Would You Feel Safe Traveling to London?

Funny that you bring this up because I was invited to take a trip to France this summer! I've never been out of the United States, so I'm a little nervous about it but also excited. :) No, I won't be "packing heat." Lol.

I won't let these terrorists stop me from enjoying my life.
Nope. Same reason I didn't go to France this past year.and won't anytime soon.
We went to England, Ireland and Scotland a few years back and enjoyed it.

I wouldnt go now
Not me unless I could go armed

How about you?

Crossing the street is more dangerous than London. Are you planning to not ever do that? The goal of terrorism is not killing people, it is making people scared. I live in Belgium. Terrorist killed 32 people in Brussels and GDP dropped about 2 percent.Which one of those 2 facts do you feel is the more damaging to society?
I have some Canadian relatives who won't visit the US because it's full of guns and nitwit Trump voters ...

They have no problem visiting Europe.
Hell no. The London mayor would fit right in with Liberals here in the US. He doesn't understand the problem and won't act on it.
Not me unless I could go armed

How about you?

Crossing the street is more dangerous than London. Are you planning to not ever do that? The goal of terrorism is not killing people, it is making people scared. I live in Belgium. Terrorist killed 32 people in Brussels and GDP dropped about 2 percent.Which one of those 2 facts do you feel is the more damaging to society?
I agree in part. Liberals don't know how to cross a street so it's dangerous for them. They plow ahead without looking left or right, assuming everyone will stop like they should. As children we were taught to look bother ways.
No. I make it a point not to go places where my self-defense and weapon carrying Rights are not accepted u less there is whzt I consider proper (armed and trained) security.

That pretty much means I'm not traveling outside the US any time soon. Nor am i going to any theme park or major attraction inside the United Sttes any time soon.
Funny that you bring this up because I was invited to take a trip to France this summer! I've never been out of the United States, so I'm a little nervous about it but also excited. :) No, I won't be "packing heat." Lol.

I won't let these terrorists stop me from enjoying my life.
I just read an article on how to behave in France so they don't mock ewe! Right down to, you must pull your bread off in tiny little bites, do not pick it up and take a bite out of it. Learn French and do not eat your salad first! You finish your meal with the salad! Do not ask for a doggie bag that insults them. How petty are these people! Oh! And do not hug anyone either.
Your chance of being caught up in a terrorist attack are probably pretty close to that of being struck by lightning.

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