Would You Feel Safe Traveling to London?

As to same as getting hit by lightning we don't declare that the Lightning really can't call itself Lightning and we don't invite it into our house nor go outside with steel poles in our hands.
Some of these false comparatives you libs make really are illiterate
Aside from terror! You should know that London is the most expensive travel destination. Eight and a half million people? No thanks. Lake Tahoe is much better.

I understand your aversion to a city of over eight million people. I generally feel the same. However, with London, the lure is the incredible history of the city. A history going back well over one thousand years before our oldest cities. Settled by the Romans and all through the Blitz starting September 7, 1940, and extending for 57 straight days. The King of England refused to leave the city and walked the streets with the victims.

Sorry, I got carried away.
It is all moot! If the American President cannot go to London then I will not be there either. Shove your irrational fear bs up your libtard kiester!
Wait, the person who has generated almost 50 threads on this forum describing how we're all doomed, regularly posting from sites like "endoftimes" etc. has read some news and is now frightened to travel to a destination that gets millions of tourists every year? I find that hard to believe!
Crossing the street is more dangerous than London. Are you planning to not ever do that? The goal of terrorism is not killing people, it is making people scared. I live in Belgium. Terrorist killed 32 people in Brussels and GDP dropped about 2 percent.Which one of those 2 facts do you feel is the more damaging to society?

No contest, if I, or any of my loved ones, were one of the 32.
I agree, that's the reason in modern society, victims of crimes don't judge the criminal, it's called objectivity, something that's impossible to do when your involved.
You also seem to deliberately change the parameters of what I asked. Which one of those 2 facts do you feel is the more damaging to society?
Not me unless I could go armed

How about you?

Crossing the street is more dangerous than London. Are you planning to not ever do that? The goal of terrorism is not killing people, it is making people scared. I live in Belgium. Terrorist killed 32 people in Brussels and GDP dropped about 2 percent.Which one of those 2 facts do you feel is the more damaging to society?
Maybe European countries should be hit where it hurts! In the wallet? I suspect gvmnts would then come up with more rigorous plans for ridding us of this crap.
You seem to not get, or not want to understand what I said. We are hit in the wallets. Terrorist killed 32 people in Brussels and GDP dropped about 2 percent. So the premise of what you say is already invalidated. The reason GDP dropped was because of increased funding for anti-terrorism, but more importantly because of decrease in tourism. A few people killed 32 and the damage was 100's of millions of dollars. Last week 5 people were gunned down in Orlando because of a disgruntled worker. Are these people less dead? Is Orlando a killing field now? Should people stop going there? So explain the difference?
No I wouldn't. In fact, I will not travel to any country, that wont allow it's citizens the right to arm themselves. I wont display their flag overlays on commie book either. That leaves very few options for traveling abroad for me. AndI I'm fine with that. There are a lot of places in our own country, that are well worth the trip.
I have some Canadian relatives who won't visit the US because it's full of guns and nitwit Trump voters ...

They have no problem visiting Europe.

Obviously they as ignorant of the facts as you appear to be.

Canada has twice as many violent crimes as does the United States. The other Western European countries are worse. Now they are drowning in refugees and sexual assaults. Germany has run out of mace.


Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

London also has 20,000 that's TWENTY THOUSAND video cams watching their city.

Thugs know they are in no danger if they attack a citizen.
Weird, the article says this.Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online
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Countries Compared by Crime > Violent crime > Murder rate. International Statistics at NationMaster.com
Seems getting killed is not considered a type of violence by the dailymail. US is number 14, the UK number 71
By the Numbers: Is the UK really 5 times more violent than the US?
Simply put, it's because of the fact that the British police considers a lot more a violent crime that you get that insanely dishonest meme.

Well, I know my chances of getting caught up in a terrorist attack are slim to none, so I am not going to stop living my life because of it.

"Slim to none" ?
Yeah, this Canadian left snowflake thought exactly like you....she's dead.
London attack victim Chrissy Archibald's legacy of generosity - BBC News

Keep voting Democrat and those chances will become "likely to probable"

Yeah, keep living life....but stop being stupid and voting in ways promote this madness.
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Well, I know my chances of getting caught up in a terrorist attack are slim to none, so I am not going to stop living my life because of it.

"Slim to none" ?

Keep voting Democrat and those chances will become "likely to probable"

Yeah, keep living life....but stop being stupid and voting in ways promote this madness.

