Why Republicans think the Democratic Party is the "Plantation" party

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How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

1. In her book, "Uncle Sam's Plantation," Star Parker recounts her journey from life as a hustler and welfare addict to freedom. The following gives one version of the path to success.

2. 'My first post-welfare job was hardly a dream job. Assigned to a sterile basement room in a huge office building, I had to hand-write the orders called in by salesmen, and send it to the shipping department. Since, the more orders they called in, the more money they made, the salesman talked fast and were rushed. The shippers, union laborers, on the other hand, received the same wage no matter how much work they did, so they talked slowly and made no effort to be efficient.

a. I acted as if it was my own customer, and the order that I was receiving was worth a million dollars to my business. My view was that hard work would open up opportunities to leave welfare behind, and poverty forever.'
I'd like to hear Rand Paul's address to the NAACP. I think it's going to be a seminal moment in American Politics.

"Can the black teenager who faces a staggering unemployment rate feel that government policies are a success? Can the black wage earner who sees more and more of his take-home pay shrinking because of government taxes feel satisfied? Can black parents say, despite a massive influx of Federal aid, that educational standards in our schools have improved appreciably? Can the women I saw on television recently—whose family had been on welfare for three generations and who feared that her children might be the fourth—can she believe that current government policies will save her children from such a fate?

We ask these tough questions, because we share your concerns about the future of the black community. We ask these questions, because the blacks of America should not be patronized as just one more voting bloc to be wooed and won. You are individuals as we all are. Some have special needs. I don't think the Federal Government has met those needs." Reagan NAACP Speech June 29, 1981
"Democrats have been in Washington, D.C. only because of the Negro vote. They've been down there for years and all the legislation they wanted to bring up they brought up and got it out of the way, and now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last, cause you are a chump (huge applause). A political chump." -- Malcolm X
A lot to be said as to thinking and doing for yourself and not relying on some politician that doesn't care about anything but your vote so they can rule over you by giving you a few baubles and trinkets along the way...when you should be responsible enough to provide it yourself. The role of those we elect is to protect your liberty, not run your life.
Well, we have all the proof we need with rdean to know it's the plantation party

He's been chained to it and been their hateful little mouth piece for it, for how long now?

he joined here shortly after his dear leader Obambam was crowned dictator

So, instead of discussing the ideas, you attack the poster and then you bray like an ugly goat when someone flings your shit back at you, what?

Did it ever just once occur to you that, instead of making insulting generalizations about a member to demonize, you could actually debate the topic at hand? Or is that just beyond your abilities? .....

Fact is that for a very long time now, ca. 9 of 10 blacks have been voting Democratic, and not just on the presidential level. To say that a party has enslaved them is just an insult to their intelligence. By saying this kind of stuff, Righties are inferring, or sometimes just plain old insinuating that blacks aren't smart enough to know that they have been "enslaved" by a political party (which is not the case, anyway). And then, to add more injury, Righties grab deep into the bag of Civil War terms like "Plantation" to further assail blacks. And then crazy Righties wonder why in the world blacks won't vote Republican. It would be funny, were it not so sad as well, so see people behaving like this.

But please, by all means, feel free to show your ass, because I'm pretty sure you are gonna do that, anyway.

Stat....this is the way Deans threads go....you think by now you would know this.....when he first joined 5 years ago posters tried to "debate" him....lord knows we tried.....it did not do any good....he is Obsessed with the Republicans.....he has been repeating this shit for 5 years....you can only go so far with someone before he gets treated like a joke....Dean like TM's gets treated with very little respect....they brought it on themselves.....

What has been done to blacks and black families over the last two generations in the name of "caring" is nothing short of a tragedy. Telling children from Day One that someone is out to get them and that they need someone else to somehow make like "fair" for them; lowered standards, the soft bigotry of reduced expectations; further isolation due to identity politics.

Two generations now. Horrible.


lots of the "activists" out here are doing the same thing with the Latinos out here.....
The quality of life for blacks has become much worse over the last 50 years
Yeah, it was a dream in 1964. Little idiots here, little morons...

1. Look who's calling others 'morons.'

The irony is overwhelming.

And, for your sorely needed edification:

2. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived.
Coulter, "Mugged."

