Why you should stop believing in evolution

You didn't answer my question or address your inference.

My answer is there. It's as plain as day if you only think about it. Treat it like an SAT test question.

Per religion so is evolution unless you have empirical evidence of genetics, or any other scientific field that has conclusively connected all the evolutionary dots with irrefutable evidence.

As I noted above, I long ago gave up battling religious creationists, I'm in this thread, laying in the bushes, waiting to pounce on the liberal creationists.

Insinuating I'm a religious creationist? I hope not. What's funny is I never did SATs, didn't stop me from spending 12 years of my life in college, Arts and Sciences........... Deans List.
Remember, I said earlier that with science the empirical is my "bible"........ Sans the empirical, by definition, it's nothing more than speculation no matter what kind of justifying scientific name one applies to it.

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