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Why We Are Not Making Progress Against Racism

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This thread is not abut slavery

Post number 6 below is YOURS:

Slavery was not the only sin or was the only issue. Apologizing doesn't do it when you owe 10 trillion dollars in lost earnings and make excuses a to why you won't pay.

And the person you responded to referred to slavery to Jim Crow laws, NOT slavery - that was all you.

I’m not surprised you want to drop your favourite subject now though :lol:

Yep and my response was proper, slavery was not the issue to be discussed here.

No, you said it wasn’t the only issue, then you continued to bang on about evil whitey, slavery and reparation.
You even whine in your post on page 1 that apologies for slavery are inadequate, as are ‘excuses’ for whitey not paying you and yours 10 trillion dollars. Don’t demand others stick to the OP when as the originator - you cannot and HAVE NOT - even done so yourself :wtf:

I am demanding it. I am asking that every post talking about slavery be deleted to include mine. So that's he end of taking about it. You can start your own thread if that's what you need to talk about instead of trolling other peoples threads with your fucked up racist bullshit.
Well, I don’t see why YOU dragging people off topic should result in everyone else having their posts removed..
Have yours removed, they aren’t exactly a testament to you, and then:bigboy: :)
It's just about getting even with whites, ANY whites. You're just another angry racist. That you think that your kind will get their way EVER in this country is flat out delusional.

White boy have you lost your mind? Do you think you have the right to do to people what whites have done and we just take it? And why should we not have economic parity with whites?
Because you're all allergic to hard work.

LOL! Coming from a descendant of people given everything by the government, that's rich.
Stop living in a fantasy world, I worked for what I have. So did successful blacks. You want something given to you? It's called welfare. Go line up.

LOL! Coming from a descendant of people given everything by the government, that's rich.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion

Many middle-class white people, especially those of us from the suburbs, like to think that we got to where we are today by virtue of our merit - hard work, intelligence, pluck, and maybe a little luck. And while we may be sympathetic to the plight of others, we close down when we hear the words "affirmative action" or "racial preferences." We worked hard, we made it on our own, the thinking goes, why don't 'they'? After all, the Civil Rights Act was enacted almost 40 years ago.

What we don't readily acknowledge is that racial preferences have a long, institutional history in this country - a white history. Here are a few ways in which government programs and practices have channeled wealth and opportunities to white people at the expense of others.


White Americans were also given a head start with the help of the U.S. Army. The 1830 Indian Removal Act, for example, forcibly relocated Cherokee, Creeks and other eastern Indians to west of the Mississippi River to make room for white settlers. The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.

The 1790 Naturalization Act permitted only "free white persons" to become naturalized citizens, thus opening the doors to European immigrants but not others. Only citizens could vote, serve on juries, hold office, and in some cases, even hold property. In this century, Alien Land Laws passed in California and other states, reserved farm land for white growers by preventing Asian immigrants, ineligible to become citizens, from owning or leasing land. Immigration restrictions further limited opportunities for nonwhite groups. Racial barriers to naturalized U.S. citizenship weren't removed until the McCarran-Walter Act in 1952, and white racial preferences in immigration remained until 1965.


Less known are more recent government racial preferences, first enacted during the New Deal, that directed wealth to white families and continue to shape life opportunities and chances.

The landmark Social Security Act of 1935 provided a safety net for millions of workers, guaranteeing them an income after retirement. But the act specifically excluded two occupations: agricultural workers and domestic servants, who were predominately African American, Mexican, and Asian. As low-income workers, they also had the least opportunity to save for their retirement. They couldn't pass wealth on to their children. Just the opposite. Their children had to support them.

Like Social Security, the 1935 Wagner Act helped establish an important new right for white people. By granting unions the power of collective bargaining, it helped millions of white workers gain entry into the middle class over the next 30 years. But the Wagner Act permitted unions to exclude non-whites and deny them access to better paid jobs and union protections and benefits such as health care, job security, and pensions. Many craft unions remained nearly all-white well into the 1970s. In 1972, for example, every single one of the 3,000 members of Los Angeles Steam Fitters Local #250 was still white.