3. In fact, black Americans were doing better in individual pursuits than many immigrants. Barone compared their American journey to the Irish: “Both rise smartly in hierarchies (government bureaucracies, the military) but haven't fared as well in free-market commerce.” http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/941114/archive_013670.htm

3. “Like members of outsider groups before and since, this African-American elite considered education to be the key to full citizenship. They also embraced values of character and responsibility….Gains in terms of entrepreneurship, finding a trade, finding a profession, setting down roots, buying property, and feeling they were at last becoming a genuine part of city life. They would refer to ‘color-phobia’ as ‘fast disappearing in our city.’…Peterson's great grandfather owned a pharmacy in a largely Irish neighborhood."
"Black Gotham," by University of Maryland Professor Carla Peterson.
"Democrats have been in Washington, D.C. only because of the Negro vote. They've been down there for years and all the legislation they wanted to bring up they brought up and got it out of the way, and now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last, cause you are a chump (huge applause). A political chump." -- Malcolm X
A lot to be said as to thinking and doing for yourself and not relying on some politician that doesn't care about anything but your vote so they can rule over you by giving you a few baubles and trinkets along the way...when you should be responsible enough to provide it yourself. The role of those we elect is to protect your liberty, not run your life.

That was the speech that made LBJ decide he had to have Malcolm X assassinated
Well, we have all the proof we need with rdean to know it's the plantation party

He's been chained to it and been their hateful little mouth piece for it, for how long now?

he joined here shortly after his dear leader Obambam was crowned dictator

So, instead of discussing the ideas, you attack the poster and then you bray like an ugly goat when someone flings your shit back at you, what?

Did it ever just once occur to you that, instead of making insulting generalizations about a member to demonize, you could actually debate the topic at hand? Or is that just beyond your abilities? .....

Fact is that for a very long time now, ca. 9 of 10 blacks have been voting Democratic, and not just on the presidential level. To say that a party has enslaved them is just an insult to their intelligence. By saying this kind of stuff, Righties are inferring, or sometimes just plain old insinuating that blacks aren't smart enough to know that they have been "enslaved" by a political party (which is not the case, anyway). And then, to add more injury, Righties grab deep into the bag of Civil War terms like "Plantation" to further assail blacks. And then crazy Righties wonder why in the world blacks won't vote Republican. It would be funny, were it not so sad as well, so see people behaving like this.

But please, by all means, feel free to show your ass, because I'm pretty sure you are gonna do that, anyway.

Stat....this is the way Deans threads go....you think by now you would know this.....when he first joined 5 years ago posters tried to "debate" him....lord knows we tried.....it did not do any good....he is Obsessed with the Republicans.....he has been repeating this shit for 5 years....you can only go so far with someone before he gets treated like a joke....Dean like TM's gets treated with very little respect....they brought it on themselves.....

Like Bucs and JosefB, Rdeany claims to have been a Republican at some point in his life.
You have the right to talk about whatever you want but apparently not the skill or empathy to do it without sounding like a hater.

you need to look in a mirror child
You're problem is you can't handle the truth

There's a good example, talking down to people like that is something conservatives just cannot help but do when challenged on their bad attitudes towards the people they want as voters but not as contributors to policy.
that is something both parties do.....often.....
"Democrats have been in Washington, D.C. only because of the Negro vote. They've been down there for years and all the legislation they wanted to bring up they brought up and got it out of the way, and now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last, cause you are a chump (huge applause). A political chump." -- Malcolm X
A lot to be said as to thinking and doing for yourself and not relying on some politician that doesn't care about anything but your vote so they can rule over you by giving you a few baubles and trinkets along the way...when you should be responsible enough to provide it yourself. The role of those we elect is to protect your liberty, not run your life.

"A lot to be said as to thinking and doing for yourself..."

Totally correct....the same for all folks, and has ever been so.

