Woman claims Donald Trump had his hands everywhere and touched her inappropriately

if you say so

it wasn't 30 years. and dumb donald told you himself what he does.

and the hacks who are all protective of the reality show host are cheering for him humiliating the first woman candidate for president of a major party with her husbands indiscretions ALL OF WHICH WERE LITIGATED BY DESPERATE KEN STARR and the Gingrich House. it was a fail then and is still a fail.

but the fact that you're unable to critically assess the orange bigoted misogynist fascist and your inability to understand why the only demographic he wins is uneducated white males is duly noted.

Right Mz. Fakelawyer.

26 days before the election, amidst the release of documents that prove Hillary INTENTIONALLY violated federal law in the destruction of public records, some broad just happens to remember that 30 years ago Trump felt her up.

Yeah, nothing suspicious about that story.

:lol: You fucking moron.
and yet dumb donald told you exactly what he does. funny how trumpsters believe the nonsense he spews but ignore the truth.

What we believe is that Trump is America's only hope to stop a radical Leftist from destroying our country. The nonsense is coming from fools like you.
After the election we need to sit down and decide are Republican end of days types claiming us liberals are destroying the nation right or is that just right wing bullshit. Seems like bs

by destroying the nation, they mean women, people of color, and gays can't be abused by white christian males.
They do like white straight male power structure. They do seem awfully anxious to not only preserve the tax breaks Trump gets that allow him to pay no taxes but they want to give guys like Trump more tax breaks.

Who would win under Hillary? Winners: Working families, particularly low-income parents with young children.

Winners: Taxpayers up and down the income ladder, but especially the ones at the top. Also most businesses.

What about the debt?
Who would win and lose under Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s tax plans


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Woman claims Donald Trump had his hands everywhere and touched her inappropriately - Full story

“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

Ms. Leeds has told the story to at least four people close to her, who also spoke with The New York Times.

Mr. Trump’s claim that his crude words had never turned into actions was similarly infuriating to a woman watching on Sunday night in Ohio: Rachel Crooks."

Who do you believe. The woman who claimed to be touched inappropriately or Trump who claims he did nothing wrong?

why wouldn't you believe the woman when what she describes is exactly what dumb donald said he did with impunity?
well sure, bring in the flight attendants and the crew that she complained to to back her story. got them? See if that was happening to me, I'm just saying, I'd have had him arrested when the plane landed, which means I would have been shouting and got the attention of the flight crew and all the other passengers. It would have made the papers. So bring em out. And by the way, if one accusation is bad, they all are.
Woman claims Donald Trump had his hands everywhere and touched her inappropriately - Full story

“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

Ms. Leeds has told the story to at least four people close to her, who also spoke with The New York Times.

Mr. Trump’s claim that his crude words had never turned into actions was similarly infuriating to a woman watching on Sunday night in Ohio: Rachel Crooks."

Who do you believe. The woman who claimed to be touched inappropriately or Trump who claims he did nothing wrong?

why wouldn't you believe the woman when what she describes is exactly what dumb donald said he did with impunity?
no newspaper articles, no corroboration from people from the plane? many things, like no police report, no report at all.

I encourage them to come, let's let trump supporters ask her all of these questions. It obviously didn't bother her for thirty years.
Okay true or false ether way this proves that the media is biased toward democrats because they held the story till October because they know lie or not wont be situated to well after the election. It is once again a seedy disgusting tactic. Just like how the New York times and NBC waited till after the primary to release the tape of Trump being a pig. They wanted him to be the nominee because ALL OTHER CANDIDATES would have beaten Clinton badly.
They do like white straight male power structure.

The Democrat party is the party of Jim Crow. Get it straight.
That's funny because I live in the rich white Republican suburbs and let me give you an example of white racism maybe you can understand. There are buses that bring black people from Detroit out to metro detroit so they can work. That's a good thing, right? But white people are against anything public including public transportation. But that's not the point I wanted to make.

Back to my point. So the bus would help out hundreds or even thousands more black people if it would continue in a little further. But the bus won't go any further than 12 mile. My white neighborhood voted that we don't want the bus to come into our town. We want to keep "those people" out. And if you think that's not racist, you're a racist. LOL
They do like white straight male power structure.

The Democrat party is the party of Jim Crow. Get it straight.
That's funny because I live in the rich white Republican suburbs and let me give you an example of white racism maybe you can understand. There are buses that bring black people from Detroit out to metro detroit so they can work. That's a good thing, right? But white people are against anything public including public transportation. But that's not the point I wanted to make.

Back to my point. So the bus would help out hundreds or even thousands more black people if it would continue in a little further. But the bus won't go any further than 12 mile. My white neighborhood voted that we don't want the bus to come into our town. We want to keep "those people" out. And if you think that's not racist, you're a racist. LOL
Hey dip shit. Buses go all the way to big beaver you lying fuck. Try to not lie to people who grew up there and have family there. How do I know???? Because that was how I got to work. So kindly take you false accusations of racism and shove them up your ass where they belong!

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