But it was another racialized New Deal program, the Federal Housing Administration, that helped generate much of the wealth that so many white families enjoy today. These revolutionary programs made it possible for millions of average white Americans - but not others - to own a home for the first time. The government set up a national neighborhood appraisal system, explicitly tying mortgage eligibility to race. Integrated communities were ipso facto deemed a financial risk and made ineligible for home loans, a policy known today as "redlining." Between 1934 and 1962, the federal government backed $120 billion of home loans. More than 98% went to whites. Of the 350,000 new homes built with federal support in northern California between 1946 and 1960, fewer than 100 went to African Americans.

These government programs made possible the new segregated white suburbs that sprang up around the country after World War II. Government subsidies for municipal services helped develop and enhance these suburbs further, in turn fueling commercial investments. Freeways tied the new suburbs to central business districts, but they often cut through and destroyed the vitality of non-white neighborhoods in the central city.

Today, Black and Latino mortgage applicants are still 60% more likely than whites to be turned down for a loan, even after controlling for employment, financial, and neighborhood factors. According to the Census, whites are more likely to be segregated than any other group. As recently as 1993, 86% of suburban whites still lived in neighborhoods with a black population of less than 1%.


One result of the generations of preferential treatment for whites is that a typical white family today has on average eight times the assets, or net worth, of a typical African American family, according to economist Edward Wolff. Even when families of the same income are compared, white families have more than twice the wealth of Black families. Much of that wealth difference can be attributed to the value of one's home, and how much one inherited from parents.

But a family's net worth is not simply the finish line, it's also the starting point for the next generation. Those with wealth pass their assets on to their children - by financing a college education, lending a hand during hard times, or assisting with the down payment for a home. Some economists estimate that up to 80 percent of lifetime wealth accumulation depends on these intergenerational transfers. White advantage is passed down, from parent to child to grand-child. As a result, the racial wealth gap - and the head start enjoyed by whites - appears to have grown since the civil rights days.

In 1865, just after Emancipation, it is not surprising that African Americans owned 0.5 percent of the total worth of the United States. But by 1990, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, Black Americans still possessed only a meager 1 percent of national wealth.

Rather than recognize how "racial preferences" have tilted the playing field and given us a head start in life, many whites continue to believe that race does not affect our lives. Instead, we chastise others for not achieving what we have; we even invert the situation and accuse non-whites of using "the race card" to advance themselves.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage
You're living in the past. Get a grip. For your own sake. Me personally, I don't care.
I'm tired of you white mother fuckers

Do you think that sounds a tad racist, IM2?


"This thread is not abut slavery and I'm tired of you white mother fuckers turning every thread into your fake news about the African side of the slave trade."

Post the entire sentence next time.
You think the context in any way makes ‘you white mother fuckers’ sound any less racist ? Lol.
This is the OP. This what you will discuss. You can do as asked or end up banned from his thread, it is your choice. Laugh all you want, but I'll be laughing last.

But you’ve raised the slave trade over and over yourself.
You did so on page 1, post 6, in fact, and have repeatedly stated that your current woes are an extension of the slave trade.

Not to mention the fact that you’ve banged on endlessly about reparations and how slave trade reparations and your current position as a victim of racism and economic disparity are inseparably linked.

Get a grip, lol.

Page 1 post 5 is what you want ignore and that's not going to be done. I let the thread get off topic and now I'm taking it back to the topic. That's my responsibility as OP and if you don't like it, so what?. The issue is not just slavery but you can't discuss that. I've repeatedly have sad that and challenged people like you to discuss that.. So now you will discuss other issues besides your opinion of Africans selling each other or you will be reported.
You raised slavery and reparation continuously and have said over and over for 30 odd pages that it is linked to the current alleged racism you whine about.
You can’t just take it all back, it’s all there in black and white (tee hee :)) but I’m not surprised you want to drop that element now, lol.
Report to your hearts content - but don’t forget YOU are the person who dragged everyone ‘off topic’.
Maybe you shouldn’t start threads if you can’t control what you yourself post? lol.

I dragged no one off topic as you see from post 5 that I did not initiate any such conversation. And it is written in black and white primarily by you. I asked you to talk about the 100 years after, you never did. It's over for you. You don't get to keep trolling
I'm tired of you white mother fuckers

Do you think that sounds a tad racist, IM2?


"This thread is not abut slavery and I'm tired of you white mother fuckers turning every thread into your fake news about the African side of the slave trade."

