
I do agree on one thing, the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction and we are losing sight of due process and the rights of the accused in the process.

No, it hasn't, and, no, we don't, particularly not when the accused are rich, powerful, white males or their affluenza-afflicted offspring. That's why the overwhelming majority of sexual assaults go unreported. And that's why even a woman with a story to tell, and the means to hire a high-profile lawyer, is enormously reluctant publicly to "expose herself" - to the certain assault she's facing, and that's why it isn't clear as of yet whether Kavanaugh will ruin her with a multi-million dollar libel suit. How about a minority / immigrant / minimum wage worker facing assault by a high-profile figure? That "pendulum" hasn't budged much, if at all.

How many women do you know who were abused, assaulted, raped? How many men do you know who were harmed by false accusations?

Oh, BTW, which of the above-mentioned harms are our righty friends whining about? Whose statements do they unconditionally trust, and whose reputation are they willing, eager even, to trash? That "pendulum" hasn't budged much, if at all.

There isn't even a word equivalent to "slut shaming" denoting the treatment of males who think female self-determination in general, and control over her reproductive organs in particular, are unfortunate, malign outgrowths of the much-dreaded "feminism", and whose venality becomes particularly viral in case of inebriation. That "pendulum" hasn't budged much, if at all.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

I thought she said she could not even remember it?? If so, she doesn't know that it happened. :dunno:
I think she couldn’t say exactly when or where..,?

The reason for this is b/c she was so totally blitzed out of her skull, that she doesn't really know. I firmly believe, so was he.

. . . and everyone at the party.

They were dumb kids.

Doing dumb kid stuff. NONE OF IT has any relevancy to this, none of it.

If it did, they would have all told their parents and made a federal case of it back then. As it is, none of them wanted anyone to know about it back then. They were all ashamed of that they were doing, and all of them knew they were acting shamefully, the girls included. I saw a MSM report where they showed the boys yearbooks, but the neglected to show the girls yearbooks, why do you suppose that is?

If she can't be held accountable for anything that went on, and can't remember details, why should he be expected too? Why are we holding teenage boys to a higher standard when they are blottoed then we are teenage girls?

If these girls are not responsible, why are the boys?
I agree with a lot with certain considerations. They were all kids, blitzed and irresponsible. Mark Judge’s book gives a pretty graphic accounting of their lifestyle then...you focus on Ford...but what about Kavanaugh?

The thing is...just because the girl is drunk, that is no excuse for a boy to assault.
I agree, by today's standard, we classify it as assault. Back then, it wasn't. It was acting dumb. I doubt the boys even remember their behavior.

I doubt even SHE remembers it, or at least the details of it. She was probably told of it afterward, or has fuzzy recollections of what led to it at best. It was probably, at the time, playful fooling around that went too far, and the queues that it was going too far were missed by the boys b/c everyone was drunk. How could the boys have known it was unwanted? Their social instincts were probably as dulled as hers were. We are assuming there is some malice or intent to take advantage here. I personally believe both their POV. They both see it differently, b/c they were BOTH DRUNK. Neither has the monopoly on truth.

If you read the pages of THAT YEARBOOK, it clearly states, this is the sort of behavior that these girls were looking for. If this specific incident was not wanted, they shouldn't have been doing what they were doing.

I am not "blaming," Ford, nor am I giving a pass to Kavanaugh. They were dumb kids putting themselves in a dumb situation. I am blaming the time, the place, and the booze, and saying it has nothing to do with a Supreme Court nomination hearing.
I wonder how women who really were sexually assaulted feel about someone grabbing the limelight by making phony accusations
I do agree on one thing, the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction and we are losing sight of due process and the rights of the accused in the process.

No, it hasn't, and, no, we don't, particularly not when the accused are rich, powerful, white males or their affluenza-afflicted offspring. That's why the overwhelming majority of sexual assaults go unreported. And that's why even a woman with a story to tell, and the means to hire a high-profile lawyer, is enormously reluctant publicly to "expose herself" - to the certain assault she's facing, and that's why it isn't clear as of yet whether Kavanaugh will ruin her with a multi-million dollar libel suit. How about a minority / immigrant / minimum wage worker facing assault by a high-profile figure? That "pendulum" hasn't budged much, if at all.

How many women do you know who were abused, assaulted, raped? How many men do you know who were harmed by false accusations?