Well, I don't vote democrat, so that shows what you know!
Not me unless I could go armed

How about you?

Crossing the street is more dangerous than London. Are you planning to not ever do that? The goal of terrorism is not killing people, it is making people scared. I live in Belgium. Terrorist killed 32 people in Brussels and GDP dropped about 2 percent.Which one of those 2 facts do you feel is the more damaging to society?
Maybe European countries should be hit where it hurts! In the wallet? I suspect gvmnts would then come up with more rigorous plans for ridding us of this crap.
You seem to not get, or not want to understand what I said. We are hit in the wallets. Terrorist killed 32 people in Brussels and GDP dropped about 2 percent. So the premise of what you say is already invalidated. The reason GDP dropped was because of increased funding for anti-terrorism, but more importantly because of decrease in tourism. A few people killed 32 and the damage was 100's of millions of dollars. Last week 5 people were gunned down in Orlando because of a disgruntled worker. Are these people less dead? Is Orlando a killing field now? Should people stop going there? So explain the difference?
I won't go to Chicago either!
The fact is....you are more likely to be mugged, robbed, assaulted or burglarized in the UK than the US.

And terrorists are learning that guns are not necessary for mass killings when automobiles and trucks (and knives etc) are so readily available.

Vehicle control time in the UK.
I guess it's time to go back to horses and buggies in the liberal UK and eat with plastic utensils.

Notice Donald Trump is not placing a ban on vehicles, knives or guns coming from terrorists nations.....JUST THE PEOPLE who use them against others.
What a concept.
The odds of being killed in a terrorist attack are about as likely as winning the Powerball jackpot. I realize it's not impossible and that the chance exists, but I'm certainly not going to just stay home because of a 1 in a 3 billion chance that I could be killed in a terrorist attack. That is EXACTLY what the terrorists want, and if you are living your life in fear, then they have WON.
The odds of being killed in a terrorist attack are about as likely as winning the Powerball jackpot. I realize it's not impossible and that the chance exists, but I'm certainly not going to just stay home because of a 1 in a 3 billion chance that I could be killed in a terrorist attack. That is EXACTLY what the terrorists want, and if you are living your life in fear, then they have WON.

Stop avoiding the question....so did you vote for Donald Trump ????

Say yes and I will respectfully apologize to you.

Otherwise you are a fake and deceptive claiming you did not vote Democrat or at least anti-Republican. If you did not vote at all you are as bad as those who voted for Hillary.
The fact is....you are more likely to be mugged, robbed, assaulted or burglarized in the UK than the US.

And terrorists are learning that guns are not necessary for mass killings when automobiles and trucks (and knives etc) are so readily available.

Vehicle control time in the UK.
I guess it's time to go back to horses and buggies in the liberal UK and eat with plastic utensils.

Notice Donald Trump is not placing a ban on vehicles, knives or guns coming from terrorists nations.....JUST THE PEOPLE who use them against others.
What a concept.
Back up this statement please. This is what I found.Crime Index by Country 2016 Mid Year
or this.http://www.civitas.org.uk/content/files/crime_stats_oecdjan2012.pdf
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The fact is....you are more likely to be mugged, robbed, assaulted or burglarized in the UK than the US.

And terrorists are learning that guns are not necessary for mass killings when automobiles and trucks (and knives etc) are so readily available.

Vehicle control time in the UK.
I guess it's time to go back to horses and buggies in the liberal UK and eat with plastic utensils.

Notice Donald Trump is not placing a ban on vehicles, knives or guns coming from terrorists nations.....JUST THE PEOPLE who use them against others.
What a concept.
Back up this statement please. This is what I found.Crime Index by Country 2016 Mid Year
or this.http://www.civitas.org.uk/content/files/crime_stats_oecdjan2012.pdf

Here ya go. Politifact.com
Social media post says U.K. has far higher violent crime rate than U.S. does
Here's the BOTTOM LINE....
The Left claims the US has an astronomical crime rate because of....GUNS.

Well, truth is, the UK has a higher crime rate. As far as the MURDER rate...I did not find that statistic. Feel free to post it if you can. What I DO KNOW is that the vast majority of US gun deaths are 1). Suicides and 2). Gang on gang violence.
So even if they are COMPARABLE....the Left's argument becomes moot and irrelevant.

I've lived in two of the USA's higher ranked crime cities and in over half a century have never personally seen a gun used in a crime. So if you're not afraid of crime or getting killed in Europe you have no business claiming the USA is less safe.
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