Post the entire sentence next time.
You think the context in any way makes ‘you white mother fuckers’ sound any less racist ? Lol.

Yep because you white mother fuckers did exactly as I described.
Wrote this a couple years ago...didn't get much traction...

The past is prologue.

It's a classic "sins of the father" scenario.

Slavery to Jim Crow to Separate but Equal...segregation thwarted assimilation, and now instead of regional American cultures that blend together at the edges, African-Americans have...thru segregationist policies...developed their own distinct culture with sharp and distinct boundaries within the older regional culture.

And it is literally the inequities of our father upon black slaves and later free black men (and women) that are being visited upon us...the generations that followed.

How can we unring that bell? Appalachia has maintained it's own distinct culture since the dawn of the nation, despite the more "sophisticated" [ :lol: ] Northeast's attempts to quash it. As has Massachusetts and NYC and Virginia and the South and the Ozarks etc. Once a culture is established, it's self perpetuating.

So the real question is...here we are, now what?

I Apologize for Slavery of Blacks

Slavery was not the only sin or was the only issue. Apologizing doesn't do it when you owe 10 trillion dollars in lost earnings and make excuses a to why you won't pay.

So basically you want a check in the mail every month being black?

I think the UN has made it very plain what we are owed reparations for.

You're not that important. Go back to your ghetto and do ghetto things, stay out of politics.
Wrote this a couple years ago...didn't get much traction...

The past is prologue.

It's a classic "sins of the father" scenario.

Slavery to Jim Crow to Separate but Equal...segregation thwarted assimilation, and now instead of regional American cultures that blend together at the edges, African-Americans have...thru segregationist policies...developed their own distinct culture with sharp and distinct boundaries within the older regional culture.

And it is literally the inequities of our father upon black slaves and later free black men (and women) that are being visited upon us...the generations that followed.

How can we unring that bell? Appalachia has maintained it's own distinct culture since the dawn of the nation, despite the more "sophisticated" [ :lol: ] Northeast's attempts to quash it. As has Massachusetts and NYC and Virginia and the South and the Ozarks etc. Once a culture is established, it's self perpetuating.

So the real question is...here we are, now what?

I Apologize for Slavery of Blacks

Slavery was not the only sin or was the only issue. Apologizing doesn't do it when you owe 10 trillion dollars in lost earnings and make excuses a to why you won't pay.

So basically you want a check in the mail every month being black?

I think the UN has made it very plain what we are owed reparations for.

You're not that important. Go back to your ghetto and do ghetto things, stay out of politics.

I'm more important than you. So go on back to your trailer.
This is the OP. This what you will discuss. You can do as asked or end up banned from his thread, it is your choice. Laugh all you want, but I'll be laughing last.

But you’ve raised the slave trade over and over yourself.
You did so on page 1, post 6, in fact, and have repeatedly stated that your current woes are an extension of the slave trade.

Not to mention the fact that you’ve banged on endlessly about reparations and how slave trade reparations and your current position as a victim of racism and economic disparity are inseparably linked.

Get a grip, lol.

Page 1 post 5 is what you want ignore and that's not going to be done. I let the thread get off topic and now I'm taking it back to the topic. That's my responsibility as OP and if you don't like it, so what?. The issue is not just slavery but you can't discuss that. I've repeatedly have sad that and challenged people like you to discuss that.. So now you will discuss other issues besides your opinion of Africans selling each other or you will be reported.
You raised slavery and reparation continuously and have said over and over for 30 odd pages that it is linked to the current alleged racism you whine about.
You can’t just take it all back, it’s all there in black and white (tee hee :)) but I’m not surprised you want to drop that element now, lol.
Report to your hearts content - but don’t forget YOU are the person who dragged everyone ‘off topic’.
Maybe you shouldn’t start threads if you can’t control what you yourself post? lol.

I dragged no one off topic as you see from post 5 that I did not initiate any such conversation. And it is written in black and white primarily by you. I asked you to talk about the 100 years after, you never did. It's over for you. You don't get to keep trolling
Not quite. YOU continued the discussion about slavery and reparation and you linked the lack of reparation with the post slavery period, and indeed with whiteys ‘racism’. You also attempted to drag Native American ‘reparation’ (ie treaties) into the subject.
White boy have you lost your mind? Do you think you have the right to do to people what whites have done and we just take it? And why should we not have economic parity with whites?
Because you're all allergic to hard work.