Oh, BTW, which of the above-mentioned harms are our righty friends whining about? Whose statements do they unconditionally trust, and whose reputation are they willing, eager even, to trash? That "pendulum" hasn't budged much, if at all.

There isn't even a word equivalent to "slut shaming" denoting the treatment of males who think female self-determination in general, and control over her reproductive organs in particular, are unfortunate, malign outgrowths of the much-dreaded "feminism", and whose venality becomes particularly viral in case of inebriation. That "pendulum" hasn't budged much, if at all.
Yes it has and yes we do.

The constant refrain of most attacks are unreported is by definition invalid.

If it is unreported it is by dedinition unknown.
Therefore it is impossible to accurately gauge how many there are.

Twitter has been cited but is not a valid measuring tool as we have seen in this thread.

I and most people have known victims of rape and assault, and also people falsely accused. False accusations of rape can be as bad or worse as rape.

The efforts of leftists have been aimed at undermining due process and the presumption of innocence for accused men.

Obama specifically tried this with his title IX dear colleague letter which destroyed the lives of many.

Examine the case of Daniel Holtzclaw to see how false accusations can destroy a life.
Why I think the accusations are true. First, it is established that Kavanaugh drank heavily while in high school through law school. They got "staggering"drunk. From his & Judges writings & statements, bad shit happened at these parties & Kavanaugh & his group had a poor opinion of women.

Up until yesterday, I felt that Kavanaugh might have this one instance but now others have spoken up.

Most people mature by the time they hit graduate school and the parties & drinking stops. But not Kavanaugh. He & his frat busddies were still going at it.

Kavanaugh gambled that denying was all that was denials. He should hsve admitted that he did binge drink in HS & College & that he may have been too aggressive with some women & told Ford that if he did this, he deeply apologizes.

But now it is about the lies.

Before a Senator could think, OK he was young & stupid but hat has changed now that he has matured. But no longer.

Did Kavanaugh attack Ford & is he lying about it now?

I think the answer is yes.

So many years ago in college, I attended wild parties where there was excessive drinking. There were girls I hooked up with that I do not recall their names or when it was. I believe Ford.

Ksavanaugh should not be confirmed. Not because of the Ford thing but because he is lying about it.
Why I think the accusations are true. First, it is established that Kavanaugh drank heavily while in high school through law school. They got "staggering"drunk. From his & Judges writings & statements, bad shit happened at these parties & Kavanaugh & his group had a poor opinion of women.

Up until yesterday, I felt that Kavanaugh might have this one instance but now others have spoken up.

Most people mature by the time they hit graduate school and the parties & drinking stops. But not Kavanaugh. He & his frat busddies were still going at it.

Kavanaugh gambled that denying was all that was denials. He should hsve admitted that he did binge drink in HS & College & that he may have been too aggressive with some women & told Ford that if he did this, he deeply apologizes.

But now it is about the lies.

Before a Senator could think, OK he was young & stupid but hat has changed now that he has matured. But no longer.

Did Kavanaugh attack Ford & is he lying about it now?

I think the answer is yes.

So many years ago in college, I attended wild parties where there was excessive drinking. There were girls I hooked up with that I do not recall their names or when it was. I believe Ford.

Ksavanaugh should not be confirmed. Not because of the Ford thing but because he is lying about it.
Why I think the accusations are true. First, it is established that Kavanaugh drank heavily while in high school through law school. They got "staggering"drunk. From his & Judges writings & statements, bad shit happened at these parties & Kavanaugh & his group had a poor opinion of women.

Up until yesterday, I felt that Kavanaugh might have this one instance but now others have spoken up.

Most people mature by the time they hit graduate school and the parties & drinking stops. But not Kavanaugh. He & his frat busddies were still going at it.

Kavanaugh gambled that denying was all that was denials. He should hsve admitted that he did binge drink in HS & College & that he may have been too aggressive with some women & told Ford that if he did this, he deeply apologizes.

But now it is about the lies.

Before a Senator could think, OK he was young & stupid but hat has changed now that he has matured. But no longer.

Did Kavanaugh attack Ford & is he lying about it now?

I think the answer is yes.

So many years ago in college, I attended wild parties where there was excessive drinking. There were girls I hooked up with that I do not recall their names or when it was. I believe Ford.

Ksavanaugh should not be confirmed. Not because of the Ford thing but because he is lying about it.
Where did Kavanaugh write about heavy drinking in high school?

