Why the rape case against Trump will end up thrown into the trash

Yea, that pesky "definition" of rape, you know, like actually raping her? It's Clinton all over again, the definition of "is".

The fact remains that the truth is the defense to defamation. He said he did not rape her. There is NO evidence that he penetrated anything. That was not in any of the court documents. He is being found guilty of slander for saying he did not rape this woman and the jury is agreeing, he did not do it.
Yes that "pesky" definition of rape. Guess what? The definition is different federally. 10 U.S. Code § 920 - Art. 120. Rape and sexual assault generally

He would have committed rape under federal standards. Point being. You are an asshole who doesn't know or ( more likely) doesn't care what the facts are, and just try to spout BS hoping that you can avoid a simple google search exposing it for what it is.

Pro tip. If the facts don't agree with your statements, faking till you're making it only works if people are lazy about sourcing. And deflecting doesn't work.
The defamation statement was said in 2019 when he was president. So he has presidential immunity to that. He has a right to defend himself and the office of president while he is president.
This has nothing to do with the office of president.
When a liberal stronghold like NYC tries a rich, Republican White male, the verdict possibilities are about 0% for acquittal. You can't get a fair jury in NYC when 90% of the pool is made up of liberal bigots. MAGA
When a liberal stronghold like NYC tries a rich, Republican White male, the verdict possibilities are about 0% for acquittal. You can't get a fair jury in NYC when 90% of the pool is made up of liberal bigots. MAGA
Trump had about 40 percent of the vote in NY in 2020. It takes one vote in a jury not concurring to hang a verdict. This means statistically in a jury of 9, 3 to 4 would have voted for Trump. In fact we know that in the first jury their was a juror who got his information exclusively from Tim Poole.

My point is this. If bias truly was what caused the jury too rule in a certain way Trump would have had to have at least have had the ability to hang the 2 juries. Barring some weird statistical anamoly.
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And he was never accused of it. How can you be found guilty of something you were never accused of?

You can't sue the president for defamation. It's illegal. Also, it was TRUE. She did lie. He called her a liar, the jury agreed. Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. How can he be guilty of defaming a woman calling her a liar when the jury agreed she lied?

How can that happen? She said he raped her. The jury said that was a lie, a rape did not occur. So how can the jury find him guilty and not guilty at the same time? Either he raped her or he didn't. If he didn't rape her, the lawsuit must be thrown out as he is innocent.

What about the other SEVEN men who she has accused of raping her in the past?
You’re just babbling. The jury is instructed there is a range of offenses he could be convicted of. You need to do a little research other than fix News.
Trump had about 40 percent of the vote in NY in 2020. It takes one vote in a jury not concurring to hang a verdict. This means statistically in a jury of 9, 3 to 4 would have voted for Trump. In fact we know that in the first jury their was a juror who got his information exclusively from Tim Poole.

My point is this. If bias truly was what caused the jury too rule in a certain way Trump would have had to have at least have the ability to hang the 2 juries. Barring some weird statical anamoly.
That’s silly. Who you vote for should have nothing to do with a jury verdict if you’re honest. So you’re pleading for more dishonest jurors….is this a Tucker Carlson ploy ?
That’s silly. Who you vote for should have nothing to do with a jury verdict if you’re honest. So you’re pleading for more dishonest jurors….is this a Tucker Carlson ploy ?
I think you're misunderstanding my point.

Please read to post I replied too.
Trump had about 40 percent of the vote in NY in 2020. It takes one vote in a jury not concurring to hang a verdict. This means statistically in a jury of 9, 3 to 4 would have voted for Trump. In fact we know that in the first jury their was a juror who got his information exclusively from Tim Poole.

My point is this. If bias truly was what caused the jury too rule in a certain way Trump would have had to have at least have the ability to hang the 2 juries. Barring some weird statical anamoly.
He might have gotten a fair jury in upstate NY but not NYC. It's a very crooked city.
Not really. And Carroll didn't say Trump said she looked fine in a dress. She said he put his finger in her.

But hey don't let the actual testimony given influence your narrative.

If he actually got to the point where he put his finger in her pussy, you know damned well that she was complaint and willing.

I can't count how many women I've put mine in, and none of them have ever said "no" or sued me afterward.
If he actually got to the point where he put his finger in her pussy, you know damned well that she was complaint and willing.

I can't count how many women I've put mine in, and none of them have ever said "no" or sued me afterward.
Studies show that somewhere between 80 and 90 percent of sexual assaults or worse go unreported. So while you might think you're God's gift to woman, and your fingers have magic properties, the truth might simply be that you've been a very lucky pervert.

As to Caroll being willing. She said she wasn't. She told 2 friends at time she wasn't. So no, I don't know that. I only know she has said she wasn't and she told others about it. And 2 other people were willing to testify Trump assaulted them to and they weren't willing.
Studies show that somewhere between 80 and 90 percent of sexual assaults or worse go unreported. So while you might think you're God's gift to woman, and your fingers have magic properties, the truth might simply be that you've been a very lucky pervert.

As to Caroll being willing. She said she wasn't. She told 2 friends at time she wasn't. So no, I don't know that. I only know she has said she wasn't and she told others about it. And 2 other people were willing to testify Trump assaulted them to and they weren't willing.

That crazy bitch is lying, just so she can get some money and relevance.
That crazy bitch is lying, just so she can get some money and relevance.
She is 80 years old and quite wealthy all by herself and it would require 4 other people lying also. Who get neither money nor aclaim for their trouble. You're reaching.
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The case didn't follow any law. It's not even LEGAL to sue the president for defamation. He was found guilty in a second trial that he wasn't allowed to participate in based on the jury finding him guilty of something he was never accused of in the first trial. It's absolute bullshit.

This judge has showed EXTREME BIAS. against Trump. He settled a sexual abuse lawsuit with Prince andrew against an underage girl for multiple instances of underage sexual abuse for 500,000. He allowed this jury to hit trump for EIGHTY THREE MILLION DOLLARS for something that happened 25 years ago that he was never accused of.

THIS WOMAN participated in the new bill that passed RIGHT BEFORE she filed her lawsuit allowing "sexual abuse victims" to sue for abuse that happened beyond the statute of limitations. This had FAR EXCEEDED the statute of limitations.

Why has this woman accused 7 men of raping her?
This judge never settled any case against Andrew Andrew settled with the claimant to avoid going to court,.
Trump has a history and he admitted he assaults women.
wtf more do you need. The man of ten thousand lies and you believe him. Amazing.
I don't think they truly do believe their own BS. They just have invested so much of their identity in defending him that they can't retreat anymore.

The classic sunk cost fallacy.

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