LOL! Coming from a descendant of people given everything by the government, that's rich.
Stop living in a fantasy world, I worked for what I have. So did successful blacks. You want something given to you? It's called welfare. Go line up.

LOL! Coming from a descendant of people given everything by the government, that's rich.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion

Many middle-class white people, especially those of us from the suburbs, like to think that we got to where we are today by virtue of our merit - hard work, intelligence, pluck, and maybe a little luck. And while we may be sympathetic to the plight of others, we close down when we hear the words "affirmative action" or "racial preferences." We worked hard, we made it on our own, the thinking goes, why don't 'they'? After all, the Civil Rights Act was enacted almost 40 years ago.

What we don't readily acknowledge is that racial preferences have a long, institutional history in this country - a white history. Here are a few ways in which government programs and practices have channeled wealth and opportunities to white people at the expense of others.


White Americans were also given a head start with the help of the U.S. Army. The 1830 Indian Removal Act, for example, forcibly relocated Cherokee, Creeks and other eastern Indians to west of the Mississippi River to make room for white settlers. The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.

The 1790 Naturalization Act permitted only "free white persons" to become naturalized citizens, thus opening the doors to European immigrants but not others. Only citizens could vote, serve on juries, hold office, and in some cases, even hold property. In this century, Alien Land Laws passed in California and other states, reserved farm land for white growers by preventing Asian immigrants, ineligible to become citizens, from owning or leasing land. Immigration restrictions further limited opportunities for nonwhite groups. Racial barriers to naturalized U.S. citizenship weren't removed until the McCarran-Walter Act in 1952, and white racial preferences in immigration remained until 1965.


Less known are more recent government racial preferences, first enacted during the New Deal, that directed wealth to white families and continue to shape life opportunities and chances.

The landmark Social Security Act of 1935 provided a safety net for millions of workers, guaranteeing them an income after retirement. But the act specifically excluded two occupations: agricultural workers and domestic servants, who were predominately African American, Mexican, and Asian. As low-income workers, they also had the least opportunity to save for their retirement. They couldn't pass wealth on to their children. Just the opposite. Their children had to support them.

Like Social Security, the 1935 Wagner Act helped establish an important new right for white people. By granting unions the power of collective bargaining, it helped millions of white workers gain entry into the middle class over the next 30 years. But the Wagner Act permitted unions to exclude non-whites and deny them access to better paid jobs and union protections and benefits such as health care, job security, and pensions. Many craft unions remained nearly all-white well into the 1970s. In 1972, for example, every single one of the 3,000 members of Los Angeles Steam Fitters Local #250 was still white.

But it was another racialized New Deal program, the Federal Housing Administration, that helped generate much of the wealth that so many white families enjoy today. These revolutionary programs made it possible for millions of average white Americans - but not others - to own a home for the first time. The government set up a national neighborhood appraisal system, explicitly tying mortgage eligibility to race. Integrated communities were ipso facto deemed a financial risk and made ineligible for home loans, a policy known today as "redlining." Between 1934 and 1962, the federal government backed $120 billion of home loans. More than 98% went to whites. Of the 350,000 new homes built with federal support in northern California between 1946 and 1960, fewer than 100 went to African Americans.

These government programs made possible the new segregated white suburbs that sprang up around the country after World War II. Government subsidies for municipal services helped develop and enhance these suburbs further, in turn fueling commercial investments. Freeways tied the new suburbs to central business districts, but they often cut through and destroyed the vitality of non-white neighborhoods in the central city.

Today, Black and Latino mortgage applicants are still 60% more likely than whites to be turned down for a loan, even after controlling for employment, financial, and neighborhood factors. According to the Census, whites are more likely to be segregated than any other group. As recently as 1993, 86% of suburban whites still lived in neighborhoods with a black population of less than 1%.


One result of the generations of preferential treatment for whites is that a typical white family today has on average eight times the assets, or net worth, of a typical African American family, according to economist Edward Wolff. Even when families of the same income are compared, white families have more than twice the wealth of Black families. Much of that wealth difference can be attributed to the value of one's home, and how much one inherited from parents.