"John Calvin’s and Martin Luther’s emphasis on individual responsibility, hard work, thrift, providence, honesty, and deferred gratification at its center—shaped the spirit of capitalism and helped it succeed…religions chiefly of the middle and working classes, and the virtues they promoted led to a new kind of affluence and upward mobility, based not on land (which was largely owned by the aristocracy) but on productive enterprises. The bourgeois values had helped to sustain Weber’s “rational tempering” of the impulse to accumulate wealth: they helped put the rationality in “rational self-interest,” or, as Tocqueville put it, “self-interest rightly understood.”
Whatever Happened to the Work Ethic? by Steven Malanga, City Journal Summer 2009
"Democrats have been in Washington, D.C. only because of the Negro vote. They've been down there for years and all the legislation they wanted to bring up they brought up and got it out of the way, and now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last, cause you are a chump (huge applause). A political chump." -- Malcolm X
A lot to be said as to thinking and doing for yourself and not relying on some politician that doesn't care about anything but your vote so they can rule over you by giving you a few baubles and trinkets along the way...when you should be responsible enough to provide it yourself. The role of those we elect is to protect your liberty, not run your life.

That was the speech that made LBJ decide he had to have Malcolm X assassinated

And you evidence that LBJ did this? Please, entertain us.

What has been done to blacks and black families over the last two generations in the name of "caring" is nothing short of a tragedy. Telling children from Day One that someone is out to get them and that they need someone else to somehow make like "fair" for them; lowered standards, the soft bigotry of reduced expectations; further isolation due to identity politics.

Two generations now. Horrible.


lots of the "activists" out here are doing the same thing with the Latinos out here.....
Politicians catering to the "HERD" mentality for power...and laughing their asses off because so many more oft than not fall for their bullshit..
I'll take Star Parker's words over anything some left like redean, static, Ny and TM says

and you notice what rdean bring up, a PERSONAL attack on Mr. Cain by using his family

that is the sick garbage of the left and the Democrat party
We know how black people feel and think about as much as blacks know how white people feel and think.

Most whites will follow a model of "What works in the past will work for me."

The same cannot be said of blacks. They follow the democrat model of, "Hey, you're a victim, and if you vote for us, we will give you shit."

There is nothing more cruel than one human being giving crack cocaine to a crack addict and calling that 'help'.

That is how I see those in charge of the Democrat party.

Please stop. The American black community cannot not much longer survive your brand of 'compassion'.

see you have racists in your party

LEFT-WING MORONS see racism behind every tree
Because with-holding the crack from an addict is racist. :cuckoo:

This is why I have her on ignore.
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A lot to be said as to thinking and doing for yourself and not relying on some politician that doesn't care about anything but your vote so they can rule over you by giving you a few baubles and trinkets along the way...when you should be responsible enough to provide it yourself. The role of those we elect is to protect your liberty, not run your life.

That was the speech that made LBJ decide he had to have Malcolm X assassinated

And you evidence that LBJ did this? Please, entertain us.

It doesnt matter really. Crusader and The T like to play this game where they think that pointing at someone elses insults will make the GOP's insults less insulting.

They dont give a shit about Malcolm X. So them trying to evoke some sort of emotional positioning is funny. Its acting except more like B-movie style
yep, you would hope black people would notice this and see that for party for what they are...
the unemployment for blacks are out of this world but now Democrats want to legalize MILLIONS OF illegal immigrants to take jobs that are available from them and with unemployment sitting in this country at 7%...but don't forget the crow they care MORE for black people

exactly; the biggest losers when Dems give amnesty to 20 million or so illegals (yes it will be at least that; Dem ideology regarding immigration is FAMILY REUNIFICATION. when they are given amnesty their whole extended families will be eligible to come here eventually) wont be White people; it will be African-Americans

see your racist
did you not call High Gravity an OREO?.....
They hate you party and don't vote for it because you treat them like trash


silly idiot; you dont know what you're talking about; and normal people laugh at you posting the same misinterpreted links every day

That is off topic

stick to the thread topic

shut the fuck up....you go off topic in just about every thread you jump into...and start bringing up your shit about voter fraud with Republicans....geezus...
How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

and this is the subject

not me

they hate your party because you guys are racist

did you not call HG an Oreo?....
Remember when the GOPbaggers booed that gay US Army soldier during the RNC? That's just wholesome American family values. Jeer the gay soldier who is man enough to fight for your freedom to hate gay people.

Actually, no...No recollection of that at all.
Care to post a link?
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