Would You Feel Safe Traveling to London?

I would have no problem going to England. I lived in New Orleans, where some yahoo who lived behind me set us a target on his back fence, and managed to shoot a hole in our back door when he missed the target. If I can survive New Orleans guns nuts, I can survive anything.
Reasonably safe, but for having a Muslim population of 2.7% in all of Great Britain, there sure is a lot of violence from those radicalized Christians and Jews.
Not me unless I could go armed

How about you?

If these attacks had not happened, I still would not go to London. There is nothing in London that interests Me with regard to the United Kingdom. I would go for the castles and ancient history. They have burial mounds of stone age primitives along with other iconic sites like Stonehenge. Plus, there is Hadrian's wall and some wonderful coastal castles.

What's in London? A giant bell? Some large buildings built by an obsolete monarchy? Although, I think Oxford would be cool to see.
Would You Feel Safe Traveling to London?

I'm sure there were others in Manchester and last night in London who apparently felt the same way.

I'm sure there are plenty who still do feel that way.

I live in D.C. and watched the second plane fly into the WTC on 9/11, and I feel safe in both cities. I feel safe because, for myriad reasons, the odds of my dying in a terrorist attack are very low. I am not going to feel unsafe being exposed to low risk events.


Tell me. Do you feel safe going to to work? If you do, then you also should feel safe, at least from terrorist attacks, traveling to London or any other major Western city for the odds of your dying from an accident at work are lower than are the odds of your dying from a "foreign-born" terrorist's attack.



Now, I don't know what be the odds of dying in a terrorist attack perpetrated by a citizen of the country they attack, but I do know that none of the implemented or proposed terror abatement proposals I've recently heard broached will do anything to stop them. Most importantly, however, it's a nation's own citizens that should give one the most concern insofar as from whom one should feel safe.

The information in the chart above suggests, if its rationale is similarly applicable to London/the UK as it is to the U.S. and its cities, it's likely more rational that Londoners, in London, and Brits in general, be more fearful of Americans than Americans visiting London be fearful of them.
The Right feeds fear to the public in order to gain political points. Unfortunately, many of them begin to believe all their own stuff, including the "clock-boy" terrorist in training.
The Right feeds fear to the public in order to gain political points. Unfortunately, many of them begin to believe all their own stuff, including the "clock-boy" terrorist in training.
You mean timer-boy. Btw, he lost!

Who says this: They want to starve children.
They want old people to wat dog food.
They want to put guns in the hands of criminals.

Nope. It wasn't conservatives.
The Right feeds fear to the public in order to gain political points. Unfortunately, many of them begin to believe all their own stuff, including the "clock-boy" terrorist in training.
You mean timer-boy. Btw, he lost!

Who says this: They want to starve children.
They want old people to wat dog food.
They want to put guns in the hands of criminals.

Nope. It wasn't conservatives.

I had no idea that it was liberals who have been whining about "fast and furious" for the last 8 years!
Nope. Same reason I didn't go to France this past year.and won't anytime soon.

If you think Europe is bad, then you don't have the first clue about anything outside of the US. You're far, FAR less likely to die in Europe than the US.
If you think Europe is bad, then you don't have the first clue about anything outside of the US. You're far, FAR less likely to die in Europe than the US.
I believe the chances someone is Europe is going to die is about 100%, same as in the USA.

Yes, I went to London when the IRA were around. I would feel safer in London than in any US city over 250,000 people in size.
Depends on where in London, there are areas of London with far more crime than some mid-sized American cities.
If you think Europe is bad, then you don't have the first clue about anything outside of the US. You're far, FAR less likely to die in Europe than the US.
I believe the chances someone is Europe is going to die is about 100%, same as in the USA.

Yes, I went to London when the IRA were around. I would feel safer in London than in any US city over 250,000 people in size.
Depends on where in London, there are areas of London with far more crime than some mid-sized American cities.

Sure, but there are places you wouldn't go in London because there's no reason to go. In the main part of London it's safe if you follow simple precautions. If you go to the center of DC it's not so safe.
I feel safer in England than most cities of the US. I've been there three times and love it.
Sure, but there are places you wouldn't go in London because there's no reason to go. In the main part of London it's safe if you follow simple precautions. If you go to the center of DC it's not so safe.
Agreed on London, even areas that are dodgy are usually that way later at night and are fine to go in the day.

DC is weird in that technically the center is the Capitol building around which most areas are actually okay. I lived near 10th & C (Eastern Market) and it was fine even walking home from the metro later at night, but there are areas East of the River that I'd rather not drive through during broad daylight.

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