But a family's net worth is not simply the finish line, it's also the starting point for the next generation. Those with wealth pass their assets on to their children - by financing a college education, lending a hand during hard times, or assisting with the down payment for a home. Some economists estimate that up to 80 percent of lifetime wealth accumulation depends on these intergenerational transfers. White advantage is passed down, from parent to child to grand-child. As a result, the racial wealth gap - and the head start enjoyed by whites - appears to have grown since the civil rights days.

In 1865, just after Emancipation, it is not surprising that African Americans owned 0.5 percent of the total worth of the United States. But by 1990, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, Black Americans still possessed only a meager 1 percent of national wealth.

Rather than recognize how "racial preferences" have tilted the playing field and given us a head start in life, many whites continue to believe that race does not affect our lives. Instead, we chastise others for not achieving what we have; we even invert the situation and accuse non-whites of using "the race card" to advance themselves.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage
You're living in the past. Get a grip. For your own sake. Me personally, I don't care.

LOL! You're living in denial.
I'm tired of you white mother fuckers

Do you think that sounds a tad racist, IM2?


"This thread is not abut slavery and I'm tired of you white mother fuckers turning every thread into your fake news about the African side of the slave trade."

Post the entire sentence next time.
You think the context in any way makes ‘you white mother fuckers’ sound any less racist ? Lol.

Yep because you white mother fuckers did exactly as I described.
What was that?
This is the OP. This what you will discuss. You can do as asked or end up banned from his thread, it is your choice. Laugh all you want, but I'll be laughing last.

But you’ve raised the slave trade over and over yourself.
You did so on page 1, post 6, in fact, and have repeatedly stated that your current woes are an extension of the slave trade.

Not to mention the fact that you’ve banged on endlessly about reparations and how slave trade reparations and your current position as a victim of racism and economic disparity are inseparably linked.

Get a grip, lol.

Page 1 post 5 is what you want ignore and that's not going to be done. I let the thread get off topic and now I'm taking it back to the topic. That's my responsibility as OP and if you don't like it, so what?. The issue is not just slavery but you can't discuss that. I've repeatedly have sad that and challenged people like you to discuss that.. So now you will discuss other issues besides your opinion of Africans selling each other or you will be reported.
You raised slavery and reparation continuously and have said over and over for 30 odd pages that it is linked to the current alleged racism you whine about.
You can’t just take it all back, it’s all there in black and white (tee hee :)) but I’m not surprised you want to drop that element now, lol.
Report to your hearts content - but don’t forget YOU are the person who dragged everyone ‘off topic’.
Maybe you shouldn’t start threads if you can’t control what you yourself post? lol.

I dragged no one off topic as you see from post 5 that I did not initiate any such conversation. And it is written in black and white primarily by you. I asked you to talk about the 100 years after, you never did. It's over for you. You don't get to keep trolling
Not quite. YOU continued the discussion about slavery and reparation and you linked the lack of reparation with the post slavery period, and indeed with whiteys ‘racism’. You also attempted to drag Native American ‘reparation’ (ie treaties) into the subject.

Quite. The discussion about this is over. We are going to discuss the OP. That's my job as the OP, bring he matter back to topic if it gets too far out of hand. I did my job.
But you’ve raised the slave trade over and over yourself.
You did so on page 1, post 6, in fact, and have repeatedly stated that your current woes are an extension of the slave trade.

Not to mention the fact that you’ve banged on endlessly about reparations and how slave trade reparations and your current position as a victim of racism and economic disparity are inseparably linked.

Get a grip, lol.

Page 1 post 5 is what you want ignore and that's not going to be done. I let the thread get off topic and now I'm taking it back to the topic. That's my responsibility as OP and if you don't like it, so what?. The issue is not just slavery but you can't discuss that. I've repeatedly have sad that and challenged people like you to discuss that.. So now you will discuss other issues besides your opinion of Africans selling each other or you will be reported.
You raised slavery and reparation continuously and have said over and over for 30 odd pages that it is linked to the current alleged racism you whine about.
You can’t just take it all back, it’s all there in black and white (tee hee :)) but I’m not surprised you want to drop that element now, lol.
Report to your hearts content - but don’t forget YOU are the person who dragged everyone ‘off topic’.
Maybe you shouldn’t start threads if you can’t control what you yourself post? lol.