Judge wrote about it sure but he never specifically mentioned Kavanaugh.

He mentioned an " O Kavanaugh " which many will link to Kavanaugh but it does not constitute valid evidence of specific acts.

Whether or not there is a lot of binge drinking and partying in this school is irrelevant.

Did he assault Ford ( and others now ) is the issue and there is no evidence of any kind to support the allegations.
I wonder how women who really were sexually assaulted feel about someone grabbing the limelight by making phony accusations
I wonder how many women who were assaulted feel about assfucks assuming they are liars?
Ever wonder how men feel when their lives are destroyed by lies?

Try looking at the damage done to Daniel Holtzclaw to find out.
I wonder how women who really were sexually assaulted feel about someone grabbing the limelight by making phony accusations
I wonder how many women who were assaulted feel about assfucks assuming they are liars?

Only when I think they're lying

I get it. They are liars because ........? You have no proof. We know Kavanaugh drank & partied heacily from HS through law school.

We have a well known college professor with nothing to gain VS a known partier who has establish his disregard to girls/women at that time.

You base your thinking on what?
I wonder how women who really were sexually assaulted feel about someone grabbing the limelight by making phony accusations
I wonder how many women who were assaulted feel about assfucks assuming they are liars?

Only when I think they're lying

I get it. They are liars because ........? You have no proof. We know Kavanaugh drank & partied heacily from HS through law school.

We have a well known college professor with nothing to gain VS a known partier who has establish his disregard to girls/women at that time.

You base your thinking on what?
Says a Clinton supporter
I wonder how women who really were sexually assaulted feel about someone grabbing the limelight by making phony accusations
I wonder how many women who were assaulted feel about assfucks assuming they are liars?

Only when I think they're lying

I get it. They are liars because ........? You have no proof. We know Kavanaugh drank & partied heacily from HS through law school.

We have a well known college professor with nothing to gain VS a known partier who has establish his disregard to girls/women at that time.

You base your thinking on what?
We do not know he drank heavily. It is alleged that he did.

He established no such disregard for women at that time

Ford has a lot to gain and nothing to lose.
Why I think the accusations are true. First, it is established that Kavanaugh drank heavily while in high school through law school. They got "staggering"drunk. From his & Judges writings & statements, bad shit happened at these parties & Kavanaugh & his group had a poor opinion of women.

Up until yesterday, I felt that Kavanaugh might have this one instance but now others have spoken up.

Most people mature by the time they hit graduate school and the parties & drinking stops. But not Kavanaugh. He & his frat busddies were still going at it.

Kavanaugh gambled that denying was all that was denials. He should hsve admitted that he did binge drink in HS & College & that he may have been too aggressive with some women & told Ford that if he did this, he deeply apologizes.

But now it is about the lies.

Before a Senator could think, OK he was young & stupid but hat has changed now that he has matured. But no longer.

Did Kavanaugh attack Ford & is he lying about it now?

I think the answer is yes.

So many years ago in college, I attended wild parties where there was excessive drinking. There were girls I hooked up with that I do not recall their names or when it was. I believe Ford.

Ksavanaugh should not be confirmed. Not because of the Ford thing but because he is lying about it.
Why I think the accusations are true. First, it is established that Kavanaugh drank heavily while in high school through law school. They got "staggering"drunk. From his & Judges writings & statements, bad shit happened at these parties & Kavanaugh & his group had a poor opinion of women.

Up until yesterday, I felt that Kavanaugh might have this one instance but now others have spoken up.

Most people mature by the time they hit graduate school and the parties & drinking stops. But not Kavanaugh. He & his frat busddies were still going at it.

Kavanaugh gambled that denying was all that was denials. He should hsve admitted that he did binge drink in HS & College & that he may have been too aggressive with some women & told Ford that if he did this, he deeply apologizes.

But now it is about the lies.

Before a Senator could think, OK he was young & stupid but hat has changed now that he has matured. But no longer.

Did Kavanaugh attack Ford & is he lying about it now?

I think the answer is yes.

So many years ago in college, I attended wild parties where there was excessive drinking. There were girls I hooked up with that I do not recall their names or when it was. I believe Ford.

Ksavanaugh should not be confirmed. Not because of the Ford thing but because he is lying about it.
Where did Kavanaugh write about heavy drinking in high school?

