and see that for party for what they are...
the unemployment for blacks are out of this world but now Democrats want to legalize MILLIONS OF illegal immigrants to take jobs that are available from them and with unemployment sitting in this country at 7%...but don't forget the crow they care MORE for black people

exactly; the biggest losers when Dems give amnesty to 20 million or so illegals (yes it will be at least that; Dem ideology regarding immigration is FAMILY REUNIFICATION. when they are given amnesty their whole extended families will be eligible to come here eventually) wont be White people; it will be African-Americans

why do you REFUSE to accept that the dem party has black people in VERY high postions of authority?

they help RUN the dem party.

Not true in your mostly white R party huh

why do you refuse to accept that Black people had it better when Republicans ran things?
We know how black people feel and think about as much as blacks know how white people feel and think.

Most whites will follow a model of "What works in the past will work for me."

The same cannot be said of blacks. They follow the democrat model of, "Hey, you're a victim, and if you vote for us, we will give you shit."

There is nothing more cruel than one human being giving crack cocaine to a crack addict and calling that 'help'.

That is how I see those in charge of the Democrat party.

Please stop. The American black community cannot not much longer survive your brand of 'compassion'.

see you have racists in your party

LEFT-WING MORONS see racism behind every tree

why do black people refuse to vote republican in such high numbers?
This is rich rdean. Because Herman Cain chose to follow the law and allow other people to protest, he's some "Uncle Tom". No: 99% of black people weren't involved in these protests. Cain was busy studying in college and made that decision for himself. Of course, you white liberals always think you know what's "best" for black people, with your obvious complex of paternalistic superiority over them.
"Democrats have been in Washington, D.C. only because of the Negro vote. They've been down there for years and all the legislation they wanted to bring up they brought up and got it out of the way, and now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last, cause you are a chump (huge applause). A political chump." -- Malcolm X
The quality of life for blacks has become much worse over the last 50 years

are you sure about that?....50 years ago i dont think there were too many blacks making $1,000,000 plus a year like there is now.....
How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

yes blacks voters don't feel welcome in the republican party.

ask them
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