I dragged no one off topic as you see from post 5 that I did not initiate any such conversation. And it is written in black and white primarily by you. I asked you to talk about the 100 years after, you never did. It's over for you. You don't get to keep trolling
Not quite. YOU continued the discussion about slavery and reparation and you linked the lack of reparation with the post slavery period, and indeed with whiteys ‘racism’. You also attempted to drag Native American ‘reparation’ (ie treaties) into the subject.

Quite. The discussion about this is over. We are going to discuss the OP. That's my job as the OP, bring he matter back to topic if it gets too far out of hand. I did my job.
Go ahead, then.
But do us all a favour and ty to use your words instead of the endless biased C&Ps you are so fond of.
TIA :popcorn:
Because you're all allergic to hard work.

LOL! Coming from a descendant of people given everything by the government, that's rich.
Stop living in a fantasy world, I worked for what I have. So did successful blacks. You want something given to you? It's called welfare. Go line up.

LOL! Coming from a descendant of people given everything by the government, that's rich.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion

Many middle-class white people, especially those of us from the suburbs, like to think that we got to where we are today by virtue of our merit - hard work, intelligence, pluck, and maybe a little luck. And while we may be sympathetic to the plight of others, we close down when we hear the words "affirmative action" or "racial preferences." We worked hard, we made it on our own, the thinking goes, why don't 'they'? After all, the Civil Rights Act was enacted almost 40 years ago.

What we don't readily acknowledge is that racial preferences have a long, institutional history in this country - a white history. Here are a few ways in which government programs and practices have channeled wealth and opportunities to white people at the expense of others.


White Americans were also given a head start with the help of the U.S. Army. The 1830 Indian Removal Act, for example, forcibly relocated Cherokee, Creeks and other eastern Indians to west of the Mississippi River to make room for white settlers. The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.

The 1790 Naturalization Act permitted only "free white persons" to become naturalized citizens, thus opening the doors to European immigrants but not others. Only citizens could vote, serve on juries, hold office, and in some cases, even hold property. In this century, Alien Land Laws passed in California and other states, reserved farm land for white growers by preventing Asian immigrants, ineligible to become citizens, from owning or leasing land. Immigration restrictions further limited opportunities for nonwhite groups. Racial barriers to naturalized U.S. citizenship weren't removed until the McCarran-Walter Act in 1952, and white racial preferences in immigration remained until 1965.


Less known are more recent government racial preferences, first enacted during the New Deal, that directed wealth to white families and continue to shape life opportunities and chances.

The landmark Social Security Act of 1935 provided a safety net for millions of workers, guaranteeing them an income after retirement. But the act specifically excluded two occupations: agricultural workers and domestic servants, who were predominately African American, Mexican, and Asian. As low-income workers, they also had the least opportunity to save for their retirement. They couldn't pass wealth on to their children. Just the opposite. Their children had to support them.

Like Social Security, the 1935 Wagner Act helped establish an important new right for white people. By granting unions the power of collective bargaining, it helped millions of white workers gain entry into the middle class over the next 30 years. But the Wagner Act permitted unions to exclude non-whites and deny them access to better paid jobs and union protections and benefits such as health care, job security, and pensions. Many craft unions remained nearly all-white well into the 1970s. In 1972, for example, every single one of the 3,000 members of Los Angeles Steam Fitters Local #250 was still white.

But it was another racialized New Deal program, the Federal Housing Administration, that helped generate much of the wealth that so many white families enjoy today. These revolutionary programs made it possible for millions of average white Americans - but not others - to own a home for the first time. The government set up a national neighborhood appraisal system, explicitly tying mortgage eligibility to race. Integrated communities were ipso facto deemed a financial risk and made ineligible for home loans, a policy known today as "redlining." Between 1934 and 1962, the federal government backed $120 billion of home loans. More than 98% went to whites. Of the 350,000 new homes built with federal support in northern California between 1946 and 1960, fewer than 100 went to African Americans.

These government programs made possible the new segregated white suburbs that sprang up around the country after World War II. Government subsidies for municipal services helped develop and enhance these suburbs further, in turn fueling commercial investments. Freeways tied the new suburbs to central business districts, but they often cut through and destroyed the vitality of non-white neighborhoods in the central city.

Today, Black and Latino mortgage applicants are still 60% more likely than whites to be turned down for a loan, even after controlling for employment, financial, and neighborhood factors. According to the Census, whites are more likely to be segregated than any other group. As recently as 1993, 86% of suburban whites still lived in neighborhoods with a black population of less than 1%.


