Will trump be pilled up?

Lots of MAGA claims that Biden will be hopped up on some kind of performance enhancing drugs. If there are drugs that could help you in a debate, do you think trump is too honorable to take them? No doubt, MAGAs have been desperately searching for such drugs, and if they exist, they will be pouring them down his gullet with a funnel? Take the survey to see what folks here think about the possibility.
What do you think Biden's really doing for a whole week at Camp David?

Full blood transfusion treatment. Multiple stem cell treatments.
Adderall drip.
Adrenal stimulation treatments.
And anything else they can think of.

Lots of MAGA claims that Biden will be hopped up on some kind of performance enhancing drugs. If there are drugs that could help you in a debate, do you think trump is too honorable to take them? No doubt, MAGAs have been desperately searching for such drugs, and if they exist, they will be pouring them down his gullet with a funnel? Take the survey to see what folks here think about the possibility.
Drugs help people with cognitive and energy issues. Trump has neither of those problems, so drugs wouldnt help him.
Lots of MAGA claims that Biden will be hopped up on some kind of performance enhancing drugs. If there are drugs that could help you in a debate, do you think trump is too honorable to take them? No doubt, MAGAs have been desperately searching for such drugs, and if they exist, they will be pouring them down his gullet with a funnel? Take the survey to see what folks here think about the possibility.
No drugs really exist to make you debate and perform your job better... (Unless you are in NFL..)...

This is MAGA problem... They were so busy lowering expectations for Biden they are now in a pickle... Biden just needs to say his name and he beats expectations...

Now here is the real problem. Trump has never won a debate, in a national contest.
He doesn't know how to debate, he wants to decend into a screaming match and no one is that fucking dumb.

Trump will lose tonight and that is a given. MAGA have drunk there kool aid and now getting high on there own supply.

Can Biden stick in the knife properly will be the real question... Biden is better to keep Trump off balance by getting him to answer direct questions...
Things like :
  • You want the Ten Commandments in Schools? Could you tell us the what the first commandment is?
  • Why did you appoint judges to the SC that allowed for IVF to be banned in states?
  • Why did you sex with a porn star while your 4 month baby was at home?
  • Did you know that when you cut oil supply that you would raise Oil from $15 to $122 and cause Global Inflation that people here at home have been suffering with? Did you consider them or the record profits Oil Companies made?
  • Why did twice as many people die per captia in US than in Europe?
There is plenty of them
No one is ever going to buy into this.
Trump's cult won't, even the morons at those rallies, in person, will deny he ever said any of it.
Why do you dems employ such inferior tactics all the time? How about instead of making shit up,
you just win based on good candidates and policies?
The lesser of two evils will win.
Biden is known to require being drugged out of his mind. His performance at the state of the union proved that.
Now think at what you have just said...

I could ask you for evidence and you will discover there is none...

Then you are going to get angry, you made a fucking fool of yourself and just told the internet that you are gullible...

You at this point will insult the messenger because I am the only one talking to you...
Which candidate is more likely to need performance enhancing drugs: the one who wanders off and freezes, or the one who says off the cuff things?

Which candidate is more likely to need performance enhancing drugs: the one who wanders off and freezes, or the one forgets words in the middle of talking and freezes while he tries to recall the right word and cannot remember names?

Once again the answer is BOTH. Both are demented old fucking white dudes.
Which candidate is more likely to need performance enhancing drugs: the one who wanders off and freezes, or the one forgets words in the middle of talking and freezes while he tries to recall the right word and cannot remember names?

Once again the answer is BOTH. Both are demented old fucking white dudes.

I'm sorry your "both-sides-ism" has made it impossible for you to distinguish between sometimes losing words and shuffling around not knowing who are where you are.

That's an infliction, fortunately it's not mine.
I'm sorry your "both-sides-ism" has made it impossible for you to distinguish between sometimes losing words and shuffling around not knowing who are where you are.

That's an infliction, fortunately it's not mine.

Both are signs of the same fucking condition.

But your worship of Trump has blinded you to his issues.

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