Judge wrote about it sure but he never specifically mentioned Kavanaugh.

He mentioned an " O Kavanaugh " which many will link to Kavanaugh but it does not constitute valid evidence of specific acts.

Whether or not there is a lot of binge drinking and partying in this school is irrelevant.

Did he assault Ford ( and others now ) is the issue and there is no evidence of any kind to support the allegations.

Judge wrote & Kavanaigh spoke.

He spoke of drinking binges. What happens at his scjool, stayed at that school.

The drinking & parties are completely relevant. It shows that the backgrouns behond Ford's storyu of being at this drinking psrty completed relevant.

Three people in a room. One said it happened, one said it didn't & the third doesn't remember. I guess you think it is OK to assault women as long as there are no witnesses.
I wonder how women who really were sexually assaulted feel about someone grabbing the limelight by making phony accusations
I wonder how many women who were assaulted feel about assfucks assuming they are liars?

Only when I think they're lying

I get it. They are liars because ........? You have no proof. We know Kavanaugh drank & partied heacily from HS through law school.

We have a well known college professor with nothing to gain VS a known partier who has establish his disregard to girls/women at that time.

You base your thinking on what?
Says a Clinton supporter
I never voted for Bill Clinton. LOL LOL LOL LPL LOL
Why I think the accusations are true. First, it is established that Kavanaugh drank heavily while in high school through law school. They got "staggering"drunk. From his & Judges writings & statements, bad shit happened at these parties & Kavanaugh & his group had a poor opinion of women.

Up until yesterday, I felt that Kavanaugh might have this one instance but now others have spoken up.

Most people mature by the time they hit graduate school and the parties & drinking stops. But not Kavanaugh. He & his frat busddies were still going at it.

Kavanaugh gambled that denying was all that was denials. He should hsve admitted that he did binge drink in HS & College & that he may have been too aggressive with some women & told Ford that if he did this, he deeply apologizes.

But now it is about the lies.

Before a Senator could think, OK he was young & stupid but hat has changed now that he has matured. But no longer.

Did Kavanaugh attack Ford & is he lying about it now?

I think the answer is yes.

So many years ago in college, I attended wild parties where there was excessive drinking. There were girls I hooked up with that I do not recall their names or when it was. I believe Ford.

Ksavanaugh should not be confirmed. Not because of the Ford thing but because he is lying about it.
Why I think the accusations are true. First, it is established that Kavanaugh drank heavily while in high school through law school. They got "staggering"drunk. From his & Judges writings & statements, bad shit happened at these parties & Kavanaugh & his group had a poor opinion of women.

Up until yesterday, I felt that Kavanaugh might have this one instance but now others have spoken up.

Most people mature by the time they hit graduate school and the parties & drinking stops. But not Kavanaugh. He & his frat busddies were still going at it.

Kavanaugh gambled that denying was all that was denials. He should hsve admitted that he did binge drink in HS & College & that he may have been too aggressive with some women & told Ford that if he did this, he deeply apologizes.

But now it is about the lies.

Before a Senator could think, OK he was young & stupid but hat has changed now that he has matured. But no longer.

Did Kavanaugh attack Ford & is he lying about it now?

I think the answer is yes.

So many years ago in college, I attended wild parties where there was excessive drinking. There were girls I hooked up with that I do not recall their names or when it was. I believe Ford.

Ksavanaugh should not be confirmed. Not because of the Ford thing but because he is lying about it.
Where did Kavanaugh write about heavy drinking in high school?

Judge wrote about it sure but he never specifically mentioned Kavanaugh.

He mentioned an " O Kavanaugh " which many will link to Kavanaugh but it does not constitute valid evidence of specific acts.

Whether or not there is a lot of binge drinking and partying in this school is irrelevant.

Did he assault Ford ( and others now ) is the issue and there is no evidence of any kind to support the allegations.

Judge wrote & Kavanaigh spoke.

He spoke of drinking binges. What happens at his scjool, stayed at that school.

The drinking & parties are completely relevant. It shows that the backgrouns behond Ford's storyu of being at this drinking psrty completed relevant.

Three people in a room. One said it happened, one said it didn't & the third doesn't remember. I guess you think it is OK to assault women as long as there are no witnesses.

So because I went to a school with parties...say Florida State, I am automatically an evil white man rapist? Only a crazy person would think like this. You are nuts.

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