One result of the generations of preferential treatment for whites is that a typical white family today has on average eight times the assets, or net worth, of a typical African American family, according to economist Edward Wolff. Even when families of the same income are compared, white families have more than twice the wealth of Black families. Much of that wealth difference can be attributed to the value of one's home, and how much one inherited from parents.

But a family's net worth is not simply the finish line, it's also the starting point for the next generation. Those with wealth pass their assets on to their children - by financing a college education, lending a hand during hard times, or assisting with the down payment for a home. Some economists estimate that up to 80 percent of lifetime wealth accumulation depends on these intergenerational transfers. White advantage is passed down, from parent to child to grand-child. As a result, the racial wealth gap - and the head start enjoyed by whites - appears to have grown since the civil rights days.

In 1865, just after Emancipation, it is not surprising that African Americans owned 0.5 percent of the total worth of the United States. But by 1990, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, Black Americans still possessed only a meager 1 percent of national wealth.

Rather than recognize how "racial preferences" have tilted the playing field and given us a head start in life, many whites continue to believe that race does not affect our lives. Instead, we chastise others for not achieving what we have; we even invert the situation and accuse non-whites of using "the race card" to advance themselves.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage
You're living in the past. Get a grip. For your own sake. Me personally, I don't care.

LOL! You're living in denial.
I know history, I wasn't part of it. Neither were you. Move on.
Page 1 post 5 is what you want ignore and that's not going to be done. I let the thread get off topic and now I'm taking it back to the topic. That's my responsibility as OP and if you don't like it, so what?. The issue is not just slavery but you can't discuss that. I've repeatedly have sad that and challenged people like you to discuss that.. So now you will discuss other issues besides your opinion of Africans selling each other or you will be reported.
You raised slavery and reparation continuously and have said over and over for 30 odd pages that it is linked to the current alleged racism you whine about.
You can’t just take it all back, it’s all there in black and white (tee hee :)) but I’m not surprised you want to drop that element now, lol.
Report to your hearts content - but don’t forget YOU are the person who dragged everyone ‘off topic’.
Maybe you shouldn’t start threads if you can’t control what you yourself post? lol.

I dragged no one off topic as you see from post 5 that I did not initiate any such conversation. And it is written in black and white primarily by you. I asked you to talk about the 100 years after, you never did. It's over for you. You don't get to keep trolling
Not quite. YOU continued the discussion about slavery and reparation and you linked the lack of reparation with the post slavery period, and indeed with whiteys ‘racism’. You also attempted to drag Native American ‘reparation’ (ie treaties) into the subject.

Quite. The discussion about this is over. We are going to discuss the OP. That's my job as the OP, bring he matter back to topic if it gets too far out of hand. I did my job.
Go ahead, then.
But do us all a favour and ty to use your words instead of the endless biased C&Ps you are so fond of.
TIA :popcorn:

Nope, I'll use the information I desire is applicable to counter the racist shit you guys present. You seem to think your bullshit isn't biased but not only is it that, it's blatantly false or disingenuous. You no longer get to use this section to post endless threads of your racist and anti Semitic crap.
LOL! Coming from a descendant of people given everything by the government, that's rich.
Stop living in a fantasy world, I worked for what I have. So did successful blacks. You want something given to you? It's called welfare. Go line up.

LOL! Coming from a descendant of people given everything by the government, that's rich.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion

Many middle-class white people, especially those of us from the suburbs, like to think that we got to where we are today by virtue of our merit - hard work, intelligence, pluck, and maybe a little luck. And while we may be sympathetic to the plight of others, we close down when we hear the words "affirmative action" or "racial preferences." We worked hard, we made it on our own, the thinking goes, why don't 'they'? After all, the Civil Rights Act was enacted almost 40 years ago.

What we don't readily acknowledge is that racial preferences have a long, institutional history in this country - a white history. Here are a few ways in which government programs and practices have channeled wealth and opportunities to white people at the expense of others.


White Americans were also given a head start with the help of the U.S. Army. The 1830 Indian Removal Act, for example, forcibly relocated Cherokee, Creeks and other eastern Indians to west of the Mississippi River to make room for white settlers. The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.

The 1790 Naturalization Act permitted only "free white persons" to become naturalized citizens, thus opening the doors to European immigrants but not others. Only citizens could vote, serve on juries, hold office, and in some cases, even hold property. In this century, Alien Land Laws passed in California and other states, reserved farm land for white growers by preventing Asian immigrants, ineligible to become citizens, from owning or leasing land. Immigration restrictions further limited opportunities for nonwhite groups. Racial barriers to naturalized U.S. citizenship weren't removed until the McCarran-Walter Act in 1952, and white racial preferences in immigration remained until 1965.


Less known are more recent government racial preferences, first enacted during the New Deal, that directed wealth to white families and continue to shape life opportunities and chances.

The landmark Social Security Act of 1935 provided a safety net for millions of workers, guaranteeing them an income after retirement. But the act specifically excluded two occupations: agricultural workers and domestic servants, who were predominately African American, Mexican, and Asian. As low-income workers, they also had the least opportunity to save for their retirement. They couldn't pass wealth on to their children. Just the opposite. Their children had to support them.

Like Social Security, the 1935 Wagner Act helped establish an important new right for white people. By granting unions the power of collective bargaining, it helped millions of white workers gain entry into the middle class over the next 30 years. But the Wagner Act permitted unions to exclude non-whites and deny them access to better paid jobs and union protections and benefits such as health care, job security, and pensions. Many craft unions remained nearly all-white well into the 1970s. In 1972, for example, every single one of the 3,000 members of Los Angeles Steam Fitters Local #250 was still white.

But it was another racialized New Deal program, the Federal Housing Administration, that helped generate much of the wealth that so many white families enjoy today. These revolutionary programs made it possible for millions of average white Americans - but not others - to own a home for the first time. The government set up a national neighborhood appraisal system, explicitly tying mortgage eligibility to race. Integrated communities were ipso facto deemed a financial risk and made ineligible for home loans, a policy known today as "redlining." Between 1934 and 1962, the federal government backed $120 billion of home loans. More than 98% went to whites. Of the 350,000 new homes built with federal support in northern California between 1946 and 1960, fewer than 100 went to African Americans.

These government programs made possible the new segregated white suburbs that sprang up around the country after World War II. Government subsidies for municipal services helped develop and enhance these suburbs further, in turn fueling commercial investments. Freeways tied the new suburbs to central business districts, but they often cut through and destroyed the vitality of non-white neighborhoods in the central city.

Today, Black and Latino mortgage applicants are still 60% more likely than whites to be turned down for a loan, even after controlling for employment, financial, and neighborhood factors. According to the Census, whites are more likely to be segregated than any other group. As recently as 1993, 86% of suburban whites still lived in neighborhoods with a black population of less than 1%.


One result of the generations of preferential treatment for whites is that a typical white family today has on average eight times the assets, or net worth, of a typical African American family, according to economist Edward Wolff. Even when families of the same income are compared, white families have more than twice the wealth of Black families. Much of that wealth difference can be attributed to the value of one's home, and how much one inherited from parents.

But a family's net worth is not simply the finish line, it's also the starting point for the next generation. Those with wealth pass their assets on to their children - by financing a college education, lending a hand during hard times, or assisting with the down payment for a home. Some economists estimate that up to 80 percent of lifetime wealth accumulation depends on these intergenerational transfers. White advantage is passed down, from parent to child to grand-child. As a result, the racial wealth gap - and the head start enjoyed by whites - appears to have grown since the civil rights days.

In 1865, just after Emancipation, it is not surprising that African Americans owned 0.5 percent of the total worth of the United States. But by 1990, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, Black Americans still possessed only a meager 1 percent of national wealth.

Rather than recognize how "racial preferences" have tilted the playing field and given us a head start in life, many whites continue to believe that race does not affect our lives. Instead, we chastise others for not achieving what we have; we even invert the situation and accuse non-whites of using "the race card" to advance themselves.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage
You're living in the past. Get a grip. For your own sake. Me personally, I don't care.

LOL! You're living in denial.
I know history, I wasn't part of it. Neither were you. Move on.

Apparently you don't because history doesn't end until the end of time and history includes right now. So just shut up and recognize that we are talking about right fucking now. Your ass is racist yet you talk about racism being in the past. That's pure psychosis.
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